18 research outputs found

    Efficacy of D-cycloserine augmented brief intensive cognitive-behavioural therapy for paediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomised clinical trial

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    Objective: To examine the efficacy of weight-adjusted D-cycloserine (DCS) (35 or 70 mg) relative to placebo augmentation of intensive exposure therapy for youth with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in a double-blind, randomised controlled trial, and examine whether antidepressant medication or patient age moderated outcomes. Methods: Youth (n = 100, 7–17 years) with OCD were randomised in a 1:1 ratio to either DCS + exposure (n = 49) or placebo + exposure (n = 51). Assessments occurred posttreatment, 1 month later, and at 3 and 6 months. Pills were ingested immediately before sessions. Results: Significant improvements on all outcomes were observed at posttreatment, and to 6-month follow-up. Treatment arms did not differ across time, with no significant time-by-medication interactions on symptom severity (T1 to T2 estimate: 9.3, 95% confidence interval [CI]: −11.2 to −7.4, and estimate −10.7, 95% CI: −12.6 to −8.7), diagnostic severity (T1 to T2 estimate: −2.0, 95% CI: −2.4 to −1.5 and estimate −2.5, 95% CI: −3.0 to −2.0) or global functioning (T1 to T2 estimate: 13.8, 95% CI: 10.6 to 17.0, and estimate 16.6, 95% CI: 13.2 to 19.9). Neither antidepressants at baseline nor age moderated primary outcomes. There were significantly fewer responders/remitters at 1- and 6-month follow-up among youth in the DCS condition stabilised on SSRIs, relative to youth not taking SSRIs. Conclusions: DCS augmented intensive exposure therapy did not result in overall additional benefits relative to placebo. Intensive exposure proved effective in reducing symptoms for the overall sample

    Implementation and evaluation of a multi-level mental health promotion intervention for the workplace (MENTUPP): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Background Well-organised and managed workplaces can be a source of wellbeing. The construction, healthcare and information and communication technology sectors are characterised by work-related stressors (e.g. high workloads, tight deadlines) which are associated with poorer mental health and wellbeing. The MENTUPP intervention is a flexibly delivered, multi-level approach to supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in creating mentally healthy workplaces. The online intervention is tailored to each sector and designed to support employees and leaders dealing with mental health difficulties (e.g. stress), clinical level anxiety and depression, and combatting mental health-related stigma. This paper presents the protocol for the cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) of the MENTUPP intervention in eight European countries and Australia. Methods Each intervention country will aim to recruit at least two SMEs in each of the three sectors. The design of the cRCT is based on the experiences of a pilot study and guided by a Theory of Change process that describes how the intervention is assumed to work. SMEs will be randomly assigned to the intervention or control conditions. The aim of the cRCT is to assess whether the MENTUPP intervention is effective in improving mental health and wellbeing (primary outcome) and reducing stigma, depression and suicidal behaviour (secondary outcome) in employees. The study will also involve a process and economic evaluation. Conclusions At present, there is no known multi-level, tailored, flexible and accessible workplace-based intervention for the prevention of non-clinical and clinical symptoms of depression, anxiety and burnout, and the promotion of mental wellbeing. The results of this study will provide a comprehensive overview of the implementation and effectiveness of such an intervention in a variety of contexts, languages and cultures leading to the overall goal of delivering an evidence-based intervention for mental health in the workplace

    Coping Styles Utilized during Suicide and Sudden Death Bereavement in the First Six Months

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    Individuals bereaved by suicide experience substantial emotional distress and are at risk for poorer mental health, substance use concerns, and suicidal behaviors. This study aimed to explore whether those bereaved by suicide reported different coping styles compared to those bereaved by sudden death in the first six months. It also aimed to determine whether a previous mental health diagnosis (PMHD) and experiencing stigma and/or shame impacted the utilization of adaptive and maladaptive coping. The sample was constituted by individuals bereaved by suicide (n = 142) compared to those bereaved by sudden death (n = 63), six months after loss. The study included immediate family members who were 18 years or older and understood the English language. After controlling for demographics there were no significant differences in coping styles between bereavement types. Regardless of bereavement type, having a PMHD was associated with increased avoidant and problem-focused coping, and stigma and shame were each associated with increased avoidant coping. Women were also more likely to report using adaptive coping. Findings demonstrate no difference by bereavement type and have implications for the tailoring of grief/postvention supports that are sensitive to perceived stigma/shame to better facilitate utilization of adaptive emotion-focused coping, particularly for men and those with pre-existing mental health problems

    Evaluation of a suicide prevention program for the energy sector

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    There is evidence indicating that traditionally male-dominated occupations are associated with greater risk of suicide. In Australia, MATES in Construction was developed as an occupational health initiative to prevent suicides in the industry. The program has recently been applied to the energy industry; however, little is known regarding exposure to suicide and suicide prevention interventions in this sector. The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of MATES in Energy general awareness training (GAT), and estimate the prevalence of recent suicidal ideation and exposure to suicidal behaviors in workers. A before and after design was used to examine the effectiveness of GAT training. Data were collected from 4887 participants undertaking GAT training at energy sites across Queensland, Australia. In total, 2% (97) of participants reported recent suicidal thoughts, 65% of participants reported they had known someone who had attempted suicide, and 69% had known someone who died by suicide. Significant improvements were found on all suicide literacy items after GAT training. Younger people were more likely to be positively affected by the intervention. The results indicate that the MATES in Energy program is successfully transitioning from the construction industry, and offers the first empirically supported suicide intervention tailored to the energy sector

    What Are Complex Interventions in Suicide Research? Definitions, Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Forward

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    It has been argued that effective action towards addressing a complex concern such as suicide requires a combination of evidence-based strategies. While these complex public health approaches have recently gained importance, little is known about their characteristics and what contributes to their complexity. The use of interchangeable terms such as multilevel, multicomponent, community based, and inconsistent definitions of these approaches creates confusion around what it is and what it is not. In practice, this disorder is reflected in a substantial variation in the design, implementation, and evaluation of complex approaches in suicide research. While it is impossible to resolve all existing inconsistencies in terminology, this review explores a range of terms and definitions to connote complex interventions. It aims to unpack multiple meanings of these terms and their diverse usage in suicide literature. The potential implications of this fluidity and plausible pathways to make sense of this complexity for suicide research are also discussed. With a shared understanding of what constitutes a complex intervention, we can expect to see an improved representation of the real-world complexities in our efforts to address suicide. This common language can also contribute toward quality implementation and dissemination and thereby advance our understanding of complex interventions

    Natural disasters and suicidal behaviour: an updated systematic review

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    Background: This systematic review aims to update and extend the findings of an earlier review on the suicidogenic impact of natural disasters. Methods: A systematic search of research published in 17 bibliographic databases was conducted (PROSPERO CRD42020216722). The review following PRISMA checklist identified 64 primary studies, published between 2012 and 2022, investigating the association between natural disasters and suicidal behaviour and ideation. Results: The majority of studies related to natural disasters in Japan, China, USA, India and Australia. Over half the studies (n=39) investigated the impact of earthquakes. Other disasters included hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, droughts, wildfires, tornadoes and multiple disasters. Concerning suicide mortality (the most studied suicide-related outcome), there was variability in the suicidogenic impact of earthquakes depending on location, age, sex and time elapsed since the event. While there appeared to be an increase in suicide mortality following drought, investigations of hurricanes/tornadoes and floods found no evidence of suicidogenic impact. Findings relating to other suicide-related outcomes are more consistent, suggesting that exposure to droughts, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, and other natural disasters is associated with increased risk of suicidal ideation and non-fatal suicidal behaviour. Limitations: Publications in languages other than English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese may have been missed. Conclusions: The considerable inconsistency in the findings reported across these studies, particularly relating to suicide mortality, is noteworthy. This may reflect substantive (‘real’) differences in the impact of natural disasters on suicidal behaviour linked to the type of disaster, the socioeconomic and sociocultural context, the type of suicidal behaviour, or other explanatory factors

    Inflated Responsibility Beliefs in Paediatric OCD: Exploring the Role of Parental Rearing and Child Age

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    Cognitive-behavioural models of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) propose that inflated responsibility beliefs are central to the maintenance of the disorder and are proposed to originate during early childhood via experiences of harsh and/or controlling parenting. The current study aimed to examine the associations between perceived parental rearing behaviours, inflated responsibility/threat beliefs, and OCD severity and impairment in children (aged 7-12 years) and adolescents (aged 13-17 years) with OCD (n = 136). Results indicated that for younger children, greater child perceptions of overprotection and anxious rearing were each associated with increased inflated responsibility beliefs. For older children, these positive associations remained, and furthermore, inflated responsibility beliefs mediated the association between perceived maternal anxious rearing and OCD impairment. Results highlight the role of the family in the development of inflated responsibility bias and OCD-related impairment.No Full Tex

    Consumer and Carer Perspectives of a Zero Suicide Prevention Program: A Qualitative Study

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    This study explored the experiences of healthcare consumers who had recently attempted suicide, and their carers, following placement on a Suicide Prevention Pathway based on the Zero Suicide framework. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 10 consumers and 5 carers using a semi-structured interview schedule. Interviews were transcribed and thematic analysis was applied to identify prominent themes and sub-themes. Three interrelated themes were identified. The first theme was ‘Feeling safe and valued’ with the associated sub-theme pertaining to perceived stigmatizing treatment and self-stigma. The second was ‘Intersection of consumer and staff/organizational needs’ with a related sub-theme of time pressure and reduced self-disclosure. The final theme was ‘Importance of the ‘whole picture’, highlighting the relevance of assessing and addressing psychosocial factors when planning for consumer recovery. Overall, consumers and their carers reported a favorable experience of the Suicide Prevention Pathway; however, there were several areas identified for improvement. These included reconciling the time-pressures of a busy health service system, ensuring consumers and carers feel their psychosocial concerns are addressed, and ensuring that adequate rapport is developed. Key to this is ensuring consumers feel cared for and reducing perceptions of stigma