160 research outputs found

    Trophic niche of Dendropsophus minutus (Anura: Hylidae) in southern Brazil

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    Trophic niche of Dendropsophus minutus (Anura: Hylidae) in southern Brazil. The feeding biology of the Neotropical tree frog Dendropsophus minutus is described based on identifcation of the items consumed by the anuran. Samples were collected monthly samplings for one year in an Araucaria forest in the state of Paraná in southern Brazil. Of the total of 101 gastrointestines examined, 51 were empty or contained digested remains or plant items. The 50 samples of gastrointestinal contents contained three classes and 10 orders of arthropods. The results suggest that D. minutus is a generalist predator that feeds on arthropods, primarily those in the orders Araneae, Lepidoptera, and Diptera. The diet varies seasonally depending upon prey activity, which determines the breadth of the trophic niche of the frog.Nicho trófco de Dendropsophus minutus (Anura: Hylidae) no sul do Brasil. A biologia alimentar da perereca neotropical Dendropsophus minutus é descrita a partir da identifcação dos itens predados pela espécie. Amostras foram coletadas mensalmente por um ano em uma área de Floresta de Araucária no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil. Um total de 101 estômagos foi analisado, sendo que desses 51 estavam vazios ou continham itens digeridos ou fragmentos de plantas. As 50 amostras de conteúdo gastrintestinais estudadas continham três classes e 10 ordens de artrópodes. Os resultados sugerem que D. minutus é um predador generalista que se alimenta de artrópodes, principalmente das ordens Araneae, Lepidoptera e Diptera. A dieta varia sazonalmente, dependendo da atividade das presas, o que determina a amplitude do nicho trófco da espécie

    A broadly neutralizing macaque monoclonal antibody against the HIV-1 V3-Glycan patch

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    A small fraction of HIV-1- infected humans develop broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) against HIV-1 that protect macaques from simian immunodeficiency HIV chimeric virus (SHIV). Similarly, a small number of macaques infected with SHIVs develop broadly neutralizing serologic activity, but less is known about the nature of simian antibodies. Here, we report on a monoclonal antibody, Ab1485, isolated from a macaque infected with SHIVAD8 that developed broadly neutralizing serologic activity targeting the V3-glycan region of HIV-1 Env. Ab1485 neutralizes 38.1% of HIV-1 isolates in a 42-pseudovirus panel with a geometric mean IC50 of 0.055 µg/mLl and SHIVAD8 with an IC50 of 0.028 µg/mLl. Ab1485 binds the V3-glycan epitope in a glycan-dependent manner. A 3.5 Å cryo-electron microscopy structure of Ab1485 in complex with a native-like SOSIP Env trimer showed conserved contacts with the N332gp120 glycan and gp120 GDIR peptide motif, but in a distinct Env-binding orientation relative to human V3/N332gp120 glycan-targeting bNAbs. Intravenous infusion of Ab1485 protected macaques from a high dose challenge with SHIVAD8. We conclude that macaques can develop bNAbs against the V3-glycan patch that resemble human V3-glycan bNAbs

    Dipole modelling for a robust description of subdiffractional polariton waves

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    The nanophotonics of van der Waals (vdW) materials relies critically on the electromagnetic properties of polaritons defined on sub-diffraction length scales. Here, we use a full electromagnetic Hertzian dipole antenna (HDA) model to describe the hyperbolic phonon polaritons (HP(2)s) in vdW crystals of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) on a gold surface. The HP2 waves are investigated by broadband synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopy (SINS) which covers the type I and type II hyperbolic bands simultaneously. Basically, polariton waves, observed by SINS, are assigned to the resultant electric field from the summation over the irradiated electric fields of dipoles distributed along the crystal edge and at the tip location and a non-propagating field. The values of polariton momenta and damping extracted from the HDA model present excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. Our analysis shows that the confinement factor of type I HP(2)s exceeds that of the type II ones by up to a factor of 3. We extract anti-parallel group velocities (v(g)) for type I (v(g,typeI) = -0.005c, c is the light velocity in a vacuum) in relation to type II (v(g,typeII) = 0.05c) polaritonic pulses, with lifetimes of similar to 0.6 ps and similar to 0.3 ps, respectively. Furthermore, by incorporating consolidated optical-near field theory into the HDA model, we simulate real-space images of polaritonic standing waves for hBN crystals of different shapes. This approach reproduces the experiments with a minimal computational cost. Thus, it is demonstrated that the HDA modelling self-consistently explains the measured complex-valued polariton near-field, while being a general approach applicable to other polariton types, like plasmon- and exciton-polaritons, active in the wide range of vdW materials11442121821226CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP311564/2018-6#88887.310281/2018-002018/05425-3; 2019/08818-9; 2015/11779-4; 2018/07276-

    Carbon erosion/deposition on the divertor of W7-X during the operational period OP 1.2b

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    Carbon net erosion and deposition at the test divertor unit (TDU) of Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) were measured for the discharge period OP 1.2b in the year 2018 using 18 specially prepared target elements in all 10 TDUs. These had lengths between 30 and 60 cm and were coated with marker layers for erosion/deposition investigations of 5–10 μm carbon on top of about 300 nm molybdenum. The marker layer thicknesses were measured by elastic backscattering spectrometry (EBS) before and after plasma exposure using 2.5 MeV protons; the surface morphology was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and focused ion beam cross-sectioning (FIB), the surface roughness was determined using a two-dimensional optical profiler. Plasma-exposed surfaces were considerably smoother than unexposed surfaces with decreased mean roughness and a shift of the inclination angle distribution towards lower values. The erosion on the 10 TDUs was unequal within a factor of about two. During the discharge period in total 20.4 ± 5.7 g carbon was eroded from the 10 TDUs. Adjacent to the strike line some deposition of carbon was observed. Compared to the discharge period OP 1.2a in the year 2017, the net carbon erosion rate dropped by a factor of 5–6 due to regular boronizations, which reduced the oxygen (and subsequently also the carbon) content in the plasma by 1–2 orders of magnitude. The significance of erosion/deposition processes for long-pulse discharges is discussed

    A broadly neutralizing macaque monoclonal antibody against the HIV-1 V3-Glycan patch

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    A small fraction of HIV-1- infected humans develop broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) against HIV-1 that protect macaques from simian immunodeficiency HIV chimeric virus (SHIV). Similarly, a small number of macaques infected with SHIVs develop broadly neutralizing serologic activity, but less is known about the nature of simian antibodies. Here, we report on a monoclonal antibody, Ab1485, isolated from a macaque infected with SHIVAD8 that developed broadly neutralizing serologic activity targeting the V3-glycan region of HIV-1 Env. Ab1485 neutralizes 38.1% of HIV-1 isolates in a 42-pseudovirus panel with a geometric mean IC50 of 0.055 µg/mLl and SHIVAD8 with an IC50 of 0.028 µg/mLl. Ab1485 binds the V3-glycan epitope in a glycan-dependent manner. A 3.5 Å cryo-electron microscopy structure of Ab1485 in complex with a native-like SOSIP Env trimer showed conserved contacts with the N332gp120 glycan and gp120 GDIR peptide motif, but in a distinct Env-binding orientation relative to human V3/N332gp120 glycan-targeting bNAbs. Intravenous infusion of Ab1485 protected macaques from a high dose challenge with SHIVAD8. We conclude that macaques can develop bNAbs against the V3-glycan patch that resemble human V3-glycan bNAbs