14 research outputs found

    Kinetics and isotype profile of antibody responses in rhesus macaques induced following vaccination with HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 L1-virus-like particles formulated with or without Merck aluminum adjuvant

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    BACKGROUND: Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the most common sexually transmitted viruses. Infection of the cervical epithelium by HPVs can lead to the development of cervical cancer. Recent advances in vaccine research have shown that immunization with papillomavirus-like particles (VLPs) containing the major structural viral protein, L1 from HPV 16 can provide protection from the establishment of a chronic HPV 16 infection and related cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in baseline HPV 16 naïve women. METHODS: To better understand the quantitative and qualitative effects of aluminum adjuvant on the immunogenic properties of an HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18L1 VLP vaccine, we used an HPV-specific, antibody isotyping assay and a competitive immunoassay that measures antibodies to neutralizing epitopes to profile sera from rhesus macaques immunized with the HPV L1 VLP vaccine formulated with or without aluminum adjuvant. RESULTS: Immunization with VLPs formulated with the aluminum adjuvant elicited a significantly stronger immune response with higher peak antibody titers both at four weeks post vaccination (12.7 to 41.9-fold higher) as well as in the persistent phase at week 52 (4.3 to 26.7-fold higher) than that of VLPs alone. Furthermore, the aluminum adjuvant formulated HPV VLP vaccine elicited a predominantly T helper type 2 response, with high levels of IgG1 and IgG4 and low levels of IgG2. The vaccine also elicited high levels of serum IgA, which may be important in providing mucosal immunity to impart protection in the anogenital tract. CONCLUSION: These results show that the HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 L1-VLP vaccine formulated with Merck aluminum adjuvant elicits a robust and durable immune response and holds promise as a vaccine for preventing cervical cancer

    Irish cardiac society - Proceedings of annual general meeting held 20th & 21st November 1992 in Dublin Castle

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    Fast particle-driven ion cyclotron emission (ICE) in tokamak plasmas and the case for an ICE diagnostic in ITER

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    The detection of fast particle-driven waves in the ion cyclotron frequency range (ion cyclotron emission or ICE) could provide a passive, non-invasive diagnostic of confined and escaping fast particles (fusion α-particles and beam ions) in ITER, and would be compatible with the high radiation environment of deuterium–tritium plasmas in that device. Recent experimental results from ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D demonstrate the efficacy of ICE as a diagnostic of different fast ion species and of fast ion losses, while recent particle-in-cell (PIC) and hybrid simulations provide a more exact comparison with measured ICE spectra and open the prospect of exploiting ICE more fully as a fast ion diagnostic in future experiments. In particular the PIC/hybrid approach should soon make it possible to simulate the nonlinear physics of ICE in full toroidal geometry. Emission has been observed previously at a wide range of poloidal angles, so there is flexibility in the location of ICE detectors. Such a detector could be implemented in ITER by installing a small toroidally orientated loop near the plasma edge or by adding a detection capability to the ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) antennae. In the latter case, the antenna could be used simultaneously to heat the plasma and detect ICE, provided that frequencies close to those of the ICRH source are strongly attenuated in the detection system using a suitable filter. Wavenumber information, providing additional constraints on the fast ion distribution exciting the emission, could be obtained by measuring ICE using a toroidally distributed array of detectors or different straps of the ICRH antenna

    A Novel Human Papillomavirus Type 6 Neutralizing Domain Comprising Two Discrete Regions of the Major Capsid Protein L1

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    AbstractWe have mapped the binding sites on human papillomavirus (HPV) type 6 for three HPV 6-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The critical binding residues were first identified by making HPV 11-like amino acid substitutions in the HPV 6 major capsid protein L1 and assaying the resulting virus-like particles (VLPs) for reactivity with the mAbs. To confirm the relevance of these residues for mAb binding, we demonstrated that HPV 6 type-specificity could be transferred to HPV 11 VLPs by making the appropriate HPV 6-like amino acid substitutions in the HPV 11 L1. Two binding regions were found. For one mAb, all critical residues are centered at residue 53, while for the other two mAbs, type-specific binding also requires a second site located more than 100 residues distal to the first. Both binding sites coincide with regions of L1 where the sequences of the closely related HPV 6 and 11 diverge. These regions are where the L1 sequences are the least well conserved among all HPV types and they have been implicated in type-specific binding for other HPV types. This suggests that clusters of diverged residues, surrounded by conserved L1 sequences, are presented on the surface of assembled particles and are responsible for eliciting critical humoral immune responses to the virus

    A Novel Staphylococcus aureus Vaccine: Iron Surface Determinant B Induces Rapid Antibody Responses in Rhesus Macaques and Specific Increased Survival in a Murine S. aureus Sepsis Model

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of nosocomial infections worldwide, and the rate of resistance to clinically relevant antibiotics, such as methicillin, is increasing; furthermore, there has been an increase in the number of methicillin-resistant S. aureus community-acquired infections. Effective treatment and prevention strategies are urgently needed. We investigated the potential of the S. aureus surface protein iron surface determinant B (IsdB) as a prophylactic vaccine against S. aureus infection. IsdB is an iron-sequestering protein that is conserved in diverse S. aureus clinical isolates, both methicillin resistant and methicillin sensitive, and it is expressed on the surface of all isolates tested. The vaccine was highly immunogenic in mice when it was formulated with amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant, and the resulting antibody responses were associated with reproducible and significant protection in animal models of infection. The specificity of the protective immune responses in mice was demonstrated by using an S. aureus strain deficient for IsdB and HarA, a protein with a high level of identity to IsdB. We also demonstrated that IsdB is highly immunogenic in rhesus macaques, inducing a more-than-fivefold increase in antibody titers after a single immunization. Based on the data presented here, IsdB has excellent prospects for use as a vaccine against S. aureus disease in humans