23 research outputs found

    Interactive Art To Go

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    Traditional artworks like paintings, photographs, or films can be reproduced by conventional media like printing or video. This makes visitors of museums possible to purchase postcards, posters, books, and DVDs of pictures and/or movies shown at the exhibition. However, newly developing arts so called interactive art, or new media art, has not been able to be reproduced due to limitation of functionalities of the conventional media. In this article, the authors report a novel approach of sharing such interactive art outside the exhibition, so that the visitors of the museum can take a copy to home, and even share it with non-visitors. The authors build up their new projector-and-camera (ProCam) based interactive artwork for exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (MOT) by using Apple's iPhone. The exactly same software driving this artwork was downloadable from Apple's App Store -- thus all visitors or even non-visitors could enjoy the same experience at home or wherever they like

    動く絵 ~うつろい いろは~/四季をインタラクションする絵画+映像アニメーション作品

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    四季は、日本人にとって感情を写す対象として、多くの作品に登場している。その移ろいによって心のありようまで変わっていく。本作「うつろい いろは」は、日本の風景、こころのふるさとをテーマに京都の大覚寺『大沢池』を描いた50mの絵画に、四季によって体験が異なる4場面のインタラクションを備えたメディアアート作品である。「春」では、手を上げる動きにより、そこから花のアニメーションが生成する。「夏」では、鑑賞者は神話的動物へと変身し、動物と一体となるカナダ先住民の精神世界を体験する。「秋」では、鑑賞者の動き(ジャンプ)に応じて手描きアニメーションによる動物たちが登場し、多様な生きものたちのポリフォニー(多声)が響き合う。「冬」では鑑賞者の顔が映されるインスタレーションおよび、iPhoneアプリの作品である。アプリ『ゆきんこ』をダウンロードすることで、インスタレーション作品を持ち帰るという試みに挑戦した。2014年夏に東京都現代美術館で開催した「ワンダフルワールド」展での本作の展示風景とともに制作意図、制作方法など解説する。Japanese culture and emotions are strongly affected by changes of seasons. The work UTSUROI IROHA is an interactive art work showing four independent scenes, which are corresponding to four seasons, on one 50-meter-wide canvas with paint of Osawa-no-ike pond of Kyoto Daikakuji temple. Spring scene shows flower animation when the audience raise his/her hands. Summer scene transfigures the audience to mythical animals, which you can find in native Canadian’s myth. Autumn scene shows animal animation when the audience jump in front of the canvas, showing polyphony of various lives. Winter scene reflects the audience’s face in a snow figure. The winter scene can be taken out by downloading iPhone app named Yukinko. This work was exhibited in Wonderful World Exhibition at Museum of Contemporary art Tokyo in 2014. This article illustrate design and methodology of this work

    きみのいる家 〜絵本『てんからのおくりもの』より〜/触れるヴァーチャルリアリティ+映像アニメーション作品

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    本作「きみのいる家」は、2016年7月に出版した絵本『てんからのおくりもの』のメッセージ「花を贈る無償の愛」をコンセプトに、主人公の「てん」があたかも空中で巣から飛び出し、眼前にせまって花を贈るかのようなアートディスプレイであり、絵本の世界観を映像インスタレーション作品として制作したものである。空中結像技術を用いたディスプレイを使用することで、空中に浮遊し、観客に近づいては、はかなく消えゆく「てん」の映像アニメーションは、『てんからのおくりもの』のストーリーでありコンセプトである「無常観:もののあはれ」を表現している。2016年8月に銀座ステップスギャラリーにて開催した個展「絵本の時間」展での本作の展示風景とともに制作意図、制作方法などについて考察する。本作品はプロモーションウィンドウとして書店などでも展開した。"The home that you\u27re in" is in art display. "Give a flower free love" picture book that was published in July 2016. It\u27s main message is "A gift from heaven". In this art display, main hero "Heaven" is floating and jumping inside it\u27s nest, looming in front of the display or giving flowers as gifts. The picture book was adapted as a video installation. The animation of the hero "Heaven", is projected on aerial imaging technologies display. "Heaven" is floating in the air, getting closer to the viewer or fading out into the air. It expresses "A gift from heaven" concept -"impermanence: mono no aware". It was exhibited with commentary and design explanation in Ginza Steps Gallery in August 2016 as part of "Picture book time" exhibition. This work has also been used as a promotional window in book stores

    コミュニケーションする絵画 〜絵本『ポワン』より〜/ヴァーチャルリアリティ+映像アニメーション作品

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     本作「きみとぼくのあいだのコト」は、2015年5月に出版した絵本『ポワン』の主人公の黒パグ「ポワン」と白パグ「フォーン」の眠る姿が描かれた絵画作品であり、鑑賞者のふるまいに相互作用するインタラクティブな作品である。 鑑賞者が近づくとその気配を感じ取った絵画上の主人公(犬)たちの反応を様々な映像アニメーションで表現することで、あたかも絵画と鑑賞者の想像力とが対話を生成していく「動く絵画」としてのアートディスプレイであり、絵本の世界観を映像インスタレーション作品として制作したものである。リアルタイムでの相互作用を可能にするセンサーとして、BLASTERX SENZ3D(3D深度&音声認識対応の3Dカメラ)を用い、表情と音声認識技術を用いた。センサーカメラを使用することで、よりリアルタイムでの絵画とのコミュニケーションと、鑑賞者と作品との関係性が近づき、目標としている「癒し」や「安らぎ」の感情を生む作品を目標にした。 本稿では2017年9月に銀座ステップスギャラリーでの個展開催にて新作発表する本作の「戌-pug-」展での本作の制作意図とともに制作方法などについて考察する。  "Affair between you and me" is in art display based on "Un Point" picture book that was published in July 2015. Its main message is "yourself as you are". "Un Point" - a picture book consisting of series of paintings, a story of two sleeping dogs – black and white pugs was adapted as a interactive video installation. When the viewer approaches the installation, dogs notice the presence and react in various ways. The installation main concept is: a painting that communicates with its audience. The concept of the book is used as a basis for the animation. To achieve the real time interaction, a sensor camera "BLASTERX SENZ3D" was used. Both video and sound is used to create communication with the viewer. The goal of the installation is to create a feeling of relief and healing through communication with the painting. The installation was exhibited with commentary and design explanation as part of "IMU-Pug" exhibition in Ginza Steps Gallery in September 2017

    Correlation between frontal lobe oxy-hemoglobin and severity of depression assessed using near-infrared spectroscopy

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    AbstractIntroductionThe search for objective biomarkers of psychiatric disorders has a long history. Despite this, no universally accepted instruments or methods to detect biomarkers have been developed. One potential exception is near-infrared spectroscopy, although interpreting the measures of blood flow recorded with this technique remains controversial. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between recorded blood flow and depression severity assessed using the Hamilton depression scale in patients with various psychiatric disorders.MethodsEnrolled patients (n=43) had DSM-IV diagnoses of major depressive disorder (n=25), bipolar disorder I (n=5), schizophrenia (n=3), dysthymic disorder (n=3), psychotic disorder (n=3), panic disorder (n=2), and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (n=2). The verbal fluency task was administered during blood flow recording from the frontal and temporal lobes.ResultsWe found that severity of depression was negatively correlated with the integral value of blood flow in the frontal lobe, irrespective of psychiatric diagnosis (F=5.94, p=0.02).DiscussionOur results support blood flow in the frontal lobe as a potential biomarker of depression severity across various psychiatric disorders.LimitationLimited sample size, no replication in the second set

    The Mirror of Transfiguration

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     外務省・広報文化外交戦略課の企画する『日本ブランド発信事業』において、3カ国に単身、訪問し、講演と展示・ワークショップを行った。訪問国および開催会場は、ウクライナのキエフ工科大学、スウェーデンの王立工科大学、セルビアのベオグラード第八高校である。展覧会では、自身が手掛けてきたインタラクティブアート作品数点と絵本等の紹介を行った。講演内容は、作品に用いられている先進的なIT技術と日本的概念の「かわいい」について発信した。「かわいい」とは、日本人の自然観や精神性を顕著に表現する言葉として筆者は用いている。筆者の言う、「かわいい」とは、小さくてはかなげなものを守りたいという感情移入の在り方に注目しており、日本独自のニュアンスを含む概念であると筆者は捉えている。曖昧で、合理的な説明が難しい「かわいい」を、作品を体験し、遊びの中で伝えることで相互理解を目指した。参加者が絵の中の風景に映り込み、動くことで映像アニメーションの動物たちが登場してくる作品などを展示した。「ひとりクールジャパン」の実践を通しての学びや気づき、また今後の考察について報告する。 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) is implementing the "Japan Brand Program." I visited three overseas countries, and gave lectures, exhibitions and workshops. Visiting countries and venues are the National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, the Eight Belgrade High School in Serbia. The content of the lecture has been disseminated about advanced IT technology and "kawaii" of Japanese concept used in my art work. I use the word “Kawaii”as a word that expresses Japanese nature and spirituality remarkably. I am paying attention to the emotional importation style of wanting to protect small and obscene things. I regard “Kawaii” as a concept including Japan\u27s own nuances. “Kawaii” is ambiguous and reasonable explanation is difficult, I aimed for mutual understanding by experiencing the work and conveying it in play. Participants reflected in the scenery in the picture, and the works animated animation animals appeared by moving, etc. were displayed. Learning and noticing through the practice of "one cool Japan" and report on future considerations

    Preschool Children’s Behavioral Tendency toward Social Indirect Reciprocity

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    <div><p>Social indirect reciprocity seems to be crucial in enabling large-scale cooperative networks among genetically unrelated individuals in humans. However, there are relatively few studies on social indirect reciprocity in children compared to adults. Investigating whether young children have a behavioral tendency toward social indirect reciprocity will help us understand how and when the fundamental ability to form cooperative relationships among adults is acquired. Using naturalistic observation at a nursery school, this study examined whether 5- to 6-year-olds show a behavioral tendency to engage in social indirect reciprocity in response to their peers’ prosocial behavior toward a third party. The results revealed that bystander children tended to display prosocial behavior toward their peers more frequently after observing these peers’ prosocial behavior toward third-party peers, compared with control situations; this suggests that 5- to 6-year-olds may have an essential behavioral tendency to establish social indirect reciprocity when interacting with peers in their daily lives. In addition, bystanders tended to display affiliative behavior after observing focal children’s prosocial behavior. In other words, observing peers’ prosocial behavior toward third-party peers evoked bystanders’ positive emotions toward the helpers. Considering both the present results and previous findings, we speculate that in preschoolers, such positive emotions might mediate the increase in the bystander’s prosocial behavior toward the helper. In addition, an intuitional emotional process plays an important role in the preschooler’s behavioral tendency toward social indirect reciprocity in natural interactions with peers.</p></div