568 research outputs found

    Enhancing Decision Tree based Interpretation of Deep Neural Networks through L1-Orthogonal Regularization

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    One obstacle that so far prevents the introduction of machine learning models primarily in critical areas is the lack of explainability. In this work, a practicable approach of gaining explainability of deep artificial neural networks (NN) using an interpretable surrogate model based on decision trees is presented. Simply fitting a decision tree to a trained NN usually leads to unsatisfactory results in terms of accuracy and fidelity. Using L1-orthogonal regularization during training, however, preserves the accuracy of the NN, while it can be closely approximated by small decision trees. Tests with different data sets confirm that L1-orthogonal regularization yields models of lower complexity and at the same time higher fidelity compared to other regularizers.Comment: 8 pages, 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 201

    Present and future challenges for the business management: the art of business management

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    Economic activity is based upon the coordination processes of individuals and their potentialities, integrated into different Institutions. In a modern economy the business is an Institution whose aim is to coordinate, both internally and externally, all of the individuals who contribute their potentialities to the\ud development and services required by the people in a given Society. This coordination activity is achieved, to a greater or lesser degree of efficiency, by how a business is organised both internally and externally. This, then, is the "Art of Management". It is something that goes beyond merely techno-economic\ud questions.\ud Helmut Maucher, former CEO of Nestlé, who occupied the post for almost two decades, is one of those who know how to orient correctly such social and economic processes. He has developed a concept of business management which embodies principles in an economic and business Order which is oriented towards the development of individuals and forms of responsibility simply and accurately. These principles give impetus to an ethical economic Order that also exercises a stabilising and sustainable effect. The Principles that Mr. Maucher has delineated generate precisely the ambit for Management which is Universal, timeless and free of boundaries. His 1995 contribution on the "Art of Management" while his 2003 contribution on "Present and future challenges" enables us to perceive the Universality of the Principles upon which responsible and economically socially efficient style of management rests.La actividad económica se asienta en los procesos de coordinación de personas, con sus potenciales, integradas en diferentes Instituciones. La empresa constituye en una economía moderna aquella Institución que persigue coordinar tanto interna como externamente a todas las personas que contribuyen con\ud sus potenciales a desarrollar los productos y servicios que precisan las personas en una Sociedad. De la forma como se dirija y organice una empresa, tanto en su dimensión interna como en su entorno económico-social, se logrará que esta actividad de coordinación sea más o menos eficiente. Y este es el "arte de dirigir” que va más allá de las meras consideraciones técnico-económicas.\ud Helmut Maucher, dos décadas Presidente de Nestlé, es una de esas personalidades que saben orientar adecuadamente estos procesos de coordinación económica y social, ha sabido desarrollar una concepción de los procesos de dirección que de forma sencilla y precisa constituyen un Orden económicoempresarial orientado al desarrollo de las personas y a formas de responsabilidad que permitan impulsar un Orden económico y de Sociedad ética y socialmente estabilizador y sostenible. Sobre los Principios que establece genera un ámbito preciso para el Management con un carácter Universal más allá del tiempo y del espacio. Su aportación en 1996 sobre el "arte de dirigir" y su aportación en 2013 sobre los "Retos actuales y futuros" permite ver la Universalidad de los Principios en los que deben descansar los procesos de una dirección responsable eficiente económica y socialmente

    Rotating three-dimensional solitons in Bose Einstein condensates with gravity-like attractive nonlocal interaction

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    We study formation of rotating three-dimensional high-order solitons (azimuthons) in Bose Einstein condensate with attractive nonlocal nonlinear interaction. In particular, we demonstrate formation of toroidal rotating solitons and investigate their stability. We show that variational methods allow a very good approximation of such solutions and predict accurately the soliton rotation frequency. We also find that these rotating localized structures are very robust and persist even if the initial condensate conditions are rather far from the exact soliton solutions. Furthermore, the presence of repulsive contact interaction does not prevent the existence of those solutions, but allows to control their rotation. We conjecture that self-trapped azimuthons are generic for condensates with attractive nonlocal interaction

    Comparison of results obtained on ores from the Tri-state zinc-lead district after grinding to different sizes and concentrating by flotation

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    The purpose of this investigation is to compare the phenomena observed in concentrating a zinc ore by flotation, using a constant and new flowsheet as described a few pages later and varying only the sizes to which the headsamples are ground previous to each test --Summary, page 1

    Variations on an ordering theme with constraints

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    We investigate the problem of nding a total order of a nite set that satis es various local ordering constraints. Depending on the admitted constraints, we provide an e cient algorithm or prove NP-completeness. We discuss several generalisations and systematically classify the problems4th IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    ABSTRACT This dissertation is a continuing education unit (CEU) course that teaches social workers and other mental health professionals how to cultivate resiliency and enhance self-care through the ancient practice of yoga. The course explores emerging research that reveals how yoga and other mindfulness-based practices can positively impact neurochemistry and brain biology. Most of the yoga positions and breathing exercises are practiced from a chair and can be adapted to any level of flexibility and fitness level. Designed to make yoga accessible for everyone, the techniques are gentle and available to individuals with various physical abilities, including participants who may be in a wheelchair. The program is experiential in nature but also includes power point slides and traditional classroom style instruction. The literature review clearly demonstrates that mindfulness is an established theoretical orientation rather than a simple technique. Additionally, the dissertation compares and contrasts social work values and ethics with ancient yoga philosophy to establish the compatibility of the two disciplines. Furthermore, the course compares and contrasts the eights limbs of yoga with the seven core values of The Sanctuary Model, an established and evidence based organizational paradigm that is used to promote resiliency and prevent burnout among social service and mental health/ healthcare professionals in agencies worldwide. In conclusion, implications for social work practice and areas of potential research are identified and discussed. Once mastered, the chair based yoga skills that are taught may be used by social workers in clinical practice to help clients reduce anxiety and enhance self-care

    Azimuthons in weakly nonlinear waveguides of different symmetries

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    We show that weakly guiding nonlinear waveguides support stable propagation of rotating spatial solitons (azimuthons). We investigate the role of waveguide symmetry on the soliton rotation. We find that azimuthons in circular waveguides always rotate rigidly during propagation and the analytically predicted rotation frequency is in excellent agreement with numerical simulations. On the other hand, azimuthons in square waveguides may experience spatial deformation during propagation. Moreover, we show that there is a critical value for the modulation depth of azimuthons above which solitons just wobble back and forth, and below which they rotate continuously. We explain these dynamics using the concept of energy difference between different orientations of the azimuthon.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Randomized QuickSort and the Entropy of the Random Source

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    The worst-case complexity of an implementation of Quicksort depends on the random number generator that is used to select the pivot elements. In this paper we estimate the expected number of comparisons of Quicksort as a function in the entropy of the random source. We give upper and lower bounds and show that the expected number of comparisons increases from nlognnlog n to n2n^2, if the entropy of the random source is bounded. As examples we show explicit bounds for distributions with bounded min-entropy and the geometrical distribution