121 research outputs found

    Upper and Lower Limb Movement Kinematics in Aging

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    Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with a premutation cytosine-guanine-guanine (CGG) trinucleotide repeat expansion of the FMR1 gene. FXTAS is estimated to be the most common single-gene form of ataxia in the aging population. Gait ataxia and intention tremor are the primary behavioral symptoms of FXTAS, though clinical evaluation of these symptoms often is subjective, contributing to difficulties in reliably differentiating individuals with FXTAS and asymptomatic premutation carriers. This study aimed to clarify the extent to which quantitative measures of gait and upper limb kinematics may serve as biobehavioral markers of FXTAS degeneration. Nineteen premutation carriers (aged 46-77 years), including 9 with possible, probable, or definite FXTAS and 16 sex- and IQ-matched healthy controls, completed tests of non-constrained walking and reaching while both standing (static reaching) and walking (dynamic reaching) to quantify gait and upper limb control, respectively. For the non-constrained walking task, participants wore reflective markers and walked at their preferred speed on a walkway. During the static reaching task, participants reached and lifted boxes of different sizes while standing. During the dynamic reaching task, participants walked to reach and lift the boxes. Movement kinematics were examined in relation to clinical ratings of neuromotor impairments and CGG repeat length. During non-constrained walking, individuals with FXTAS showed decreased stride lengths and stride velocities, increased percentages of double support time, and increased variabilities of cadence and center of mass relative to both asymptomatic premutation carriers and controls. While individuals with FXTAS did not show any static reaching differences relative to the other two groups, they showed multiple differences during dynamic reaching trials, including reduced maximum reaching velocity, prolonged acceleration time, and jerkier movement of the shoulder, elbow, and hand. Gait differences during non-constrained walking were associated with more severe clinically rated posture and gait symptoms. Reduced maximum reaching velocity and increased jerkiness during dynamic reaching were each related to more severe clinically rated kinetic dysfunction and overall neuromotor symptoms in FMR1 premutation carriers. Our findings suggest kinematic alterations consistent with gait ataxia and upper limb bradykinesia are each selectively present in individuals with FXTAS, but not asymptomatic aging premutation carriers. Consistent with neuropathological and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of FXTAS, these findings implicate cerebellar and basal ganglia degeneration associated with neuromotor decline. Our results showing associations between quantitative kinematic differences in FXTAS and clinical ratings suggest that objective assessments of gait and reaching behaviors may serve as critical and reliable targets for detecting FXTAS risk and monitoring progression

    Upper and Lower Limb Movement Kinematics in Aging FMR1 Gene Premutation Carriers

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    Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with a premutation cytosine-guanine-guanine (CGG) trinucleotide repeat expansion of the FMR1 gene. FXTAS is estimated to be the most common single-gene form of ataxia in the aging population. Gait ataxia and intention tremor are the primary behavioral symptoms of FXTAS, though clinical evaluation of these symptoms often is subjective, contributing to difficulties in reliably differentiating individuals with FXTAS and asymptomatic premutation carriers. This study aimed to clarify the extent to which quantitative measures of gait and upper limb kinematics may serve as biobehavioral markers of FXTAS degeneration. Nineteen premutation carriers (aged 46–77 years), including 9 with possible, probable, or definite FXTAS and 16 sex- and IQ-matched healthy controls, completed tests of non-constrained walking and reaching while both standing (static reaching) and walking (dynamic reaching) to quantify gait and upper limb control, respectively. For the non-constrained walking task, participants wore reflective markers and walked at their preferred speed on a walkway. During the static reaching task, participants reached and lifted boxes of different sizes while standing. During the dynamic reaching task, participants walked to reach and lift the boxes. Movement kinematics were examined in relation to clinical ratings of neuromotor impairments and CGG repeat length. During non-constrained walking, individuals with FXTAS showed decreased stride lengths and stride velocities, increased percentages of double support time, and increased variabilities of cadence and center of mass relative to both asymptomatic premutation carriers and controls. While individuals with FXTAS did not show any static reaching differences relative to the other two groups, they showed multiple differences during dynamic reaching trials, including reduced maximum reaching velocity, prolonged acceleration time, and jerkier movement of the shoulder, elbow, and hand. Gait differences during non-constrained walking were associated with more severe clinically rated posture and gait symptoms. Reduced maximum reaching velocity and increased jerkiness during dynamic reaching were each related to more severe clinically rated kinetic dysfunction and overall neuromotor symptoms in FMR1 premutation carriers. Our findings suggest kinematic alterations consistent with gait ataxia and upper limb bradykinesia are each selectively present in individuals with FXTAS, but not asymptomatic aging premutation carriers. Consistent with neuropathological and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of FXTAS, these findings implicate cerebellar and basal ganglia degeneration associated with neuromotor decline. Our results showing associations between quantitative kinematic differences in FXTAS and clinical ratings suggest that objective assessments of gait and reaching behaviors may serve as critical and reliable targets for detecting FXTAS risk and monitoring progression

    Precision Sensorimotor Control in Aging FMR1 Gene Premutation Carriers.

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    Background: Individuals with premutation alleles of the Materials and Methods: 26 Results: Relative to controls, premutation carriers showed reduced rates of initial force generation during rapid motor actions and longer durations of their initial pressing with their dominant hand. During sustained force, premutation carriers demonstrated reduced force complexity, though this effect was specific to younger premutation carries during dominant hand pressing and was more severe for younger relative to older premutation carriers at low and medium force levels. Increased reaction time and lower sustained force complexity each were associated with greater CGG repeat length for premutation carriers. Increased reaction time and increased sustained force variability were associated with more severe clinically rated FXTAS symptoms. Conclusion: Overall our findings suggest multiple sensorimotor processes are disrupted in aging premutation carriers, including initial force control guided by feedforward mechanisms and sustained sensorimotor behaviors guided by sensory feedback control processes. Results indicating that sensorimotor issues in aging premutation carriers relate to both greater CGG repeat length and clinically rated FXTAS symptoms suggest that quantitative tests of precision sensorimotor ability may serve as key targets for monitoring FXTAS risk and progression

    Initial action output and feedback-guided motor behaviors in autism spectrum disorder

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    Background Sensorimotor issues are common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), related to core symptoms, and predictive of worse functional outcomes. Deficits in rapid behaviors supported primarily by feedforward mechanisms, and continuous, feedback-guided motor behaviors each have been reported, but the degrees to which they are distinct or co-segregate within individuals and across development are not well understood. Methods We characterized behaviors that varied in their involvement of feedforward control relative to feedback control across skeletomotor (precision grip force) and oculomotor (saccades) control systems in 109 individuals with ASD and 101 age-matched typically developing controls (range: 5–29 years) including 58 individuals with ASD and 57 controls who completed both grip and saccade tests. Grip force was examined across multiple force (15, 45, and 85% MVC) and visual gain levels (low, medium, high). Maximum grip force also was examined. During grip force tests, reaction time, initial force output accuracy, variability, and entropy were examined. For the saccade test, latency, accuracy, and trial-wise variability of latency and accuracy were examined. Results Relative to controls, individuals with ASD showed similar accuracy of initial grip force but reduced accuracy of saccadic eye movements specific to older ages of our sample. Force variability was greater in ASD relative to controls, but saccade gain variability (across trials) was not different between groups. Force entropy was reduced in ASD, especially at older ages. We also find reduced grip strength in ASD that was more severe in dominant compared to non-dominant hands. Limitations Our age-related findings rely on cross-sectional data. Longitudinal studies of sensorimotor behaviors and their associations with ASD symptoms are needed. Conclusions We identify reduced accuracy of initial motor output in ASD that was specific to the oculomotor system implicating deficient feedforward control that may be mitigated during slower occurring behaviors executed in the periphery. Individuals with ASD showed increased continuous force variability but similar levels of trial-to-trial saccade accuracy variability suggesting that feedback-guided refinement of motor commands is deficient specifically when adjustments occur rapidly during continuous behavior. We also document reduced lateralization of grip strength in ASD implicating atypical hemispheric specialization

    Visuomotor brain network activation and functional connectivity among individuals with autism spectrum disorder

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    Sensorimotor abnormalities are common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and predictive of functional outcomes, though their neural underpinnings remain poorly understood. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we examined both brain activation and functional connectivity during visuomotor behavior in 27 individuals with ASD and 30 typically developing (TD) controls (ages 9–35 years). Participants maintained a constant grip force while receiving visual feedback at three different visual gain levels. Relative to controls, ASD participants showed increased force variability, especially at high gain, and reduced entropy. Brain activation was greater in individuals with ASD than controls in supplementary motor area, bilateral superior parietal lobules, and contralateral middle frontal gyrus at high gain. During motor action, functional connectivity was reduced between parietal-premotor and parietal-putamen in individuals with ASD compared to controls. Individuals with ASD also showed greater age-associated increases in functional connectivity between cerebellum and visual, motor, and prefrontal cortical areas relative to controls. These results indicate that visuomotor deficits in ASD are associated with atypical activation and functional connectivity of posterior parietal, premotor, and striatal circuits involved in translating sensory feedback information into precision motor behaviors, and that functional connectivity of cerebellar–cortical sensorimotor and nonsensorimotor networks show delayed maturation

    Cerebellar Volumes and Sensorimotor Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Background Sensorimotor issues are common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), though their neural bases are not well understood. The cerebellum is vital to sensorimotor control and reduced cerebellar volumes in ASD have been documented. Our study examined the extent to which cerebellar volumes are associated with multiple sensorimotor behaviors in ASD. Materials and Methods Fifty-eight participants with ASD and 34 typically developing (TD) controls (8–30 years) completed a structural MRI scan and precision grip testing, oculomotor testing, or both. Force variability during precision gripping as well as absolute error and trial-to-trial error variability of visually guided saccades were examined. Volumes of cerebellar lobules, vermis, and white matter were quantified. The relationships between each cerebellar region of interest (ROI) and force variability, saccade error, and saccade error variability were examined. Results Relative to TD controls, individuals with ASD showed increased force variability. Individuals with ASD showed a reduced volume of cerebellar vermis VI-VII relative to TD controls. Relative to TD females, females with ASD showed a reduced volume of bilateral cerebellar Crus II/lobule VIIB. Increased volume of Crus I was associated with increased force variability. Increased volume of vermal lobules VI-VII was associated with reduced saccade error for TD controls but not individuals with ASD. Increased right lobule VIII and cerebellar white matter volumes as well as reduced right lobule VI and right lobule X volumes were associated with greater ASD symptom severity. Reduced volumes of right Crus II/lobule VIIB were associated with greater ASD symptom severity in only males, while reduced volumes of right Crus I were associated with more severe restricted and repetitive behaviors only in females. Conclusion Our finding that increased force variability in ASD is associated with greater cerebellar Crus I volumes indicates that disruption of sensory feedback processing supported by Crus I may contribute to skeletomotor differences in ASD. Results showing that volumes of vermal lobules VI-VII are associated with saccade precision in TD but not ASD implicates atypical organization of the brain systems supporting oculomotor control in ASD. Associations between volumes of cerebellar subregions and ASD symptom severity suggest cerebellar pathological processes may contribute to multiple developmental challenges in ASD

    Flexible Software Platform for Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry Data Acquisition and Analysis

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    Over the last several decades, fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) has proved to be a valuable analytical tool for the real-time measurement of neurotransmitter dynamics in vitro and in vivo. Indeed, FSCV has found application in a wide variety of disciplines including electrochemistry, neurobiology and behavioral psychology. The maturation of FSCV as an in vivo technique led users to pose increasingly complex questions that require a more sophisticated experimental design. To accommodate recent and future advances in FSCV application, our lab has developed High Definition Cyclic Voltammetry (HDCV). HDCV is an electrochemical software suite, and includes data acquisition and analysis programs. The data collection program delivers greater experimental flexibility and better user feedback through live displays. It supports experiments involving multiple electrodes with customized waveforms. It is compatible with TTL-based systems that are used for monitoring animal behavior and it enables simultaneous recording of electrochemical and electrophysiological data. HDCV analysis streamlines data processing with superior filtering options, seamlessly manages behavioral events, and integrates chemometric processing. Furthermore, analysis is capable of handling single files collected over extended periods of time, allowing the user to consider biological events on both sub-second and multi-minute time scales. Here we describe and demonstrate the utility of HDCV for in vivo experiments
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