38 research outputs found

    Radial electric field along trap radius at constant RF of 1 GHz for these varying amplitudes as well as for constant amplitude of 3.8 V for these varying RF shown in legend for hydrogen background gas for simulation time of 100 μs having background gas density 5×10<sup>−14</sup> m<sup>-3</sup> and powered to C<sub>8</sub> cylinder in realistic trap.

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    Radial electric field along trap radius at constant RF of 1 GHz for these varying amplitudes as well as for constant amplitude of 3.8 V for these varying RF shown in legend for hydrogen background gas for simulation time of 100 μs having background gas density 5×10−14 m-3 and powered to C8 cylinder in realistic trap.</p

    Radial electric field along trap radius at constant RF of 1 GHz for these varying amplitudes as well as for constant amplitude of 3.8 V for these varying RF shown in legend for hydrogen background gas for simulation time of 100 μs having background gas density 5×10<sup>−14</sup> m<sup>-3</sup> and powered to C<sub>8</sub> cylinder in realistic trap.

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    Radial electric field along trap radius at constant RF of 1 GHz for these varying amplitudes as well as for constant amplitude of 3.8 V for these varying RF shown in legend for hydrogen background gas for simulation time of 100 μs having background gas density 5×10−14 m-3 and powered to C8 cylinder in realistic trap.</p

    Axial kinetic energy (eV) verses trap radius (m) graphs for hydrogen background gas having density 5×10<sup>-14</sup>m<sup>-3</sup> at constant RF of 1 GHz for these varying amplitudes as well as for constant amplitude of 3.8 V for these varying RF are shown in legend of Fig 4(A)–4(F) for simulation time of 100 μs and powered to C<sub>8</sub> cylinder of realistic trap.

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    Axial kinetic energy (eV) verses trap radius (m) graphs for hydrogen background gas having density 5×10-14m-3 at constant RF of 1 GHz for these varying amplitudes as well as for constant amplitude of 3.8 V for these varying RF are shown in legend of Fig 4(A)–4(F) for simulation time of 100 μs and powered to C8 cylinder of realistic trap.</p

    The Self-consistent radial electric field at various powers and radio frequencies for hydrogen and helium background gases.

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    The Self-consistent radial electric field at various powers and radio frequencies for hydrogen and helium background gases.</p

    Axial kinetic energy (eV) verses trap radius (m) graphs for helium background gas having density 5×10<sup>-14</sup>m<sup>-3</sup> at constant RF of 1 GHz for these varying amplitudes as well as for constant amplitude of 3.8 V for these varying RF are shown in legend of Fig 5(A)–5(F) for simulation time of 100 μs and powered to C<sub>8</sub> cylinder of realistic trap.

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    Axial kinetic energy (eV) verses trap radius (m) graphs for helium background gas having density 5×10-14m-3 at constant RF of 1 GHz for these varying amplitudes as well as for constant amplitude of 3.8 V for these varying RF are shown in legend of Fig 5(A)–5(F) for simulation time of 100 μs and powered to C8 cylinder of realistic trap.</p

    Fig 2 -

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    Axial and radial temperatures verses simulation time at background gases Hydrogen (a, b) and Helium (c, d). The simulation performed at applied constant frequency of 1 GHz resonate with magnetic field 0.035706 tesla of different amplitudes for the cases indicated in the legend applied to C8 cylinder of ELTRAP.</p

    Fig 3 -

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    Axial and radial temperatures verses simulation time at background gases Hydrogen (a, b) and Helium (c, d). The simulation performed at constant amplitude of 3.8 V for different radio frequencies indicated in legend matched with corresponding magnetic fields are applied to C8 cylinder of ELTRAP.</p