235 research outputs found

    The Brightest Lyα\alpha Emitter: Pop III or Black Hole?

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    CR7 is the brightest z=6.6 Lyαz=6.6 \, {\rm Ly}\alpha emitter (LAE) known to date, and spectroscopic follow-up by Sobral et al. (2015) suggests that CR7 might host Population (Pop) III stars. We examine this interpretation using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Several simulated galaxies show the same "Pop III wave" pattern observed in CR7. However, to reproduce the extreme CR7 Lyα{\rm Ly}\alpha/HeII1640 line luminosities (Lα/HeIIL_{\rm \alpha/He II}) a top-heavy IMF and a massive (>107M⊙>10^{7}{\rm M}_{\odot}) PopIII burst with age <2<2 Myr are required. Assuming that the observed properties of Lyα{\rm Ly}\alpha and HeII emission are typical for Pop III, we predict that in the COSMOS/UDS/SA22 fields, 14 out of the 30 LAEs at z=6.6z=6.6 with Lα>1043.3erg s−1L_{\alpha} >10^{43.3}{\rm erg}\,{\rm s}^{-1} should also host Pop III stars producing an observable LHeII>1042.7erg s−1L_{\rm He II}>10^{42.7}{\rm erg}\,{\rm s}^{-1}. As an alternate explanation, we explore the possibility that CR7 is instead powered by accretion onto a Direct Collapse Black Hole (DCBH). Our model predicts LαL_{\alpha}, LHeIIL_{\rm He II}, and X-ray luminosities that are in agreement with the observations. In any case, the observed properties of CR7 indicate that this galaxy is most likely powered by sources formed from pristine gas. We propose that further X-ray observations can distinguish between the two above scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Unveiling the most luminous Lyman-a emitters in the epoch of reionisation

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    Distant luminous Lyman-a emitters are excellent targets for detailed observations of galaxies in the epoch of reionisation. Spatially resolved observations of these galaxies allow us to simultaneously probe the emission from young stars, partially ionised gas in the interstellar medium and to constrain the properties of the surrounding hydrogen in the circumgalactic medium. We review recent results from (spectroscopic) follow-up studies of the rest-frame UV, Lyman-a and [CII] emission in luminous galaxies observed 1/4500 Myr after the Big Bang with ALMA, HST/WFC3 and VLT/X-SHOOTER. These galaxies likely reside in early ionised bubbles and are complex systems, consisting of multiple well separated and resolved components where traces of metals are already present

    Probing the AGN Unification Model at redshift z ∼\sim 3 with MUSE observations of giant Lyα\alpha nebulae

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    A prediction of the classic active galactic nuclei (AGN) unification model is the presence of ionisation cones with different orientations depending on the AGN type. Confirmations of this model exist for present times, but it is less clear in the early Universe. Here, we use the morphology of giant Lyα\alpha nebulae around AGNs at redshift z∼\sim3 to probe AGN emission and therefore the validity of the AGN unification model at this redshift. We compare the spatial morphology of 19 nebulae previously found around type I AGNs with a new sample of 4 Lyα\alpha nebulae detected around type II AGNs. Using two independent techniques, we find that nebulae around type II AGNs are more asymmetric than around type I, at least at radial distances r>30r>30~physical kpc (pkpc) from the ionizing source. We conclude that the type I and type II AGNs in our sample show evidence of different surrounding ionising geometries. This suggests that the classical AGN unification model is also valid for high-redshift sources. Finally, we discuss how the lack of asymmetry in the inner parts (r≲\lesssim30 pkpc) and the associated high values of the HeII to Lyα\alpha ratios in these regions could indicate additional sources of (hard) ionizing radiation originating within or in proximity of the AGN host galaxies. This work demonstrates that the morphologies of giant Lyα\alpha nebulae can be used to understand and study the geometry of high redshift AGNs on circum-nuclear scales and it lays the foundation for future studies using much larger statistical samples.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The brightest Ly α emitter: Pop III or black hole?

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    CR7 is the brightest z=6.6 Ly α emitter (LAE) known to date, and spectroscopic follow-up by Sobral etal. suggests that CR7 might host Population (Pop) III stars. We examine this interpretation using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Several simulated galaxies show the same ‘Pop III wave' pattern observed in CR7. However, to reproduce the extreme CR7 Ly α/He ii1640 line luminosities (Lα/He IIL_{\rm \alpha /He\,\small {II}}) a top-heavy initial mass function and a massive ( ≳ 107 M⊙) Pop III burst with age ≲ 2Myr are required. Assuming that the observed properties of Ly α and He ii emission are typical for Pop III, we predict that in the COSMOS/UDS/SA22 fields, 14 out of the 30 LAEs at z=6.6 with Lα>1043.3 erg s−1 should also host Pop III stars producing an observable LHe II≳1042.7 erg s−1L_{\rm He\,\small {II}}\gtrsim 10^{42.7}\,{\rm erg}\,{\rm s}^{-1}. As an alternate explanation, we explore the possibility that CR7 is instead powered by accretion on to a direct collapse black hole. Our model predicts Lα, LHe IIL_{\rm He\,\small {II}}, and X-ray luminosities that are in agreement with the observations. In any case, the observed properties of CR7 indicate that this galaxy is most likely powered by sources formed from pristine gas. We propose that further X-ray observations can distinguish between the two above scenario

    Tensions in the adoption of e-Learning in the mining industry of South Africa

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    The mining industry in South Africa contributes signi cantly to the national economy. Training is an important component in these environments and e-Learning is often used to train the large workforce. In the face of current labour unrest and job cuts in this sector, it is foreseen that e-Learning might play an increasing important role to upskill the remaining work force. However, it appears that low motivation and resistance to e-Learning exist amongst learners. The aim of this research was to examine the factors that may contribute to this resistance and/or adoption as perceived by e-Learning managers and practitioners. An interpretive approach was used to conduct two case studies. Activity theory was used as the theoretical lens and its main elements (tools, subjects, rules, objects, community) were used to analyse interviews with participants from two mining companies. Potential contradictions or tensions were identi ed in order to explore resistance to e-Learning. The main ndings indicate that: 1. proper communication of expectations by di erent stakeholders of e-Learning is imperative, 2. top management support for e-Learning should stem from integration into the organisational goals, 3. quality content is a necessary condition for successful adoption, 4. more attention should be given to interaction between learners and facilitators and also between learners, 5. a focus on people development rather than only compliance may lead to lower resistance, and 6. top management support and involvement should be made visible.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_comp.htmlam201

    The Kinematic and Microphysical Control of Storm Integrated Lightning Flash Extent

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    Objective: To investigate the kinematic and microphysical control of lightning properties, particularly those that may govern the production of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in thunderstorms, such as flash rate, type (intracloud [IC] vs. cloud-to-ground [CG] ) and extent. Data and Methodology: a) NASA MSFC Lightning Nitrogen Oxides Model (LNOM) is applied to North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (NALMA) and Vaisala National Lightning Detection Network(TradeMark) (NLDN) observations following ordinary convective cells through their lifecycle. b) LNOM provides estimates of flash type, channel length distributions, lightning segment altitude distributions (SADs) and lightning NOx production profiles (Koshak et al. 2012). c) LNOM lightning characteristics are compared to the evolution of updraft and precipitation properties inferred from dual-Doppler (DD) and polarimetric radar analyses of UAHuntsville Advanced Radar for Meteorological and Operational Research (ARMOR, Cband, polarimetric) and KHTX (S-band, Doppler)

    The dynamics of z = 0.8 Hα-selected star-forming galaxies from KMOS/CF-HiZELS

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    We present the spatially resolved Hα dynamics of 16 star-forming galaxies at z ~ 0.81 using the new KMOS multi-object integral field spectrograph on the ESO Very Large Telescope. These galaxies, selected using 1.18 μm narrowband imaging from the 10 deg2 CFHT-HiZELS survey of the SA 22 hr field, are found in a ~4 Mpc overdensity of Hα emitters and likely reside in a group/intermediate environment, but not a cluster. We confirm and identify a rich group of star-forming galaxies at z = 0.813 ± 0.003, with 13 galaxies within 1000 km s–1 of each other, and seven within a diameter of 3 Mpc. All of our galaxies are "typical" star-forming galaxies at their redshift, 0.8 ± 0.4 SFRz=0.8∗^*_{z = 0.8}, spanning a range of specific star formation rates (sSFRs) of 0.2-1.1 Gyr–1 and have a median metallicity very close to solar of 12 + log(O/H) = 8.62 ± 0.06. We measure the spatially resolved Hα dynamics of the galaxies in our sample and show that 13 out of 16 galaxies can be described by rotating disks and use the data to derive inclination corrected rotation speeds of 50-275 km s–1. The fraction of disks within our sample is 75% ± 8%, consistent with previous results based on Hubble Space Telescope morphologies of Hα-selected galaxies at z ~ 1 and confirming that disks dominate the SFR density at z ~ 1. Our Hα galaxies are well fitted by the z ~ 1-2 Tully-Fisher (TF) relation, confirming the evolution seen in the zero point. Apart from having, on average, higher stellar masses and lower sSFRs, our group galaxies at z = 0.81 present the same mass-metallicity and TF relation as z ~ 1 field galaxies and are all disk galaxies

    A relationship between specific star formation rate and metallicity gradient within z ∼ 1 galaxies from KMOS-HiZELS

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    We have observed a sample of typical z ∼ 1 star-forming galaxies, selected from the HiZELS survey, with the new K-band Multi-Object Spectrograph (KMOS) near-infrared, multi-integral field unit instrument on the Very Large Telescope (VLT), in order to obtain their dynamics and metallicity gradients. The majority of our galaxies have a metallicity gradient consistent with being flat or negative (i.e. higher metallicity cores than outskirts). Intriguingly, we find a trend between metallicity gradient and specific star formation rate (sSFR), such that galaxies with a high sSFR tend to have relatively metal poor centres, a result which is strengthened when combined with data sets from the literature. This result appears to explain the discrepancies reported between different high-redshift studies and varying claims for evolution. From a galaxy evolution perspective, the trend we see would mean that a galaxy's sSFR is governed by the amount of metal-poor gas that can be funnelled into its core, triggered either by merging or through efficient accretion. In fact, merging may play a significant role as it is the starburst galaxies at all epochs, which have the more positive metallicity gradients. Our results may help to explain the origin of the fundamental metallicity relation, in which galaxies at a fixed mass are observed to have lower metallicities at higher star formation rates, especially if the metallicity is measured in an aperture encompassing only the central regions of the galaxy. Finally, we note that this study demonstrates the power of KMOS as an efficient instrument for large-scale resolved galaxy surveys

    A 10 deg^2 Lyman α survey at z=8.8 with spectroscopic follow-up: strong constraints on the luminosity function and implications for other surveys

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    Candidate galaxies at redshifts of z ∼ 10 are now being found in extremely deep surveys, probing very small areas. As a consequence, candidates are very faint, making spectroscopic confirmation practically impossible. In order to overcome such limitations, we have undertaken the CF-HiZELS survey, which is a large-area, medium-depth near-infrared narrow-band survey targeted at z = 8.8 Lyman α (Lyα) emitters (LAEs) and covering 10 deg2 in part of the SSA22 field with the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). We surveyed a comoving volume of 4.7 × 106 Mpc3 to a Lyα luminosity limit of 6.3 × 1043 erg s−1. We look for Lyα candidates by applying the following criteria: (i) clear emission-line source, (ii) no optical detections (ugriz from CFHTLS), (iii) no visible detection in the optical stack (ugriz > 27), (iv) visually checked reliable NBJ and J detections and (v) J − K ≤ 0. We compute photometric redshifts and remove a significant amount of dusty lower redshift line-emitters at z ∼ 1.4 or 2.2. A total of 13 Lyα candidates were found, of which two are marked as strong candidates, but the majority have very weak constraints on their spectral energy distributions. Using follow-up observations with SINFONI/VLT, we are able to exclude the most robust candidates as LAEs. We put a strong constraint on the Lyα luminosity function at z ∼ 9 and make realistic predictions for ongoing and future surveys. Our results show that surveys for the highest redshift LAEs are susceptible of multiple contaminations and that spectroscopic follow-up is absolutely necessary

    The clustering of H β\beta + [O III] and [O II] emitters since z \tilde 5: dependencies with line luminosity and stellar mass

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    We investigate the clustering properties of ∼7000 H β + [O III] and [O II] narrowband-selected emitters at z ∼ 0.8–4.7 from the High-z Emission Line Survey. We find clustering lengths, r0, of 1.5–4.0 h−1 Mpc and minimum dark matter halo masses of 1010.7–12.1 M⊙ for our z = 0.8–3.2 H β + [O III] emitters and r0 ∼ 2.0–8.3 h−1 Mpc and halo masses of 1011.5–12.6 M⊙ for our z = 1.5–4.7 [O II] emitters. We find r0 to strongly increase both with increasing line luminosity and redshift. By taking into account the evolution of the characteristic line luminosity, L⋆(z), and using our model predictions of halo mass given r0, we find a strong, redshift-independent increasing trend between L/L⋆(z) and minimum halo mass. The faintest H β + [O III] emitters are found to reside in 109.5 M⊙ haloes and the brightest emitters in 1013.0 M⊙ haloes. For [O II] emitters, the faintest emitters are found in 1010.5 M⊙ haloes and the brightest emitters in 1012.6 M⊙ haloes. A redshift-independent stellar mass dependency is also observed where the halo mass increases from 1011 to 1012.5 M⊙ for stellar masses of 108.5 to 1011.5 M⊙, respectively. We investigate the interdependencies of these trends by repeating our analysis in a Lline−Mstar grid space for our most populated samples (H β + [O III] z = 0.84 and [O II] z = 1.47) and find that the line luminosity dependency is stronger than the stellar mass dependency on halo mass. For L > L⋆ emitters at all epochs, we find a relatively flat trend with halo masses of 1012.5–13 M⊙, which may be due to quenching mechanisms in massive haloes that is consistent with a transitional halo mass predicted by models
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