89 research outputs found

    Towards Safer Robot Motion: Using a Qualitative Motion Model to Classify Human-Robot Spatial Interaction

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    For adoption of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) across a breadth of industries, they must navigate around humans in a way which is safe and which humans perceive as safe, but without greatly compromising efficiency. This work aims to classify the Human-Robot Spatial Interaction (HRSI) situation of an interacting human and robot, to be applied in Human-Aware Navigation (HAN) to account for situational context. We develop qualitative probabilistic models of relative human and robot movements in various HRSI situations to classify situations, and explain our plan to develop per-situation probabilistic models of socially legible HRSI to predict human and robot movement. In future work we aim to use these predictions to generate qualitative constraints in the form of metric cost-maps for local robot motion planners, enforcing more efficient and socially legible trajectories which are both physically safe and perceived as safe

    Standardized measurement of coronary inflammation using cardiovascular computed tomography: integration in clinical care as a prognostic medical device

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    Aims: Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) is a first-line modality in the investigation of suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Mapping of perivascular fat attenuation index (FAI) on routine CCTA enables the non-invasive detection of coronary artery inflammation by quantifying spatial changes in perivascular fat composition. We now report the performance of a new medical device, CaRi-Heart¼, which integrates standardized FAI mapping together with clinical risk factors and plaque metrics to provide individualized cardiovascular risk prediction. Methods and results: The study included 3912 consecutive patients undergoing CCTA as part of clinical care in the USA (n = 2040) and Europe (n = 1872). These cohorts were used to generate age-specific nomograms and percentile curves as reference maps for the standardized interpretation of FAI. The first output of CaRi-Heart¼ is the FAI-Score of each coronary artery, which provides a measure of coronary inflammation adjusted for technical, biological, and anatomical characteristics. FAI-Score is then incorporated into a risk prediction algorithm together with clinical risk factors and CCTA-derived coronary plaque metrics to generate the CaRi-Heart¼ Risk that predicts the likelihood of a fatal cardiac event at 8 years. CaRi-Heart¼ Risk was trained in the US population and its performance was validated externally in the European population. It improved risk discrimination over a clinical risk factor-based model [Δ(C-statistic) of 0.085, P = 0.01 in the US Cohort and 0.149, P < 0.001 in the European cohort] and had a consistent net clinical benefit on decision curve analysis above a baseline traditional risk factor-based model across the spectrum of cardiac risk. Conclusion: Mapping of perivascular FAI on CCTA enables the non-invasive detection of coronary artery inflammation by quantifying spatial changes in perivascular fat composition. We now report the performance of a new medical device, CaRi-Heart¼, which allows standardized measurement of coronary inflammation by calculating the FAI-Score of each coronary artery. The CaRi-Heart¼ device provides a reliable prediction of the patient's absolute risk for a fatal cardiac event by incorporating traditional cardiovascular risk factors along with comprehensive CCTA coronary plaque and perivascular adipose tissue phenotyping. This integration advances the prognostic utility of CCTA for individual patients and paves the way for its use as a dual diagnostic and prognostic tool among patients referred for CCTA

    Volume Load-Induced Right Ventricular Failure in Rats Is Not Associated With Myocardial Fibrosis

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    Background Right ventricular (RV) function and failure are key determinants of morbidity and mortality in various cardiovascular diseases. Myocardial fibrosis is regarded as a contributing factor to heart failure, but its importance in RV failure has been challenged. This study aims to assess whether myocardial fibrosis drives the transition from compensated to decompensated volume load-induced RV dysfunction. Methods Wistar rats were subjected to aorto-caval shunt (ACS, n = 23) or sham (control, n = 15) surgery, and sacrificed after 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months. Echocardiography, RV pressure-volume analysis, assessment of gene expression and cardiac histology were performed. Results At 6 months, 6/8 ACS-rats (75%) showed clinical signs of RV failure (pleural effusion, ascites and/or liver edema), whereas at 1 month and 3 months, no signs of RV failure had developed yet. Cardiac output has increased two- to threefold and biventricular dilatation occurred, while LV ejection fraction gradually decreased. At 1 month and 3 months, RV end-systolic elastance (Ees) remained unaltered, but at 6 months, RV Ees had decreased substantially. In the RV, no oxidative stress, inflammation, pro-fibrotic signaling (TGF beta 1 and pSMAD2/3), or fibrosis were present at any time point. Conclusions In the ACS rat model, long-term volume load was initially well tolerated at 1 month and 3 months, but induced overt clinical signs of end-stage RV failure at 6 months. However, no myocardial fibrosis or increased pro-fibrotic signaling had developed. These findings indicate that myocardial fibrosis is not involved in the transition from compensated to decompensated RV dysfunction in this model

    Activated plasma coagulation ÎČ-Factor XII-induced vasoconstriction in rats

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    By inducing BK (bradykinin)-stimulated adrenomedullary catecholamine release, bolus injection of the ÎČ-fragment of activated plasma coagulation Factor XII (ÎČ-FXIIa) transiently elevates BP (blood pressure) and HR (heart rate) of anaesthetized, vagotomized, ganglion-blocked, captopril-treated bioassay rats. We hypothesized that intravenous infusion of ÎČ-FXIIa into intact untreated rats would elicit a qualitatively similar vasoconstrictor response. BN (Brown Norway) rats received for 60 min either: (i) saline (control; n=10); (ii) ÎČ-FXIIa (85 ng/min per kg of body weight; n=9); or (iii) ÎČ-FXIIa after 2ADX (bilateral adrenalectomy; n=9). LV (left ventricular) volume and aortic BP were recorded before (30 min baseline), during (60 min) and after (30 min recovery) the infusion. TPR (total peripheral resistance) was derived from MAP (mean arterial pressure), SV (stroke volume) and HR. Saline had no haemodynamic effects. ÎČ-FXIIa infusion increased its plasma concentration 3-fold in both groups. In adrenally intact rats, ÎČ-FXIIa infusion increased MAP by 6% (5±2 mmHg) and TPR by 45% (0.50±0.12 mmHg/ml per min), despite falls in SV (−38±8 Όl) and HR [−18±5 b.p.m. (beats/min)] (all P<0.05). In 2ADX rats, ÎČ-FXIIa had no HR effect, but decreased SV (−89±9 Όl) and MAP (−4±1 mmHg), and increased TPR by 66% (0.59±0.15 mmHg/ml per min) (all P<0.05). After infusion, adrenally intact rats exhibited persistent vasoconstriction (MAP, 10±1 mmHg; TPR, 0.55±0.07 mmHg/ml per min; both P<0.05), whereas in 2ADX rats, MAP remained 5±1 mmHg below baseline (P<0.05) and TPR returned to baseline. End-study arterial adrenaline (epinephrine) concentrations in the three groups were 1.9±0.6, 9.8±4.1 and 0.6±0.2 nmol/l respectively. Thus, in neurally intact lightly anaesthetized untreated rats, ÎČ-FXIIa infusion induces both adrenal catecholamine-mediated and adrenally independent increases in peripheral resistance

    Mutations in the nuclear localization sequence of the Aristaless related homeobox; sequestration of mutant ARX with IPO13 disrupts normal subcellular distribution of the transcription factor and retards cell division

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    The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.pathogeneticsjournal.com/content/3/1/1Background: Aristaless related homeobox (ARX) is a paired-type homeobox gene. ARX function is frequently affected by naturally occurring mutations. Nonsense mutations, polyalanine tract expansions and missense mutations in ARX cause a range of intellectual disability and epilepsy phenotypes with or without additional features including hand dystonia, lissencephaly, autism or dysarthria. Severe malformation phenotypes, such as X-linked lissencephaly with ambiguous genitalia (XLAG), are frequently observed in individuals with protein truncating or missense mutations clustered in the highly conserved paired-type homeodomain. Results: We have identified two novel point mutations in the R379 residue of the ARX homeodomain; c.1135C>A, p.R379S in a patient with infantile spasms and intellectual disability and c.1136G>T, p.R379L in a patient with XLAG. We investigated these and other missense mutations (R332P, R332H, R332C, T333N: associated with XLAG and Proud syndrome) predicted to affect the nuclear localisation sequences (NLS) flanking either end of the ARX homeodomain. The NLS regions are required for correct nuclear import facilitated by Importin 13 (IPO13). We demonstrate that missense mutations in either the N- or C-terminal NLS regions of the homeodomain cause significant disruption to nuclear localisation of the ARX protein in vitro. Surprisingly, none of these mutations abolished the binding of ARX to IPO13. This was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and immmuno fluorescence studies. Instead, tagged and endogenous IPO13 remained bound to the mutant ARX proteins, even in the RanGTP rich nuclear environment. We also identify the microtubule protein TUBA1A as a novel interacting protein for ARX and show cells expressing mutant ARX protein accumulate in mitosis, indicating normal cell division may be disrupted. Conclusions: We show that the most likely, common pathogenic mechanism of the missense mutations in NLS regions of the ARX homeodomain is inadequate accumulation and distribution of the ARX transcription factor within the nucleus due to sequestration of ARX with IPO13.Cheryl Shoubridge, May Huey Tan, Tod Fullston, Desiree Cloosterman, David Coman, George McGillivray, Grazia M Mancini, Tjitske Kleefstra and Jozef GĂ©c

    Mosaic structural variation in children with developmental disorders

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    Delineating the genetic causes of developmental disorders is an area of active investigation. Mosaic structural abnormalities, defined as copy number or loss of heterozygosity events that are large and present in only a subset of cells, have been detected in 0.2–1.0% of children ascertained for clinical genetic testing. However, the frequency among healthy children in the community is not well characterized, which, if known, could inform better interpretation of the pathogenic burden of this mutational category in children with developmental disorders. In a case–control analysis, we compared the rate of large-scale mosaicism between 1303 children with developmental disorders and 5094 children lacking developmental disorders, using an analytical pipeline we developed, and identified a substantial enrichment in cases (odds ratio = 39.4, P-value 1.073e − 6). A meta-analysis that included frequency estimates among an additional 7000 children with congenital diseases yielded an even stronger statistical enrichment (P-value 1.784e − 11). In addition, to maximize the detection of low-clonality events in probands, we applied a trio-based mosaic detection algorithm, which detected two additional events in probands, including an individual with genome-wide suspected chimerism. In total, we detected 12 structural mosaic abnormalities among 1303 children (0.9%). Given the burden of mosaicism detected in cases, we suspected that many of the events detected in probands were pathogenic. Scrutiny of the genotypic–phenotypic relationship of each detected variant assessed that the majority of events are very likely pathogenic. This work quantifies the burden of structural mosaicism as a cause of developmental disorders

    Gingival fibromatosis: clinical, molecular and therapeutic issues

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