42 research outputs found

    ¿Qué preguntas formulan los estudiantes a partir de la lectura de un texto sobre los dispositivos de seguridad domiciliaria?

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    En este trabajo presentamos un estudio sobre la formulación de preguntas que realizan estudiantes de nivel secundario, cuando leen un texto ilustrado que se refiere a dispositivos de seguridad domiciliaria. Las preguntas son utilizadas para evaluar la comprensión. Hemos categorizado el corpus de preguntas obtenido en relación con los niveles de representación cognitiva y según se refieran a objetos, procesos y mecanismos causales. Comprobamos que cuando los estudiantes detectan obstáculos en la comprensión formulan preguntas y en éstas ha primado el interés por conocer los elementos de la situación física, las ventajas de los dispositivos y las relaciones causales

    Conversión de imágenes al lenguaje escrito: un desafío para el estudiante de ciencias naturales

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    En el presente trabajo pretendemos indagar en la interpretación de los estudiantes de una imagen desprovista de su contexto original y en la conversión de los elementos observados en dicha representación al lenguaje escrito. La actividad propuesta para explicitar la conversión es la descripción de un dispositivo para experimentar con gases representado en la imagen. La muestra seleccionada incluye grupos de estudiantes universitarios que cursan distintas carreras y años de éstas. Los resultados muestran que, frente a la imagen propuesta, el proceso de conversión al lenguaje escrito presenta diversas características supeditadas a los conocimientos que poseen los estudiantes sobre el tema. Así, los de menor edad y menor formación académica realizan una conversión término a término. En cambio, los estudiantes de mayor formación académica van abandonando este paralelismo en la conversión, alejándose de la descripción propiamente dicha, e intentan mostrar sus conocimientos sobre el tema utilizando diferentes recursos expresivos a modo de síntesis. Consideramos que favorecer la explicitación del proceso de conversión entre distintos sistemas de representación contribuye a la enseñanza y al aprendizaje de las Ciencias Naturales.Palabras clave: Ciencias Naturales; enseñanza; aprendizaje; imágenes; representaciones.The conversion of images to written language: a challenge to the student of natural sciencesThe present work aims at inquiring how students interpret an image which lacks its original context and convert the observed elements of such representation to the written language. The activity proposed to make the conversion explicit is the description of a device to experiment with gases represented in the image. The sample selected includes groups of college students attending different years from different careers. The results show that the process of conversion to the written language presents diverse characteristics which are subject to the students’ knowledge about the topic. Thus, the younger whose academic instruction is lower, make a term to term conversion. On the contrary, the students with more academic instruction leave this parallelism, moving away from the description itself, and attempt to show their knowledge about the topic by using different expressive resources as synthesis. We consider that favouring the explicitness of the process of conversion between different systems of representation contributes to the teaching and learning of the Natural Sciences.Key words: Images; representations; teaching- learning; Natural Sciences

    Identificación de dificultades conceptuales y procedimentales de alumnos y docentes de EGB sobre la flotación de los cuerpos

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    En este trabajo analizamos las dificultades conceptuales y procedimentales de alumnos de EGB 3 (edad promedio 14 años), relacionadas con la flotación de los cuerpos. Éste es un estudio exploratorio que se complementa con una indagación realizada a docentes del mismo nivel educativo, en la cual comprobamos que muchos de los problemas detectados en los estudiantes también se presentan en los docentes. Además, examinamos los textos consultados por docentes y alumnos, encontrando algunas coincidencias con los inconvenientes hallados.Palabras claves: flotación; dificultades; alumnos; docentes.Identification of conceptual and procedural difficulties of students and teachers of EGB on the floating of bodiesIn this paper we analyze the conceptual and procedural difficulties of students of EGB 3 (average age 14 years), related with the floating of bodies. This is an exploratory study which is supplemented with an inquiry made to teachers of the same educational level, in which we proved that many of the problems detected in the students are also shown by the teachers. Besides, we examined the texts used by teachers and students, finding some coincidences with the inconveniences found.Key words: floating; difficulties; students; teachers

    ¿Qué responden los estudiantes universitarios sobre su eficacia autorreguladora en tareas de aprendizaje?

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    En este trabajo analizamos las respuestas de estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias sobre sus estrategias de eficacia autorreguladora frente a los obstáculos que encuentran en el aprendizaje en tareas de lectura y de evaluaciones. El cuestionario está basado en el inventario de autoeficacia para el aprendizaje Self-Efficacy for Learning Form, SELF. Con los datos obtenidos efectuamos un análisis factorial para establecer cómo se correlacionan las variables a través del agrupamiento en factores. Los resultados de este estudio exploratorio contribuyen a conocer datos sobre la eficacia autorreguladora de los estudiantes que permitirían planificar actividades de aprendizaje autorreguladas para mejorar sus rendimientos académicos

    Promoting ethical and responsible data management within a toolkit for scaling Citizen Science projects

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    Citizen Science (CS) has great potential for contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by providing data to indicators monitoring and tracking, and implementing the targets [1–3]. However, an outstanding challenge is to demonstrate CS impacts at scale and to devise indicators that are meaningful for stakeholders [4]. Comprehensive assessments that allow researchers to systematically align anticipated outcomes with SDGs, and design for scale in the early phases of a CS project are not currently available. At the same time, research on data ownership, access and use, and ethics in digitizing are becoming relevant and urgent for the inclusion of smallholder farmers and other stakeholders to close the digital divide [5]. An interactive toolkit was developed as a way for researchers and CS teams in agriculture to define scaling ambitions that are sustainable and responsible. A responsible ambition accounts for potential unintended negative effects in the outcome that it might produce [6,7]. The toolkit is based on a logical framework, and integrates both a tool for systems change at scale, and a sustainability assessment [8,9]. The toolkit was tested with senior researchers for content, usability, and preferred format via a hypothetical case, where researchers indicated that the toolkit is of most use in early CS project stages, and that workshops as well as its implementation as a web-based tool would enhance its impact, bringing together as many views and information as possible, and decreasing the inherent subjectivity, which is part of every sustainability assessment. An additional module within the toolkit, called ‘Guidelines for ethical and responsible data management’, is being tested to gather insights into how data management plans can be embedded into a ‘design for scale’ and SDGs-impact process early on when designing a CS project. The module is based on ‘FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship’, and the Responsible Data Guidelines (CGIAR, 2020) to manage data ethically. For instance, in an app for farmers where personally identifiable information (e.g. name, address) is being collected, practitioners can acquire an overall understanding of the best practices to manage their data. Equally, if georeferenced information is to be collected (e.g. plots, crops), the FAIR Guiding Principles act as a compass. If researchers have identified a potential contribution to a specific SDG indicator, the toolkit suggests to align this plan with the aforesaid guidelines. Researchers are asked to indicate a status against 15 criteria. If there is a defined plan for a given criterion, a green colour is indicated; if there is a plan but it is not completely defined, the criterion is marked yellow, while red is shown if there is no plan. Detailed descriptions of each guideline can be found via links provided within the toolkit. Additional references to external resources are also included. These tools include the Data Ethics Canvas (theodi.org), as well as the data code of conduct developed by leading institutions (EU CoC on agricultural data sharing, 2018). The toolkit and the ethical and responsible data management modules are currently in the form of a spreadsheet, and will be implemented as a web-based tool. Furthermore, its application will be expanded from agricultural to include all kinds of CS projects. Future research could involve matching the proposed guidelines with the required CS data quality criteria defined by local and regional statistical offices that are responsible for SDG monitoring and implementation

    Immune response in rabbits to two sizes of cysts of sarcocystis aucheniae

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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la respuesta inmune de macroquistes pequeños y grandes de Sarcocystis aucheniae utilizando tres protocolos de inoculación. Para la obtención del antígeno se recolectaron cuellos de alpaca con quistes de S. aucheniae del camal de Huancavelica, Perú. Los quistes colectados fueron clasificados según el tamaño, en macroquistes grandes (>5 mm) y pequeños (1-3 mm), obteniéndose una concentración de proteína antigénica de 3.23 y 2.45 mg/ml, respectivamente. Treinta conejos fueron inmunizados con 0.05 mg/kg de proteína antigénica derivada de cada tamaño de macroquiste. Además, se consideró tres protocolos de inoculación (n = 5 conejos). El protocolo I y II con uno y dos meses de duración, respectivamente, donde las proteínas antigénicas fueron inactivadas con formol, y el protocolo III de 2 meses, con proteína antigénica inactivada con calor. La respuesta inmune específica Ag-Ac fue detectada con la prueba de inmunodifusión doble de agar gel en el 100% con los protocolos I y II, y 60% con el protocolo III en el caso de macroquistes grandes; así como en 100, 60 y 40% de los conejos con los protocolos I, II y III para macroquistes pequeños, respectivamente. En conclusión, respuestas inmunes del 86.6 y 66.6% fueron evidenciadas utilizando proteínas antígénicas provenientes de macroquistes grandes y pequeños, respectivamente, al utilizar los tres protocolos de inmunización, aunque en el análisis de Fisher no se observó asociación entre protocolos y reacción Ag-Ac.The aim of this study was to evaluate the immune response of small and large macrocysts of Sarcocystis auchenie using three protocols of inoculation. Alpaca meat samples with S. aucheniae were obtained from the slaughterhouse of Huancavelica, Peru. Cysts were collected and classified by size in large (>5 mm) and small (1-3 mm), obtaining 3.23 and 2.45 mg/ml respectively of antigenic protein by the Biuret method. Fifteen rabbits were immunized with 0.05 mg/kg of antigenic protein derived from large and small macrocysts. Besides, three protocols of inoculation were considered (n = 5 rabitts). Protocol I and II were of 1 and 3 month length where proteins were inactivated with formalin, and protocol III of 2 months length using heat-inactivated antigen protein. Specific immune response Ag-Ab was detected by double immunodiffusion in agar gel in 100% of rabbits using protocols I and II and 60% with protocol III in large macrocysts while 100, 60 and 40% response in protocols I, II and III in small macrocysts respectively. In conclusion, immune responses of 86.6 and 66.6% were obtained when using antigenic proteins from large and small cysts, respectively; however, no association was observed between protocols and Ag-Ab reaction when using Fisher’s analysis

    Sensibilidade a carrapaticidas em populações de Rhipicephalusmicroplus da região sudeste do país.

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    Rhipicephalus microplus é considerado um grande entrave para a pecuária leiteira e de corte no mundo, uma vez que seu controle através do uso de carrapaticida tem se tornado uma difícil tarefa devido à seleção de populações resistentes

    Atividade carrapaticida do alfa-bisabolol sobre populações de Rhipicephalus microplus (acari: ixodidae) com diferentes perfis de resistência.

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a atividade acaricida do alfa-bisabolol sobre populações de Rhipicephalus microplus, com diferentes perfis de resistência.Evento online

    AgroTutor: A Mobile Phone Application Supporting Agricultural Sustainable Intensification

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    Traditional agricultural extension services rely on extension workers, especially in countries with large agricultural areas. In order to increase adoption of sustainable agriculture, the recommendations given by such services must be adapted to local conditions and be provided in a timely manner. The AgroTutor mobile application was built to provide highly specific and timely agricultural recommendations to farmers across Mexico and complement the work of extension agents. At the same time, AgroTutor provides direct contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, either by advancing their implementation or providing local data systems to measure and monitor specific indicators such as the proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture. The application is freely available and allows farmers to geo-locate and register plots and the crops grown there, using the phone’s in-built GPS, or alternatively, on top of very high-resolution imagery. Once a crop and some basic data such as planting date and cultivar type have been registered, the app provides targeted information such as weather, potential and historical yield, financial benchmarking information, data-driven recommendations as well as commodity price forecasts. Farmers are also encouraged to contribute in-situ information, e.g., soils, management, and yield data. The information can then be used by crop models, which, in turn, would send tailored results back to the farmers. Initial feedback from farmers and extension agents has already improved some of the app’s characteristics. More enhancements are planned for inclusion in the future to increase the app’s function as a decision support tool

    AgroTutor: A Mobile Phone Application Supporting Sustainable Agricultural Intensification

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    Traditional agricultural extension services rely on extension workers, especially in countries with large agricultural areas. In order to increase adoption of sustainable agriculture, the recommendations given by such services must be adapted to local conditions and be provided in a timely manner. The AgroTutor mobile application was built to provide highly specific and timely agricultural recommendations to farmers across Mexico and complement the work of extension agents. At the same time, AgroTutor provides direct contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, either by advancing their implementation or providing local data systems to measure and monitor specific indicators such as the proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture. The application is freely available and allows farmers to geo-locate and register plots and the crops grown there, using the phone’s built-in GPS, or alternatively, on top of very high-resolution imagery. Once a crop and some basic data such as planting date and cultivar type have been registered, the application provides targeted information such as weather, potential and historical yield, financial benchmarking information, data-driven recommendations, and commodity price forecasts. Farmers are also encouraged to contribute in-situ information, e.g., soils, management, and yield data. The information can then be used by crop models, which, in turn, send tailored results back to the farmers. Initial feedback from farmers and extension agents has already improved some of the application’s characteristics. More enhancements are planned for inclusion in the future to increase the application’s function as a decision support tool