18 research outputs found

    Age-Related Differences and Cognitive Correlates of Self-Reported and Direct Navigation Performance: The Effect of Real and Virtual Test Conditions Manipulation

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    International audienceThe present study investigated the effect of aging on direct navigation measures and self-reported ones according to the real-virtual test manipulation. Navigation (wayfinding tasks) and spatial memory (paper-pencil tasks) performances, obtained either in real-world or in virtual-laboratory test conditions, were compared between young (n = 32) and older (n = 32) adults who had self-rated their everyday navigation behavior (SBSOD scale). Real age-related differences were observed in navigation tasks as well as in paper-pencil tasks, which investigated spatial learning relative to the distinction between survey-route knowledge. The manipulation of test conditions (real vs. virtual) did not change these age-related differences, which are mostly explained by age-related decline in both spatial abilities and executive functioning (measured with neuropsychological tests). In contrast, elderly adults did not differ from young adults in their self-reporting relative to everyday navigation, suggesting some underestimation of navigation difficulties by elderly adults. Also, spatial abilities in young participants had a mediating effect on the relations between actual and self-reported navigation performance, but not for older participants. So, it is assumed that the older adults carried out the navigation task with fewer available spatial abilities compared to young adults, resulting in inaccurate self-estimates

    Predicting leakage of the VERCORS mock-up and concrete containment buildings - a digital twin approach

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    EDF operates a nuclear power generation fleet made up of 56 reactors. This fleet contains 24 reactors designed as double-walled concrete containment building. The inner concrete containment vessel has no metallic liner and is a prestressed reinforced concrete building. The inner concrete containment vessel is designed to withstand a severe accident, in terms of mechanical and sealing behaviour. The tightness of the containment is tested every 10 years, by carrying out a pressurization test and by measuring the leak rate. The leak rate is required to be below a regulatory threshold to continue operation of the concrete containment building for the next ten years. Ageing of concrete due to drying, creep and shrinkage leads to increase prestress loss and then leak rate with time. For some containment buildings, the leak rate gets closer to the regulatory threshold with time, so important coating programs are planned to mitigate and limit the leak rate under the regulatory threshold. Therefore, it is very important for EDF to have a concrete containment building leak rate prediction tool. To address this issue, an important research program around a 1/3 scale concrete containment building mock-up called "VERCORS" have been launched at EDF. The mock-up is heavily instrumented, and its materials (concrete, prestressing cables) have been widely characterized and studied. An important numerical effort has also been made to implement structural computations of the mock-up and to capitalize these computations as well as their post-processing (so as to compare automatically with the monitoring data) in what can be called a digital twin of the mock-up. This digital twin is now used to predict the leakage of VERCORS mock-up before yearly pressure test, and also to optimize the repair programs on the real containments

    Evaluation écologique des troubles de l'apprentissage et de la navigation dans les grands espaces liés au vieillissement : rôle des déclins mnésiques, exécutifs et du contrôle moteur

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    Since several years, virtual reality is widely used in neuropsychology, especially for the study of spatial cognition. The goal of its use is to respond to the lack of ecological validity of classical tests and to the lack of experimental control of assessments in real situations. The studies in the domain of spatial cognition reveal the complexity of learning and navigation activities in large scales spaces and suggest a multifactorial origin to spatial learning and navigation in older adults. The aim of this thesis will be first to verify the ecological validity of our virtual reality application, with a direct comparison of spatial learning and navigation performances between real and virtual learning conditions, in young and old participants. Another goal will be to confirm the hypothesis on the role of executive and memory decline in age-related spatial learning and navigation difficulties. Finally, the role of motor control in spatial learning in large scale spaces, which is poorly studied within the framework of aging, will be tested. With the use of a virtual reality application, requiring memorizing a path in a virtual district replicating a district of Bordeaux, we have studied the effects of aging on spatial memory and navigation performances. We compared real and virtual, active and passive learning conditions and studied the relation between spatial memory and navigation performances with neurocognitive measures and self-report questionnaires on everyday navigation difficulties. Our main results showed a negative effect of aging on the performances in our application, with pattern of results similar between real and virtual learning conditions in young and old participants. We obtained a good relation between measures from our virtual application and everyday navigation difficulties reported by the young participants but no differences between young and old participants on everyday navigation difficulties. These results confirm the good ecological validity of our virtual application and favor the use of direct navigation and spatial memory measures instead of self-report questionnaires for older adults. They also showed directly the role of memory and executive decline in older adults' navigation difficulties. Contrary to the results obtained with the young participants, the motor control had a negative effect on navigation performances in older adults. We will discuss of the neurocognitive hypothesis already proposed concerning the origin of navigation difficulties due to aging. Also, the role of motor activities and dual-task effect on spatial navigation performances in older adults will be examined.Depuis plusieurs années, la réalité virtuelle est largement utilisée en neuropsychologie, notamment dans le domaine de l'étude de la cognition spatiale. Son utilisation grandissante a pour but de répondre à la fois au manque de validité écologique des tests classiques et au manque de contrôle des évaluations en conditions réelles. Les études dans le domaine de la cognition spatiale ont permis de montrer la complexité de l'apprentissage et de la navigation dans les grands espaces et suggèrent également une origine cognitive multifactorielle des difficultés de navigation chez les personnes âgées. Le but de cette thèse sera tout d'abord de vérifier la validité écologique de notre application utilisant la réalité virtuelle par une comparaison directe des performances d'apprentissage et de navigation, entre apprentissages réels et virtuels chez des adultes jeunes et âgés. Il s'agira ensuite de confirmer les hypothèses sur l'origine à la fois mnésique et exécutive des difficultés de navigation liées au vieillissement. Enfin, le rôle du contrôle sensorimoteur dans l'apprentissage de grands espaces, peu étudiée pour le moment dans le cas du vieillissement sera abordé. A l'aide d'une application en réalité virtuelle, nécessitant de mémoriser un parcours dans un quartier virtuel, réplique d'un quartier de Bordeaux, nous avons étudiés les effets du vieillissement en termes de mémoire spatiale et de performance de navigation. Nous avons comparé directement les apprentissages en conditions réelles et virtuelles, en conditions actives (joystick) et passives, et nous avons mis en relation ces indicateurs avec des mesures neurocognitives et des questionnaires d'estimation des difficultés quotidiennes. Nos principaux résultats ont permis de montrer un effet négatif de l'âge sur les performances dans notre application avec des patterns équivalents entre apprentissages réels et virtuels chez les jeunes et les âgés. Nous avons obtenu une bonne relation entre les mesures obtenues grâce à notre application virtuelle et les difficultés rapportées par les jeunes mais pas de différences entre jeunes et âgés concernant les difficultés de navigation au quotidien. Ces résultats confirment la bonne validité écologique de notre application virtuelle chez les personnes âgées et favorisent ainsi l'utilisation de mesures directes de mémoire spatiale et de navigation plutôt que des questionnaires chez les personnes âgées. Ils ont également permis de montrer de manière directe le rôle des déclins mnésiques et exécutifs dans leurs difficultés de navigation. Contrairement à ce qui avait été obtenu chez les jeunes, le contrôle moteur a eu un effet négatif sur les performances de navigation chez les personnes âgées. Nous discuterons alors les hypothèses neurocognitives concernant l'origine des difficultés de navigation chez les personnes âgées, ainsi que le rôle de la dimension actif (joystick) vs. passif dans les performances de navigation des jeunes et des âgés

    Ecological assessment of age-related spatial learning and navigation difficulties : role of memory, executive and motor control decline

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    Depuis plusieurs années, la réalité virtuelle est largement utilisée en neuropsychologie, notamment dans le domaine de l’étude de la cognition spatiale. Son utilisation grandissante a pour but de répondre à la fois au manque de validité écologique des tests classiques et au manque de contrôle des évaluations en conditions réelles. Les études dans le domaine de la cognition spatiale ont permis de montrer la complexité de l’apprentissage et de la navigation dans les grands espaces et suggèrent également une origine cognitive multifactorielle des difficultés de navigation chez les personnes âgées. Le but de cette thèse sera tout d’abord de vérifier la validité écologique de notre application utilisant la réalité virtuelle par une comparaison directe des performances d’apprentissage et de navigation, entre apprentissages réels et virtuels chez des adultes jeunes et âgés. Il s’agira ensuite de confirmer les hypothèses sur l’origine à la fois mnésique et exécutive des difficultés de navigation liées au vieillissement. Enfin, le rôle du contrôle sensorimoteur dans l’apprentissage de grands espaces, peu étudiée pour le moment dans le cas du vieillissement sera abordé. A l’aide d’une application en réalité virtuelle, nécessitant de mémoriser un parcours dans un quartier virtuel, réplique d’un quartier de Bordeaux, nous avons étudiés les effets du vieillissement en termes de mémoire spatiale et de performance de navigation. Nous avons comparé directement les apprentissages en conditions réelles et virtuelles, en conditions actives (joystick) et passives, et nous avons mis en relation ces indicateurs avec des mesures neurocognitives et des questionnaires d’estimation des difficultés quotidiennes. Nos principaux résultats ont permis de montrer un effet négatif de l’âge sur les performances dans notre application avec des patterns équivalents entre apprentissages réels et virtuels chez les jeunes et les âgés. Nous avons obtenu une bonne relation entre les mesures obtenues grâce à notre application virtuelle et les difficultés rapportées par les jeunes mais pas de différences entre jeunes et âgés concernant les difficultés de navigation au quotidien. Ces résultats confirment la bonne validité écologique de notre application virtuelle chez les personnes âgées et favorisent ainsi l’utilisation de mesures directes de mémoire spatiale et de navigation plutôt que des questionnaires chez les personnes âgées. Ils ont également permis de montrer de manière directe le rôle des déclins mnésiques et exécutifs dans leurs difficultés de navigation. Contrairement à ce qui avait été obtenu chez les jeunes, le contrôle moteur a eu un effet négatif sur les performances de navigation chez les personnes âgées. Nous discuterons alors les hypothèses neurocognitives concernant l’origine des difficultés de navigation chez les personnes âgées, ainsi que le rôle de la dimension actif (joystick) vs. passif dans les performances de navigation des jeunes et des âgés.Since several years, virtual reality is widely used in neuropsychology, especially for the study of spatial cognition. The goal of its use is to respond to the lack of ecological validity of classical tests and to the lack of experimental control of assessments in real situations. The studies in the domain of spatial cognition reveal the complexity of learning and navigation activities in large scales spaces and suggest a multifactorial origin to spatial learning and navigation in older adults. The aim of this thesis will be first to verify the ecological validity of our virtual reality application, with a direct comparison of spatial learning and navigation performances between real and virtual learning conditions, in young and old participants. Another goal will be to confirm the hypothesis on the role of executive and memory decline in age-related spatial learning and navigation difficulties. Finally, the role of motor control in spatial learning in large scale spaces, which is poorly studied within the framework of aging, will be tested. With the use of a virtual reality application, requiring memorizing a path in a virtual district replicating a district of Bordeaux, we have studied the effects of aging on spatial memory and navigation performances. We compared real and virtual, active and passive learning conditions and studied the relation between spatial memory and navigation performances with neurocognitive measures and self-report questionnaires on everyday navigation difficulties. Our main results showed a negative effect of aging on the performances in our application, with pattern of results similar between real and virtual learning conditions in young and old participants. We obtained a good relation between measures from our virtual application and everyday navigation difficulties reported by the young participants but no differences between young and old participants on everyday navigation difficulties. These results confirm the good ecological validity of our virtual application and favor the use of direct navigation and spatial memory measures instead of self-report questionnaires for older adults. They also showed directly the role of memory and executive decline in older adults’ navigation difficulties. Contrary to the results obtained with the young participants, the motor control had a negative effect on navigation performances in older adults. We will discuss of the neurocognitive hypothesis already proposed concerning the origin of navigation difficulties due to aging. Also, the role of motor activities and dual-task effect on spatial navigation performances in older adults will be examined

    Ecological assessment of age-related spatial learning and navigation difficulties : role of memory, executive and motor control decline

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    Depuis plusieurs années, la réalité virtuelle est largement utilisée en neuropsychologie, notamment dans le domaine de l’étude de la cognition spatiale. Son utilisation grandissante a pour but de répondre à la fois au manque de validité écologique des tests classiques et au manque de contrôle des évaluations en conditions réelles. Les études dans le domaine de la cognition spatiale ont permis de montrer la complexité de l’apprentissage et de la navigation dans les grands espaces et suggèrent également une origine cognitive multifactorielle des difficultés de navigation chez les personnes âgées. Le but de cette thèse sera tout d’abord de vérifier la validité écologique de notre application utilisant la réalité virtuelle par une comparaison directe des performances d’apprentissage et de navigation, entre apprentissages réels et virtuels chez des adultes jeunes et âgés. Il s’agira ensuite de confirmer les hypothèses sur l’origine à la fois mnésique et exécutive des difficultés de navigation liées au vieillissement. Enfin, le rôle du contrôle sensorimoteur dans l’apprentissage de grands espaces, peu étudiée pour le moment dans le cas du vieillissement sera abordé. A l’aide d’une application en réalité virtuelle, nécessitant de mémoriser un parcours dans un quartier virtuel, réplique d’un quartier de Bordeaux, nous avons étudiés les effets du vieillissement en termes de mémoire spatiale et de performance de navigation. Nous avons comparé directement les apprentissages en conditions réelles et virtuelles, en conditions actives (joystick) et passives, et nous avons mis en relation ces indicateurs avec des mesures neurocognitives et des questionnaires d’estimation des difficultés quotidiennes. Nos principaux résultats ont permis de montrer un effet négatif de l’âge sur les performances dans notre application avec des patterns équivalents entre apprentissages réels et virtuels chez les jeunes et les âgés. Nous avons obtenu une bonne relation entre les mesures obtenues grâce à notre application virtuelle et les difficultés rapportées par les jeunes mais pas de différences entre jeunes et âgés concernant les difficultés de navigation au quotidien. Ces résultats confirment la bonne validité écologique de notre application virtuelle chez les personnes âgées et favorisent ainsi l’utilisation de mesures directes de mémoire spatiale et de navigation plutôt que des questionnaires chez les personnes âgées. Ils ont également permis de montrer de manière directe le rôle des déclins mnésiques et exécutifs dans leurs difficultés de navigation. Contrairement à ce qui avait été obtenu chez les jeunes, le contrôle moteur a eu un effet négatif sur les performances de navigation chez les personnes âgées. Nous discuterons alors les hypothèses neurocognitives concernant l’origine des difficultés de navigation chez les personnes âgées, ainsi que le rôle de la dimension actif (joystick) vs. passif dans les performances de navigation des jeunes et des âgés.Since several years, virtual reality is widely used in neuropsychology, especially for the study of spatial cognition. The goal of its use is to respond to the lack of ecological validity of classical tests and to the lack of experimental control of assessments in real situations. The studies in the domain of spatial cognition reveal the complexity of learning and navigation activities in large scales spaces and suggest a multifactorial origin to spatial learning and navigation in older adults. The aim of this thesis will be first to verify the ecological validity of our virtual reality application, with a direct comparison of spatial learning and navigation performances between real and virtual learning conditions, in young and old participants. Another goal will be to confirm the hypothesis on the role of executive and memory decline in age-related spatial learning and navigation difficulties. Finally, the role of motor control in spatial learning in large scale spaces, which is poorly studied within the framework of aging, will be tested. With the use of a virtual reality application, requiring memorizing a path in a virtual district replicating a district of Bordeaux, we have studied the effects of aging on spatial memory and navigation performances. We compared real and virtual, active and passive learning conditions and studied the relation between spatial memory and navigation performances with neurocognitive measures and self-report questionnaires on everyday navigation difficulties. Our main results showed a negative effect of aging on the performances in our application, with pattern of results similar between real and virtual learning conditions in young and old participants. We obtained a good relation between measures from our virtual application and everyday navigation difficulties reported by the young participants but no differences between young and old participants on everyday navigation difficulties. These results confirm the good ecological validity of our virtual application and favor the use of direct navigation and spatial memory measures instead of self-report questionnaires for older adults. They also showed directly the role of memory and executive decline in older adults’ navigation difficulties. Contrary to the results obtained with the young participants, the motor control had a negative effect on navigation performances in older adults. We will discuss of the neurocognitive hypothesis already proposed concerning the origin of navigation difficulties due to aging. Also, the role of motor activities and dual-task effect on spatial navigation performances in older adults will be examined

    Cognition spatiale et vieillissement : les nouveaux éclairages offerts par les études utilisant la réalité virtuelle Spatial cognition and aging: new insights provided by virtual reality-based studies

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    National audienceSince few years, the study of spatial cognition and its decline with aging is taking significant development with the introduction of technologies of virtual reality (VR), simulating everyday navigation activities in naturalistic environments. The aim of this review issue was to describe the recent results obtained by this new way of investigation, in the domain of the mechanisms of spatial learning and navigation in normal aging and Alzheimer disease (AD). This review highlights the recent advances allowed by VR and the next researches perspectives, particularly in the domains of the study of the relations between cognition and action, as well as the neural correlates of spatial cognition allowed by the association between VR and cerebral functional imaging.L'étude des effets du vieillissement sur la cognition spatiale connaît un développement important ces dernières années avec l'arrivée des technologies de la réalité virtuelle (RV) qui permettent de simuler des activités de navigation dans des environnements écologiques à grande échelle. Les récents résultats issus de cette nouvelle voie d'investigation sont présentés en regard des difficultés d'apprentissage et de navigation dans les petits et grands espaces au cours du vieillissement " normal " et dans la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). Les avancées permises par la RV sont exposées ainsi que les perspectives de recherche à venir, en particulier l'étude des relations entre cognition et action, mais aussi l'exploration des bases neurales de la cognition spatiale grâce au couplage entre RV et imagerie neurofonctionnell

    Age and active navigation effects on episodic memory: A virtual reality study

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    International audienceWe investigated the navigation-related age effects on learning, proactive interference semantic clustering, recognition hits, and false recognitions in a naturalistic situation using a virtual apartment-based task. We also examined the neuropsychological correlates (executive functioning [EF] and episodic memory) of navigation-related age effects on memory. Younger and older adults either actively navigated or passively followed the computer-guided tour of an apartment. The results indicated that active navigation increased recognition hits compared with passive navigation, but it did not influence other memory measures (learning, proactive interference, and semantic clustering) to a similar extent in either age group. Furthermore, active navigation helped to reduce false recognitions in younger adults but increased those made by older adults. This differential effect of active navigation for younger and older adults was accounted for by EF score. Like for the subject-performed task effects, the effects from the navigation manipulation were well accounted for by item-specific/relational processing distinction, and they were also consistent with a source monitoring deficit in older adults

    Executive and memory correlates of age-related differences in wayfinding performances using a virtual reality application.

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    International audienceThe aim of this study was to evaluate in large-scale spaces wayfinding and spatial learning difficulties for older adults in relation to the executive and memory decline associated with aging. We compared virtual reality (VR)-based wayfinding and spatial memory performances between young and older adults. Wayfinding and spatial memory performances were correlated with classical measures of executive and visuo-spatial memory functions, but also with self-reported estimates of wayfinding difficulties. We obtained a significant effect of age on wayfinding performances but not on spatial memory performances. The overall correlations showed significant correlations between the wayfinding performances and the classical measures of both executive and visuo-spatial memory, but only when the age factor was not partialled out. Also, older adults underestimated their wayfinding difficulties. A significant relationship between the wayfinding performances and self-reported wayfinding difficulty estimates is found, but only when the age effect was partialled out. These results show that, even when older adults have an equivalent spatial knowledge to young adults, they had greater difficulties with the wayfinding task, supporting an executive decline view in age-related wayfinding difficulties. However, the correlation results are in favor of both the memory and executive decline views as mediators of age-related differences in wayfinding performances. This is discussed in terms of the relationships between memory and executive functioning in wayfinding task orchestration. Our results also favor the use of objective assessments of everyday navigation difficulties in virtual applications, instead of self-reported questionnaires, since older adults showed difficulties in estimating their everyday wayfinding problems

    The contribution of virtual reality to the diagnosis of spatial navigation disorders and to the study of the role of navigational aids: A systematic literature review.

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    Spatial navigation, which involves higher cognitive functions, is frequently implemented in daily activities, and is critical to the participation of human beings in mainstream environments. Virtual reality is an expanding tool, which enables on one hand the assessment of the cognitive functions involved in spatial navigation, and on the other the rehabilitation of patients with spatial navigation difficulties. Topographical disorientation is a frequent deficit among patients suffering from neurological diseases. The use of virtual environments enables the information incorporated into the virtual environment to be manipulated empirically. But the impact of manipulations seems differ according to their nature (quantity, occurrence, and characteristics of the stimuli) and the target population. We performed a systematic review of research on virtual spatial navigation covering the period from 2005 to 2015. We focused first on the contribution of virtual spatial navigation for patients with brain injury or schizophrenia, or in the context of ageing and dementia, and then on the impact of visual or auditory stimuli on virtual spatial navigation. On the basis of 6521 abstracts identified in 2 databases (Pubmed and Scopus) with the keywords « navigation » and « virtual », 1103 abstracts were selected by adding the keywords "ageing", "dementia", "brain injury", "stroke", "schizophrenia", "aid", "help", "stimulus" and "cue"; Among these, 63 articles were included in the present qualitative analysis. Unlike pencil-and-paper tests, virtual reality is useful to assess large-scale navigation strategies in patients with brain injury or schizophrenia, or in the context of ageing and dementia. Better knowledge about both the impact of the different aids and the cognitive processes involved is essential for the use of aids in neurorehabilitation