17 research outputs found

    Evaluation de la qualité des zones de production conchylicole. Département : Charente-Maritime. Edition 2015

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    AprĂšs un rappel des objectifs, du fonctionnement et de la mĂ©thode d'interprĂ©tation des rĂ©sultats du rĂ©seau de contrĂŽle microbiologique REMI, ce rapport prĂ©sente le bilan national et dĂ©crit le programme annuel pour le dĂ©partement de la Charente-Maritime. Il prĂ©sente l'ensemble des rĂ©sultats obtenus, en particulier l'estimation de la qualitĂ© des zones de production de coquillages classĂ©es et l'Ă©volution de leur qualitĂ© sur la pĂ©riode 2012-2014 Le programme de surveillance 2014 Ă  Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  97,6 %. Au total, 31 dispositifs d'alerte ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©clenchĂ©s en 2014 engendrant 53 prĂ©lĂšvements et analyses supplĂ©mentaires. Les zones classĂ©es en A, B ou C sont au nombre de 36 pour la Charente-Maritime. Quatre d'entre elles sont classĂ©es alternativement en A et B par l'arrĂȘtĂ© prĂ©fectoral n° 14.379 du 10 fĂ©vrier 2014. Les classements sanitaires des zones de production classĂ©es (arrĂȘtĂ©s prĂ©fectoraux des 10 fĂ©vrier 2014 et 31 juillet 2014) sont concordants avec l'estimation pour 41 % d'entre eux aux qualitĂ©s microbiologiques et chimiques estimĂ©es sur ces zones pour la pĂ©riode 2012-2014. Cependant, 41 % d'entre eux ne sont pas concordants et 18 % ne bĂ©nĂ©ficient pas d'un nombre de donnĂ©es suffisant pour en estimer la qualitĂ© microbiologique

    Evaluation de la qualité des zones de production conchylicole. Département : Vendée. Edition 2015

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    AprĂšs un rappel des objectifs, du fonctionnement et de la mĂ©thode d’interprĂ©tation des rĂ©sultats du rĂ©seau de contrĂŽle microbiologique REMI et du rĂ©seau de surveillance chimique ROCCH, ce rapport inclut un bilan national et dĂ©crit le programme annuel du dĂ©partement de la VendĂ©e nord (aire de compĂ©tence du LER/MPL) et VendĂ©e sud (aire de compĂ©tence du LER/PC). Il prĂ©sente l’ensemble des rĂ©sultats obtenus, en particulier l’estimation de la qualitĂ© microbiologique et chimique des zones de production de coquillages classĂ©es. La totalitĂ© des points suivis depuis plus de dix ans n’affichent pas de tendance significative Ă  l’amĂ©lioration ou Ă  la dĂ©gradation de la qualitĂ© sanitaire. En 2014, le dispositif de systĂšme d’alerte a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©clenchĂ© une fois suite Ă  un dĂ©passement du seuil de contamination tolĂ©rĂ© pour les coquillages fouisseurs et 6 fois pour les non fouisseurs. Les zones classĂ©es en A, B ou C sont au nombre de 22 pour le dĂ©partement. Cinq d’entre elles sont classĂ©es alternativement en A et B par l’arrĂȘtĂ© prĂ©fectoral n°2014/125 du 28 fĂ©vrier 2014. Les classements sanitaires des zones de production classĂ©es sont concordants avec l’estimation pour 66.7% d’entre eux aux qualitĂ©s microbiologiques et chimiques estimĂ©es sur ces zones pour la pĂ©riode 2012-2014 et ceci, quel que soit le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel : RĂšglement 854/2004 ou Codex alimentarius. Cependant, 22.2 % d’entre eux ne sont pas concordants aux qualitĂ©s estimĂ©es et 11.1 % des zones classĂ©es ne bĂ©nĂ©ficient pas d’un nombre de donnĂ©es suffisant pour en estimer la qualitĂ©

    Nalaz DNK nametnika Minchinia mytili u dagnjama (Mytilus galloprovincialis) iz Jadranskog mora nakon masovnog uginuća

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    We investigated a mass mortality event of Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in the Novigrad Sea, Croatia during winter 2022/2023. The mortality rate was up to 70% and was initially linked to an influx of freshwater from the Zrmanja River. Despite mitigation measures that included placing mussels deeper to avoid the influence of freshwater, mortalities continued. Subsequent analysis of 64 samples using cytology, histolology and real-time PCR to exclude listed diseases, yielded negative results. PCR testing for Haplosporidium pinnae revealed the presence of a haplosporidian-like DNA resembling Minchinia mytili. In the study of predominant bacteria, Psychrobacter sp., Colwellia sp., and Vibrio splendidus were detected. Histological examination showed no haplosporidium structures, and in situ hybridisation with probes for detection of Haplosporiidae did not confirmed the presence of M. mytili in mussel tissue. However, our study reports the first detection of M. mytili DNA in the Adriatic Sea, emphasising the need for extensive research and further analysis to determine the exact cause of these mass mortality events and the origin of the haplosporidium DNA.Ovo istraĆŸivanje opisuje masovno uginuće dagnji u Novigradskom moru tijekom zimskog razdoblja. Kod izbijanja bolesti zabiljeĆŸeno je ugibanje do 70 % populacije i isprva je bilo povezano s dotokom slatke vode iz rijeke Zrmanje. Međutim, čak i uz mjere ublaĆŸavanja, ugibanje dagnji se nas- tavilo. Za potrebe istraĆŸivanja je pretraĆŸeno je ukupno 64 uzoraka pojedinačnih dagnji, koriĆĄtena je metoda PCR u stvarnom vremenu da bi se isključile poznate bolesti dagnji, a to je dalo negativne rezul- tate. Daljnjim istraĆŸivanjem, otkrivena je prisutnost DNK nametnika Minchinia mytili iz porodice Haplosporidiidae. Analiziranjem dominantnih bakterija otkriveno je da prevladavaju Psychrobacter sp., Col- wellia sp. i Vibrio splendidus. HistoloĆĄkim pregledom nije utvrđena prisutnost struktura haplosporidija, a in situ hibridizacija je isto tako dala negativne rezu- ltate. Ovo istraĆŸivanje označava prvi opis DNK M. mytili u Jadranskom moru na mediteranskoj dagnji (Mytilus galloprovincialis), naglaĆĄavajući potrebu za opseĆŸnijim istraĆŸivanjem i daljnjom analizom da bi se utvrdio točan uzrok masovnog ugibanja dagnji u Novigradskom moru tijekom zimskog razdoblja

    Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for the Fast Detection of <i>Bonamia ostreae</i> and <i>Bonamia exitiosa</i> in Flat Oysters

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    The haplosporidian parasites Bonamia ostreae (BO) and B. exitiosa (BE) are serious oyster pathogens. Two independent laboratories evaluated fluorescence real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for rapidly detecting these parasites. Specific LAMP assays were designed on the BO actin-1 and BE actin genes. A further generic assay was conceived on a conserved region of the 18S gene to detect both Bonamia species. The optimal reaction temperature varied from 65 to 67 °C depending on the test and instrument. Melting temperatures were 89.8–90.2 °C, 87.0–87.6 °C, and 86.2–86.6 °C for each of the BO, BE, and generic assays. The analytical sensitivity of these assays was 50 copies/”L in a 30 min run. The BO and BE test sensitivity was ~1 log lower than a real-time PCR, while the generic test sensitivity was similar to the real-time PCR. Both the BO and BE assays were shown to be specific; however, the generic assay potentially cross-reacts with Haplosporidium costale. The performance of the LAMP assays evaluated on samples of known status detected positives within 7–20 min with a test accuracy of 100% for the BO and generic tests and a 95.8% accuracy for BE. The ease of use, rapidity and affordability of these tests allow for field deployment

    Etude de la qualité microbiologique et chimique de la zone : CÎte Sauvage

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    Suite à la demande d' exploitation de la zone «CÎte Sauvage » par les professionnels, la Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer (DDTM) a demandé la réalisation d'une étude de zone en vue de son classement. Cette étude réalisée par le Laboratoire Environnement Ressources des Pertuis Charentais, avec le concours des professionnels bénéficie d'un financement DPMA-DGAL. Basée sur les paramÚtres microbiologique (Escherichia coli) et chimiques (Pb, Hg, Cd), l'étude a pour objectifs : - d'estimer la qualité microbiologique et chimique de la zone en vue de son classement sanitaire par l'Administration conformément aux exigences du RÚglement CE n° 854/20041 ; - de déterminer la stratégie d'échantillonnage à mettre en oeuvre dans le cadre de la surveillance sanitaire réguliÚre de cette zone suite à son classement. La Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer (DDTM) est le maßtre d'ouvrage de l' étude de zone et le Laboratoire Environnement Ressources des Pertuis Charentais de l'Ifremer, le maßtre d'oeuvre chargé de réaliser l'étude proprement dite. L'avis de l' Ifremer porte sur la qualité microbiologique et chimique de la zone de production. Il est transmis à la DDTM, afin que celle-ci établisse une proposition de classement adressée au Préfet

    A new multiplex real-time pcr assay to improve the diagnosis of shellfish regulated parasites of the genus marteilia and bonamia

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    Aquaculture including shellfish production is an important food resource worldwide which is particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases. Marteilia refringens, Bonamia ostreae and Bonamia exitiosa are regulated protozoan parasites infecting flat oysters Ostrea edulis that are endemic in Europe. Although some PCR assays have been already developed for their detection, a formal validation to assess the performances of those tools is often lacking. In order to facilitate the diagnosis of flat oyster regulated diseases, we have developed and evaluated a new multiplex Taqman¼ PCR allowing the detection of both M. refringens and Bonamia sp. parasites in one step. First part of this work consisted in assessing analytical sensitivity and specificity of the new PCR assay. Then, diagnostic performances were assessed by testing a panel of field samples with the new real-time PCR and currently recommended conventional PCR methods for the detection of M. refringens and Bonamia sp. Samples were collected from the main flat oyster production sites in France (N = 386 for M. refringens and N = 349 for B. ostreae). In the absence of gold standard, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the new PCR were estimated through Bayesian latent class analysis (DSe 87,2% and DSp 98,4% for the detection M. refringens, DSe 77,5% and DSp 98,4% for the detection of Bonamia sp.). Those results suggest equivalent performances for the detection of Bonamia sp. and an improved sensitivity for the detection of M. refringens compared to commonly used conventional protocols. Finally, the new PCR was evaluated in the context of an inter-laboratory comparison study including 17 European laboratories. Results revealed a very good reproducibility with a global accordance (intra-laboratory precision) >96% and a global concordance (inter-laboratory precision) >93% for both targets, demonstrating that this new tool is easily transferable to different laboratory settings. This is the first assay designed to detect both Marteilia refringens and Bonamia sp. in a single step and it should allow reducing the number of analysis to monitor both diseases, and where relevant to demonstrate freedom from infection

    First characterization of the parasite Haplosporidium costale in France and development of a real‐time PCR assay for its rapid detection in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas

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    The Pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas is one of the most “globalized” marine invertebrates and its production is predominant in many parts of the world including Europe. However, it is threatened by mortality events associated with pathogenic microorganisms such as the virus OsHV-1 and the bacteria Vibrio aestuarianus. C. gigas is also a host for protozoan parasites including haplosporidians. In contrast with Haplosporidium nelsoni previously detected in Europe, H. costale was considered exotic although its presence in French oysters was suggested in the 1980s based on ultrastructural examination. Here, a combination of light and transmission electron microscopy, PCR and sequencing allowed characterizing the presence of the parasite in the context of low mortality events which occurred in 2019 in France. Histological observation revealed the presence of uninucleated, plasmodial and spore stages within the connective tissues of some oysters. Ultrastructural features were similar to H. costale ones in particular the presence of axe-shaped haplosporosomes in spore cytoplasms. Three fragments of the genome including partial small subunit rRNA gene, the ITS-1, 5.8S and ITS-2 array and part of the actin gene were successfully sequenced and grouped with H. costale homologous sequences. This is the first time that the presence of H. costale was confirmed in C. gigas in France. Furthermore, a TaqMan real-time PCR assay was developed and validated (DSe = 92.6% (78.2-99.8) and DSp = 95.5% (92.3-98.6)) to enable the rapid and specific detection of the parasite. The application of the PCR assay on archived samples revealed that the parasite has been present in French oyster populations at least since 2008. Considering the little information available on this parasite, the newly developed TaqMan assay will be very helpful to investigate the temporal and geographic distribution and the life cycle of the parasite in France and more generally in C. gigas geographic range