3 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Model USAhatani Konservasi Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas Lahan Kering

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    Model Plan Usahatani Conservation As Dry Farming ProductivityEnhanced Efforts. In the effort erosion trouble-shooting and the low of dry farming productivity, has been executed serangkian research which in focussed in area of Praktek Politani Kupang having location in Oesao Kabupaten Kupang. Research aim to study specific USAhatani model of dry farming. Three kinds of model USAhatani conservation has been checked, yakti bench terrace, terrace;core gulud and without terrace;core. Measurement of level of erosion is done in emperis with method USLE. To evaluate farm productivity also is done cultivation of green peanut crop Result of research indicates that technically, model USAhatani conservation of bench terrace and terrace;core gulud gives repair impact to degradation of erosion speed and improvement of farm productivity. Bench terrace earns effectively lessens erosion until under admissible erosion boundary, however memerlukn technical clauses in its(the making in order not to harm plant growth. Terrace;core gulud is one of alternative of conservation that need to be considered, especially at soil;land;grounds having [shallow/ superficial] solum, because cost in its(the making is cheap and doesn\u27t require many labours, and top layer soil is not annoyed

    Kajian Cekaman Kekeringan Dan Dosis Pupuk Nitrogen Terhadap Hasil Padi Gogo (Oryza Sativa L)

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    The Study of the Droght Stress and The Nitrogen Fertilizer Doses For the Plant Gogo Produce. The research had taken place in glasses house BPTP Naibonat Kupang from Junni to October 2008. The aims of the research is to know the influences of the value of the drought sress and the nitrogen of Fertilizer doses for the product of Rice plant Gogo. The research was done by using Randomized Complete Design factorial research which consist of two factors which is used without barren, the droght stess 21 -25 HST, 76 -80 HST and 111 – 115 HST. The secont factor is Nitrogen fertilizer doses which used and without nitrogen fertilizer, 45 kg N/ha, 90 kg N/ha and 135 kg N/ha, with 3 replication. The variabel which observed is the number of plant seed, the panicle number the qualiy of one thousand seeds, the qualiity of the seeds, and harvest index per plantation. The result of the research souws that the effect of drounght and doses nitrogen fertilazer of Riceland field for the fariabel which observed is seed number, the seed quality and the quality of the seed per plantation. The treatmen of the second droht stress (C2) with nitrogen fertilizer doses 90 kg/ha (N2) gives the average seed quality per plantation, whichis higher than the onther tretment

    Kajian Peranan Tanaman Hedgerow Dalam Sistem USAhatani Konservasi Di Lahan Kering Terhadap Sifat Fisik Tanah

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    Study the Role of Hedgerow Plants in Conservation of Dryland Farming Systems on Soil Physical Properties. To determine the effect of infiltration rate and soil physical properties, a study was conducted in the village Oebola, Fatuleu, Kupang district, from November 2008 to June 2009. The experiment was designed in Randomized Block Design (RBD), with four treatments and three replications. The treatments were three types of fencing plants in alley cropping systems i.e. white leadtree (Leucaena leucocephala), hummingbird tree (Sesbania grandiflora syn. Aeschynomene grandiflora), gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium), and the treatment without fencing plants as the control. The parameters observed were organic matter content, bulk density, field water content, maximum water content, aggregate stability, and infiltration rate. Data were analyzed statistically using the F-test and was continued with Duncan test if there was a difference among the treatments tested. The result showed that in the three fencing plants tested, gliricidia gave the best effect in the terms of organic matter content, field water content, maximum water content, and infiltration rate while bulk density of these three plants relatively performed the similar influence