136 research outputs found

    Study on fishing gears, species selectivity toward gears and catch composition of BSKB beel, Khulna, Bangladesh

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    An investigation on the types of fishing gear used and their species selectivity and effects on fishes of BSKB beel in Khulna was conducted from June '95 to January '96. Fishermen were found to follow 6 fishing techniques viz., netting, trapping, angling, spearing, dewatering and hand picking. Among them 23 types of the fishing gear was recorded to be used by the fishermen of which 7, 8, 4 and 4 are nets, traps, hooks and lines, and hand harpoon respectively. A total of 47 species of fish were identified in the catches of different gears used by the fishermen in BSKB beel. Particulars, mode of operation, fishing season and catch composition of different fishing gears were determined. Seine, cast and lift net, traps (charo, arinda and ghuni), and hooks and lines (dhawn and nol broshi) were recorded as nonselective gear considering the fish species caught. However, gill nets (punti, koi and fash jal), clasp nets (bhuti jal), some traps (khadom, tubo), hooks and lines (chip borshi, chasra) and all spears were used as more or less selective gear. With respect to species and its size fash jal, bhuti jal, trap (khadom, ramani), and koach, juti and jhupi among spears were regarded to be more or less large-species-gear. But punti jal, koi jal, trap (koi dughair, charo, tubo, arinda and ghuni), nol borshi and spear (ful-kuchi) were small-species-gear. Among all gears seine net, cast net, lift net, koi dughair and ramani were recorded deleterious for carps especially for stocked fingerlings. For relatively small sized wild fishes koi jal, punti jal and ghuni traps were identified as detrimental gear

    Genetic Dissection of Sympatric Populations of Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), Using DALP-PCR Molecular Markers

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    Direct amplified length polymorphism (DALP) combines the advantages of a high-resolution fingerprint method and also characterizing the genetic polymorphisms. This molecular method was also found to be useful in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens species complex for the analysis of genetic polymorphisms. A total of 11 populations of Nilaparvata spp. were collected from 6 locations from Malaysia. Two sympatric populations of brown planthopper, N. lugens, one from rice and the other from a weed grass (Leersia hexandra), were collected from each of five locations. N. bakeri was used as an out group. Three oligonucleotide primer pairs, DALP231/DALPR′5, DALP234/DALPR′5, and DALP235/DALPR′5 were applied in this study. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram based on genetic distances for the 11 populations of Nilaparvata spp. revealed that populations belonging to the same species and the same host type clustered together irrespective of their geographical localities of capture. The populations of N. lugens formed into two distinct clusters, one was insects with high esterase activities usually captured from rice and the other was with low esterase activities usually captured from L. hexandra. N. bakeri, an out group, was the most isolated group. Analyses of principal components, molecular variance, and robustness also supported greatly to the findings of cluster analysis

    Towards a target label-free suboptimum oligonucleotide displacement-based detection system

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    A novel method for the future development of label-free DNA sensors is proposed here. The approach is based on the displacement of a labelled suboptimum mutated oligonucleotide hybridised with the immobilised biotin-capture probe. The target fully complementary to the biotin-capture probe can displace the labelled oligonucleotide causing a subsequent decrease of the signal that verifies the presence of the target. The decrease of signal was demonstrated to be proportional to the target concentration. A study of the hybridisation of mutated and complementary labelled oligonucleotides with an immobilised biotin-capture probe was carried out. Different kinetic and thermodynamic behaviour was observed for heterogeneous hybridisation of biotin-capture probe with complementary or suboptimum oligonucleotides. The displacement method evaluated colourimetrically achieved the objective of decreasing the response time from 1 h for direct hybridisation of 19-mer oligonucleotides in the direct enzyme-linked oligonucleotide assay (ELONA) to 5 min in the case of displacement detection in the micromolar concentration range


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    ABSTRACTThe study was carried out in the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) Rice Research Centre to evaluate the yield performance of newly developed selected blast resistant plants of BC2F3 generations derived from a cross between MR263, a high yielding rice variety but blast susceptible and Pongsu Seribu 1, donor with blast resistant (Pi-7(t)and Pi-d (t)1, Pir2-3(t)genes and qLN2 QTL), Malaysian local variety. On the basis of assessed traits, the plants 12, 6, 7, 5, 21, 22, 5, 26, 11, 8, 10, 13 and 15 had the higher yield, blast resistant and good morphological traits. More than 70% heritability was found in days to maturity, plant height, tiller numbers per hill, and panicle per hill, 80% heritability was found in filled grain and yield per hill and more than 90% heritability was found in grain length, grain width and seed weight. Cluster analysis based on the traits grouped 30 plants along with MR263 into seven clusters. According to PCA, the first four principal components account for about 69.3% total variation for all measured traits and exhibited high correlation among the characteristics analyzed

    Otimização da análise da atividade da redutase do nitrato e sua caracterização em folhas de cana-de-açúcar

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi padronizar e caracterizar as condições para determinação da atividade da redutase do nitrato em tecido foliar de cana-de-açúcar, com uso do método in vivo. Amostras foliares foram coletadas de uma lavoura de primeira soqueira da cultivar IACSP 933046, com idade de seis meses. Foram estudadas diferentes condições de preparo das amostras foliares e do meio de incubação. O material que possibilitou a maior atividade da redutase do nitrato foi obtido pela amostragem de 25 discos de 1 cm de diâmetro, coletados às 13h, do centro da folha do tipo +1 sem nervura. O meio de incubação otimizado para a determinação da atividade dessa enzima em folhas de cana-de-açúcar deve ser composto por: 2,5 mL de KNO3 300 mmol L-1; 2,5 mL de tampão fosfato 285 mmol L-1 pH 7,3; 1,0 mL de Tween 20 a 0,6% (v/v); e 4,0 mL de água deionizada. A maior atividade da redutase do nitrato é obtida pela incubação das amostras por 90 min, a 32ºC, no escuro; é observada em plantas jovens formadas pela brotação da soqueira; e alcança o valor mínimo na fase de maturação das plantas