15,956 research outputs found

    Advanced space system concepts and their orbital support needs (1980 - 2000). Volume 1: Executive summary

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    The likely system concepts which might be representative of NASA and DoD space programs in the 1980-2000 time period were studied along with the programs' likely needs for major space transportation vehicles, orbital support vehicles, and technology developments which could be shared by the military and civilian space establishments in that time period. Such needs could then be used by NASA as an input in determining the nature of its long-range development plan. The approach used was to develop a list of possible space system concepts (initiatives) in parallel with a list of needs based on consideration of the likely environments and goals of the future. The two lists thus obtained represented what could be done, regardless of need; and what should be done, regardless of capability, respectively. A set of development program plans for space application concepts was then assembled, matching needs against capabilities, and the requirements of the space concepts for support vehicles, transportation, and technology were extracted. The process was pursued in parallel for likely military and civilian programs, and the common support needs thus identified

    Advanced space system concepts and their orbital support needs (1980 - 2000). Volume 2: Final report

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    The results are presented of a study which identifies over 100 new and highly capable space systems for the 1980-2000 time period: civilian systems which could bring benefits to large numbers of average citizens in everyday life, much enhance the kinds and levels of public services, increase the economic motivation for industrial investment in space, expand scientific horizons; and, in the military area, systems which could materially alter current concepts of tactical and strategic engagements. The requirements for space transportation, orbital support, and technology for these systems are derived, and those requirements likely to be shared between NASA and the DoD in the time period identified. The high leverage technologies for the time period are identified as very large microwave antennas and optics, high energy power subsystems, high precision and high power lasers, microelectronic circuit complexes and data processors, mosaic solid state sensing devices, and long-life cryogenic refrigerators

    Advanced space system concepts and their orbital support needs (1980 - 2000). Volume 3: Detailed data. Part 1: Catalog of initiatives, functional options, and future environments and goals

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    The following areas were discussed in relation to a study of the commonality of space vehicle applications to future national needs: (1) index of initiatives (civilian observation, communication, support), brief illustrated description of each initiative, time periods (from 1980 to 2000+) for implementation of these initiatives; (2) data bank of functional system options, presented in the form of data sheets, one for each of the major functions, with the system option for near-term, midterm, and far-term space projects applicable to each subcategory of functions to be fulfilled; (3) table relating initiatives and desired goals (public service and humanistic, materialistic, scientific and intellectual); and (4) data on size, weight and cost estimations

    Constraints on the Formation of the Planet Around HD188753A

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    The claimed discovery of a Jupiter-mass planet in the close triple star system HD 188753 poses a problem for planet formation theory. A circumstellar disk around the planet's parent star would be truncated close to the star, leaving little material available for planet formation. In this paper, we attempt to model a protoplanetary disk around HD 188753A using a fairly simple alpha-disk model, exploring a range of parameters constrained by observations of T Tauri-type stars. The disk is truncated to within 1.5 to 2.7 AU, depending on model parameters. We find that the in situ formation of the planet around HD 188753A is implausible.Comment: Accepted version, to appear in ApJ. 23 pages, 5 figures (3 in color

    Data Mining to Uncover Heterogeneous Water Use Behaviors From Smart Meter Data

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    Knowledge on the determinants and patterns of water demand for different consumers supports the design of customized demand management strategies. Smart meters coupled with big data analytics tools create a unique opportunity to support such strategies. Yet, at present, the information content of smart meter data is not fully mined and usually needs to be complemented with water fixture inventory and survey data to achieve detailed customer segmentation based on end use water usage. In this paper, we developed a data‐driven approach that extracts information on heterogeneous water end use routines, main end use components, and temporal characteristics, only via data mining existing smart meter readings at the scale of individual households. We tested our approach on data from 327 households in Australia, each monitored with smart meters logging water use readings every 5 s. As part of the approach, we first disaggregated the household‐level water use time series into different end uses via Autoflow. We then adapted a customer segmentation based on eigenbehavior analysis to discriminate among heterogeneous water end use routines and identify clusters of consumers presenting similar routines. Results revealed three main water end use profile clusters, each characterized by a primary end use: shower, clothes washing, and irrigation. Time‐of‐use and intensity‐of‐use differences exist within each class, as well as different characteristics of regularity and periodicity over time. Our customer segmentation analysis approach provides utilities with a concise snapshot of recurrent water use routines from smart meter data and can be used to support customized demand management strategies.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    The Hall instability of weakly ionized, radially stratified, rotating disks

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    Cool weakly ionized gaseous rotating disk, are considered by many models as the origin of the evolution of protoplanetary clouds. Instabilities against perturbations in such disks play an important role in the theory of the formation of stars and planets. Thus, a hierarchy of successive fragmentations into smaller and smaller pieces as a part of the Kant-Laplace theory of formation of the planetary system remains valid also for contemporary cosmogony. Traditionally, axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), and recently Hall-MHD instabilities have been thoroughly studied as providers of an efficient mechanism for radial transfer of angular momentum, and of density radial stratification. In the current work, the Hall instability against nonaxisymmetric perturbations in compressible rotating fluids in external magnetic field is proposed as a viable mechanism for the azimuthal fragmentation of the protoplanetary disk and thus perhaps initiating the road to planet formation. The Hall instability is excited due to the combined effect of the radial stratification of the disk and the Hall electric field, and its growth rate is of the order of the rotation period.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Critical Point Correlation Function for the 2D Random Bond Ising Model

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    High accuracy Monte Carlo simulation results for 1024*1024 Ising system with ferromagnetic impurity bonds are presented. Spin-spin correlation function at a critical point is found to be numerically very close to that of a pure system. This is not trivial since a critical temperature for the system with impurities is almost two times lower than pure Ising TcT_c. Finite corrections to the correlation function due to combined action of impurities and finite lattice size are described.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures after LaTeX fil

    Lattice Green Function (at 0) for the 4d Hypercubic Lattice

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    The generating function for recurrent Polya walks on the four dimensional hypercubic lattice is expressed as a Kampe-de-Feriet function. Various properties of the associated walks are enumerated.Comment: latex, 5 pages, Res. Report 1

    Quantum entanglement between a nonlinear nanomechanical resonator and a microwave field

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    We consider a theoretical model for a nonlinear nanomechanical resonator coupled to a superconducting microwave resonator. The nanomechanical resonator is driven parametrically at twice its resonance frequency, while the superconducting microwave resonator is driven with two tones that differ in frequency by an amount equal to the parametric driving frequency. We show that the semi-classical approximation of this system has an interesting fixed point bifurcation structure. In the semi-classical dynamics a transition from stable fixed points to limit cycles is observed as one moves from positive to negative detuning. We show that signatures of this bifurcation structure are also present in the full dissipative quantum system and further show that it leads to mixed state entanglement between the nanomechanical resonator and the microwave cavity in the dissipative quantum system that is a maximum close to the semi-classical bifurcation. Quantum signatures of the semi-classical limit-cycles are presented.Comment: 36 pages, 18 figure