6,202 research outputs found

    Hidden Caldeira-Leggett dissipation in a Bose-Fermi Kondo model

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    We show that the Bose-Fermi Kondo model (BFKM), which may find applicability both to certain dissipative mesoscopic qubit devices and to heavy fermion systems described by the Kondo lattice model, can be mapped exactly onto the Caldeira-Leggett model. This mapping requires an ohmic bosonic bath and an Ising-type coupling between the latter and the impurity spin. This allows us to conclude unambiguously that there is an emergent Kosterlitz-Thouless quantum phase transition in the BFKM with an ohmic bosonic bath. By applying a bosonic numerical renormalization group approach, we thoroughly probe physical quantities close to the quantum phase transition.Comment: Final version appearing in Physical Review Letter

    Total electronic Raman scattering in the charge-density-wave phase of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model

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    The total electronic Raman scattering spectrum, including the nonresonant, mixed and resonant components, is determined for the charge-density-wave (CDW) phase of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model at half filling within dynamical mean-field theory. Its frequency dependence is investigated for different values of the energy of the incident photons. The spectra reflect the different structures in the density of states and how they are modified by screening and resonance effects. The calculations are performed for the B1gB_{\rm 1g}, B2gB_{\rm 2g} and A1gA_{\rm 1g} symmetries (which are typically examined in experiment). Our results for the resonance effects of the Raman spectra, found by tuning the energy of the incident photons, give information about the many-body charge dynamics of the CDW-ordered phase.Comment: 8 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the 3rd Conference "Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications", June 23-25, 2009 Lviv, Ukrain

    Interaction-induced backscattering in short quantum wires

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    We study interaction-induced backscattering in clean quantum wires with adiabatic contacts exposed to a voltage bias. Particle backscattering relaxes such systems to a fully equilibrated steady state only on length scales exponentially large in the ratio of bandwidth of excitations and temperature. Here we focus on shorter wires in which full equilibration is not accomplished. Signatures of relaxation then are due to backscattering of hole excitations close to the band bottom which perform a diffusive motion in momentum space while scattering from excitations at the Fermi level. This is reminiscent to the first passage problem of a Brownian particle and, regardless of the interaction strength, can be described by an inhomogeneous Fokker-Planck equation. From general solutions of the latter we calculate the hole backscattering rate for different wire lengths and discuss the resulting length dependence of interaction-induced correction to the conductance of a clean single channel quantum wire.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Charge Fluctuations in a Superconducting Grain

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    We consider charge quantization in a small superconducting grain that is contacted by a normal-metal electrode and is controlled by a capacitively coupled gate. At zero temperature and zero conductance GG between the grain and the electrode, the charge QQ as a function of the gate voltage VgV_g changes in steps. The step height is ee if Δ<Ec\Delta<E_c, where Δ\Delta and EcE_c are, respectively, the superconducting gap and the charging energy of the grain. Quantum charge fluctuations at finite conductance remove the discontinuity in the dependence of QQ on VgV_g and lead to a finite step width G2Δ\propto G^2\Delta. The resulting shape of the Coulomb blockade staircase is of a novel type. The grain charge is a continuous function of VgV_g while the differential capacitance, dQ/dVgdQ/dV_g, has discontinuities at certain values of the gate voltage. We determine analytically the shape of the Coulomb blockade staircase also at non-zero temperatures.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Transport through a quantum dot with SU(4) Kondo entanglement

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    We investigate a mesoscopic setup composed of a small electron droplet (dot) coupled to a larger quantum dot (grain) also subject to Coulomb blockade as well as two macroscopic leads used as source and drain. An exotic Kondo ground state other than the standard SU(2) Fermi liquid unambiguously emerges: an SU(4) Kondo correlated liquid. The transport properties through the small dot are analyzed for this regime, through boundary conformal field theory, and allow a clear distinction with other regimes such as a two-channel spin state or a two-channel orbital state.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure