3,616 research outputs found


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    Price elasticities and flexibilities for a system of frozen dessert products are estimated from scanner data. Simultaneity tests reject exogeneity of conditional expenditures, but not prices or quantities, at the weekly level. Inverting the elasticity matrix to obtain flexibilities, while theoretically appropriate, appears to be empirically unacceptable.Demand and Price Analysis,


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    In areas characterized by wind erosion and shifting sand dunes, shelterbelts can increase crop yields. Groundnut yields in southern India increased with the introduction and maturation of shelterbelts. Decomposition analysis attributed most of the yield increases to the shelterbelts themselves, with a small portion attributed to input use changes. While shelterbelt cost data are scarce, the estimated value of inputs saved due to shelterbelts suggested a net benefit stream that is initially negative but increasing into the indefinite future. Public investments in shelterbelts may be the most effective means of preventing land degradation.Crop Production/Industries,

    Unsteady pressure and structural response measurements of an elastic supercritical wing

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    Results are presented which define unsteady flow conditions associated with high dynamic response experienced on a high aspect ratio elastic supercritical wing at transonic test conditions while being tested in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. The supercritical wing, designed for a cruise Mach number of 0.80, experienced the high dynamic response in the Mach number range from 0.90 to 0.94 with the maximum response occurring at a Mach number of approximately 0.92. At the maximum wing response condition the forcing function appears to be the oscillatory chordwise movement of strong shocks located on both the wing upper and lower surfaces in conjunction with the flow separating and reattaching in the trailing edge region

    Investigation of transonic region of high dynamic response encountered on an elastic supercritical wing

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    Unsteady aerodynamic data were measured on an aspect ratio 10.3 elastic supercritical wing while undergoing high dynamic response above a Mach number of 0.90. These tests were conducted in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. A previous test of this wing predicted an unusual instability boundary based on subcritical response data. During the present test no instability was found, but an angle of attack dependent narrow Mach number region of high dynamic wing response was observed over a wide range of dynamic pressures. The effect on dynamic wing response of wing angle of attack, static outbound control surface deflection and a lower surface spanwise fence located near the 60 percent local chordline was investigated. The driving mechanism of the dynamic wing response appears to be related to chordwise shock movement in conjunction with flow separation and reattachment on both the upper and lower surfaces

    Geometrical and structural properties of an Aeroelastic Research Wing (ARW-2)

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    Transonic steady and unsteady pressure tests were conducted on a large elastic wing known as the DAST ARW-2 wing. The wing has a supercritical airfoil, an aspect ratio of 10.3, a leading edge sweepback angle of 28.8 deg and is equipped with two inboard and one outboard trailing edge control surfaces. The geometrical and structural characteristics are presented of this elastic wing, using a combination of measured and calculated data, to permit future analyst to compare the experimental surface pressure data with theoretical predictions

    The normalization of sibling violence: Does gender and personal experience of violence influence perceptions of physical assault against siblings?

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    Despite its pervasive and detrimental nature, sibling violence (SV) remains marginalized as a harmless and inconsequential form of familial aggression. The present study investigates the extent to which perceptions of SV differ from those of other types of interpersonal violence. A total of 605 respondents (197 males, 408 females) read one of four hypothetical physical assault scenarios that varied according to perpetrator–victim relationship type (i.e., sibling vs. dating partner vs. peer vs. stranger) before completing a series of 24 attribution items. Respondents also reported on their own experiences of interpersonal violence during childhood. Exploratory factor analysis reduced 23 attribution items to three internally reliable factors reflecting perceived assault severity, victim culpability, and victim resistance ratings. A 4 × 2 MANCOVA—controlling for respondent age—revealed several significant effects. Overall, males deemed the assault less severe and the victim more culpable than did females. In addition, the sibling assault was deemed less severe compared to assault on either a dating partner or a stranger, with the victim of SV rated just as culpable as the victim of dating, peer, or stranger-perpetrated violence. Finally, respondents with more (frequent) experiences of childhood SV victimization perceived the hypothetical SV assault as being less severe, and victim more culpable, than respondents with no SV victimization. Results are discussed in the context of SV normalization. Methodological limitations and applications for current findings are also outlined

    Quantitative volumetric Raman imaging of three dimensional cell cultures

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    The ability to simultaneously image multiple biomolecules in biologically relevant three-dimensional (3D) cell culture environments would contribute greatly to the understanding of complex cellular mechanisms and cell-material interactions. Here, we present a computational framework for label-free quantitative volumetric Raman imaging (qVRI). We apply qVRI to a selection of biological systems: human pluripotent stem cells with their cardiac derivatives, monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages in conventional cell culture systems and mesenchymal stem cells inside biomimetic hydrogels that supplied a 3D cell culture environment. We demonstrate visualization and quantification of fine details in 3D cell shape, cytoplasm, nucleus, lipid bodies and cytoskeletal structures in 3D with unprecedented biomolecular specificity for vibrational microspectroscopy

    Investigation and suppression of high dynamic response encountered on an elastic supercritical wing

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    The DAST Aeroelastic Research Wing had been previously in the NASA Langley TDT and an unusual instability boundary was predicted based upon supercritical response data. Contrary to the predictions, no instability was found during the present test. Instead a region of high dynamic wing response was observed which reached a maximum value between Mach numbers 0.92 and 0.93. The amplitude of the dynamic response increased directly with dynamic pressure. The reponse appears to be related to chordwise shock movement in conjunction with flow separation and reattachment on the upper and lower wing surfaces. The onset of flow separation coincided with the occurrence of strong shocks on a surface. A controller was designed to suppress the wing response. The control law attenuated the response as compared with the uncontrolled case and added a small but significant amount of damping for the lower density condition

    Co-evolution of strategy and structure in complex networks with dynamical linking

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    Here we introduce a model in which individuals differ in the rate at which they seek new interactions with others, making rational decisions modeled as general symmetric two-player games. Once a link between two individuals has formed, the productivity of this link is evaluated. Links can be broken off at different rates. We provide analytic results for the limiting cases where linking dynamics is much faster than evolutionary dynamics and vice-versa, and show how the individual capacity of forming new links or severing inconvenient ones maps into the problem of strategy evolution in a well-mixed population under a different game. For intermediate ranges, we investigate numerically the detailed interplay determined by these two time-scales and show that the scope of validity of the analytical results extends to a much wider ratio of time scales than expected
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