44 research outputs found

    How to Use Scientific Information: Road Map for Tailoring Your Own Natural Hazard Risk Management Solution

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    In this chapter, we explain how scientific information can effectively be used in the daily work of practitioners. We lead through the process of tailoring research results and scientific information to support an integrated and ecosystem-based natural hazard risk management in the form of a Road Map. This Road Map is based on the RIU (Research Integration Utilization) model for knowledge transfer and backed-up with our long-standing research experience. To illustrate the Road Map, which can be applied to any case of transferring scientific knowledge into practice, we summarize the main results of the GreenRisk4ALPs (GR4A) research project, and propose three steps for integrating them into applied projects or other activities: (1) “Diagnosis” - estimating the relevance of scientific information for applied risk or forest management, (2) “Consultation” - estimating the soundness of the scientific information through consultations with researchers, and (3) “Implementation” – checking the legal framework and the economic resources for the preferred solution. Furthermore, we provide a checklist for stakeholders for tailoring science-based solutions to their practical use, which contributes to facilitating the implementation of research results and can guide policy and practice. Finally, the theoretical and methodological background of the Road Map are presented and discussed

    Understanding the role of scientific knowledge transfer in the women's participation and farmer activities in Central Java

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    The forest turns to agricultural land in the Serayu watershed in Central Java, Indonesia. The Strengthening Community-Based Forest and Watershed Management (SCBFWM) project aims to improve and expand the Indonesian government's community-based forest and watershed management programs. The study's objectives are: 1) investigate the factors that contribute to the successful implementation of scientific findings in everyday life; 2) analyze the potential impacts of alternative strategies for the development of farming systems in the watershed on rural livelihoods; and 3) analyze the rules and governance structure that organizes the action of actors and how decisions are made. We use the RIU (Research-IntegrationUtilization) Model to examine how scientific research can yield effective policy advice and decision-maker's role in transforming advice into effective problem-solving. The findings that emerged from the research demonstrated that the district government cares about the environment but does not prohibit upstream potato cultivation strictly. When the SCBFWM project was established, cultivation restrictions were implemented. The research on the importance of women's participation in watershed management was communicated to the district administration and included in the SCBFWM project's proposal, but the actual action was different. The RIU model demonstrated that high-quality science is insufficient without efficient integration and acknowledges the inherent divergent interests within science and polic

    Planejamento do Turismo a partir da Perspectiva Actor-Centered Power no Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Usualmente, o planejamento do turismo no Brasil segue a perspectiva normativa em sua execução. Este estudo propõe integrar a perspectiva actor-centered power ao planejamento a fim de elucidar quais são os atores sociais mais poderosos e quais são seus interesses no desenvolvimento turístico. Tal perspectiva é possível por meio da identificação desses atores e de sua relação com a coerção, a informação dominante e incentivos e desincentivos, categorias derivadas das abordagens de poder desenvolvidas por Krott. Para cumprir o objetivo proposto, realizou-se entrevistas mediante a técnica bola de neve. A hipótese de pesquisa é que o planejamento do turismo no Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) é direcionado pelos interesses dos atores sociais mais poderosos. Os resultados confirmam tal hipótese e demostram que há grande conflito de interesses entre ONGs, governo e administração da Unidade de Conservação.Usually, tourism planning in Brazil follows the normative perspective in its implementation. This study proposes to integrate the actor-centered power perspective with planning in order to elucidate which are the most powerful social actors and what are their interests in tourism development. Such perspective is enabled through the identification of these actors and their relation with coercion, dominant information, and incentives and disincentives, categories derived from the approaches to power developed by Krott. In order to achieve the objective, interviews were conducted by employing the snowball technique. The research hypothesis is that tourism planning in the Ilha Grande State Park (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is directed by the interests of the most powerful social actors. The results confirm such hypothesis and show that there is great conflict of interests between NGOs, Government, and the administration of the Conservation Unit.Por lo general, el planeamiento del turismo en Brasil sigue la perspectiva normativa en su aplicación. Este estudio propone la integración de la perspectiva actor-centered power (Krott et al., 2014) a la planificación para dilucidar cuales son los actores sociales más poderosos y cuáles son sus intereses en el desarrollo del turismo. Tal perspectiva es posible a través de la identificación de estos actores y de su relación con la coacción, la información dominante y los incentivos y desincentivos, categorías derivadas de los enfoques del poder desarrollados por Krott (2005). Para cumplir con el objetivo propuesto, se llevó a cabo entrevistas realizadas por medio de la técnica bola de nieve. La hipótesis de la investigación es que la ordenación del turismo en el Parque Estatal de Ilha Grande (Río de Janeiro, Brasil) es dirigida por los intereses de los actores sociales más poderosos. Los resultados confirman esta hipótesis y demuestran que hay un gran conflicto de intereses entre las ONGs, gobierno y administración de la Unidad de Conservación

    Analysis of conflicing interests on the example of the special nature reserve in Serbia: empirically analytical approach

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    Empirijsko analitički pristup znanosti šumarske politike primijenjen je na primjeru specijalnog rezervata prirode „Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit“ (Srbija) s ciljem sveobuhvatne analize korisnika, njihovih interesa i potencijalnih sukoba interesa. Istraživanje je provedeno od kolovoza 2017. do kolovoza 2018. godine. Procjena intenziteta interesa identificiranih korisnika temelji se na kvalitativnoj analizi sadržaja i kritičkoj analizi te kombinaciji tehnika triangulacije, logičkog zaključivanja, indukcije i dedukcije. Unosom procijenjenog intenziteta interesa korisnika (vlasnici šuma – država i privatni šumovlasnici; zaposleni u šumarstvu; poduzeća/institucije – drvna industrija, pokrajinski sekretarijat, itd.; građani) u analitičku shemu jasno se mogla izdvojiti zona sukoba između korisnika s vrlo jakim interesom za korištenje drvne mase (Vojvodinašume, crkva, prerada drva) i korisnika koji pripadaju interesnom polju očuvanja/zaštite prirode (institucije zaštite prirode, građani). Uz navedeno, država tj. Vojvodinašume su u unutarnjem sukobu, jer (također) imaju vrlo snažan interes za proizvodnju drva s jedne strane i za zaštitu prirode s druge strane. Kako bi uravnotežila interese, država/pokrajina je u prednosti jer rješenje može potražiti interno, ali analitička shema pokazuje i da će rezultat neizbježno dovesti do sukoba s drugim korisnicima (drvnom industrijom ako se poveća opseg zaštite ili zaštitom prirode ako se pojača sječa drva). Koncept zaštitnih zona pokazuje trenutni kompromisni paket između zainteresiranih strana (stroga zaštita 6%, aktivna zaštita 29% i korištenje drva 65%), koji će opstati dok ga država bude mogla podržati političkim mjerama. Empirijsko analitički pristup omogućio je sveobuhvatni uvid u korisnike i interese vezane za Rit, a metodološka postavka je uz zaključake relevantne za daljnja znanstvena istraživanja stvorila osnovu za aktivniju komunikaciju rezultata s praksom.This study, based on modified Schusser´s sequential method, was conducted from August 2017 to August 2018 with the aim of using accessible and familiar case example from Serbia to verify the claim of forest policy science - that users, their interests and potential conflicts of interest can be comprehensively identified and analysed while applying empirically analytical approach. On the example of special nature reserve Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit the intensity of user´s interest is assessed based on qualitative content analysis and critical reasoning in combination with the techniques of triangulation, induction and deduction. By entering the estimated intensity of user interests into the analytical sheme (users categorized as forest owners- state/province and private, forestry employees, enterprises/institutions and citizens), the first conflicting zone was identified between the very strong interests in forest utilization (priority of profitable timber harvesting) and the interest field comprising the very strong and strong user interests for nature conservation. In addition, the state/province (public enterprise Vojvodinašume) is in an internal conflict, having (also) a very strong interest in wood production (creating revenues) on the one hand and in nature conservation on another. In order to balance them (towards the general social interest), the state/province has an advantage of being in the position to look internally for a solution, but the analytical scheme also shows how potential changes could trigger conflicts with other users (wood industry if protection is increased or nature protection actors if logging intensifies). The current solution of protection zones, divided into strict protection 6%, active protection 29% and profitable use of wood 65%, reflects the actual compromise package between the state/province andinterests of remaining users, which will last as long as the state/province is in the position to support it with available political means.Whereas individual discourses take into account only partial aspects, the current approach has provided a comprehensive insight into Rit´s actors and interests. Methodological set-up of existing theoretically-based analytical categories has offered conclusions relevant for further research, forming at the same time a strong basis for more active communication of results with practice: users can more clearly perceive each other’s positions and evaluate own abilities to act, while searching for the implementation concepts that work in practice

    Analytic Model of Departamental Research as Science-Based Advising of Actors in Political Process - Analysis of Research Activity of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment from Novi Sad

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    U posljednje vrijeme sve su izraženiji zahtjevi za “uporabljivom” znanosti s izravno primjenjivim rezultatima u praksi. Mnoge europske zemlje, tako i Srbija i Hrvatska, postavljaju slične zahtjeve. Postojeće strategije i zakoni koji se odnose na znanstvenoistraživačku djelatnost javnih instituta (Vlada RS 2010, Vlada RH 2006, Hrvatski sabor 2003, MZOS 2006, 2007, 2010) navode da se znanstvenoistraživačka djelatnost obavlja radi ostvarivanja državnih interesa, uskom suradnjom s praksom i aktivnim prijenosom znanstveno utemeljenih i pravodobnih informacija donositeljima odluka i ostalim zainteresiranim stranama. Na primjeru Instituta za nizinsko šumarstvo i okoliš iz Srbije, pokazat ćemo da li, kako i u kojoj mjeri javni znanstveni instituti u području šumarstva i okoliša “osluškuju” potrebe sudionika u političkim procesima, odnosno koliko je znanstvenoistraživačka djelatnost Instituta u skladu sa zahtjevom “uporabljive znanosti”. Pri tome ćemo se poslužiti modelom resornoga istraživanja (Böcher i Krott 2010), koji aktivnosti i rezultate Instituta promatra kroz sfere istraživanja, integracije, znanstvene i praktične primjene. Veze između tih sfera prikazane su proizvodnim linijama, koje predstavljaju tijek i rezultate proizvodnje, u našem slučaju projekata. Analiza obuhvaća 51 znanstveno-istraživački projekt u razdoblju od 2005. do 2010. godine. Rezultati pokazuju primjenjivost modela resornoga istraživanja na odabrani Institut te jaku vezu između Instituta i korisnika rezultata istraživanja. Korišteni model, analizom aktivnosti Instituta za nizinsko šumarstvo i okoliš naglašava upravo uporabljivost rezultata koja je pri uobičajenim metodama evaluacije Instituta teško vidljiva.Many governments express a growing need for having a science that is “usable”, which means that research results should be useful for practical application. In Serbia and Croatia current strategies and laws addressing science and research see public research institutes as organizations with activities primarily oriented toward public interest, in a way that policy actors are provided with timely and adequate science-based information. In this paper we analysed scientific and research activities of public research Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment (ILFE) to see whether, how and to what extent this institution meets the needs of actors in policy processes, i.e. if it is in line with the requirements of “usable science”. The Model of departmental research (Böcher i Krott 2010), based on sociology of scientific knowledge and analytical theory, has been applied on total scientific and research activities of ILFE. The very Model consists of following spheres: research, integration, scientific and practical utilisation, whereas production lines connect them and stay for activities of research projects (Figure 1). In total 51 research projects of ILFE for the period 2005–2010 have been analysed (table 1), based on project documentation, as well as semi-structured questionnaires and interviews with project leaders and management of the Institutes. Collected information was used in analysis of each project and graphically presented by production line on the model of departmental research. This was followed by synthesis and interpretation of the results. Results showed five types of production lines: (1) Preliminary research, starting in integration sphere, with the idea what will in the future be relevant for particular actor(s). However most activities remain in the research sphere, and foster results toward scientific utilization (Figure 2). In total 15 research projects of ILFE correspond with this type of production line. (2) Research stopped in the integration discourse. This production line also starts in the integration sphere, continues to the research sphere, where project proposal has been made, but its implementation gets stopped by the actors in political process, i.e. in the integration sphere (Figure 3). Only three projects of ILFE correspond with this type of production line. (3) Research oriented toward practical utilisation, where constant interaction between research and integration spheres, ends up in practical utilisation of results (Figure 4). Analysis showed 6 out of 51 projects fall into this group of typical science-based advising of actors in policy processes. (4) Research projects oriented toward scientific and practical utilisation, with the main difference that results are meant not only for practice, but for the scientific community as well (Figure 5). A group of 18 projects can be presented by this production line. (5) Consulting activities of public institutes. In ILFE seven out of 51 projects can be depicted by this type of production line, for which is typical that usually entire project is within the integration sphere with outputs in the practical utilisation discourse. During the research we were able to present all projects of the ILFE by production lines on the model of departmental research. There is a strong connection between ILFE and users of its expertise, with more than half of research projects having practical application (table 1). There are also im portant consulting activities going on which confirms importance of their role and quality of connection with the practise and society. The model proves to be advantageous over existing evaluation methods, while it makes transparent all aspects of departmental research, which is useful for both users of science-based expertise and founders of these institutions. It also makes a solid base for optimisation and quality management processes within institutions

    Interdisziplinarität und Institutionalisierung der Wissenschaft: Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2010

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    Die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften und ihrer Ordnungssysteme sowie die hierauf begründeten Forschungs- und Lehrprofile sind durch zwei gegenläufige, sich jedoch wechselseitig bedingende Tendenzen gekennzeichnet: einmal den Drang zur zunehmenden Differenzierung in Disziplinen und zum anderen die dadurch ausgelöste Bewegung zur Zusammenarbeit dieser Fachrichtungen im Interesse eines weiteren Erkenntnisfortschritt. Beide Tendenzen scheinen in Schüben und asynchron zu verlaufen. Sie erfassen nicht das gesamte Wissenschaftssystem, sondern zeigen sich in spezifischen disziplinären Konstellationen. Letztlich gilt hierbei die von Max Planck bereits in den dreißiger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts geäußerten Auffassung über die Wissenschaftsdisziplinen: „Ihre Trennung nach verschiedenen Fächern ist ja nicht in der Natur der Sache begründet, sondern entspringt nur der Begrenztheit des menschlichen Fassungsvermögens, welche zwangsläufig zu einer Arbeitsteilung führt.“ Für eine gedeihliche Entwicklung der Wissenschaft ist es wichtig, die jeweils erkennbaren Voraussetzungen der Interdisziplinarität in der Forschung zu fördern, entsprechende Formen zu entwickeln und die dabei entstehenden institutionellen und curricularen Probleme zu lösen. Auf dieser Grundlage realisiert sich interdisziplinäre Forschung in verschiedenen Formen, von denen einige bereits mehr oder weniger praktiziert und weitere im Verlauf der Wissenschaftsentwicklung in Reaktion auf neue Problemfelder noch stärker in Erscheinung treten werden. Die Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung hat sich dieser Fragestellung angenommen und sie im Rahmen ihrer Jahrestagung im Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin am 26. und 27. März 2010 unter dem Thema „Interdisziplinarität und Institutionaliserung der Wissenschaft“ analysiert und diskutiert. Dabei ist es gelungen, theoretische Überlegungen mit historischen und aktuellen Fakten zu verbinden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Tagung werden in diesem Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung dem interessierten Leser vorgestellt.Peer Reviewe

    The politics of forest bureaucracy as a subject of comparative studies.

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    XVIII IUFRO World Congress, Ljubljana 1986

    <Chapter 2> Optimizing forest government and governance in Europe: Defining forest policy with national tradition or European Union "modernization"

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    This paper is a revised version of the paper Krott, M. 2008. Forest Government and Governance within a Europe in Change. In: L. Cesaro; P. Gatto; D. Pettenella (eds.) The Multifunctional Role of Forests – Policies, Methods and Case Studies. EFI Proceedings, No. 55, European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Pp.13- 25.Since 1990, when Eastern Europe began the transition toward democracy and a market economy, integration of the European Union has strengthened. This has caused both problems and opportunities for the forestry sector, resulting in two types of responses in forest policy. In the first case, in the emerging democracies, the classic instruments of forest government—the rule of law, private ownership and markets for forestry—were instituted or rebuilt. With respect to these reforms, implementation is the major problem today. In the second response, forest governance—cooperative forest policy-making with selforganizing networks of participants from policy, economy and society—was introduced through National Forest Programs or the forest strategy of the European Union. This paper examines relevant policymaking theory, network analysis and case studies in order to demonstrate that this new forest governance offers opportunities for mutual learning, but that the results are also determined by power processes. By showing how power is distributed, network analysis provides useful information in the decision whether to join a specific network. Enhanced forest governance could be a new task for a “facilitating state forest administration.” Whether the state forest service should jump into this new role depends on its ability to become a trusted mediator among all stakeholders in the forests. In conclusion, to develop a strong forest policy it is recommended not simply to follow the EU modern forest governance policy blindly but also to rely on traditional national government instruments and to actively make use of the governance instruments in selected cases only