86 research outputs found

    Fast moving horizon state estimation for discrete-time systems using single and multi iteration descent methods

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    Descent algorithms based on the gradient,conjugate gradient, and Newton methods are investigated to perform optimization in moving horizon state estimation for discrete-time linear and nonlinear systems. Conditions that ensure the stability of the estimation error are established for single and multi iteration schemes with a least-squares cost function that takes into account only a batch of most recent information. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches also in comparison with techniques based on the Kalman filter

    Optimal Control of Propagating Fronts by Using Level Set Methods and Neural Approximations

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    We address the optimal control of level sets associated with the solution of the normal flow equation. The problem consists in finding the normal velocity to the front described by a certain level set in such a way to minimize a given cost functional. First, the considered problem is shown to admit a solution on a suitable space of functions. Then, since in general it is difficult to solve it analytically, an approximation scheme that relies on the extended Ritz method is proposed to find suboptimal solutions. Specifically, the control law is forced to take on a neural structure depending nonlinearly on a finite number of parameters to be tuned, i.e., the neural weights. The selection of the optimal weights is performed with two different approaches. The first one employs classical line-search descent methods, while the second one is based on a quasi-Newton optimization that can be regarded as neural learning based on the extended Kalman filter. Compared with line-search methods, such an approach reveals to be successful with a reduced computational effort and an increased robustness with respect to the trapping into local minima, as confirmed by simulations in both two and three dimensions

    Screening of an endothelial cDNA library identifies the C-terminal region of Nedd5 as a novel autoantigen in systemic lupus erythematosus with psychiatric manifestations

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    Anti-endothelial-cell antibodies are associated with psychiatric manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Our primary aim in this study was to seek and characterize molecules that behave as endothelial autoantigens in SLE patients with psychiatric manifestations. By screening a cDNA library from human umbilical artery endothelial cells with serum from an SLE patient with psychosis, we identified one positive strongly reactive clone encoding the C-terminal region (C-ter) of Nedd5, an intracytoplasmatic protein of the septin family. To evaluate anti-Nedd5 serum immunoreactivity, we analyzed by ELISA specific IgG responses in 17 patients with SLE and psychiatric manifestations (group A), 34 patients with SLE without psychiatric manifestations (group B), 20 patients with systemic sclerosis, 20 patients with infectious mononucleosis, and 35 healthy subjects. IgG specific to Nedd5 C-ter was present in 14 (27%) of the 51 SLE patients. The mean optical density value for IgG immunoreactivity to Nedd5 C-ter was significantly higher in patients of group A than in those of group B, those with infectious mononucleosis, or healthy subjects (0.17 ± 0.14 vs, respectively, 0.11 ± 0.07, P = 0.04; 0.11 ± 0.06, P = 0.034; and 0.09 ± 0.045, P = 0.003, on Student's t-test). Moreover, IgG immunoreactivity to Nedd5 C-ter was significantly higher in patients with systemic sclerosis than in patients of group B or healthy subjects (0.18 ± 0.18 vs, respectively, 0.11 ± 0.07, P = 0.046; and 0.09 ± 0.045, P = 0.003). The percentage of patients with anti-Nedd5 C-ter serum IgG was higher in group A than in group B (8 (47%) of 17, vs 6 (17%) of 34, P = 0.045, on Fisher's exact test). In order to clarify a possible mechanism by which Nedd5 might be autoantigenic, we observed that Nedd5 relocated from cytoplasm to the plasma membrane of EAhy926 endothelial cells after apoptotic stimuli. In conclusion, Nedd5 is a novel autoantigen of potential clinical importance that could be successfully used for a more thorough investigation of the pathogenesis of psychiatric manifestations in SLE. Although anti-Nedd5 autoantibodies are not specific to SLE, they are significantly associated with neuropsychiatric SLE and may represent immunological markers of psychiatric manifestations in this pathology

    La Sassa cave:Isotopic evidence for Copper Age and Bronze Age population dynamics in Central Italy

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    This study focuses on the changes in diet and mobility of people buried in the La Sassa cave (Latium, Central Italy) during the Copper and Bronze Ages to contribute to the understanding of the complex contemporary population dynamics in Central Italy. To that purpose, carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses, strontium isotope analyses, and FT-IR evaluations were performed on human and faunal remains from this cave. The stable isotope analyses evidence a slight shift in diet between Copper and Bronze Age individuals, which becomes prominent in an individual, dating from a late phase, when the cave was mainly used as a cultic shelter. This diachronic study documents an increased dietary variability due to the introduction of novel resources in these protohistoric societies, possibly related to the southward spread of northern human groups into Central Italy. This contact between different cultures is also testified by the pottery typology found in the cave. The latter shows an increase in cultural intermingling starting during the beginning of the middle Bronze Age. The local mobility during this phase likely involved multiple communities scattered throughout an area of a few kilometers around the cave, which used the latter as a burial site both in the Copper and Bronze ages.</p

    Seismic analysis and retrofitting of an existing R.C. highway bridge: investigation through pseudo-dynamic

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    The “Retro” TA project funded by the European commission within the Series-project aims at studying numerically and experimentally the seismic behaviour of an old existing reinforced concrete bridge with portal frame piers and the effectiveness of different isolation systems. In particular, an experimental test campaign will be performed at ELSA Laboratory of JRC (Ispra, Italy). Two piers (scale 1:2.5) will be built and tested using the PsD technique with sub-structuring; the modelling of he entire viaduct is considered along with the non-linear behaviour of each pier, due to bending, shear on the transverse beams and strain penetration effect at the column bases. The comprehensive numerical investigations have shown the high vulnerability of the sample bridge. Consequently two isolation systems (yielding-based and friction-based bearings) have been currently designed and characterized. Because the test will start after the summer 2012, in this paper the relevant issues will be here addressed and discussed.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Ticks produce highly selective chemokine binding proteins with antiinflammatory activity

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    Bloodsucking parasites such as ticks have evolved a wide variety of immunomodulatory proteins that are secreted in their saliva, allowing them to feed for long periods of time without being detected by the host immune system. One possible strategy used by ticks to evade the host immune response is to produce proteins that selectively bind and neutralize the chemokines that normally recruit cells of the innate immune system that protect the host from parasites. We have identified distinct cDNAs encoding novel chemokine binding proteins (CHPBs), which we have termed Evasins, using an expression cloning approach. These CHBPs have unusually stringent chemokine selectivity, differentiating them from broader spectrum viral CHBPs. Evasin-1 binds to CCL3, CCL4, and CCL18; Evasin-3 binds to CXCL8 and CXCL1; and Evasin-4 binds to CCL5 and CCL11. We report the characterization of Evasin-1 and -3, which are unrelated in primary sequence and tertiary structure, and reveal novel folds. Administration of recombinant Evasin-1 and -3 in animal models of disease demonstrates that they have potent antiinflammatory properties. These novel CHBPs designed by nature are even smaller than the recently described single-domain antibodies (Hollinger, P., and P.J. Hudson. 2005. Nat. Biotechnol. 23:1126–1136), and may be therapeutically useful as novel antiinflammatory agents in the future

    Ozone as adjuvant support in the treatment of covid-19: a preliminary report of probiozovid trial

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    This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/jmv.26636.Rationale: The evaluation of new therapeutic resources against COVID-19 represents a priority in clinical research considering the minimal options currently available. Objectives: To evaluate the adjuvant use of systemic oxygen-ozone administration in the early control of disease progression in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Methods: PROBIOZOVID is an ongoing, interventional, randomized, prospective, double-arm trial enrolling patient with COVID-19 pneumonia. From a total of 85 patients screened, 28 were recruited. Patients were randomly divided into ozone- autohemotherapy group (14) and control group (14). The procedure consisted in a daily double-treatment with systemic Oxygen-Ozone administration for 7 days. All patients were treated with ad interim best available therapy. Measurements and Main Results: The primary outcome was delta in the number of patients requiring orotracheal-intubation despite treatment. Secondary outcome was the difference of mortality between the two groups. Moreover, haematological parameters were compared before and after treatment. No differences in the characteristics between groups were observed at baseline. As a preliminary report we have observed that one patient for each group needed intubation and was transferred to ITU. No deaths were observed at 7-14 days of follow up. Thirty-day mortality was 8,3% for ozone group and 10% for controls. Ozone therapy didn’t significantly influence inflammation markers, haematology profile and lymphocyte subpopulations of patients treated. Ozone therapy had an impact on the need for the ventilatory support, although didn’t reach statistical significance. Finally, no adverse events related to the use of ozone-autohemotherapy were reported. Conclusions: Preliminary results, although not showing statistically significant benefits of ozone on COVID-19, did not report any toxicity