561 research outputs found

    Lanzamiento de una linea de producto para la categoria capilares de la empresa unilever andina Ecuador s.a. dirigido a la plataforma teenagers en la ciudad de Guayaquil

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    El proyecto se basa en la aplicación de técnicas avanzadas de marketing para el lanzamiento de una nueva línea de productos de cuidado Capilar para la marca Sedal de la empresa Unilever Andina Ecuador S.A., esto permitirá fortalecer el posicionamiento de la marca, asociarla como una marca innovadora y vanguardista, desarrollar la fidelización con sus consumidores y aumentar la rentabilidad de la empresa a largo plazo. Unilever S.A. nació en el país al comprar la CORPORACIÓN JABONERÍA NACIONAL desde marzo del 2003. Sedal se distribuye a través de los principales autoservicios del país, en el canal moderno, y en el canal tradicional a través de sus 23 distribuidores a nivel nacional, conformados con su propia fuerza de venta y unidades de reparto; llegando hasta 56784 puntos de distribución a nivel nacional

    Determinación de la deformación del terreno por movimientos en masa usando interferometría SAR (Radar de Apertura Sintética)

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    Ecuador es un país rico en recursos naturales, multi-cultural, y a la vez sensible a amenazas naturales y antrópicas, porque la cultura es de respuesta y no prevención. Ecuador ha implementado una Infraestructura Nacional de Datos Geo-espaciales con la finalidad de que a nivel nacional todas las instituciones gubernamentales, públicas y privadas compartan información espacial. Por su ubicación geográfica tiene ventajas al tener varios climas en una pequeña extensión territorial, pero tiene la desventaja de tener una cobertura de nube casi permanente. Las imágenes satelitales de radar traspasan las nubes. Bajo ésta visión, en la presente investigación se procesan imágenes de radar para detectar movimientos en masa con el uso de la herramienta de interferometría diferencial de radar de apertura sintética (DInSAR). Este estudio es un inicio de lo que se puede hacer al tener la disponibilidad de recursos satelitales y conocimiento de manejo de software de interferometría. Se logró realizar una secuencia temporal de interferogramas en base a la disponibilidad de imágenes ERS-1/2 y ALOS sensor PALSAR. Se aplicó la técnica Stacking DInSAR para obtener un promedio de desplazamiento que indica solevamiento y subsidencia en la extensión cubierta por la imagen de radar

    Update on HELLP syndrome

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    Introducción: el síndrome de HELLP es un trastorno hipertensivo del embarazo poco común, con severas complicaciones materno-fetales.Objetivo: describir las manifestaciones clínicas, mecanismo fisiopatológico, posibles complicaciones y tratamiento del síndrome de HELLP. Método: se realizó una búsqueda de información en el periodo marzo-junio de 2022 en las bases de dato PubMed/MedLine, SciELO y Scopus, así como en los servicios ClinicalKeys y el buscador Google Académico. Se seleccionaron los artículos originales y revisiones sistemáticas redactados en los últimos cinco años, en idioma español o inglés.Desarrollo: el síndrome de HELLP se caracteriza por hemólisis, elevación de enzimas hepáticas y trombocitopenia. Las manifestaciones clínicas principales son dolor epigástrico, dolor abdominal localizado en cuadrante superior derecho, náuseas y vómitos. Ente las principales complicaciones se encuentran la hemorragia postparto severa, la cual requiere transfusión de hemoderivados, coagulopatía, hemorragia y coagulación intravascular diseminada.Conclusiones: en la génesis de esta enfermedad se encuentran implicados mecanismos inmunológicos secundarios a respuestas inflamatorias desencadenadas por procesos de hipoxia/isquemia. Esta entidad puede confundirse con otras como la preeclampsia al presentar síntomas comunes. Para el diagnóstico definitivo se requieren pruebas de laboratorio que confirmen la presencia de todos sus componentes o parte de ellos. No existe un tratamiento específico en la actualidad para el síndrome de HELLP, de ahí que se considere como solución la interrupción del embarazo, para lo cual se necesita estabilidad de los bioparámetros de la paciente.Introduction: HELLP syndrome is a rare hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with severe maternal-fetal complications.Objective: to describe the clinical manifestations, pathophysiological mechanism, possible complications and treatment of HELLP syndrome. Methods: A search for information was carried out in the period March-June 2022 in the databases PubMed/MedLine, SciELO and Scopus, as well as in the ClinicalKeys services and the Google Scholar search engine. Original articles and systematic reviews written in the last 5 years, in Spanish or English, were selected.Development: HELLP syndrome is characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia. The main clinical manifestations are epigastric pain, abdominal pain located in the right upper quadrant, nausea and vomiting. Among the main complications are severe postpartum hemorrhage, which requires transfusion of blood products, coagulopathy, hemorrhage and disseminated intravascular coagulation.Conclusions: immunological mechanisms secondary to inflammatory responses triggered by hypoxia/ischemia processes are involved in the genesis of this disease. This entity can be confused with others such as preeclampsia because it presents common symptoms. Laboratory tests confirming the presence of all or part of its components are required for definitive diagnosis. There is currently no specific treatment for HELLP syndrome, hence termination of pregnancy is considered as a solution, which requires stability of the patient's bioparameters

    Biomarkers of immediate drug hypersensitivity

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    Immediate drug hypersensitivity reactions (IDHRs) are a burden for patients and the health systems. This problem increases when taking into account that only a small proportion of patients initially labelled as allergic are finally confirmed after an allergological workup. The diverse nature of drugs involved will imply different interactions with the immunological system. Therefore, IDHRs can be produced by a wide array of mechanisms mediated by the drug interaction with specific antibodies or directly on effector target cells. These heterogeneous mechanisms imply an enhanced complexity for an accurate diagnosis and the identification of the phenotype and endotype at early stages of the reaction is of vital importance. Currently, several endophenotypic categories (type I IgE/non-IgE, cytokine release, Mast-related G-protein coupled receptor X2 (MRGPRX2) or Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) inhibition and their associated biomarkers have been proposed. A precise knowledge of endotypes will permit to discriminate patients within the same phenotype, which is crucial in order to personalise diagnosis, future treatment and prevention to improve the patient's quality of life.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work has been supported by the Institute of Health ‘Carlos III’ (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (grants cofunded by European Regional Development). Fund: PI20/01734; PI22/01119; REI-RICORS RD21/0002/0008, RD21/0002/0058. Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (grant nos. PI-0076-2019, PI-0127-2020, PI-0129-2021, PI21/00329). DrNanoDall project by ISCIII thorough AES 2019 within the ERANET-EuroNanoMed-III framework (AC19/00082). CM holds a ‘Nicolas Monardes’ research contract with the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (RC-0004-2021). AA holds a Senior Postdoctoral Contract (RH-0099-2020) with the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (cofunded by European Social Fund (ESF): ‘Andalucía se mueve con Europa’). VS is a Senior Clinical Investigator of the Flemish Research Council (FWO; grant 1804523N)

    Programación multianual de inversiones y ejecución del gasto en la municipalidad provincial de Tambopata en Madre de Dios, 2022

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    La presente investigación tiene como finalidad establecer cómo se relaciona la PMI y la ejecución del gasto en la municipalidad provincial de Tambopata en Madre de Dios, 2022, el diseño de investigación es no experimental de corte transversal de tipo básica, la muestra está conformada por 70 trabajadores administrativos, el instrumento aplicado fue el cuestionario con 40 preguntas 20 para cada variable, asimismo se delimitó conceptualmente la variable 1 Programación Multianual de Inversiones con sus tres Dimensiones Cierre de Brechas, Criterios de Priorización, Cartera de inversiones y como variable 2 a la ejecución de gasto con sus tres dimensiones Capacidad de gasto, Calidad del gasto, Cumplimiento de objetivos. Obteniendo como resultado la determinación del objetivo general indicando que se ha alcanzado un coeficiente de correlación de 0.855 con un nivel de significancia del 0.000 menor a 0.05, lo que demuestra que existe una correlación positiva fuerte y un nivel de relación significativa entre las variables mencionadas, en ese sentido se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la alterna que establece que la Programación Multianual de Inversiones se relaciona de manera considerable con la ejecución del gasto en la Municipalidad Provincial de Tambopata en Madre de Dios, 2022

    Preparation and Characterization of Electrospun Food Biopackaging Films of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) Derived From Fruit Pulp Biowaste

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    In the present study, circular economy based and potentially low-cost poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) was produced by mixed microbial cultures derived from fruit pulp, an industrial by-product of the juice industry. Three different chemical routes, namely non-extraction, extraction with sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), and extraction with chloroform, in combination with filtering and centrifugation, were explored to purify the biopolymer and find the most optimal solution for its processing via electrospinning. The resultant ultrathin fiber mats of the different extracted PHBV materials were thermally post-processed at different temperatures in order to obtain continuous films adequate for food packaging applications. The resultant films were characterized in terms of morphology, crystallinity as well as thermal, mechanical, and barrier properties. The results showed that extraction with both chloroform and NaClO with a post-treatment of filtering and centrifugation of the PHBV-containing biomass were necessary refining steps to allow its processing by electrospinning. In particular, the PHBV extracted with chloroform presented the highest degree of purity, resulting in more transparent films with lower wettability and higher flexibility. The here-formulated electrospun films made of biomass derived from biowaste exhibit great potential as interlayers or coatings for food biopackaging applications

    Acute effect of a static- and dynamic-based stretching warm-up on standing long jump performance in primary schoolchildren

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the acute effect of a static- vs dynamic-based stretching warm-up on standing long jump (SLJ) performance in primary schoolchildren. The sample was composed of 76 schoolchildren, 43 girls and 33 boys, aged 9 10 years old from three fourth-grade classes of Primary Education. The three groups were cluster-randomly assigned to the control (CG), static (SG) or dynamic (DG) groups. All the schoolchildren performed a standardized warm-up consisting of mobility exercises (five minutes), jogging (five minutes) and the SLJ test. Afterwards the CG schoolchildren received jump theory (eight minutes), the SG performed static stretching (eight minutes) and the DG performed dynamic-bounces stretching (eight minutes). Afterwards, all of them performed the SLJ test again. The results of the one-way ANOVA (F2,73 = 34.184; p 0.05, d = 0.12). The dynamic-bouncing stretch as a final part of a warm-up improves explosive strength performance in primary schoolchildren, and seems to be a good option before carrying out explosive strength activities of the lower body

    Uso de mezclas de harina de leguminosas y almidón de yuca en la elaboración de galletas dulces libres de gluten

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    The base for this research work was set in the study of the interaction between legume flours and tuber starch blends to be used for sweet biscuits formulations and the successive evaluation of quality parameters. As main inputs the following were used: legume flours, manioc starch, margarine, sugar, eggs, and baking soda. Basic utensils: plastic and aluminum trays, biscuits shapers, cutters, other biscuit items. Analytical balance, mixer, and oven. Methods: Establishment of experimental units, analysis of manioc starch and legume flours, moisture analysis, ash content determination, rheological analysis of blends, gluten analysis in the blend of starch and legumes flours, dough formulation and biscuit making, textural a color analysis, sensory analysis of biscuits, statistical analysis. The results of moisture and ash analyzes in the inputs for blends were within the limits established of 14,5%. Ash content found was 2.3% in starch, 6.3% in soybean meal, and 2.9% in chickpea flour. Gluten content was around 10 mg/g in average in the 3 samples. Concerning rheological characterization, water absorption for the 3 blends was relatively low. Values resulted for the torque were within 1.1 Nm; time required to reach this value did not exceed two minutes of kneading stability.  The 3 blends denoted low amylasic activity, as well as low starch damage. Gel stability results were due to the high amylasic activity occurred in manioc starch. The retrogradation intensity predicted that the 3 blends would have a long shelf life since retrogradation processes were low for the 3 cases. Hardness presented in samples was due to protein supply provided by soybean meal. According to the sensory analysis average results for texture, flavor, and color attribute, differences were found. The ANOVA for sensory evaluation in biscuits showed differences regarding texture, flavor, and color attributes in biscuits. The moisture values obtained for each biscuit sample were similar to each other and did not exceed 3%. Tuber starch and legume flour incorporation in formulation to produce gluten-free biscuits contributes to the development of a flavorsome product and provides an alternative for people with gluten intolerance. The results obtained may be used as the basis for the production of gluten-free biscuits.El presente trabajo de investigación se basó en el estudio de la interacción entre mezclas de harinas de leguminosas y almidón de tubérculo para ser utilizadas en las formulaciones de galletas dulces y la evaluación sucesiva de parámetros de calidad. Se usaron como insumos principales: harinas de leguminosas, almidón de mandioca, margarina, azúcar, huevos y bicarbonato de sodio. Utensilios básicos: bandejas de plástico y aluminio, moldeadores de galletas, cortadores, otros artículos de galletería. Balanza analítica, batidora y horno. Métodos: establecimiento de unidades experimentales, análisis de almidón de mandioca y harinas de leguminosas, análisis de humedad, determinación del contenido de cenizas, análisis reológico de mezclas, análisis de gluten en la mezcla de harinas de almidón y legumbres, formulación de masas y fabricación de galletas, análisis de color textural, sensorial análisis de galletas, análisis estadístico. Los resultados de los análisis de humedad y cenizas en los insumos para las mezclas estuvieron dentro de los límites establecidos del 14,5 %. El contenido de cenizas encontrado fue de 2,3 % en almidón, 6,3 % en harina de soya y 2,9 % en harina de garbanzo. El contenido de gluten fue de alrededor de 10 mg/g en promedio en las 3 muestras. Con respecto a la caracterización reológica, la absorción de agua para las 3 mezclas fue relativamente baja. Los valores resultantes para el par estuvieron dentro de 1,1 Nm; el tiempo requerido para alcanzar este valor no excedió los 2 minutos de estabilidad de amasado. Las 3 mezclas denotaron una baja actividad amilásica, así como un bajo deterioro del almidón. Los resultados de la estabilidad del gel se debieron a una alta actividad amilásica en el almidón de mandioca. La intensidad de retrogradación predijo que las 3 mezclas tendrían una vida útil prolongada ya que los procesos de retrogradación fueron bajos para los 3 casos. La dureza presentada en las muestras se debió al suministro de proteínas proporcionado por la harina de soya. De acuerdo con los resultados promedio del análisis sensorial para el atributo de textura, sabor y color, se encontraron diferencias entre los tratamientos. El ANOVA para la evaluación sensorial en galletas mostró diferencias con respecto a la textura, el sabor y los atributos de color en las galletas. Los valores de humedad obtenidos para cada muestra de galletas fueron similares entre sí y no superaron el 3%. La incorporación de almidón de tubérculo y harina de leguminosas en la formulación para producir galletas sin gluten contribuye al desarrollo de un producto de buen sabor y proporciona una alternativa para las personas con intolerancia al gluten. Los resultados obtenidos pueden usarse como base para la producción de galletas libres de gluten

    Controlled administration of penicillin to patients with a positive history but negative skin and specific serum IgE tests.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/141Although subjects with a positive history of immediate allergy to penicillin and negative skin test are considered to tolerate penicillin, they may develop an immediate reaction despite negative skin and serum specific IgE tests. These patients require additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. Objective: To assess in a large group of patients with a history of immediate allergy to penicillins but with both skin test and CAP-FEIA-negative to classical and side chain penicillin determinants, the role of controlled administration of betalactams as a diagnostic test. Methods: A group of 330 patients with a history of immediate allergic reactions to penicillins was studied by 2 evaluators by means of skin tests with major and minor determinants of benzylpenicillin (BPO), amoxicillin (AX) and ampicillin, and determination of specific IgE antibodies to penicillins by CAP-FEIA, in serum. If both tests proved negative, a controlled administration of the drug was carried out. Results: A total of 89 (27%) patients were skin test and CAP-FEIA-negative and required controlled administration of the drug. Of these, 49 developed an immediate response and were considered allergic, and the remainder had good tolerance after administration of both BPO and AX. Patients in this group were younger that allergic patients who were skin test or CAP-FEIA-positive (P<0.01). Twenty-two (45%) developed a response to BPO and 27 (55%) had a selective response to AX. Although all reactions appeared within 1 h, a positive correlation was found between the dose inducing the response and the time elapsed from drug administration for both BPO and AX (P<0.001). Conclusion: An important number of subjects are not correctly identified if only skin tests and/or CAP-FEIA are used, being particularly relevant for side chain-specific reactions and younger subjects. This suggests that new diagnostic tests are required to limit the use of controlled administration

    T-cell responses to beta-lactam drugs.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/3704?template=romeoBackground: Beta-Lactam drugs may induce both cellular and humoral allergic reactions, and there is evidence that T cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of these reactions. The aim of this work was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) as an in vitro diagnostic tool, in patients with either an immediate or a nonimmediate reaction to penicillin G and/or amoxicillin. Methods: Fifty patients with a well-documented history of allergic reactions to beta-lactams (31 immediate and 19 nonimmediate) were studied by means of skin tests (prick and intradermal), radioallergosorbent test (RAST), and, when necessary, controlled administration of the drug. Twenty-eight healthy subjects with good tolerance to penicillins served as controls. LTT was performed in all subjects. Results: Skin tests were positive in 77.4% of the patients with immediate reactions and in 36.8% of those with nonimmediate reactions. The overall sensitivity of LTT in the allergic patients was 62%, but, when analyzed separately, sensitivity was 64.5% for the immediate group and 57.9% for the nonimmediate group. The LTT specificity was 92.8%. Conclusions: The LTT should be considered a useful in vitro diagnostic tool to identify subjects allergic to penicillins, especially patients with nonimmediate reactions where the LTT has a better diagnostic value than skin tests. Interestingly, positive T-cell proliferative responses can be observed 10 or more years after the occurrence of the reaction without further exposure to the drug