114 research outputs found
Regional averaging and scaling in relativistic cosmology
Averaged inhomogeneous cosmologies lie at the forefront of interest, since
cosmological parameters like the rate of expansion or the mass density are to
be considered as volume-averaged quantities and only these can be compared with
observations. For this reason the relevant parameters are intrinsically
scale-dependent and one wishes to control this dependence without restricting
the cosmological model by unphysical assumptions. In the latter respect we
contrast our way to approach the averaging problem in relativistic cosmology
with shortcomings of averaged Newtonian models. Explicitly, we investigate the
scale-dependence of Eulerian volume averages of scalar functions on Riemannian
three-manifolds. We propose a complementary view of a Lagrangian smoothing of
(tensorial) variables as opposed to their Eulerian averaging on spatial
domains. This program is realized with the help of a global Ricci deformation
flow for the metric. We explain rigorously the origin of the Ricci flow which,
on heuristic grounds, has already been suggested as a possible candidate for
smoothing the initial data set for cosmological spacetimes. The smoothing of
geometry implies a renormalization of averaged spatial variables. We discuss
the results in terms of effective cosmological parameters that would be
assigned to the smoothed cosmological spacetime.Comment: LateX, IOPstyle, 48 pages, 11 figures; matches published version in
Cosmological parameters are dressed
In the context of the averaging problem in relativistic cosmology, we provide
a key to the interpretation of cosmological parameters by taking into account
the actual inhomogeneous geometry of the Universe. We discuss the relation
between `bare' cosmological parameters determining the cosmological model, and
the parameters interpreted by observers with a ``Friedmannian bias'', which are
`dressed' by the smoothed-out geometrical inhomogeneities of the surveyed
spatial region.Comment: LateX, PRLstyle, 4 pages; submitted to PR
Entropy estimates for Simplicial Quantum Gravity
Through techniques of controlled topology we determine the entropy function characterizing the distribution of combinatorially inequivalent metric ball coverings of n-dimensional manifolds of bounded geometry for every n â„ 2. Such functions control the asymptotic distribution of dynamical triangulations of the corresponding n-dimensional (pseudo)manifolds M of bounded geometry. They have an exponential leading behavior determined by the Reidemeister-Franz torsion associated with orthogonal representations of the fundamental group of the manifold. The subleading terms are instead controlled by the Euler characteristic of M. Such results are either consistent with the known asymptotics of dynamically triangulated two-dimensional surfaces, or with the numerical evidence supporting an exponential leading behavior for the number of inequivalent dynamical triangulations on three- and four-dimensional manifolds
Invariants of spin networks with boundary in Quantum Gravity and TQFT's
The search for classical or quantum combinatorial invariants of compact
n-dimensional manifolds (n=3,4) plays a key role both in topological field
theories and in lattice quantum gravity. We present here a generalization of
the partition function proposed by Ponzano and Regge to the case of a compact
3-dimensional simplicial pair . The resulting state sum
contains both Racah-Wigner 6j symbols associated with
tetrahedra and Wigner 3jm symbols associated with triangular faces lying in
. The analysis of the algebraic identities associated with the
combinatorial transformations involved in the proof of the topological
invariance makes it manifest a common structure underlying the 3-dimensional
models with empty and non empty boundaries respectively. The techniques
developed in the 3-dimensional case can be further extended in order to deal
with combinatorial models in n=2,4 and possibly to establish a hierarchy among
such models. As an example we derive here a 2-dimensional closed state sum
model including suitable sums of products of double 3jm symbols, each one of
them being associated with a triangle in the surface.Comment: 9 page
Ricci Flow Conjugated Initial Data Sets for Einstein Equations
We discuss a natural form of Ricci--flow conjugation between two distinct
general relativistic data sets given on a compact -dimensional
manifold . We establish the existence of the relevant entropy
functionals for the matter and geometrical variables, their monotonicity
properties, and the associated convergence in the appropriate sense. We show
that in such a framework there is a natural mode expansion generated by the
spectral resolution of the Ricci conjugate Hodge--DeRham operator. This mode
expansion allows to compare the two distinct data sets and gives rise to a
computable heat kernel expansion of the fluctuations among the fields defining
the data. In particular this shows that Ricci flow conjugation entails a form
of averaging of one data set with respect to the other with a number of
desiderable properties: (i) It preserves the dominant energy condition; (ii) It
is localized by a heat kernel whose support sets the scale of averaging; (iii)
It is characterized by a set of balance functionals which allow the analysis of
its entropic stability.Comment: 74 pages, 22 figures added, submitted version. The paper has been
vastly expanded with a new detailed introduction and with added results on
the asymptotics of the Ricci flow averaged data. This work is partly based on
the lectures of the author at the GGI School "Coarse--Grained Cosmology",
Florence January 26--29, 200
Renormalization Group and the Ricci flow
We discuss from a geometric point of view the connection between the
renormalization group flow for non--linear sigma models and the Ricci flow.
This offers new perspectives in providing a geometrical landscape for 2D
quantum field theories. In particular we argue that the structure of Ricci flow
singularities suggests a natural way for extending, beyond the weak coupling
regime, the embedding of the Ricci flow into the renormalization group flow.Comment: 30 pages, 16 PNG figures, Conference talk at the Riemann
International School of Mathematics: Advances in Number Theory and Geometry,
Verbania April 19-24, 2009- Proceedings to appear in Milan Journal of
Mathematics (Birkhauser
Quantum Tetrahedra
We discuss in details the role of Wigner 6j symbol as the basic building
block unifying such different fields as state sum models for quantum geometry,
topological quantum field theory, statistical lattice models and quantum
computing. The apparent twofold nature of the 6j symbol displayed in quantum
field theory and quantum computing -a quantum tetrahedron and a computational
gate- is shown to merge together in a unified quantum-computational SU(2)-state
sum framework
12j-symbols and four-dimensional quantum gravity
We propose a model which represents a four-dimensional version of Ponzano and
Regge's three-dimensional euclidean quantum gravity. In particular we show that
the exponential of the euclidean Einstein-Regge action for a -discretized
block is given, in the semiclassical limit, by a gaussian integral of a
suitable -symbol. Possible developments of this result are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, Late
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