18 research outputs found
Sustenabilitatea alimentației și conexiunile cu mediul ambiant
Introducere. Alimentația sustenabilă este în strânsă conexiune cu mediul ambiant și cu sănătatea consumatorilor din areal. Mâncarea, consumată dintr-o varietate de motive precum nutriție, experiență/plăcere senzorială sau în scopuri culturale, reprezintă baza stilului de viață, a sistemului economic și social. Legăturile dintre serviciile ecosistemice, biodiversitatea și sănătatea globală cuprind multifațete și se manifestă la diferite scale temporale. Prin urmare, abordările ecosistemice sunt absolut relevante pentru conceptul One Health, care îmbrățișează interconexiunea dintre oameni, fauna sălbatică și ecosisteme. Impactul acestor schimbări ecosistemice afectează relațiile interdependente ale schimbărilor climatice, cu efecte rezultate, cum ar fi epuizarea stratului de ozon, emisii acide, poluare și ecotoxicitate, poluarea aerului, apei și solului, epuizarea resurselor și/sau pierderea biodiversității și a funcțiilor ecosistemice ale acesteia. Amenințările asupra sănătății fiind impuse de determinanții ecologici, care rezultă din interacțiunea unui agent cu gazda în triada epidemiologică sau ecologică a bolii cu dilemele care provoacă pericolele pentru mediu, trebuie abordate în colaborare. Impactul factorilor de ecomediu asupra sănătății populaţiei sunt elucidate împreună cu recomandări din implicaţia folosirii gândirii ecologice şi abordări pentru intervențiile de sănătate publică și educație pentru contracararea problemelor apărute sub aceste amenințări ecologice. Scopul. Dezvoltarea în România de programe de intervenție nutrițională adecvate sustenabilității nutriționale și promovării sănătății populaționale prin colaborarea continuă în echipe multidisciplinare. Material și metode. Evaluarea sistemelor de sustenabilitate și de intervenție la nivel european și adaptarea acestora la specificul național. Pentru o nutriție mai bună, specialiștii din domeniul medical (nutriționiști, dieteticieni, medici de familie sau alte specialități aferente, psihologi, antrenori de fitness, ingineri din industria alimentară etc.) pot reprezenta un suport viabil pentru populație în adoptarea unei alimentații adecvate, variate și sustenabile în aceeași măsură, pe baza unor protocoale. Rezultate. Promovarea managementului sistemic, multidimensional, poate evidenția și susține eficient conexiunile dintre mediu, nutriția durabilă și dimensiunile ecologice, sociale și economice, dar mai ales cele care țin de sănătate. Aceasta se poate face prin crearea unor sisteme și etape succesive de aplicare a unor protocoale la nivel regional și național, prin implicarea autorităților din diverse domenii (medical, farmaceutic, protecția consumatorului, agențiile de protecție a mediului, industria alimentară și de suplimente alimentare, rețeaua agricolă, domeniul financiar sau sisteme sociale și de învățământ). Concluzii. Oricât de complexă este evaluarea continuă a sustenabilității și durabilității resurselor alimentare, fiecare regiune și țară are nevoie de un program de evaluare și de intervenție propriu, adaptat nivelului cultural alimentar, economic, dar și de sănătate nutrițională. Orice specialist din domeniu, în calitate de expert și de consumator, poate contribui activ la dezvoltarea sustenabilă a sistemului de nutriție, modelând obiceiurile nutriționale individuale și comunitare într-un mod durabil
Interdependența între schimbările climatice și dăunătorii agricoli cu impact pe sănătatea umană și soluțiile posibile de ameliorare
Introducere. Sănătatea populației este reprezentată de suma anumitor factori precum situația familială, profesională, socială și economică. La acești factori se adaugă calitatea mediului în care trăiesc și își desfășoară activitatea, și calitatea hranei. Un factor mai nou este schimbarea climei, care influențată sănătatea populației prin sporirea poluării factorilor de mediu (apă, aer, sol, alimente). Pe lângă efectele directe, ca topirea ghețarilor, dezintegrarea calotelor polare, creșterea nivelului mării, modificări în distribuția precipitațiilor, creșterea frecvenței și intensității evenimentelor naturale extreme, schimbările climatice provoacă la nivel global și efecte indirecte. Unele dintre acestea implică agenții patogeni, transportul adaptarea și dezvoltarea acestora în mediu. Schimbările climatice influențează și abundența, și etologia dăunătorilor sezonieri precum ciupercile, acarienii, rozătoarele, nematicidele, plantele dăunătoare culturilor agricole și insectele zburătoare. Scopul. Prezenta lucrare are ca scop identificarea provocărilor schimbărilor climatice pentru sănătate și sistemul medical. Material și metode. Au fost consultate bazele de date PubMed și ResearchGate pentru perioada 2017–2023 folosind următoarele cuvintele-cheie: schimbări climatice, pesticide, agricultură, dăunători agricoli, sănătate. Rezultate. Bolile plantelor sunt influențate de temperatura mediului ambiant, de umiditate și de radiațiile solare, foarte schimbătoare în ultimele decenii pe contul schimbărilor climatice. Condițiile umede favorizează germinarea, răspândirea şi activitatea sporilor precum şi proliferarea ciupercilor și bacteriilor. Concomitent cu schimbările climatice, dăunătorii agricoli și-au adaptat etologia la noile condiții de mediu, inclusiv la pesticidele utilizate pentru eradicarea lor. Acest fapt a impus necesitatea dezvoltării de noi pesticide, cu concentrație și perioadă de remanență mai mari decât cele existente. Pesticidele pot intra în contact cu corpul omului prin piele (calea dermică), prin inhalare sau prin înghițire (ingerare). Utilizarea pesticidelor și consumul alimentelor cu pesticide au dus la creșterea incidenței cazurilor de cancer, de leziuni grave ale sistemelor reproductiv şi digestiv, de patologii renale şi pulmonare, de dureri abdominale, de tulburări ale sistemului cardiovascular etc., simultan cu creșterea numărului de spitalizări și a costurilor sistemelor de sănătate. Concluzii. Având în vedere natura multivariată a schimbărilor climatice și pragurile neliniare în procesele naturale, este dificil să se estimeze tipul și/ sau cantitatea pesticidelor care urmează să fie utilizate pentru noile culturi care să rezolve problema, dar în același timp să nu afecteze starea de sănătate. O soluție pentru asigurarea hranei sigure, fără pesticide și/sau fără hormoni, este agricultura celulară
Food behavior, social aspects and nutritional status in Romania
George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology, Targu Mures, Romania,
CI&DETS/CERNAS Research Centres, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Campus Politécnico, Viseu, PortugalIntroduction. Health status is directly linked with nutritional status, life style and food behaviour. There are 4 Health Indicators: Health Conscience, Health Information Orientation, Health-Oriented Beliefs, and Healthy Activities. People who are health conscious have a positive attitude towards preventive measures such as healthy eating. Health information refers to the extent to which an individual is willing to seek health information. At the cognitive level, health orientation is manifested in the field of health beliefs, which refers to the specific cognitions held by individuals about health behaviors. Also, health-oriented individuals are more likely to engage in healthy activities than other people in the population. The four aspects of the health orientation mentioned suggest the differences between individuals in the context of their sources of information in the health field. Our aim was to evaluate connections between social characteristics, nutritional status data and food behaviour, in a Romanian population sample.
Material and methods. We followed a qualitative cross-sectional study based on screening of 751 Romanian adults from different regions of our country, which was carried out in 2018. We used a validated questionnaire from an international project, based on 26 specific questions, filled in online, regarding their nutritional and social data completed by their attitudes and information towards food behaviour. In our group, 68.7% were women, one quarter had over 50 years old, 82.3% were from urban areas and almost 2/3rds were higly educated.
Results. We obtained a positive correlation between demographic parameters and the BMI, also healthy food behaviors were more frequent at women versus man. On the opposite, the confidence of men upon the information about healthy eating from the internet was higher than that of women. The number of hours/day spent watching TV or in front of the computer was positively correlated with age and also with their BMI. A high education level was significantly positively associated with healthier choices regarding nutrition practices. Health status in relation with nutritional status showed us that the most concerned group for their diet was those who suffered from different pathologies especially cardiovascular disorders. We obtained no significant associations among BMI, environment, current professional activity, responsibility for eating, and physical activity.
Conclusions. Nutritionists, specialists in medicine, and food stakeholders should promote healthy diets through adequate sources of information aimed at target groups. Multidisciplinary teams should develop a more efficient strategy to motivate people to make healthy eating choices and improve population food behavior
Analysis of cognitive status during rehabilitation after hip arthroplasty associated with pre-existing knee arthroplasty on the same leg: Case Presentation
Introduction: Hip arthroplasty conducted through either cemented or cementless prostheses must alleviate pain and restore joint mobility and muscle strength. The main goal is to restore mobility, stability and to maintain ADL (Activities of Daily Living) within normal parameters. Current surgical techniques allow for state-of-the-art surgeries to be performed. Yet, the postop-erative course is strongly influenced by both pre-and postoperative psychological factors, as well as by associated diseases.
Materials and Methods: We present the case of a 79-year-old female patient from Iasi, a retired yet still physically active gym teacher who was admitted an emergency to the Orthopedics Clin-ic of the ”Sf. Spiridon” Emergency Hospital with a displaced left femoral neck fracture resulting from same-level fall. The patient had for 6 years a Scorpio-Stryker cemented knee prosthesis on the same leg. Through surgical intervention, a cementless bipolar Lépine prosthesis was inserted into the left hip. Then, the patient presented to the Department of Physical Medicine and Reha-bilitation of the Iasi Clinical Railroad Hospital to receive an adequate post-operative rehabili-tation program.
Results: The psychosocial factors have been analyzed with the help of various recent and spe-cialized psychological scales. The obtained results confirm the fact that these factors significantly influence the rehabilitation of prosthesis-wearing patients.
Conclusion: Our study emphasizes the psychological impact on standing and walking rehabili-tation in a patient with two prostheses on the same motor axi
Low back pain- Algorithm of diagnosis and management
Introduction: Low back pain is a frequent condition, associated as a symptom with a multitude of organic or non-organic pathologies, resulting in the appearance of disability generating negative economic and soc-professional consequences. Being a relatively common symptom among patients, we created this paper with the aim to high-light the importance of the clinical examination along with the correct direction of the patient to a profile depart-ment, the review of differential diagnoses, as well as the establishment of a particular recovery plan adapted to each case.
Materials and Methods: We analyzed a series of recent articles using the PubMed and the Cochrane Library data-bases ,using the keywords words “low back pain” and “rehabilitation”, to obtain data on the clinical and paraclinical examination, positive and differential diagnosis of chronic low back pain, as well as on rehabilitation management.
Results: Low back pain may appear due to vertebral conditions (inflammatory, infectious, traumatic, neoplastic, degenerative, metabolic), or due to extravertebral causes. Along with the anamnesis, clinical examination and im-agistic investigations, we establish the positive diag-nosis and create an individualised rehabilitation plan. The reha-bilitation protocol is divided into stages , the final goal is to minimize the ischemia-pain-contracture chain.
Conclusion: The pathology of the lumbosacral spine can be characterized by the word "diversi-ty", being one of the causes of early disability of the population in the field of work. Our work highlights the importance of the clinical and paraclinical examination in outlining the differen-tial diagnosis of chronic lumbar pain, as well as the role of the multidisciplinary team in com-plex individualized rehabilitation treatment
Algoritmi posibili pentru determinarea reacțiilor adverse cauzate de suplimentele alimentare în România
Introduction. The advertising of food supplements on various media channels or in specialty stores with natural products and other places, as well as the lack of informative and educational programs for the population upon side effects and the interaction of food supplements with food and drugs, have led to the development of uncontrolled marketing of these
Material and methods. PubMed, ResearchGate and EUR-Lex databases were analyzed
during 2015-2021, based on search criteria based on: adverse reactions, ingredient new
food, food supplements, algorithms.
Results. Certain dietary supplements can cause multiple side effects, such as: impaired
platelet function by decreased platelet aggregation, gastrointestinal side effects (diarrhea,
vomiting), decreased wound healing/epithelialization, bacterial or fungal sepsis, most
common in patients older. Herbal resources such as Aloe vera, Matricaria recutita, Taraxacum officinale and others, can cause dermatological side effects and inhibit the elimination
of dermatological drugs metabolised by cytochrome P-450 (e.g. terbinafine). Matricaria
recutita, Allium sativum, Mentha piperita L. and others, inhibit the enzyme CYP2C9. Another
enzyme with a role in the metabolism of dermatological drugs and which is inhibited by
plant resources is CYP3A4.
Conclusions. It is imperative to legislate the reporting of adverse reactions caused by food
supplements, including their interaction with food or drugs.Introducere. Promovarea suplimentelor alimentare în diverse surse media sau de către
unele magazine, în special de cele specializate în comercializarea produselor naturale, precum și lipsa programelor informative și educaționale pentru populație cu privire la efectele
secundare și interacțiunea suplimentelor alimentare cu alimentele și medicamentele, au dus
la dezvoltarea comercializării necontrolate a acestor produse.
Material si metode. Bazele de date PubMed, Research Gate și EUR-Lex au fost analizate în
perioada 2015-2021, pe baza criteriilor de căutare: reacții adverse, ingrediente alimentare
noi, suplimente alimentare, algoritmi.
Rezultate. Anumite suplimente alimentare pot provoca efecte secundare multiple, cum ar fi:
afectarea funcției trombocitelor prin scăderea agregării plachetare, efecte secundare gastrointestinale (diaree, vărsături), scăderea vindecării/epitelizării rănilor, sepsis bacterian
sau fungic, atestate cel mai frecvent la pacienții cu vârstă înaintată. Resursele vegetale precum Aloe vera, Matricaria recutita, Taraxacum officinale și altele, pot provoca reacții adverse dermatologice și inhiba eliminarea medicamentelor dermatologice metabolizate de
citocromul P-450 (de exemplu terbinafină). Matricaria recutita, Allium sativum, Mentha
piperita L. și altele, inhibă enzima CYP2C9. O altă enzimă cu rol în metabolismul medicamentelor dermatologice și care este inhibată de resursele vegetale este CYP3A4.
Concluzii. Este imperativ să se reglementeze raportarea reacțiilor adverse cauzate de suplimentele alimentare, inclusiv interacțiunea acestora cu alimentele sau medicamentele
Possible algorithms for determining adverse reactions caused by food supplements in Romania
George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania,
Richter Pharmacy no 7, Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaIntroduction. The advertising of food supplements on various media channels or in specialty stores with natural products and other stores, as well as the lack of informative and
educational programs for the population on side effects and the interaction of food supplements with food and drugs, have led to the development of uncontrolled marketing of
these products. Through this paper we want to present the algorithms that can be applied to determine the side effects caused by food supplements in Romania, the need to
initiate a legislative project on reporting these side effects and educating the population
on the consumption of food supplements.
Material and methods. PubMed, ResearchGate and EUR-Lex databases (online portal
providing access to EU legislation) were analyzed between 2015-2021, based on search
criteria: adverse reactions, ingredient new food, food supplements, algorithms.
Results. Dietary supplements concentrated sources of nutrients or other substances with
a beneficial nutritional or physiological effect intended to supplement a normal diet. They
can be sold as capsules, dragees, tablets, sachets or in bottles. Certain dietary supplements can cause multiple side effects, such as: impaired platelet function by decreased
platelet aggregation, gastrointestinal side effects (diarrhea, vomiting), decreased wound
healing/epithelialization, bacterial or fungal sepsis, most common in patients older.
Probiotics that can cause human sepsis, generally in elderly patients and those suffering
from chronic diseases, are Lactobacilli (strains of L. rhamnosis, due to its high translocation potential), Lactobacillus sp. bacteremia which is sometimes fatal, infectious endocarditis caused by L. rhamnosus, L. casei, L. acidophilus, L. jensenii, L. plantarum and L. paracasei. They can cause anaphylactic response in patients who have undergone cardiovascular surgery or localized infection in diabetes associated with old age and liver transplantation. Side effects have also been found with mineral supplements, omega 3 / fish
oil, soy protein, soy protein, plant nutrients, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, supplements for weight loss or bodybuilding, various botanical supplements. Multi-skeletal
distortion, fatigue, pain and gastrointestinal symptoms and hepatic adverse events have
been reported with the nutraceutical ingredient RYR (red rice yeast) at the doses recommended by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). With the exception of "classic"
foods (hazelnuts, nuts, eggs, etc.) known to cause certain side effects such as allergies, the
development of the food industry has led to the emergence of foods eaten especially by
teenagers, such as energy drinks. Frequent consumption of this type of drink was significantly associated with asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis, high stress, lack of
sleep, poor school performance and suicide attempts in Korean adolescents.
Conclusions. It is imperative to legislate the reporting of adverse reactions caused by
food supplements, including their interaction with food or medicine. The veracity of the
practical applicability of the legislation and the existence of an educational program of
the population, make this action not to become null and void. Using the algorithms applied to analyze the severity - causality of adverse reactions caused by drugs, in Romania,
nutrivigilence can be implemented for the health and safety of the population
Consumers’ Perceptions about Edible Insects’ Nutritional Value and Health Effects: Study Involving 14 Countries
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
Consumers’ Perceptions about Edible Insects’ Nutritional Value and Health Effects: Study Involving 14 Countries
by Raquel P. F. Guiné 1,*ORCID,Sofia G. Florença 1ORCID,Cristina A. Costa 1ORCID,Paula M. R. Correia 1ORCID,Nada M. Boustani 2ORCID,Irina Matran 3ORCID,Krešimir Jakšić 4ORCID,Cristina Chuck-Hernández 5ORCID,Elena Bartkiene 6ORCID,Ilija Djekic 7ORCID,Maria Papageorgiou 8ORCID,Leticia G. Arias 9ORCID,Malgorzata Korzeniowska 10ORCID,Maša Černelič-Bizjak 11ORCID,Dace Klava 12ORCID,Vanessa Ferreira 13ORCID,Emel Damarli 14ORCID andManuela Ferreira 15ORCID
CERNAS-IPV Research Centre, Polytechnic University of Viseu, 3504-510 Viseu, Portugal
Faculty of Business and Administration, Saint Joseph University, Beirut 1104 2020, Lebanon
Department of Community Nutrition and Food Safety, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, 540139 Targu Mures, Romania
Department of Psychology, University of Zadar, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Tecnologico de Monterrey, The Institute for Obesity Research, Monterrey 64849, Mexico
Department of Food Safety and Quality, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, LT-47181 Kaunas, Lithuania
Department of Food Safety and Quality Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Department of Food Science and Technology, International Hellenic University, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece
BALAT Research Group, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of León, 24071 León, Spain
Faculty of Food Science, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, 51-630 Wrocław, Poland
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Animals 2024, 14(11), 1631; https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14111631
Submission received: 6 May 2024 / Revised: 25 May 2024 / Accepted: 29 May 2024 / Published: 30 May 2024
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Simple Summary
Climate change is one of the drivers of change towards sustainable food systems food security. Therefore, food security is a priority all around the world and across different sectors of society. Edible insects are recommended as a sustainable source of food of animal origin, but their acceptance is very diverse across cultures and countries. Therefore, our work investigated the perceptions of consumers about edible insects in 14 countries. We concluded that depending on origin, the level of knowledge is different, which is a starting point to design more focused campaigns to promote EIs, not only in non-insect-eating countries, but also in insect-eating countries. Better knowledge about the health effects of EIs and their nutritive value is a driver of change.
Insects have been consumed for time immemorial in many regions of the globe. However, in other parts, they are not traditionally eaten. Because they are a more sustainable source of animal protein and provide valuable nutrients as well as bioactive compounds with beneficial effects on the human body, their consumption is encouraged. Knowledge can serve as a tool for better acceptance of insects as food. In this context, the present work investigated the knowledge about the nutritional value and health effects of edible insects in different countries. Data were collected by employing a questionnaire survey translated into the different languages of all participating countries and were treated using statistical tools. A total of 7222 responses were obtained. The results indicated that for many issues, the participants manifested a neutral opinion (neither agree nor disagree), but the participants who manifested agreement/disagreement were generally well informed. They were also able to identify untrue facts and answer accordingly by disagreeing. Factor analysis showed four groups of questions: nutritive value, negative perception and risks, safety and benefits of insects and contamination and harmful components. Finally, significant differences were observed according to the sociodemographic variables studies (sex, age, education, living environment and country), with age and country being the most influential of the sociodemographic factors on knowledge. Therefore, increasing knowledge is envisaged as an essential factor in augmenting the recognition of edible insects as a nutritional food, presenting health benefits apart from being a more sustainable source of animal protein when compared with beef or pork meats.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Edible insects: perceptions of marketing, economic, and social aspects among citizens of different countries
This work was supported by the FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology,
I.P. Furthermore, we would like to thank the CERNAS, CIDEI, and UCISA:E Research Centers and
the Polytechnic University of Viseu for their support. This research was developed in the ambit of the
project “EISuFood—Edible Insects as Sustainable Food”, with Reference CERNAS-IPV/2020/003.Because edible insects (EI) have been, in recent years, recommended as a nutritious animal
protein food with enormous environmental advantages over other sources of animal protein for
human consumption, studies aimed at investigating the consumer perspective have become more
prominent. Hence, this study intended to examine the perceptions of participants from different
countries about the commercialization and economic and social impacts of edible insects. The
study was made using a questionnaire survey, and data were collected in Brazil, Croatia, Greece,
Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkey.
The final number of received answers was 7222 participants. For the treatment of the results,
different statistical techniques were used: factor analysis, internal reliability by Cronbach’s alpha,
cluster analysis, ANOVA to test differences between groups, and Chi-square tests. The resultsobtained confirmed the validity of the scale, constituted by 12 out of the 14 items initially considered,
distributed by 4 factors: the first related to the economic impact of EIs, the second related to the
motivation for consumption of EIs, the third related to the places of purchase of EIs, and the fourth
corresponding to a question presented to the participants as a false statement. A cluster analysis
allowed identifying three clusters, with significant differences between them according to all the
sociodemographic variables tested. Also, it was found that the participants expressed an exceptionally
high level of agreement with aspects such as the difficulty in finding EIs on sale, knowledge acting as
a strong motivator for EI consumption, and the role of personalities and influencers in increasing the
will to consume EIs. Finally, practically all sociodemographic variables were found to be significantly
associated with perceptions (country, sex, education, living environment, and income), but not age.
In conclusion, the perceptions about EI commercialization were investigated and revealed differences
among samples originating from different countries. Moreover, the sociodemographic characteristics
of the participants were found to be strongly associated with their perceptions.This work is funded by National Funds through the FCT—Foundation for Science and
Technology, I.P., within the scope of the projects Ref. UIDB/00681/2020 (CERNAS), UIDB/05507/2020
(CIDEI) and UIDB/00742/2020 (UICISA:E) research unit.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio