20 research outputs found

    Small suspension-feeding amphipods play a pivotal role in carbon dynamics around offshore man-made structures

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    The establishment of artificial hard substrates (i.e. offshore wind farms and oil and gas platforms) on marine soft sediments increases the available habitat for invertebrate communities that would otherwise be restricted to natural hard bottoms. Suspension feeding invertebrates clear a significant amount of particles from the water column and release organic matter in the form of feces, influencing the basis of marine food webs and affecting surrounding environments. Artificial structures in the southern North Sea are dominated by a suspension-feeding crustacean in terms of abundance and sometimes even biomass: the amphipod Jassa herdmani. Animal densities of this tiny biofouler are known to exceed 1 million individuals per m2. Despite their small body sizes and their simple filter apparatus, we hypothesized that J. herdmani is a highly effective suspension feeder with a significant impact on neighboring communities due to its high abundances. In a feeding experiment, individuals of J. herdmani were provided with either an algal or an animal diet under two different temperature regimes. Clearance rates and fecal-pellet carbon (FPC) were measured. The results revealed high clearance rates and subsequent FPC, which were more pronounced at the higher temperature. Furthermore, clearance rates and FPC varied insignificantly with different food items. We further used the current findings for upscaling calculations to the total number of offshore windfarms and oil and gas platforms in the southern North Sea. Our calculations indicated that J. herdmani alone clears 0.33–4.71 km3 water per year in the southern North Sea. At the same time, these amphipods release 255–547 tons of carbon per year by means of defecation, thus enriching the surrounding soft sediments with organic matter. Our study highlights that tiny amphipods can mediate indirect effects of man-made structures in the North Sea, which could have a profound impact on pelagic and benthic habitats

    Fouling community composition on a pilot floating solar-energy installation in the coastal Dutch North Sea

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    The increasing need for renewable energy has led to the transition of renewable energy devices to the marine environment. Currently, mainly offshore wind farms have been completely developed and are operational in the North Sea. The solar energy sector is also rapidly evolving and floating photovoltaics are continuously created and deployed. In this study, we investigated the colonisation patterns and community changes with time of fouling fauna on the first floating photovoltaics in the coastal Dutch North Sea. Samples were collected by divers from the underwater side of 4 floaters, coated with different anti-fouling techniques (Intersleek, GreenPowerNano PPDura, Finsulate and Pato) at two different moments, shortly after the deployment of the floaters and approximately a year later. In total, 72 fouling taxa were identified on the floaters, from which ca. 11% are known to be non-indigenous species for the region. The anti-fouling coating Intersleek seemed to work the most efficiently against fouling colonisation, since the fouling community sampled from this floater contained the least taxa. However, the small number of samples collected from the different floaters did not allow for a direct comparison between the anti-fouling coatings. The communities evolved with time, with young communities accommodating a larger number of individuals and old communities having less individuals but higher biomass, indicating that the organisms become bigger in size and compete for the available space. Nevertheless, the communities had not reached a stable climax yet, while this process might take multiple years due to the dynamic environment in which floating photovoltaics are deployed. Monitoring the fouling communities occurring on floating photovoltaics in the North Sea for a long-term is necessary to understand the effects of these new man-made structures on the marine environment, especially since floating photovoltaics are moving to offshore locations and will be possibly co-located with offshore wind farms in the future

    To what extent can decommissioning options for marine artificial structures move us toward environmental targets?

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    Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy is key to international energy transition efforts and the move toward net zero. For many nations, this requires decommissioning of hundreds of oil and gas infrastructure in the marine environment. Current international, regional and national legislation largely dictates that structures must be completely removed at end-of-life although, increasingly, alternative decommissioning options are being promoted and implemented. Yet, a paucity of real-world case studies describing the impacts of decommissioning on the environment make decision-making with respect to which option(s) might be optimal for meeting international and regional strategic environmental targets challenging. To address this gap, we draw together international expertise and judgment from marine environmental scientists on marine artificial structures as an alternative source of evidence that explores how different decommissioning options might ameliorate pressures that drive environmental status toward (or away) from environmental objectives. Synthesis reveals that for 37 United Nations and Oslo-Paris Commissions (OSPAR) global and regional environmental targets, experts consider repurposing or abandoning individual structures, or abandoning multiple structures across a region, as the options that would most strongly contribute toward targets. This collective view suggests complete removal may not be best for the environment or society. However, different decommissioning options act in different ways and make variable contributions toward environmental targets, such that policy makers and managers would likely need to prioritise some targets over others considering political, social, economic, and ecological contexts. Current policy may not result in optimal outcomes for the environment or society

    Developing expert scientific consensus on the environmental and societal effects of marine artificial structures prior to decommissioning

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    This work was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council and the INSITE programme [INSITE SYNTHESIS project, grant number NE/W009889/1].Thousands of artificial (‘human-made’) structures are present in the marine environment, many at or approaching end-of-life and requiring urgent decisions regarding their decommissioning. No consensus has been reached on which decommissioning option(s) result in optimal environmental and societal outcomes, in part, owing to a paucity of evidence from real-world decommissioning case studies. To address this significant challenge, we asked a worldwide panel of scientists to provide their expert opinion. They were asked to identify and characterise the ecosystem effects of artificial structures in the sea, their causes and consequences, and to identify which, if any, should be retained following decommissioning. Experts considered that most of the pressures driving ecological and societal effects from marine artificial structures (MAS) were of medium severity, occur frequently, and are dependent on spatial scale with local-scale effects of greater magnitude than regional effects. The duration of many effects following decommissioning were considered to be relatively short, in the order of days. Overall, environmental effects of structures were considered marginally undesirable, while societal effects marginally desirable. Experts therefore indicated that any decision to leave MAS in place at end-of-life to be more beneficial to society than the natural environment. However, some individual environmental effects were considered desirable and worthy of retention, especially in certain geographic locations, where structures can support improved trophic linkages, increases in tourism, habitat provision, and population size, and provide stability in population dynamics. The expert analysis consensus that the effects of MAS are both negative and positive for the environment and society, gives no strong support for policy change whether removal or retention is favoured until further empirical evidence is available to justify change to the status quo. The combination of desirable and undesirable effects associated with MAS present a significant challenge for policy- and decision-makers in their justification to implement decommissioning options. Decisions may need to be decided on a case-by-case basis accounting for the trade-off in costs and benefits at a local level.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Developing expert scientific consensus on the environmental and societal effects of marine artificial structures prior to decommissioning

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    Thousands of artificial (‘human-made’) structures are present in the marine environment, many at or approaching end-of-life and requiring urgent decisions regarding their decommissioning. No consensus has been reached on which decommissioning option(s) result in optimal environmental and societal outcomes, in part, owing to a paucity of evidence from real-world decommissioning case studies. To address this significant challenge, we asked a worldwide panel of scientists to provide their expert opinion. They were asked to identify and characterise the ecosystem effects of artificial structures in the sea, their causes and consequences, and to identify which, if any, should be retained following decommissioning. Experts considered that most of the pressures driving ecological and societal effects from marine artificial structures (MAS) were of medium severity, occur frequently, and are dependent on spatial scale with local-scale effects of greater magnitude than regional effects. The duration of many effects following decommissioning were considered to be relatively short, in the order of days. Overall, environmental effects of structures were considered marginally undesirable, while societal effects marginally desirable. Experts therefore indicated that any decision to leave MAS in place at end-of-life to be more beneficial to society than the natural environment. However, some individual environmental effects were considered desirable and worthy of retention, especially in certain geographic locations, where structures can support improved trophic linkages, increases in tourism, habitat provision, and population size, and provide stability in population dynamics. The expert analysis consensus that the effects of MAS are both negative and positive for the environment and society, gives no strong support for policy change whether removal or retention is favoured until further empirical evidence is available to justify change to the status quo. The combination of desirable and undesirable effects associated with MAS present a significant challenge for policy- and decision-makers in their justification to implement decommissioning options. Decisions may need to be decided on a case-by-case basis accounting for the trade-off in costs and benefits at a local level

    Offshore wind farms and the attraction–production hypothesis : insights from a combination of stomach content and stable isotope analyses

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    Offshore wind farms (OWFs) act as artificial reefs, attracting high abundances of fish, which could potentially increase their local production. This study investigates the feeding ecology of fish species that abundantly occur at artificial habitats, such as OWFs, by examining the short- and the long-term dietary composition of five species: the benthopelagic Gadus morhua and Trisopterus luscus, the pelagic Scomber scombrus and Trachurus trachurus, and the benthic Myoxocephalus scorpioides. We conducted combined stomach content and stable isotope analyses to examine the short- and the time-integrated dietary composition, respectively. Our results indicated that benthopelagic and benthic species utilize artificial reefs, such as OWFs, as feeding grounds for a prolonged period, since both analyses indicated that they exploit fouling organisms occurring exclusively on artificial hard substrates. Trachurus trachurus only occasionally uses artificial reefs as oases of highly abundant resources. Scomber scombrus does not feed on fouling fauna and therefore its augmented presence in OWFs is probably related to reasons other than the enhanced food availability. The long-termed feeding preferences of benthic and benthopelagic species contribute to the hypothesis that the artificial reefs of OWFs could potentially increase the fish production in the area. However, this was not supported for the pelagic species.</p

    Organic matter assimilation by hard substrate fauna in an offshore wind farm area : a pulse-chase study

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    The installation of offshore wind farms (OWFs) adds artificial hard substrates into naturally soft-bottom areas, changing the local biodiversity. The turbine foundations are rapidly colonized by colonizing organisms, mainly consisting of suspension feeders that can potentially reduce the local primary producer standing stock. In this study, we estimated the amount of organic matter processed by colonizing assemblages of OWFs. We conducted a laboratory pulse-chase experiment, by offering C-13-labelled fragmented microalgae to PVC panels colonized by OWF colonizing fauna. The blue mussel Mytilus edulis showed the highest biomass-specific carbon assimilation, while the high densities of the amphipod Jassa herdmani resulted in the highest total carbon assimilation. By upscaling our results to the total number of the installed offshore wind turbines in the Belgian part of the North Sea, we estimate that these species can reduce the local primary producer standing stock in the area by ca. 1.3%. Mytilus edulis and J. herdmani communities colonizing offshore wind turbine foundations significantly increase carbon assimilation compared to natural soft sediment macrofauna inhabiting the same surface area (i.e. footprint of the turbines)

    Sampling hard substrates in Dutch offshore wind farms : work plan towards an offshore wind farm hard substrate sampling & monitoring programme in the Netherlands [MONS-project ID46]

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    In The Netherlands, the first offshore wind farm (OWF) became fully operational in 2007. This OWF was followed by several others. The establishment of wind farms is accompanied by a rapid colonisation by fouling species, which attach on the newly introduced hard substrates. Monitoring programmes of the communities on wind turbine foundations in the Netherlands have not yet been conducted on a long-term basis (>5 years) after construction. The ‘Monitoring and Research, Nature Enhancement and Species Protection’ (MONS) aims, among many other things, to monitor hard substrate communities in OWFs during the next 10 years. The focus is on differences in succession in OWFs with different characteristics in the various habitats and monitoring long term succession of benthic communities on the turbine foundations and scour protection layer (SPL). Since the execution of hard substrate sampling campaigns in OWFs is challenging and costly, an advice was requested on how to come to a feasible monitoring programme in MONS. For this purpose, the available and to-be-developed sampling methods and legal & safety requirements were evaluated. Multiple methods are available that are or may become suitable but no single method meets all criteria. On the very short term, the only fully suitable method to obtain samples from the turbine foundations, is collection by divers using manual scraping tools and sample nets as has been performed in past research in OWFs and on other offshore installations. However, OWF operators prefer to replace diving work with remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) wherever possible, as part of their legal obligations to minimise health and safety risks. In the next 2 years, an ROV mounted sampling tool in development by Bluestream and Wageningen Marine Research may become a suitable replacement for diver sampling. To collect small rocks from the scour protection layer, multiple methods exist, but for some of the options may not be accepted by OWF operators. The single method likely to be accepted is to make use of ROV mounted manipulator arms, collecting the rocks and depositing them in baskets. This has been applied in the past and the use of ROV tools increases health & safety, which is why this method is likely to be preferred by offshore windfarm operators