75 research outputs found

    Additive SMILES-Based Carcinogenicity Models: Probabilistic Principles in the Search for Robust Predictions

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    Optimal descriptors calculated with the simplified molecular input line entry system (SMILES) have been utilized in modeling of carcinogenicity as continuous values (logTD50). These descriptors can be calculated using correlation weights of SMILES attributes calculated by the Monte Carlo method. A considerable subset of these attributes includes rare attributes. The use of these rare attributes can lead to overtraining. One can avoid the influence of the rare attributes if their correlation weights are fixed to zero. A function, limS, has been defined to identify rare attributes. The limS defines the minimum number of occurrences in the set of structures of the training (subtraining) set, to accept attributes as usable. If an attribute is present less than limS, it is considered “rare”, and thus not used. Two systems of building up models were examined: 1. classic training-test system; 2. balance of correlations for the subtraining and calibration sets (together, they are the original training set: the function of the calibration set is imitation of a preliminary test set). Three random splits into subtraining, calibration, and test sets were analysed. Comparison of abovementioned systems has shown that balance of correlations gives more robust prediction of the carcinogenicity for all three splits (split 1: rtest2=0.7514, stest=0.684; split 2: rtest2=0.7998, stest=0.600; split 3: rtest2=0.7192, stest=0.728)

    ChemInform Abstract: Modeling Oral Rat Chronic Toxicity.

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    Servio Tullio e Mastarna nella «Tabula Lugdunensis»

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    Tuning Neural and Fuzzy-Neural Networks for Toxicity Modeling

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    Service (CAS). In view of their abundance and wide use in all spheres of production we need a better understanding of their ecotoxicological impact on plant life, wildlife, and the environment in general. Apart from the ethical considerations associated with the use of animals, experimental determination of ecotoxicity and toxicity would require huge financial resources and much time to be done methodically on all the compounds of interest. Thus, new alternatives are needed

    Anticorruzione e performance nelle Università: modalità e condizioni abilitanti per l’integrazione

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    Il presente contributo, partendo dall’analisi delle recenti innovazioni normative e della letteratura che considera la gestione del rischio corruttivo e la gestione della performance come interdipendenti, cerca di collocare la prospettiva di raccordo tra il ciclo dell’anticorruzione ed il ciclo della performance all’interno delle esigenze presenti del settore pubblico italiano, ed in modo particolare nel contesto delle Università. Tale obiettivo è perseguito tramite lo svolgimento di un caso studio longitudinale seguendo una metodologia dell’action research. I risultati preliminari permettono di evidenziare i fattori abilitanti in grado di supportare le aziende nei processi di integrazione degli strumenti di gestione e per superare eventuali ostacoli derivanti dal cambiamento organizzativo indotto