60 research outputs found

    3D-printing of ceramics by micro extrusion of thermoplastic composite granulates

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    Die Ganztagsschulbestrebungen in der Deutschschweiz. Entwicklungsstand und Entwicklungstendenzen

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    Der Text "fasst den gegenwärtigen Stand in Sachen Tagesschulen in der Deutschschweiz zusammen. Zum Besseren Verständnis wird zunächst auf die Zuständigkeit der politischen Instanzen im Schulwesen eingegangen. Diese Zuteilung der Verantwortlichkeiten und Kompetenzen hat maßgebliche Auswirkung auf die Realisierung von Tagesschulen. Ein weiterer Abschnitt beschreibt die gegenwärtige Diskussion in der Öffentlichkeit. Auf Grund dieser Informationen kann anschließend der Entwicklungsstand... gut erklärt werden." (DIPF/Orig.

    E-Voting: An Electronic Ballot Box

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    Abstract Current non-electronic voting systems use a ballot box as one of their central element. Can the properties of such a classic ballot box be reproduced in an electronic voting system? Yes! A verifiable mixnet represents a method that can fulfil virtually any requirement a classic ballot box can

    Quantitative high-resolution warm season rainfall recorded in varved sediments of Lake Oeschinen, northern Swiss Alps: calibration and validation AD 1901-2008

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    High-resolution, well-calibrated records of lake sediments are critically important for quantitative climate reconstructions, but they remain a methodological and analytical challenge. While several comprehensive paleotemperature reconstructions have been developed across Europe, only a few quantitative high-resolution studies exist for precipitation. Here we present a calibration and verification study of lithoclastic sediment proxies from proglacial Lake Oeschinen (46°30′N, 7°44′E, 1,580m a.s.l., north-west Swiss Alps) that are sensitive to rainfall for the period AD 1901-2008. We collected two sediment cores, one in 2007 and another in 2011. The sediments are characterized by two facies: (A) mm-laminated clastic varves and (B) turbidites. The annual character of the laminae couplets was confirmed by radiometric dating (210Pb, 137Cs) and independent flood-layer chronomarkers. Individual varves consist of a dark sand-size spring-summer layer enriched in siliciclastic minerals and a lighter clay-size calcite-rich winter layer. Three subtypes of varves are distinguished: Type I with a 1-1.5mm fining upward sequence; Type II with a distinct fine-sand base up to 3mm thick; and Type III containing multiple internal microlaminae caused by individual summer rainstorm deposits. Delta-fan surface samples and sediment trap data fingerprint different sediment source areas and transport processes from the watershed and confirm the instant response of sediment flux to rainfall and erosion. Based on a highly accurate, precise and reproducible chronology, we demonstrate that sediment accumulation (varve thickness) is a quantitative predictor for cumulative boreal alpine spring (May-June) and spring/summer (May-August) rainfall (rMJ=0.71, rMJJA=0.60, p<0.01). Bootstrap-based verification of the calibration model reveals a root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEPMJ=32.7mm, RMSEPMJJA=57.8mm) which is on the order of 10-13% of mean MJ and MJJA cumulative precipitation, respectively. These results highlight the potential of the Lake Oeschinen sediments for high-resolution reconstructions of past rainfall conditions in the northern Swiss Alps, central and eastern France and south-west Germany

    MoSi2/Al2O3/feldspar composites for injection‐molded ceramic heating elements

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    MoSi2 is an electrically conductive material with numerous applications mostly in high-temperature environments. Herein, the production of MoSi2-containing resistive heating elements by ceramic injection molding (CIM) is described. The sintered parts consist of MoSi2 particles embedded in a matrix of vitrified feldspar and Al2O3. The conductivity of sintered parts can be tuned precisely by varying the content of the conductive phase. For the development of the injection-molding feedstock, four binder systems are evaluated. The corresponding feedstocks are injection molded into different geometries in traditional molds as well as in additively manufactured, soluble molds. For each feedstock, a debinding and sintering routine is elaborated based on thermogravimetric measurements. Higher debinding temperature leads to more oxidation of MoSi2 and less conductive samples. Therefore, the conductivity as well as density of sintered parts is used to evaluate the applicability of the feedstocks. Finally, glow tests prove that MoSi2/Al2O3/feldspar composite parts can be used as heating elements and by combining infrared temperature measurement data with computational simulations important material data such as thermal and electrical conductivity and thermal capacity can be obtained reliably

    Identification of anti-proliferative kinase inhibitors as potential therapeutic agents to treat canine osteosarcoma

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    Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumour in dogs but various forms of therapy have not significantly improved clinical outcomes. As dysregulation of kinase activity is often present in tumours, kinases represent attractive molecular targets for cancer therapy. The purpose of this study was to identify novel compounds targeting kinases with the potential to induce cell death in a panel of canine osteosarcoma cell lines. The ability of 80 well-characterized kinase inhibitor compounds to inhibit the proliferation of four canine osteosarcoma cell lines was investigated in vitro. For those compounds with activity, the mechanism of action and capability to potentiate the activity of doxorubicin was further evaluated. The screening showed 22 different kinase inhibitors that induced significant anti-proliferative effects across the four canine osteosarcoma cell lines investigated. Four of these compounds (RO 31-8220, 5-iodotubercidin, BAY 11-7082 and an erbstatin analog) showed significant cell growth inhibitory effects across all cell lines in association with variable induction of apoptosis. RO 31-8220 and 5-iodotubercidin showed the highest ability to potentiate the effects of doxorubicin on cell viability. In conclusion, the present study identified several potent kinase inhibitors targeting the PKC, CK1, PKA, ErbB2, mTOR and NF-κB pathways, which may warrant further investigations for the treatment of osteosarcoma in dogs

    Towards implementing climate services in Peru – The project CLIMANDES

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    AbstractCLIMANDES is a pilot twinning project between the National Weather Services of Peru and Switzerland (SENAMHI and MeteoSwiss), developed within the Global Framework for Climate Services of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Split in two modules, CLIMANDES aims at improving education in meteorology and climatology in support of the WMO Regional Training Center in Peru, and introducing user-tailored climate services in two pilot regions in the Peruvian Andes.Four areas were prioritized in the first phase of CLIMANDES lasting from 2012 to 2015 to introduce climate services in Peru. A demand study identified the user needs of climate services and showed that climate information must be reliable, of high-quality, and precise. The information should be accessible and timely, understandable and applicable for the users’ specific needs. Second, the quality of climate data was enhanced through the establishment of quality control and homogenization procedures at SENAMHI. Specific training and application of the implemented methods at stations in the pilot regions was promoted to ensure the sustainability of the work. Third, the specific work on climate data enabled the creation of a webpage to disseminate climate indicators among users. The forth priority of the project enhanced the broad communication strategy of SENAMHI through creation of a specialized network of journalists, diverse climate forums, and the establishment of a user database.The efforts accomplished within CLIMANDES improved the quality of the climate services provided by SENAMHI. The project hence contributed successfully to higher awareness and higher confidence in the climate information by SENAMHI

    Förderung des Systemdenkens anhand entwickelter Aufgaben zum Thema Wetter

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    In der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit wird auf das Systemdenken und das Entdeckende Lernen eingegangen. Sie beruht auf der Fragestellung, wie Aufgaben zum Themengebiet Wetter zu gestalten sind, damit Schülerinnen und Schüler im systemischen Denken gefördert werden. Somit wurde auf der Basis des Systemdenkens zum Thema Wetter Aufgaben entwickelt, welche die Haltungen mit den Konzepten und Werkzeugen des Systemdenkens verbinden. Elemente des Entdeckenden Lernens wurden ebenfalls miteinbezogen. Die selbst entwickelten Aufgaben basieren auf den Kompetenzen, den sogenannten Vorgaben, des Lehrplans 21. Das entwickelte Produkt stellt eine Aufgabensammlung zum Thema Wetter für den Zyklus 2 dar. Diese haben die Aneignung des vernetzten Denkens zum Ziel. Das Produkt ist der schriftlichen Arbeit beigelegt

    Sprachgebrauch St.Galler Jugendlicher. Empirische Untersuchung zu Spracheinstellungen von Jugendlichen. Quantitative und qualitative Analyse von weiblichen und männlichen Sprechstilen

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit geht es um den Sprachgebrauch St.Galler Oberstufenschülerinnen und -schüler. Einerseits steht die Frage nach der Existenz einer genderspezifischen Jugendspra-che im Zentrum dieser Arbeit. Sprechen Mädchen und Jungen unterschiedlich? Verwenden Sie unterschiedliche Ausdrucksweisen? Andererseits interessiert die Spracheinstellung von Jugend-lichen. Wie beschreiben und bewerten St.Galler Oberstufenschülerinnen und -schüler ihre eige-ne Sprache? Wie wird die eigene Sprache von anderen Personen wahrgenommen? Der Untersu-chung der Spracheinstellungen und -bewertungen von St.Galler Jugendlichen liegt ein Fragebo-gen zugrunde. Insgesamt wurden vier 3. Realklassen und vier 3. Sekundarklassen befragt. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zur Spracheinstellung und –bewertung zeigen, dass die Jugendli-chen eine sehr genaue Vorstellung von ihrer Sprache haben. Jugendliche sind sich bewusst, dass sich ihre Sprache von der Sprache der Erwachsenen unterscheidet. Darüber hinaus erkennen sie auch Unterschiede im Sprachgebrauch von Jugendlichen. Der Analyse von männlichen und weib-lichen Sprechstilen liegen zwei Mädchen- und zwei Jungengespräche zugrunde. Hierbei wird der Schwerpunkt auf vier verschiedene Sprachmuster, die hinsichtlich ihres spezifischen Gebrauchs untersucht werden, gelegt: Verstärkung, Direktheit, Vagheit und Lästern. Die Analyse zeigt, dass nicht von einem typisch weiblichen oder typisch männlichen Sprechstil gesprochen werden kann, da die Mädchen- und Jungengespräche sowohl Unterschiede als auch Gemeinsamkeiten aufweisen. Es scheint, dass innerhalb der Gruppe über den gewünschten Sprechstil entschieden wird und somit je nach Gruppenkonstellation ein anderer Stil gesprochen wird