2,522 research outputs found
Field Studies of the Archean in Grand Canyon
The oldest rocks of Arizona which form the precipitous walls of the inner or granite gorge of the Grand Canyon have never received the intensive study that has been given to their counterparts over the great northeastern plains of Canada, in the mountains of Scandinavia or on the rolling expanses of Finland. The metamorphosed rocks standing in places on end under the wedge of the Grand Canyon series of sediments (Algonkian) and elsewhere under the mantle of Paleozoic sediments are known as the Vishnu schist. To J.W. Powell these were known as the “Grand Canyon schists” of tentative “Eozoic” age. C.D. Walcott who proposed the term Vishnu from the occurrence beneath Vishnu temple in the Grand Canyon classified them as “bedded, sedimentary, unconformable, pre-Unkar (Lower Grand Canyon series) strata.
Their Preservation Is Our Sacred Trust—Judicially Mandated Free Exercise Exemptions to Historic Preservation Ordinances Under Employment Division v Smith
Religious property owners have both successfully and unsuccessfully challenged historic preservation ordinances as burdens on the free exercise of religion. Courts considering this conflict typically rely on Employment Division v. Smith, in which the United States Supreme Court held that neutral laws of general applicability that incidentally burden religion are not subject to strict scrutiny. Ambiguities in Smith, however, have left courts free to use their own interpretive discretion and have made attempts to apply free exercise precedent particularly difficult in the historic preservation context. This Note reviews the historic preservation movement and free exercise jurisprudence, then analyzes cases that have attempted to balance these two often conflicting interests. The Note argues that the strictures of Smith are too rigid, producing results either over- or under-inclusive of free exercise rights. Only through the application of a case by case balancing test can courts adequately adjudicate inevitable free exercise/historic preservation conflicts
How to “Book Fair”: A New Librarian’s trip to the #FILGDL2015
The FIL (pronounced: “feel”), or Feria Internacional de Libro de Guadalajara (Guadalajara International Book Fair), is a “must go” for any librarian building a collection of Spanish-language materials. It is the largest annual Spanish-language book fair in the Western Hemisphere. At the fair, you will have access to academic, independent, and commercial publishers, networking with colleagues who do the same work you do, and Spanish-language materials from all over the world, at all reading levels, on topics ranging from general to specific interests.
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