3,633 research outputs found

    Aboriginal Capacity Building Achievements for Sustainable Natural Resource Development

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    This knowledge synthesis report provides the first bibliometric profile and systemic review of research on Aboriginal capacity building for natural resource development in Canada.This report was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and The University of Winnipeg

    Coulomb effects in the absorbance spectra of two-dimensional Dirac materials

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    A wide range of materials like graphene, topological insulators and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) share an interesting property: the low energy excitations behave as Dirac particles. This emergent behavior of Dirac quasiparticles defines a large class of media that are usually called Dirac materials. The linear and nonlinear optical properties of Dirac materials with a gap are still largely unexplored, and in this Letter we build the foundations of a novel way to study the linear optical properties of these two-dimensional media. Our approach is based on a new Dirac-like formulation of the standard semiconductor Bloch equations used in semiconductor physics. We provide an explicit expression of the linear absorbance -- which we call the relativistic Elliott formula -- and use this to quantify the variation of the continuum absorbance spectrum with the strength of the Coulomb interaction (the Sommerfeld factor). Our calculations also show how the Coulomb enhancements scales with the bandgap and vanishes for zero bandgap, shedding new light on the behaviour of graphene for low light intensities. The results presented are in good quantitative agreement with published experimental results. Our new theory will allow researchers to explore the nonlinear interactions of intense, ultrashort pulses with TMDs, and the framework is flexible enough to be adapted to different experimental situations, such as cavities, multilayers, heterostructures and microresonators

    Categorical Models for a Semantically Linear Lambda-calculus

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    This paper is about a categorical approach to model a very simple Semantically Linear lambda calculus, named Sll-calculus. This is a core calculus underlying the programming language SlPCF. In particular, in this work, we introduce the notion of Sll-Category, which is able to describe a very large class of sound models of Sll-calculus. Sll-Category extends in the natural way Benton, Bierman, Hyland and de Paiva's Linear Category, in order to soundly interpret all the constructs of Sll-calculus. This category is general enough to catch interesting models in Scott Domains and Coherence Spaces

    Report of the Nova Scotia Independent Panel on Hydraulic Fracturing

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    On August 28, 2013, the Province of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Department of Energy signed an agreement with the Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment at Cape Breton University to conduct an external review on the environmental, socio-economic, and health impacts of hydraulic fracturing. Simultaneously, Dr. David Wheeler, President and Vice Chancellor of Cape Breton University, was asked to convene and Chair the review and expert panel on a voluntary and unpaid basis.1 The mandate for the review was to: create a panel of technical experts based on input from the public and hire technical consultant(s) to facilitate the work of the panel; hire a part-time project administrator; conduct public consultations on the process of hydraulic fracturing with online tools and face-to-face meetings with stakeholders; and conduct a literature review on the health and socio-economic impacts of hydraulic fracturing. These activities would result in a final report to the Government of Nova Scotia with recommendations on the potential of hydraulic fracturing to develop unconventional gas and oil resources in the Province. The scope of work included, but was not limited to, the following areas of research: effects on groundwater - including both water quality and quantity issues; effects on surface water; impacts on land; management of additives to hydraulic fracturing fluids; waste management; site restoration; requirements for hydraulic fracturing design including chemicals used; and the engineered design and financial security considerations that operators are required prior to conducting activity in the Province. The intended outcome for the project was for the Province of Nova Scotia to be able to make an informed decision on the future of hydraulic fracturing activity in Nova Scotia, based on input from technical experts and the public on environmental, health, and socio-economic impacts. The original end date for the review was June 30, 2014, but the deadline was extended until August 31, 2014

    Human Tra2 proteins jointly control a CHEK1 splicing switch among alternative and constitutive target exons

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    Alternative splicing—the production of multiple messenger RNA isoforms from a single gene—is regulated in part by RNA binding proteins. While the RBPs transformer2 alpha (Tra2α) and Tra2β have both been implicated in the regulation of alternative splicing, their relative contributions to this process are not well understood. Here we find simultaneous—but not individual—depletion of Tra2α and Tra2β induces substantial shifts in splicing of endogenous Tra2β target exons, and that both constitutive and alternative target exons are under dual Tra2α–Tra2β control. Target exons are enriched in genes associated with chromosome biology including CHEK1, which encodes a key DNA damage response protein. Dual Tra2 protein depletion reduces expression of full-length CHK1 protein, results in the accumulation of the DNA damage marker γH2AX and decreased cell viability. We conclude Tra2 proteins jointly control constitutive and alternative splicing patterns via paralog compensation to control pathways essential to the maintenance of cell viability

    Cytogenetic responses of Allium cepa L. after exposure to contaminated pond waters

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    Biomarkers may refer to certain changes in living cells induced by environmental contaminants. To assess these, plants act as excellent systems for genetic tests as they are sensitive to pollutants. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate a coastal pond (Brazil) used for fishing and recreation, but also affected by several environmental impacts. Three sampling stations were established around the pond to collect water during the rainy and a post-rainy period. The A. cepa test was conducted using seeds exposed to water samples and controls. Slides of root meristems were prepared using the Feulgen method and analyzed to calculate the mitotic index, the rate of chromosomal aberrations and the frequency of micronuclei. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA followed by the Tukey or Bonferroni test (p <0.05). The results showed significant changes in the mitotic index, chromosomal aberrations and frequency of micronuclei when compared to the negative control. Among the aberrations observed, C-metaphase, chromosomal breaks, nuclear buds and chromosomal losses showed significant values. In addition, it was observed that the rate of chromosomal aberrations during the rainy period was superior to that in the post-rainy period. These results may be associated with the presence of potentially toxic compounds such as aluminum and cadmium, although the pond presents a good water quality index. Therefore, we suggest a combination of more sensitive methods, such as the Allium cepa test, with traditional systems of surveillance and monitoring of aquatic environments.(Respostas citogenéticas de Allium cepa L. após exposição às águas contaminada de uma lagoa). Biomarcadores podem se referir a certas mudanças em células vivas por contaminantes ambientais. Para a avaliação destes, as plantas atuam como ótimos sistemas testes genéticos sensíveis aos poluentes. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar uma lagoa utilizada para a pesca e recreação, mas também submetida a vários impactos ambientais. Foram definidas três estações amostrais ao longo da lagoa para a coleta de água durante períodos de chuva e pós-chuva. O teste do A. cepa foi realizado por meio de sementes expostas às amostras de água e controles. Lâminas dos meristemas das raízes foram montadas pelo método de Feulgen e analisadas para calcular o índice mitótico, a frequência de aberrações cromossômicas e a frequência de micronúcleos.  Análise estatística foi realizada utilizando ANOVA seguida de Tukey e teste de Bonferroni (p <0.05). Os resultados demonstraram alterações significativas nos índices mitótico, de aberrações cromossómicas e na frequência de micronúcleos quando comparado ao controle negativo. Entre as aberrações observadas, C-metáfase, quebras cromossômicas, brotos nucleares e perdas cromossômicas apresentaram valores significativos. Além disso, observou-se que a taxa de aberrações cromossómicas durante o período de chuva foi superior ao período pós-chuva. Estes resultados podem estar associados à presença de compostos potencialmente tóxicos, tais como o alumínio e cádmio que foram quantificados em estudo pretérito, embora a lagoa apresente índice de qualidade de água de boa / regular. Portanto, sugerimos a combinação de métodos mais sensíveis, tais como teste de Allium cepa, aos tradicionais métodos de fiscalização e monitoramento de ambientes aquáticos

    The first applications of novel gaseous detectors for UV visualization

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    We have demonstrated experimentally that recently developed gaseous detectors combined with solid or gaseous photo-cathodes have exceptionally low noise and high quantum efficiency for UV photons while being solar blind. For this reason they can be used for the detection of weak UV sources in daylight conditions. These detectors are extremely robust, can operate in poor gas conditions and are cheap. We present the first results of their applications to hyper-spectroscopy and flame detection in daylight conditions