803 research outputs found

    Excitability in the H2+O2 reaction on a Rh(110) surface induced by high coverages of coadsorbed potassium

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    By means of photoemission electron microscopy as spatially resolving method, the effect of high coverages of coadsorbed potassium (0.16 ≤ θK ≤ 0.21) on the dynamical behavior of the H2 + O2 reaction over a Rh(110) surface was investigated. We observe that the originally bistable system is transformed into an excitable system as evidenced by the formation of target patterns and spiral waves. At K coverages close to saturation (θK ≈ 0.21) mass transport of potassium with pulses is seen.Fil: Rafti, Matias. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Imbihl, Ronald. Leibniz Universität Hannover. Institut für Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie; Alemani

    Forest genomics and biotechnology

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    This Research Topic addresses research in genomics and biotechnology to improve the growth and quality of forest trees for wood, pulp, biorefineries and carbon capture. Forests are the world’s greatest repository of terrestrial biomass and biodiversity. Forests serve critical ecological services, supporting the preservation of fauna and flora, and water resources. Planted forests also offer a renewable source of timber, for pulp and paper production, and the biorefinery. Despite their fundamental role for society, thousands of hectares of forests are lost annually due to deforestation, pests and pathogens and urban development. As a consequence, there is an increasing need to develop trees that are more productive under lower inputs, while understanding how they adapt to the environment and respond to biotic and abiotic stress. Forest genomics and biotechnology, disciplines that study the genetic composition of trees and the methods required to modify them, began over a quarter of a century ago with the development of the first genetic maps and establishment of early methods of genetic transformation. Since then, genomics and biotechnology have impacted all research areas of forestry. Genome analyses of tree populations have uncovered genes involved in adaptation and response to biotic and abiotic stress. Genes that regulate growth and development have been identified, and in many cases their mechanisms of action have been described. Genetic transformation is now widely used to understand the roles of genes and to develop germplasm that is more suitable for commercial tree plantations. However, in contrast to many annual crops that have benefited from centuries of domestication and extensive genomic and biotechnology research, in forestry the field is still in its infancy. Thus, tremendous opportunities remain unexplored. This Research Topic aims to briefly summarize recent findings, to discuss long-term goals and to think ahead about future developments and how this can be applied to improve growth and quality of forest trees. Mini-review articles are sought in forest genomics and biotechnology, with a focus on future directions applied to (1) genetic engineering, (2) adaptation, (3) genomics of conifers and hardwoods, (4) cell wall and wood formation, (5) development (6) metabolic engineering (7) biotic and abiotic resistance and (8) the biorefinery

    Evaluación de la resistencia de relleno cementado para el análisis de la estabilidad de tajeos secundarios, Unidad Minera Cerro Lindo

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación se planteó resolver como problema general: ¿cuál es el resultado de la evaluación de la resistencia de relleno cementado para el análisis de la estabilidad de tajeos secundarios, unidad minera Cerro Lindo - 2020?, y el objetivo general fue determinar el resultado de la evaluación de la resistencia de relleno cementado para el análisis de la estabilidad de tajeos secundarios, unidad minera Cerro Lindo – 2020 y la hipótesis general a contrastar fue: el resultado de la evaluación de la resistencia de relleno cementado a través de la resistencia de la cohesión, fricción y factor de seguridad inciden en el análisis de la estabilidad de tajeos secundarios, unidad minera Cerro Lindo – 2020. El método general de investigación fue el científico de tipo aplicada de nivel explicativo, diseño experimental. La población estuvo conformada por cinco tajeos y la muestra censal conformada por cinco tajeos. Producto de la investigación se concluye que los resultados de los parámetros de resistencia insitu del relleno cementado correlacionado a partir de los ensayos SPT, indican que el ángulo de fricción, resistencia a la cohesión y resistencia a la compresión simple; hay un leve incremento con respecto a la altura del tajeo y la resistencia vs. el tiempo de fraguado no muestra una homogeneidad. Asimismo, a partir de los 46 a 142 días de fraguado, la resistencia del relleno muestra un leve descenso

    Diallel analysis and prediction of untested maize single cross hybrids

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    Popcorn (Zea mays everta) is a popular snack food and very appreciated in Brazil, presenting higher aggregate value when compared with field corn. The aim of this study were to identify superior inbred lines and single crosses hybrids (SH) for popcorn traits, as well as the prediction of the performance of untested single cross hybrids. Sixteen maize inbred lines were crossed in a 9x7 partial diallel, but it was possible to evaluate 47 single crosses in two distinct locations. Predicted genetic values, diallel analysis and the prediction of untested HS were performed by mixed models. Deviance effects for treatments x locations were considered non-significant (p>0.05) for grain yield (GY) and popping expansion (PE), showing an average performance from the HS in the locations. Inbred lines P5-1, P3.3T, GER-P3, P9-1, P12-2 and GER-P12 were selected considering the general combining ability, and should be used for obtaining superior genotypes. Based on the non-additive effects, the single hybrid P3.3T x GERP-P12 was selected for grain yield and popping expansion, and could be exploited in future trials. Neither of the untested single crosses showed desirable performance for grain yield and popcorn expansion

    Effects of a High-Protein Diet on Cardiometabolic Health, Vascular Function, and Endocannabinoids—A PREVIEW Study

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    An unfavorable lipid profile and being overweight are known mediators in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. The effect of diet, particularly high in protein, remains under discussion. Therefore, this study examines the effects of a high-protein (HP) diet on cardiometabolic health and vascular function (i.e., endothelial function, arterial stiffness, and retinal microvascular structure), and the possible association with plasma endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid-related compounds in overweight participants. Thirty-eight participants (64.5 ± 5.9 (mean ± SD) years; body mass index (BMI) 28.9 ± 4.0 kg/m2) were measured for 48 h in a respiration chamber after body-weight maintenance for approximately 34 months following weight reduction. Diets with either a HP (n = 20) or moderate protein (MP; n = 18) content (25%/45%/30% vs. 15%/55%/30% protein/carbohydrate/fat) were provided in energy balance. Validated markers for cardiometabolic health (i.e., office blood pressure (BP) and serum lipoprotein concentrations) and vascular function (i.e., brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation, pulse wave analysis and velocity, and retinal microvascular calibers) were measured before and after those 48 h. Additionally, 24 h ambulatory BP, plasma anandamide (AEA), 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), oleoylethanolamide (OEA), palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), and pregnenolone (PREG) were analyzed throughout the day. Office and ambulatory BP, serum lipoprotein concentrations, and vascular function markers were not different between the groups. Only heart rate (HR) was higher in the HP group. HR was positively associated with OEA, while OEA and PEA were also positively associated with total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations. Vascular function markers were not associated with endocannabinoids (or endocannabinoid-related substances). In conclusion, the HP diet did not affect cardiometabolic health and vascular function in overweight participants after completing a weight-loss intervention. Furthermore, our data indicate a possible association between OEA and PEA with TC and LDL cholesterol

    Effects of a High-Protein Diet on Cardiometabolic Health, Vascular Function, and Endocannabinoids-A PREVIEW Study

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    An unfavorable lipid profile and being overweight are known mediators in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. The effect of diet, particularly high in protein, remains under discussion. Therefore, this study examines the effects of a high-protein (HP) diet on cardiometabolic health and vascular function (i.e., endothelial function, arterial stiffness, and retinal microvascular structure), and the possible association with plasma endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid-related compounds in overweight participants. Thirty-eight participants (64.5 +/- 5.9 (mean +/- SD) years; body mass index (BMI) 28.9 +/- 4.0 kg/m(2)) were measured for 48 h in a respiration chamber after body-weight maintenance for approximately 34 months following weight reduction. Diets with either a HP (n= 20) or moderate protein (MP;n= 18) content (25%/45%/30% vs. 15%/55%/30% protein/carbohydrate/fat) were provided in energy balance. Validated markers for cardiometabolic health (i.e., office blood pressure (BP) and serum lipoprotein concentrations) and vascular function (i.e., brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation, pulse wave analysis and velocity, and retinal microvascular calibers) were measured before and after those 48 h. Additionally, 24 h ambulatory BP, plasma anandamide (AEA), 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), oleoylethanolamide (OEA), palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), and pregnenolone (PREG) were analyzed throughout the day. Office and ambulatory BP, serum lipoprotein concentrations, and vascular function markers were not different between the groups. Only heart rate (HR) was higher in the HP group. HR was positively associated with OEA, while OEA and PEA were also positively associated with total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations. Vascular function markers were not associated with endocannabinoids (or endocannabinoid-related substances). In conclusion, the HP diet did not affect cardiometabolic health and vascular function in overweight participants after completing a weight-loss intervention. Furthermore, our data indicate a possible association between OEA and PEA with TC and LDL cholesterol.Peer reviewe
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