2,024 research outputs found

    Petrography of the Midale subinterval in the Bottineau and Renville counties area, North Dakota

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    About 250 thin sections of core samples from the Midale subinterval in the Bottineau-Renville Counties area of North Dakota (T161N-T164N and R78W-R86W) were studied petrographically. The Midale subinterval is the basal section of the Ratcliffe interval of the Madison Group of Mississippian age. In the area of study it is composed of interbedded fine grained limestones, pelletiferous and oolitic limestones, and primary anhydrite. Dolomitization of the limestones in varying stages is common and the dolomitized limestones are usually fine grained. Course crystals of secondary anhydrite are common as vug and fracture filling and as a replacement of the carbonates. The Midale carbonates were deposited as part of a major evaporitic cycle which included the underlying evaporates of the Rival subinterval and the overlaying evaporites of the Ratcliffe interval. Dolomitization of the limestones took place shortly after deposition by the circulation of magnesium-rich brines during the deposition of the interbedded and overlying evaporites. Following dolomitization and lithification, secondary anhydrite filled vugs and fractures and replaced calcite and dolomite. Porosity of the Midale carbonates is of the primary intergranular and intercrystalline types. Primary porosity was formed at the time of deposition of the carbonates and was reduced by compaction and by vug filling dolomite and anhydrite. Secondary intercrystalline porosity is not well developed because the dolomites are fine grained and still retain intercrystalline calcite and argillaceous or organic material

    Violent Video Games and Symptoms of Distress and Trauma

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    Much of the research involving detrimental effects of violent video games has focused primarily on aggression and desensitization of pain. To date there is no known research that examines whether video games can cause traumatic symptoms. However, there is research that suggests horror movies cause traumatic symptoms (Carleton et al., 2011). Given that video games can immerse people far more than a movie in terms of active participation, one could infer that traumatic symptoms would be even greater when playing a violent video game. The purpose of the current study was to determine whether violent video games could elicit symptoms related to distress and trauma (e.g., feelings of involvement and presence, anxiety, aggression, stress, and peritraumatic dissociation) and to examine whether there were gender differences in the reported levels of symptoms. One hundred and twenty participants played either a violent or nonviolent video game and completed self-report measures of distress and trauma. Results were inconsistent with previous research suggesting that violent video games increase symptoms of distress and trauma in males. However, results do indicate that females have an increase in state anxiety, aggressive affect, acute stress and peritraumatic dissociation when playing violent video games. Methodological, theoretical, and practical implications are explored

    Alien Registration- Mccollum, John J. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Currently, deep neural networks (DNNs) show great promise in the detection of malicious network traffic at machine speed. However, these networks are typically trained using Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM), which is not robust to misclassified or altered training data. We propose applying Diametrical Risk Minimization (DRM), which is shown to lead to more robust optimization solutions, to train DNNs to classify malicious network traffic. Using two different network traffic datasets, we find that when state-of-the-art DNNs are trained on partially mislabeled data, utilizing DRM results in higher accuracy compared to equivalent models trained with ERM in 13 of 20 cases examined, with ERM being more accurate in only 5 of the 20 cases. More importantly, when models are tested against previously unseen cyber-attack types, models trained with DRM correctly identify the previously unseen cyber-attacks more often. Of the 46 cases we examine, models trained with DRM show better performance compared to models trained with ERM in 25 cases and equal performance in an additional 10 cases. We show that these DNNs are computationally tractable to deploy in real-time on edge computing systems utilizing commercial-off-the-shelf hardware.Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.Outstanding ThesisCaptain, United States Marine Corp

    Forecasting environmental migration to the United Kingdom, 2010 - 2060: an exploration using Bayesian models

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    Over the next fifty years the potential impact on human livelihoods of environmental change could be considerable. One possible response may be increased levels of human mobility. This paper offers a first quantification of the levels of environmental migration to the United Kingdom that might be expected. The authors apply Bijak and Wi?niowski’s (2010) methodology for forecasting migration using Bayesian models. They seek to advance the conceptual understanding of forecasting in three ways. First, the paper is believed to be the first time that the Bayesian modelling approach has been attempted in relation to environmental mobility. Second, the paper examines the plausibility of Bayesian modelling of UK immigration by cross-checking expert responses to a Delphi survey with the expectations about environmental mobility evident in the recent research literature. Third, the values and assumptions of the expert evidence provided in the Delphi survey are interrogated to illustrate the limited set of conditions under which the forecasts of environmental mobility, as set out in this paper, are likely to hold

    Marshall system for aerospace simulation (MARSYAS)

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    System is simple flexible language which can be coded by users unfamiliar with computer programming. It is designed for engineers with little experience in simulation, who desire to simulate large physical systems. User has ability to mix differential equations with diagrams in his model. With few exceptions, there is no rigid statement-operator structure within given module

    Thermoplastic coating of carbon fibers

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    A continuous powder coating system was developed for coating carbon fiber with LaRC-TPI (Langley Research Center-Thermoplastic Polyimide), a high-temperature thermoplastic polymide invented by NASA-Langley. The coating line developed used a pneumatic fiber spreader to separate the individual fibers. The polymer was applied within a recirculating powder coating chamber then melted using a combination of direct electrical resistance and convective heating to make it adhere to the fiber tow. The tension and speed of the line were controlled with a dancer arm and an electrically driven fiber wind-up and wind-off. The effects of heating during the coating process on the flexibility of the prepreg produced were investigated. The uniformity with which the fiber tow could be coated with polymer also was examined. Composite specimens were fabricated from the prepreg and tested to determine optimum process conditions. The study showed that a very uniform and flexible prepeg with up to 50 percent by volume polymer could be produced with this powder coating system. The coating line minimized powder loss and produced prepeg in lengths of up to 300 m. The fiber spreading was found to have a major effect on the coating uniformity and flexibility. Though test results showed low composite tensile strengths, analysis of fracture surfaces under scanning electron microscope indicated that fiber/matrix adhesion was adequate

    Leveling coatings for reducing the atomic oxygen defect density in protected graphite fiber epoxy composites

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    Pinholes or other defect sites in a protective oxide coating provide pathways for atomic oxygen in low Earth orbit to reach underlying material. One concept of enhancing the lifetime of materials in low Earth orbit is to apply a leveling coating to the material prior to applying any reflective and protective coatings. Using a surface tension leveling coating concept, a low viscosity epoxy was applied to the surface of several composite coupons. A protective layer of 1000 A of SiO2 was deposited on top of the leveling coating, and the coupons were exposed to an atomic oxygen environment in a plasma asher. Pinhole populations per unit area were estimated by counting the number of undercut sites observed by scanning electron microscopy. Defect density values of 180,000 defects/sq cm were reduced to about 1000 defects/sq cm as a result of the applied leveling coating. These improvements occur at a mass penalty of about 2.5 mg/sq cm
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