44 research outputs found

    Cardiorespiratory fitness and nutritional status of schoolchildren: 30-year evolution

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the changes in cardiorespiratory fitness in evaluations performed every ten years since 1978/1980, according to the nutritional status and gender of students in the city of Ilhabela, Brazil. METHODS: The study is part of the Mixed Longitudinal Project on Growth, Development and Physical Fitness of Ilhabela. The study included 1,291 students of both genders, aged 10 to 11 years old. The study periods were: 1978/1980, 1988/1990, 1998/2000, and 2008/2010. The variables analyzed were: body weight, height, and cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max -L.min-1 and mL.kg-1.min-1) performed using a submaximal progressive protocol on a cycle ergometer. Individuals were classified as normal weight and overweight according to curves proposed by the World Health Organization of body mass index for age and gender. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with three factors followed by the Bonferroni method were used to compare the periods. RESULTS: The number of normal weight individuals (61%) was higher than that of overweight. There was a significant decrease in cardiorespiratory fitness in both genders. Among the schoolchildren with normal weight, there was a decrease of 22% in males and 26% in females. In overweight schoolchildren, males showed a decrease of 12.7% and females, of 18%. CONCLUSION: During a 30-year analysis with reviews every ten years from 1978/1980, there was a significant decrease in cardiorespiratory fitness in schoolchildren of both genders, which cannot be explained by the nutritional status. The decline in cardiorespiratory fitness was greater in individuals with normal weight than in overweight individuals.OBJETIVO: Comparar as mudanças da aptidão cardiorrespiratória em avaliações a cada 10 anos a partir de 1978/1980, de acordo com o estado nutricional e o sexo de escolares do município de Ilhabela, Brasil. MÉTODOS: O estudo faz parte do Projeto Misto-Longitudinal de Crescimento, Desenvolvimento e Aptidão Física de Ilhabela. Participaram do estudo 1.291 escolares de ambos os sexos, de 10 e 11 anos de idade. Os períodos analisados foram 1978/1980, 1988/1990, 1998/2000 e 2008/2010. As variáveis analisadas foram peso corporal, estatura e aptidão cardiorrespiratória (VO2máx - L.min-1 e mL.kg-1.min-1) realizada por um protocolo progressivo submáximo em um ciclo ergômetro. Os indivíduos foram classificados em eutróficos e excesso de peso mediante as curvas propostas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde de índice de massa corporal para idade e sexo. Para comparar os períodos, foi utilizado a ANOVA com três fatores, seguida pelo método Bonferroni. RESULTADOS: A quantidade de eutróficos (61%) foi maior do que a de excesso de peso. Houve diminuição significativa da aptidão cardiorrespiratória em ambos os sexos. Entre os escolares meninos e as meninas eutróficas houve diminuição de 22% e 26%, respectivamente. Nos escolares com excesso de peso, os meninos diminuíram em 12,7%, e as meninas, em 18%. CONCLUSÃO: Em uma análise de 30 anos, com avaliações a cada 10 anos a partir de 1978/1980, houve uma diminuição significante da aptidão cardiorrespiratória em escolares de ambos os sexos, que não pode ser explicada pelo estado nutricional. A queda da aptidão cardiorrespiratória foi maior nos escolares eutróficos do que nos obesos.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Centro de Estudos do Laboratório de Aptidão Física de São Caetano do SulUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PediatriaSociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein Hospital Israelita Albert EinsteinUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    Modificações da adiposidade em escolares de acordo com o estado nutricional: análise de 30 anos

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    The aim of this study was to analyze changes in adiposity levels over a 30-year period in schoolchildren according to nutritional status. This study is part of Projeto Misto Longitudinal de Crescimento, Desenvolvimento e Aptidão Física de Ilhabela. 1.144 schoolchildren of both sexes, aged between 10 and 11 years, met the following inclusion criteria: (a) have at least one complete evaluation in one of the analyzed periods; (b) be in the prepubertal stage of sexual maturation; and (c) be apparently healthy. Analyzed periods were 1978/1980 (Baseline), 1988/1990 (10 years), 1998/2000 (20 years), 2008/2010 (30 years). Analyzed variables were: body mass (kg), height (cm) and adiposity levels (mm). Children were classified into three categories: eutrophic, overweight and obese, according to nutritional status, using World Health Organization (WHO) body mass index (BMI) curves for age and sex. For a comparison between periods, Two-Factor Analysis of Variance and Bonferroni's test were used. In both sexes, the most significant increase in adiposity levels occurred among the eutrophic group, followed by the overweight group and obese group. Results showed an increase in adiposity levels over a 30-year period, even with nutritional status control. It shows that individuals with a similar BMI may vary in proportion and distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue.O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as modificações da adiposidade de escolares, durante 30 anos, de acordo com o estado nutricional. O estudo faz parte do Projeto Misto Longitudinal de Crescimento, Desenvolvimento e Aptidão Física de Ilhabela. Uma amostra de 1.144 escolares de ambos os sexos, de 10 e 11 anos, atenderam aos seguintes critérios de inclusão: (a) pelo menos uma avaliação completa em um dos períodos analisados; (b) estar no estágio pré-púbere de maturação sexual; (c) ser aparentemente saudável. Os períodos analisados foram 1978/1980 (linha de base), 1988/1990 (10 anos), 1998/2000 (20 anos), 2008/2010 (30 anos). As variáveis analisadas foram: massa corporal, estatura e adiposidade, pela análise individual de cada dobra cutânea. Os indivíduos foram classificados em eutróficos, excesso de peso e obesos, mediante as curvas propostas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) de índice de massa corporal para idade e sexo. Para comparar os períodos, foi utilizada a Análise de Variância com Dois Fatores seguida pelo método Bonferroni. Em ambos os sexos, o maior aumento significante ocorreu no grupo de escolares eutróficos, seguido pelos grupos excesso de peso e obeso. Houve modificações da adiposidade, mesmo com o controle do estado nutricional, durante o período de 30 anos analisado, mostrando que os indivíduos que têm semelhantes índices de massa corporal podem variar em proporção e distribuição de tecido adiposo subcutâneo.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Centro de Estudos do Laboratório de Aptidão Física de São Caetano do SulUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Centro de Atendimento e Apoio ao AdolescenteHospital Israelita Albert EinsteinUNIFESP, EPM, Centro de Atendimento e Apoio ao AdolescenteSciEL


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    Background: recent points of view catch us attention to the importance of continuing to practice physical activity during the Covid-19 pandemic, however few studies have analyzed the association between physical activity and worsening of the clinical outcome, hospitalizations or mortality from the new coronavirus Objective: to analyze the association between physical activity and deaths by Covid-19 in the Brazilian capitals. Methods: observational cross-sectional ecological study, when data on prevalence of leisure time physical activity and deaths by Covid-19 were analyzed in 26 Brazilian capitals and the Federal District as well. Data on the prevalence of leisure time physical activity, obesity and hypertension has been collected through the Risk Factors Surveillance System for chronic non-communicable diseases of the Brazilian Ministry of Health were used. Information on accumulated deaths, lethality of the disease and mortality rate were extracted from SUS(Brazil's Unified National Health System) Analytical: data on COVID-19 in Brazil, available on the website of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. For data analysis, simple Pearson correlation and multiple regression were used with a 5% significance level. Results: demonstrate the existence of an inverse correlation between leisure time physical activity and accumulated deaths (r = -0.44, p = 0.03), mortality rate/100,000 inhabitants (r =   -0.43, p = 0.02) as well as with the lethality of the disease (r = -0.51, p = 0.01). They also demonstrate an inverse association between leisure time physical activity and accumulated deaths (β = -485.1, p = 0.04), as well as with the lethality of the disease (β = -0.21, p = 0.02), even after adjusting for confounding variables. Conclusions: the practice of leisure time physical activity can be an important ally in coping with Covid-19. The inverse association observed among physical activity, accumulated deaths and disease lethality can bring important reflections on the actions that have been implemented by government agencies, both state and municipal regarding the practice of physical activity by the population.Antecedentes: pontos de vista recentes chamam a atenção para a importância de continuar a praticar atividade física durante a pandemia da Covid-19, porém poucos estudos analisaram a associação entre atividade física e a piora do quadro clínico, hospitalizações ou mortalidade pelo novo coronavírus Objetivo: analisar a associação entre atividade física e óbitos por Covid-19 nas capitais brasileiras. Métodos: estudo ecológico transversal observacional, onde foram analisados ​​dados de prevalência de atividade física no lazer e óbitos por Covid-19, em 26 capitais brasileiras e também no Distrito Federal. Foram utilizados dados de prevalência de atividade física no lazer, obesidade e hipertensão arterial, coletados por meio do Sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. As informações sobre óbitos acumulados, letalidade da doença e taxa de mortalidade foram extraídas do SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde).  Analítico: dados do COVID-19 no Brasil, disponíveis no site do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, disponíveis para a análise dos dados, foram utilizadas correlação de Pearson simples e regressão múltipla com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: demonstram a existência de correlação inversa entre atividade física no lazer e óbitos acumulados (r = -0,44, p = 0,03), taxa de mortalidade / 100.000 habitantes (r = -0,43, p = 0,02) bem como com a letalidade de a doença (r = -0,51, p = 0,01). Também demonstram associação inversa entre atividade física no lazer e óbitos acumulados (β = -485,1, p = 0,04), bem como com a letalidade da doença (β = -0,21, p = 0,02), mesmo após ajuste para confundimento variáveis. Conclusões: a prática de atividade física no lazer pode ser um importante aliado no enfrentamento da  Covid-19. A associação inversa observada entre atividade física, mortes acumuladas e letalidade de doenças pode trazer reflexos importantes sobre as ações que vêm sendo implementadas por órgãos governamentais, estaduais e municipais, no que diz respeito à prática de atividade física pela população

    Joint association of birth weight and physical activity/sedentary behavior with obesity in children ages 9-11 years from 12 countries

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    Objective: To examine the joint association of birth weight and physical activity/sedentary time with childhood obesity in 12 countries. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 5,088 children aged 9 to 11 years was conducted. Birth weight was recalled by parents or guardians. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary behavior were objectively measured using accelerometry. Results: The association of birth weight with the odds of obesity, central obesity, and high body fat was significant among children with either low MVPA or high sedentary time but not among children with either high MVPA or low sedentary time. In comparison with children with normal birth weight and high MVPA, children with high birth weight and low MVPA showed 4.48- to 5.18-fold higher odds of obesity, central obesity, and high body fat; children with normal birth weight and low MVPA showed 3.00- to 3.30-fold higher odds of obesity, central obesity, and high body fat, and children with high birth weight and high MVPA showed 1.16- to 1.68-fold higher odds of obesity, central obesity, and high body fat. Conclusions: High MVPA is more important than high birth weight as a correlate of obesity in children

    Proportion of children meeting recommendations for 24-hour movement guidelines and associations with adiposity in a 12-country study

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    Background: The Canadian 24-h movement guidelines were developed with the hope of improving health and future health outcomes in children and youth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate adherence to the 3 recommendations most strongly associated with health outcomes in new 24-h movement guidelines and their relationship with adiposity (obesity and body mass index z-score) across countries participating in the International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment (ISCOLE). Methods: Cross-sectional results were based on 6128 children aged 9-11years from the 12 countries of ISCOLE. Sleep duration and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) were assessed using accelerometry. Screen time was measured through self-report. Body weight and height were measured. Body mass index (BMI, kgm2) was calculated, and BMI z-scores were computed using age- and sex-specific reference data from the World Health Organization. Obesity was defined as a BMI z-score>+2 SD. Meeting the overall 24-h movement guidelines was defined as: 9 to 11h/night of sleep, ≤2h/day of screen time, and at least 60min/day of MVPA. Age, sex, highest parental education and unhealthy diet pattern score were included as covariates in statistical models. Associations between meeting vs. not meeting each single recommendation (and combinations) with obesity were assessed with odds ratios calculated using generalized linear mixed models. A linear mixed model was used to examine the differences in BMI z-scores between children meeting vs. not meeting the different combinations of recommendations. Results: The global prevalence of children meeting the overall recommendations (all three behaviors) was 7%, with children from Australia and Canada showing the highest adherence (15%). Children meeting the three recommendations had lower odds ratios for obesity compared to those meeting none of the recommendations (OR=0.28, 95% CI 0.18-0.45). Compared to not meeting the 24-h movement recommendations either independently or combined, meeting them was significantly associated with a lower BMI z-score. Whenever the MVPA recommendation was included in the analysis the odds ratios for obesity were lower. Conclusions: For ISCOLE participants meeting these 3 healthy movement recommendations the odds ratios of being obese or having high BMI z-scores were lower. However, only a small percentage of children met all recommendations. Future efforts should aim to find promising ways to increase daily physical activity, reduce screen time, and ensure an adequate night's sleep in children. Trial registration: The International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment (ISCOLE) was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (Identifier NCT01722500) (October 29, 2012)

    Relationships between outdoor time, physical activity, sedentary time, and body mass index in children : a 12-country study

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    Purpose: This study investigated the relationship between outdoor time and physical activity (PA), sedentary time (SED), and body mass index z scores among children from 12 lower-middle-income, upper-middle-income, and high-income countries. Methods: In total, 6478 children (54.4% girls) aged 9-11 years participated. Outdoor time was self-reported, PA and SED were assessed with ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometers, and height and weight were measured. Data on parental education, neighborhood collective efficacy, and accessibility to neighborhood recreation facilities were collected from parent questionnaires. Country latitude and climate statistics were collected through national weather data sources. Gender-stratified multilevel models with parental education, climate, and neighborhood variables as covariates were used to examine the relationship between outdoor time, accelerometry measures, and body mass index z scores. Results: Each additional hour per day spent outdoors was associated with higher moderate-to vigorous-intensity PA (boys: +2.8 min/d; girls: +1.4 min/d), higher light-intensity PA (boys: +2.0 min/d; girls: +2.3 min/d), and lower SED (boys: -6.3 min/d; girls: -5.1 min/d). Effect sizes were generally weaker in lower-middle-income countries. Outdoor time was not associated with body mass index z scores. Conclusions: Outdoor time was associated with higher PA and lower SED independent of climate, parental education, and neighborhood variables, but effect sizes were small. However, more research is needed in low-and middle-income countries

    Sleep characteristics and health-related quality of life in 9- to 11-year-old children from 12 countries

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    Introduction: Previous studies have linked short sleep duration, poor sleep quality, and late sleep timing with lower health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children. However, almost all studies relied solely on self-reported sleep information, and most studies were conducted in high-income countries. To address these gaps, we studied both device-measured and self-reported sleep characteristics in relation to HRQoL in a sample of children from 12 countries that vary widely in terms of economic and human development. Methods: The study sample included 6,626 children aged 9-11 years from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Finland, India, Kenya, Portugal, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Waist-worn actigraphy was used to measure total sleep time, bedtime, wake-up time, and sleep efficiency on both weekdays and weekends. Children also reported ratings of sleep quantity and quality. HRQoL was measured by the KIDSCREEN-10 survey. Multilevel regression models were used to determine the relationships between sleep characteristics and HRQoL. Results: Results showed considerable variation in sleep characteristics, particularly duration and timing, across study sites. Overall, we found no association between device-measured total sleep time, sleep timing or sleep efficiency, and HRQoL. In contrast, self-reported ratings of poor sleep quantity and quality were associated with HRQoL. Conclusions: Self-reported, rather than device-based, measures of sleep are related to HRQoL in children. The discrepancy related to sleep assessment methods highlights the importance of considering both device-measured and self-reported measures of sleep in understanding its health effects

    Physical exercise in treating obesity

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    Undoubtedly, no regular practice of physical exercise is one of thefactors that determine the global epidemics of weight excess andobesity in all age groups. Taking up physical activities regularlysince the initial stages of life (childhood), during adolescence andmaintaining them in adulthood – from young adults to over 50 yearsof age - is essential to assure an appropriate control of weight andbody fat. The general recommendation of physical exercise for goodhealth is to practice at least 30 minutes of moderate activities, atleast five days a week, and preferably every day. When the purposeis to lose and control weight in overweighed and obese individuals,the minimum practice should last 60 minutes/day, preferably 90minutes/day, at least five days/week, in a continuous or accumulatedmanner. Physical exercise is associated with several physical,psychological and social benefits that justify it inclusion as a crucialstrategy to prevent and treat overweight and obesity in any agegroup. Apart from moderate aerobic physical exercise, such aswalking, cycling, swimming, or more vigorous activities, such asjogging or running, resistance exercises and changes in lifestyle areessential, together with re-education of eating habits, to fight theepidemics of overweight and obesity. Besides the effect of weightcontrol, reduced body fat, prevention of weight gain and maintenanceof lean mass, physical exercise is related to a better lipid profile andreduced risk of associated diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension,metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and, consequently,lower risk of death

    Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte - Estatuto de 1979

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    Documento em papel com impressão em preto. O documento integra a o acervo institucional do Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte.Documento em forma de livreto referente ao estatuto do Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte, aprovado no ano de 1979. Contém nove capítulos e descreve seu funcionamento.DoaçãoColégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esport