20 research outputs found
The Existence of Life is Based on Stabilization of Dynamic Energy Balance (Harmonization): Its Scientific, Philosophical and Religious Significance
It is considered that the stabilizing force of dynamic energy balance (harmonization) which controls the universe is relevant to the origin of all living organisms, their evolution, and indeed the existence of life now and in the future. In this paper I will consider the significance of the existence of life and its primary motive force, and the philosophical and religious significance of the existence of life from the above viewpoint. In addition, in this paper I would also like to consider the future of life on earth together with the responsibility of mankind for it
Amino Acid Sequence of the α Chain of Chicken AI Hemoglobin I. Amino Acid Sequence of the Tryptic Peptides of the α Chain
Adult chicken hemoglobin is heterogeneous containing two major components, A and AII9). αpolypeptide chain of A I component was purified and subjected to tryptic digestion for 3 hr. Each tryptic peptide was purified by AG 1 x 2 column chromatography, Chromo Beads P column chromatography and paper chromatography in sequence and the amino acid sequence of each peptide was studied. A brief report on the results of this study was already presented as a preliminary communication"\u27. This communication deals with the details on the structural studies of a polypeptide chain of A I component from chicken adult hemoglobin
Adsorption Chromatography of Dinitrophenylamino Acids on Silica Gel-Celite
The technique of adsorption chromatography of dinitrophenylamino acids (DNP-amino acids) has been studied in this laboratory in order to separate N-terminal amino acids from the globins of various hemoglobins. The following method which gave good results is a modified method of GREEN et al. A mixture of silica gel and celite (2 to 1) is packed into a 15-cm. column with diameter of 0.9 cm. As developers mixtures of organic solvents such as acetic acid, acetone, ligroin, formic acid, ethyl acetate or benzene are used. In the above column and with the above developers, adsorption chromatography is carried out to separate various DNP-amino acids. This seems to be an effective method for qualitative and quantitative analysis of DNA-amino acids
Comparative Biochemistry of Hemoglobins
The problem of the molecular evolution of hemoglobin has been studied by comparing agar-gel electrophoresis, ultraviolet absorption spectra and resistance to alkalis in fifteen varieties of hemoglobins ranging from human hemoglobin to fish hemoglobin. The differences observed in the hemoglobins seem to be due to differences in the structures of these hemoglobins
Dualistic Chemical Evolution to the Stabilization of the Energy-Balance: A Hypothesis on the Origin of Life on the Earth
A hypothesis of the dualistic chemical evolution to the stabilization of the energy-balance is proposed and explained in connection with the origin of life on the earth. From author\u27s viewpoint, the existence of all things and all phenomena in the universe are closely related to the stabilization of the energy-balance and life is not an exceptional case in this matter. It is presumed that the first life on the earth was formed as the process towards the stabilization of the energy-balance by interactions between the earth and other heavenly body. A white dwarf was considered as this other heavenly body and the base-bonding polypeptide was assumed to be the origin of protein and nucleic acid
Directed Protein Evolution through Genetic Fixation by Organismal Self-Selection as the Molecular Basis of Organic Evolution
It is supposed that mutations in genes of organism occur accidentally, but genetic fixations of the mutant species into all members of an organic species progress selectively. Directed protein evolution through the genetic fixation with the aim of the final goal as the molecular basis of organic evolution has always been progressing in tandem with the decrease of the degree of freedom of protein structure. This is evident in the continuous deceleration of the evolutionary amino acid substitution rate in protein. This seems to demonstrate the existence of the directed selection in also molecular evolution. In addition, it is supposed that directed protein evolution progresses by mainly the self-selection of organisms, and that the primary motive force of this self-selection is the stabilizing force with the aim of the final goal of the maximal stable condition of the non-equilibrium dynamic balance and harmonization of energy at the individual level of the organic species. Therefore, the primary factor of organic evolution is the self-selection of the organism itself, and the evolutionary factors of competition and symbiosis with the other species appear to be secondary
ボンネットモンキー(Macaca radiata)の主要ヘモグロビンHb3の一次構造
分子進化を知る目的で,多くのヘモグロビンの一次構造が報告されている.今回著者らは旧世界猿のマカク属に分類されるボンネットモンキーの主要ヘモグロビンHb1~Hb3の中,Hb3のα鎖およびβ鎖の一次構造を決定し,ヒトならびに同属のヘモグロビンと比較した.ヒトとの比較ではα鎖で3箇所68Leu←→Asn,71Gly←→Ala,78His←→Asn,β鎖で7箇所9Asn←→Ser,13Thr←→Ala,50Ser←→Thr,76Asn←→Ala,87Gln←→Thr,104Lys←→Arg,125Gln←→Proのアミノ酸置換が認められた.また同属の他のヘモグロビンとの比較検討も行った.さらにボンネットモンキーを含めたマカク属では一般に複数個のヘモグロビンが認められるが,この原因となるαグロビンの対立遺伝子あるいは遺伝子重複の点についても比較考察を加えた.An adult bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata) was found to have three major hemoglobin components (Hb 1, Hb 2, and Hb 3) which were separated by carboxymethyl cellulose column chromatography. The α and β chains were isolated from Hb 3, and digested with trypsin. The tryptic peptides were isolated and sequenced by conventional methods. The alignment of these peptides in each chain was deduced from the homology of their sequences with those of human adult hemoglobin. The primary structures thus determined are compared with those of other primate hemoglobins