13 research outputs found

    Test–retest reliability of four flatwater performance-related tests in canoe slalom athletes

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    Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the test–retest reliability of four flatwater performance-related tests in canoe slalom athletes. Methods: Twenty-two Slovak national team members of junior and U23 age group racing in a category K1 men (K1M), K1 women (K1W) or C1 men (C1M) volunteered to take part in this study. During both test and retest testing sessions athletes performed 4 flatwater tests: SPS—Sprints with a turn to the preferred side (2 × 15 m shuttle sprints), SNPS—Sprints with a turn to the non-preferred side (2 × 15 m shuttle sprints), SBS—Sprints with turns to both sides (2 × 15 m shuttle sprints) as well as 12 × 15 AOT—12 × 15 m all out shuttle test (12 × 15 m shuttle sprints). Each athlete completed two sessions separated by a minimum of days and a maximum of 5 days. Results: The results have shown the excellent test-retest reliability of all four flatwater tests (ICC—SPS: 0.98; SPNPS 0.97; SBS: 0.98 and 12 × 15 m AOT: 0.96). Additionally, results have shown SEM (SPS: 0.14; SPNPS 0.18; SBS: 0.13 and 12 × 15 m AOT: 1.05) and SWC (SPS: 0.21; SPNPS 0.26; SBS: 0.19 and 12 × 15 m AOT: 1.58). Conclusion: Based on our results we suggest that coaches use these valid and reliable tests to assess changes in their athletes’ performance-related physical fitness over time, to verify the effectiveness of training programs focused on improvement in specific physical fitness of athletes as well as to identify asymmetries between the preferred and non-preferred side in canoe slalom athletes

    Asymmetries in paddle force influence choice of stroke type for canoe slalom athletes

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    Canoe slalom is an Olympic discipline where athletes race down a whitewater course in kayaks (K1) or canoes (C1) navigating a set of down-stream and up-stream gates. Kayak paddles are symmetrical and have a blade at each end, whereas C1 paddles have only one blade that must be moved across the boat to perform strokes on either the right or left side. Asymmetries in paddle force between the two sides of the boat may lead to a reduction in predicted race time. The purpose of this study was to quantify asymmetries in the paddle forces between the two sides for slalom paddling. Paddle forces for 42 canoe slalom athletes (C1 and K1) were quantified from the straight sections of a flat-water figure-of-eight course. Paddle forces were measured using strain gauges embedded in the paddle shaft, stroke type was identified using video, and boat trajectory was tracked using inertial measurement units and high-speed GPS: data were fused using in-house analysis software. Paddle forces were quantified by their peak force, and impulse during the stroke. Paddle forces for the kayakers had asymmetries of 14.2 to 17.1% for the male K1M and 11.1 to 14.4% for the women K1W. Canoeists were no more asymmetrical than the kayakers for their ‘on-side’ strokes between the right and left sides. However, there were considerable differences for their ‘off-side’ strokes: male C1M off-side paddle forces were similar to their ‘on-side’ forces for the same side, but the women C1W had a significantly lower (−20.8% to −29.5%) paddle forces for their ‘off-side’ strokes compared to their ‘on-side’ strokes on that same side. Despite an increasing number of younger male athletes being introduced to the switching technique, and it being used by C1M athletes in international competitions since 2014, C1M paddlers still do not use switching transitions as much as C1W. The data from this study indicate that there is a biomechanical reason for this sex-based difference in the higher proportion of off-side strokes used by the C1M athletes compared to C1W athletes: and this needs to be considered for optimal technique development and race performance

    Is the aerobic power a delimitating factor for performance on canoe slalom? An analysis of Olympic Slovak canoe slalom medalists and non-Olympics since Beijing 2008 to Rio 2016

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    Information regarding the aerobic power on canoe slalom performance is scares. Moreover, the comparison of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) via specific and non-specific ergometer for slalom kayakers may improve training prescription and controlling over Olympic cycles. Lastly, it is still unknown to what extent the VO2max delimitate the high performance in this sport. To test this perspective, a highly qualified sample is desired. In overall statistics, Slovakian athletes gathered 14 Olympic medals over the last sixteen years. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to compare the aerobic power of Olympic medallists and Non-Olympic Slovakian kayakers via specific and non-specific evaluations from Beijing 2008 to Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Forty-two male canoe slalom athletes from Slovak national team were evaluated between the years 2006 and 2016. Slovakian athletes were tested for specific (i.e. paddling ergometer) and non-specific (i.e. treadmill) incremental protocols for VO2max determination. Over the last three Summer Olympic Games, the VO2max of Slovakian Olympic medallists was consistently lower than most of the Slovakian team. Moreover, disregarding the medallist characteristic or the moment, Slovakian kayakers presented higher VO2max on treadmill (57.7±6.8 mL.kg-1.min-1) when compared to paddle ergometer (46.9±6.5 mL.kg-1.min-1) (p=0.000; ES=1.6). Based on the collected data over the last ten years, we suggest that although aerobic power may play a relevant and indirect role on performance of slalom kayakers, does not delimitate the high performance in this sport.This study was partly funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, grant no. 1/0058/16

    Can lifelong endurance exercise improve ageing through beneficial effects on circadian timing function, muscular performance and health status in men? Protocol for a comparative cross-sectional study

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    A well-synchronized circadian system is a manifestation of an individual's health. A gradual weakening of the circadian timing function characterizes aging. Regular exercise has been suggested as a modality to improve many detrimental changes associated with aging. Therefore, we aim to examine the benefits and risks of lifelong endurance exercise on age-dependent changes in the circadian time-keeping function, the performance of the muscular system and health status. The study protocol has a comparative cross-sectional design, including groups of senior (65 to 75 years old, n=16) and young (20-30 years old, n=16) endurance runners and triathletes. Age-matched groups of young and elderly sedentary men are included as controls. The circadian function is evaluated mainly by measurement of urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin, a metabolite of the hormone melatonin shown to participate in the modulation of sleep cycles. The 6-sulphatoxymelatonin will be assessed in urine samples collected upon awakening in the morning and in the late evening, as a marker of melatonin production. In addition, sleep/activity rhythms and sleep quality will be measured by wrist actigraphy. Performance of the muscular system will be assessed by examination of muscular strength and quantifying of gene expression in the skeletal muscle tissue samples. Health status and age-induced reduction in immune function are to be analysed via the balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory immune markers in the plasma and skeletal muscle, body composition, bone density and physical fitness

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Infidelity from the perspective of relational family therapy within the context of different sexual moralities

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    Raziskujemo partnersko nezvestobo, kot jo obravnavajo terapevti relacijske družinske terapije (RDT), v kontekstu razlik med sodobno laično in katoliško spolno moralo, saj študij tega pristopa poteka na Teološki fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Predstavljamo teorijo in prakso RDT ter partnerski in terapevtski odnos. Navedemo vrste, vzroke in posledice nezvestobe, opisujemo tudi krščanski vidik nezvestobe in potek zdravljenja v RDT. Nezvestobo postavljamo v kontekst različnih spolnih moral: k sodobni laični opredelitvi nezvestobe kot kršitve dogovora med partnerjema, katoliški vidik dodaja, da je nezvestoba izraz vdaje poželenju ter greh proti svetosti zakonske zveze. Z intervjuji s terapevti iščemo odgovor na raziskovalno vprašanje, ali in kakšen vpliv ima katoliški izobraževalni okvir na terapevtsko delo z nezvestobo. Terapevti imajo do klientov nevtralno držopoudarjajo etičen in na dobrobit klienta usmerjen odnos. Morebitno katoliško ozadje uporabijo kot orodje za delo z vernimi klienti. Pri raziskovalnem vprašanju, ali in kako terapevti RDT pri obravnavi partnerske nezvestobe prečijo razkorak med različnimi spolnimi moralami, ugotavljamo, da se terapevti ne srečujejo z lastno razpetostjo, saj svojo profesionalno vlogo učinkovito ločijo od krščanskega nauka. Dodatno proučujemo, kako poteka delo terapevtov s klienti pri nezvestobi. Zaznavamo odprtost za različne tehnike in pristope, po sistemu "uporabi, kar deluje". Zanima nas tudi, ali in kako na terapevtsko obravnavo nezvestobe vpliva katoliška vera terapevtov oz. klientov. Vernost terapevtov ima potencialno pozitiven vpliv, saj zaradi tega hitreje razumejo verne kliente in jim lažje pomagajo – četudi je delo z njimi težje.Our focus is infidelity as seen by the relational family therapy (RFT) model in the context of the differences between secular post-modern and Catholic sexual morality, since RFT therapists are being trained at the Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana. RFT theory and practice are presented, as well as couple and therapeutic relationships. Varieties, causes and consequences of infidelity are defined, followed by the Christian view of infidelity and the RFT healing process. Infidelity is contextualized within different sexual moralities. Contemporary sexual morality defines it as a breach of trust in a relationshipCatholic morality emphasizes yielding to temptation and sinning against the holy matrimony. By interviewing RFT practitioners we investigate our research question: does the Catholic educational context influence the work of therapists with infidelity, and how. Therapists retain a neutral attitude toward the clientsthey emphasize an ethical and client-focused stance. Catholic beliefs, if present, are a resource for working with religious clients. We also ask if therapists need to cope with differing sexual moralities when working with infidelity. RFT therapists aren\u27t torn over this, separating their professional role from Christian teaching. Additionally, we analyze the RFT work process with infidelity and find openness to various techniques and approaches, following the "use what works" principle. We also investigate the effect of religiosity of therapists or clients on therapeutic work with infidelity. Religiosity of therapists has a potentially positive influence, since it enables them to relate better to religious clients – even though working with them is more challenging

    Psychological games in the workplace

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    V diplomskem delu skozi lečo transakcijske analize predstavimo psihološke igre, ponavljajoče se medosebne interakcije, ki se predvidljivo končajo s slabimi občutki pri vseh udeleženih. Iskali smo odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja: kaj so psihološke igre in kakšne so njihove glavne značilnostikatere psihološke igre na delovnem mestu lahko prepoznamoin kako psihološke igre sploh potekajo. Pri tem s pomočjo pregleda relevantne literature spoznamo teoretski kontekst s poudarkom na definiciji, različnih klasifikacijah in načinih analize ter ustavljanja iger, najprej znotraj organizacijske transakcijske analize ter nato specifično na delovnem mestu. V empiričnem delu s pomočjo vprašanj v Igrnem načrtu (izvorno po Johnu Jamesu) preverimo, kako potekajo igre na delovnih mestih treh intervjuvancev. Pridobljene odgovore analiziramo s pomočjo kombinacije treh pristopov: ugotavljanja vlog v Karpmanovem Dramskem trikotnikuprepoznavanja elementov Igrne formulein uporabe Analize transakcij z odkrivanjem prikritih sporočil (oboje po Ericu Bernu). Z analizo interakcij lahko bolje razumemo lastno vedenje, vedenje drugih in različne načine, ki nas zvabijo v igranje iger. Ključno je prepoznavanje procesov, ki nam pomaga igre ustaviti. Tako lahko stopimo na pot k odnosom brez psiholoških iger, tako v zasebnem življenju kot tudi na delovnem mestu.In the thesis we use transactional analysis as a lens through which we present psychological games, defined as repeating interpersonal interactions that end with predictably negative feelings for all involved. Our research questions were: what are psychological games and what are their main characteristicswhich psychological games in the workplace can we identifyand what is the process of psychological games. With the help of a review of relevant literature we acquaint ourselves with the theoretical context, with an emphasis on the definition, various classifications, kinds of analyses and ways of stopping games, firstly inside the framework of organizational transactional analysis and then in the context of the workplace. In the empirical part we use questions from the Game Plan (originally by John James) to research how games are played in the workplaces of three interviewees. Their answers are then analysed with a combination of three approaches: ascertaining the roles from Karpman\u27s Drama Trianglerecognizing elements of the Game Formulaand use of Analysis of transactions with uncovering of hidden messages (both by Eric Berne). With the analysis of interactions we can better understand our own behaviour, the behaviour of others, and how we are drawn into playing games. Recognition of these processes is key, it helps us stop games and step towards game-free relationships, in our personal lives and in the workplace

    Selective glucose oxidation to glucaric acid using bimetallic catalysts : lattice expansion or electronic structure effect

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    Our study presents a comprehensive approach for the selective oxidation of glucose to glucaric acid (GA) by heterogeneous catalysis. We have synthesized and characterized Au/ZrO2, AuCu/ZrO2 and AuPt/ZrO2 catalysts using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and oxygen pulse chemisorption (OPS) techniques. Combining experimental observations with in-depth density functional theory (DFT) studies, we found that bimetallic catalysts form alloys, which exhibit different characteristics than monometallic counterparts for the given reaction. We performed batch reactions, varying temperature and oxygen pressure, and used the data to construct a predictive microkinetic model. As it turned out, AuPt/ZrO2 showed the highest selectivity, yielding 32 % of GA at 100 °C and 30 barg O2. Our results provide valuable insights for the developing of efficient catalysts and point out the bottlenecks for the oxidation of glucose to GA

    Benefits of Eccentric Training with Emphasis on Demands of Daily Living Activities and Feasibility in Older Adults: A Literature Review

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    Aging is associated with a decline in physical capabilities and several other health-related conditions. One of the most common age-related processes is sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is usually accompanied with a decline in skeletal muscle mass and physical functioning. A decrease in these markers usually impacts basic daily living activities (DLAs), which become somewhat harder to accomplish for older individuals. Several research studies have examined the demands of DLA in older individuals with results indicating that activities such as walking, sitting, standing, stair climbing, stair descending, and running generate high demands on older adults. The forces that act on individuals are in most cases equal or multiple times higher relative to their body mass. For instance, it was reported that the GRF (ground reaction force) during stair descent ranged from 1.43 to 1.50 of BW (body weight) in an older population. Even higher demands were recorded during other related activities. These demands of DLA raise the question of appropriate rehabilitative or training management procedures. During the past decades, an eccentric form of resistance training gained popularity due to its effectiveness and lower metabolic demands, which seems to be an appropriate method to develop and maintain a basic level of strength capabilities in higher age. Multiple factors of eccentric training have been examined including modality of exercise, intensity, frequency, and safety of the elderly. Several modalities of eccentric exercise have been shown to be effective including traditional methods, as well as machine-based ones, with or without using some equipment. The studies included in this review varied in intensity from low to high; however, the most frequently used intensity was ≥50% of the maximal eccentric strength during two or three eccentric sessions per week. Importantly, the prevalence of injury of older adults appears to have been low to none, highlighting the safety of this approach. In summary, eccentric training prescriptions for older adults should consider the demands of DLA and the characteristics of the elderly for appropriate management of training recommendations

    Aging and Possible Benefits or Negatives of Lifelong Endurance Running: How Master Male Athletes Differ from Young Athletes and Elderly Sedentary?

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    Regular physical activity, recommended by the WHO, is crucial in maintaining a good physical fitness level and health status and slows down the effects of aging. However, there is a lack of knowledge of whether lifelong endurance running, with a volume and frequency above the WHO limits, still brings the same benefits, or several negative effects too. The present study aims to examine the protentional benefits and risks of lifelong endurance running training in Master male athletes, as this level of physical activity is above the WHO recommendations. Within the study, four main groups of participants will be included: (1) endurance-trained master athletes, (2) endurance-trained young athletes, (3) young sedentary adults, and (4) elderly sedentary. Both groups of athletes are strictly marathon runners, who are still actively running. The broad spectrum of the diagnostic tests, from the questionnaires, physical fitness testing, and blood sampling to muscle biopsy, will be performed to obtain the possibility of complexly analyzing the effects of lifelong endurance physical activity on the human body and aging. Moreover, the study will try to discover and explain new relationships between endurance running and diagnostic parameters, not only within aging