1,021 research outputs found

    Phobos DTM and Coordinate Refinement for Phobos-Grunt Mission Support.

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    Images obtained by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) during recent Phobos flybys were used to study the proposed new landing site area of the Russian Phobos-Grunt mission, scheduled for launch in 2011 [1]. From the stereo images (resolution of up to 4.4 m/pixel), a digital terrain model (DTM) with a lateral resolution of 100 m per pixel and a relative point accuracy of ±15 m, was determined. Images and DTM were registered to the established Phobos control point network [7]. A map of the landing site area was produced enabling mission planers and scientists to extract accurate body-fixed coordinates of features in the Phobos Grunt landing site area

    The Spectral Properties of Pitted Impact Deposits on Vesta as Seen by the Dawn VIR Instrument

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    Pitted impact deposits (PIDs) on Vesta have been shown to exhibit distinct spectral characteristics with respect to their surrounding host deposits and other typical Vestan areas regarding the first major pyroxene absorption near 0.9 μm. The PIDs, especially those in the ejecta blanket of the large crater Marcia, show higher reflectance and pyroxene band strength with respect to their impact deposit surroundings. This study complements the spectral characterization of the PIDs on Vesta with Visible and Infrared Spectrometer observations obtained by NASA’s Dawn mission. In particular, we focus on the second major pyroxene absorption near 1.9 μm. We analyze nine PIDs in the ejecta blanket of the crater Marcia, as well as PIDs within the crater-fill deposits of the craters Marcia, Cornelia, and Licinia. We find that the second pyroxene absorption behaves in similar ways as the first major pyroxene absorption. The PIDs in Marcia’s ejecta blanket show higher reflectance and pyroxene band strength with respect to their immediate impact deposit surroundings. The PIDs present in the crater-fill deposits of Marcia, Cornelia, and Licinia, however, do not show such spectral characteristics. This is also consistent with previous observations of the first pyroxene absorption band. Based on the experimental results of other studies, we speculate that the observed spectral distinctness arises from an oxidation process in the interior of impact deposits, where Fe cations migrate within their host pyroxene grains. Thus, the surfaces of (melt-bearing) impact deposits might be different from their interiors, apart from space-weathering effects

    Multipliers for p-Bessel sequences in Banach spaces

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    Multipliers have been recently introduced as operators for Bessel sequences and frames in Hilbert spaces. These operators are defined by a fixed multiplication pattern (the symbol) which is inserted between the analysis and synthesis operators. In this paper, we will generalize the concept of Bessel multipliers for p-Bessel and p-Riesz sequences in Banach spaces. It will be shown that bounded symbols lead to bounded operators. Symbols converging to zero induce compact operators. Furthermore, we will give sufficient conditions for multipliers to be nuclear operators. Finally, we will show the continuous dependency of the multipliers on their parameters.Comment: 17 page

    OSSE spectral analysis techniques

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    Analysis of the spectra from the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) is complicated because of the typically low signal to noise (approx. 0.1 percent) and the large background variability. The OSSE instrument was designed to address these difficulties by periodically offset-pointing the detectors from the source to perform background measurements. These background measurements are used to estimate the background during each of the source observations. The resulting background-subtracted spectra can then be accumulated and fitted for spectral lines and/or continua. Data selection based on various environmental parameters can be performed at various stages during the analysis procedure. In order to achieve the instrument's statistical sensitivity, however, it will be necessary for investigators to develop a detailed understanding of the instrument operation, data collection, and the background spectrum and its variability. A brief description of the major steps in the OSSE spectral analysis process is described, including a discussion of the OSSE background spectrum and examples of several observational strategies

    Laboratory VIS–NIR reflectance measurements of heated Vesta regolith analogs: Unraveling the spectral properties of the pitted impact deposits on Vesta

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    Pitted impact deposits on Vesta show higher reflectance and pyroxene absorption band strengths compared to their immediate surroundings and other typical Vestan materials. We investigated whether heating to different temperatures for different durations of Vestan regolith analog materials can reproduce these spectral characteristics using mixtures of HEDs, the carbonaceous chondrite Murchison, and terrestrial analogs. We find no consistent spectral trend due merely to temperature increases, but observed that the interiors of many heated samples show both higher reflectance and pyroxene band I strength than their heated surfaces. With electron probe microanalysis, we additionally observe the formation of hematite, which could account for the higher reflectance. The presence of hematite indicates oxidation occurring in the sample interiors. In combination with heat, this might cause the increase of pyroxene band strengths through migration of iron cations. The effect grows larger with increasing temperature and duration, although temperature appears to play the more dominant role. A higher proportion of Murchison or the terrestrial carbonaceous chondrite analog within our mixtures also appears to facilitate the onset of oxidation. Our observations suggest that both the introduction of exogenic material on Vesta as well as the heating from impacts were necessary to enable the process (possibly oxidation) causing the observed spectral changes

    Intraspecific Differences in Molecular Stress Responses and Coral Pathobiome Contribute to Mortality Under Bacterial Challenge in \u3ci\u3eAcropora millepora\u3c/i\u3e

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    Disease causes significant coral mortality worldwide; however, factors responsible for intraspecific variation in disease resistance remain unclear. We exposed fragments of eight Acropora millepora colonies (genotypes) to putatively pathogenic bacteria (Vibrio spp.). Genotypes varied from zero to \u3e90% mortality, with bacterial challenge increasing average mortality rates 4-6 fold and shifting the microbiome in favor of stress-associated taxa. Constitutive immunity and subsequent immune and transcriptomic responses to the challenge were more prominent in high-mortality individuals, whereas low-mortality corals remained largely unaffected and maintained expression signatures of a healthier condition (i.e., did not launch a large stress response). Our results suggest that lesions appeared due to changes in the coral pathobiome (multiple bacterial species associated with disease) and general health deterioration after the biotic disturbance, rather than the direct activity of any specific pathogen. If diseases in nature arise because of weaknesses in holobiont physiology, instead of the virulence of any single etiological agent, environmental stressors compromising coral condition might play a larger role in disease outbreaks than is currently thought. To facilitate the diagnosis of compromised individuals, we developed and independently cross-validated a biomarker assay to predict mortality based on genes whose expression in asymptomatic individuals coincides with mortality rates

    Formation of Ejecta and Dust Pond Deposits on Asteroid Vesta

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    Dust and melt ponds have been studied on planetary bodies including Eros, Itokawa, and the Moon. However, depending on the nature of the regolith material properties and the location of the planetary body, the formation mechanism of the ponded features varies. On Eros and Itokawa, ponded features are formed from dry regolith materials whereas on the Moon similar features are thought to be produced by ejecta melt. On the surface of Vesta, we have identified type 1, ejecta ponds, and type 2, dust ponds. On Vesta type 1 pond are located in the vicinity of ejecta melt of large impact craters. The material is uniformly distributed across the crater floor producing smooth pond surfaces which have a constant slope and shallow depth. The hosting crater of melt-like ponds has a low raised rim and is located on relatively low elevated regions. Whereas, the type 2 ponds on Vesta reveal an undulating surface that is frequently displaced from the crater center or extends toward the crater wall with an abruptly changing slope. We suggested that for the production of the type 2 ponds, localized seismic diffusion and volatile-induced fluidization may be responsible for Vesta. Due to Vesta's large size (in comparison to Eros and Itokawa), the surface may have experienced local-scale rare high-amplitude seismic diffusion which was sufficient to drift fine material. Similarly, short-lived volatile activities were capable to transfer dusty material on to the surface. Segregation and smoothing of transferred material lack further surface activities, hindering the formation of smooth morphology

    Early post-transplant urinary IP-10 expression after kidney transplantation is predictive of short- and long-term graft function

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    The early identification of renal transplant recipients at enhanced risk of developing acute and subclinical rejection would allow individualized adjustment of immunosuppression before functional graft injury occurs and would exclude these patients from drug-weaning studies. Protein and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction-based analyses of candidate markers in urine open the opportunity to closely monitor kidney-transplanted patients non-invasively. The chemokine interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10; CXCL10) might be an interesting candidate to uncover ongoing immune processes within the graft. Urine samples from kidney-transplanted recipients were retrospectively analyzed for IP-10 mRNA and protein expression. IP-10 levels were correlated with the incidence of acute rejection episodes proven by histology and long-term graft function assessed by the glomerular filtration rate 6 months post transplantation. IP-10 expression in urine identified patients with ongoing acute rejection episodes several days before a biopsy was indicated by rising serum creatinine levels. Most importantly, elevated levels of urinary IP-10 protein within the first four postoperative weeks were predictive of graft function at 6 months even in the absence of acute rejection. These data reveal a correlation between elevated IP-10 expression in urine at early time points post-transplantation and intragraft immune activation that leads to acute rejection and compromised long-term graft function

    Mid-infrared emissivity of partially dehydrated asteroid (162173) Ryugu shows strong signs of aqueous alteration

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    The near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu, the target of Hayabusa2 space mission, was observed via both orbiter and the lander instruments. The infrared radiometer on the MASCOT lander (MARA) is the only instrument providing spectrally resolved mid-infrared (MIR) data, which is crucial for establishing a link between the asteroid material and meteorites found on Earth. Earlier studies revealed that the single boulder investigated by the lander belongs to the most common type found on Ryugu. Here we show the spectral variation of Ryugu’s emissivity using the complete set of in-situ MIR data and compare it to those of various carbonaceous chondritic meteorites, revealing similarities to the most aqueously altered ones, as well as to asteroid (101955) Bennu. The results show that Ryugu experienced strong aqueous alteration prior to any dehydration
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