38 research outputs found

    Frequency and Pattern of Heteroplasmy in the Complete Human Mitochondrial Genome

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    Determining the levels of human mitochondrial heteroplasmy is of utmost importance in several fields. In spite of this, there are currently few published works that have focused on this issue. In order to increase the knowledge of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy, the main goal of this work is to investigate the frequency and the mutational spectrum of heteroplasmy in the human mtDNA genome. To address this, a set of nine primer pairs designed to avoid co-amplification of nuclear DNA (nDNA) sequences of mitochondrial origin (NUMTs) was used to amplify the mitochondrial genome in 101 individuals. The analysed individuals represent a collection with a balanced representation of genders and mtDNA haplogroup distribution, similar to that of a Western European population. The results show that the frequency of heteroplasmic individuals exceeds 61%. The frequency of point heteroplasmy is 28.7%, with a widespread distribution across the entire mtDNA. In addition, an excess of transitions in heteroplasmy were detected, suggesting that genetic drift and/or selection may be acting to reduce its frequency at population level. In fact, heteroplasmy at highly stable positions might have a greater impact on the viability of mitochondria, suggesting that purifying selection must be operating to prevent their fixation within individuals. This study analyses the frequency of heteroplasmy in a healthy population, carrying out an evolutionary analysis of the detected changes and providing a new perspective with important consequences in medical, evolutionary and forensic fields

    Single-cell paired-end genome sequencing reveals structural variation per cell cycle

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    The nature and pace of genome mutation is largely unknown. Because standard methods sequence DNA from populations of cells, the genetic composition of individual cells is lost, de novo mutations in cells are concealed within the bulk signal and per cell cycle mutation rates and mechanisms remain elusive. Although single-cell genome analyses could resolve these problems, such analyses are error-prone because of whole-genome amplification (WGA) artefacts and are limited in the types of DNA mutation that can be discerned. We developed methods for paired-end sequence analysis of single-cell WGA products that enable (i) detecting multiple classes of DNA mutation, (ii) distinguishing DNA copy number changes from allelic WGA-amplification artefacts by the discovery of matching aberrantly mapping read pairs among the surfeit of paired-end WGA and mapping artefacts and (iii) delineating the break points and architecture of structural variants. By applying the methods, we capture DNA copy number changes acquired over one cell cycle in breast cancer cells and in blastomeres derived from a human zygote after in vitro fertilization. Furthermore, we were able to discover and fine-map a heritable inter-chromosomal rearrangement t(1;16)(p36;p12) by sequencing a single blastomere. The methods will expedite applications in basic genome research and provide a stepping stone to novel approaches for clinical genetic diagnosis

    A comprehensive study of the genetic impact of rare variants in SORL1 in European early-onset Alzheimer's disease

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    Altres ajuts: Research Foundation Flanders/G043211N; Obra Social La Caixa/20131209; PRVOUK P26/1/4/IGA/NT12094-5; SFRH/BPD/29354/2006; Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia/2014.0365; Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze/2014.0310; RF-2010-2319722; Swedish Research Council/2015-02926; Sweden Alzheimer Foundation/AF-556561The sortilin-related receptor 1 (SORL1) gene has been associated with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Rare genetic variants in the SORL1 gene have also been implicated in autosomal dominant early-onset AD (EOAD). Here we report a large-scale investigation of the contribution of genetic variability in SORL1 to EOAD in a European EOAD cohort. We performed massive parallel amplicon-based re-sequencing of the full coding region of SORL1 in 1255 EOAD patients and 1938 age- and origin-matched control individuals in the context of the European Early-Onset Dementia (EOD) consortium, originating from Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and Czech Republic. We identified six frameshift variants and two nonsense variants that were exclusively present in patients. These mutations are predicted to result in haploinsufficiency through nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, which could be confirmed experimentally for SORL1 p.Gly447Argfs*22 observed in a Belgian EOAD patient. We observed a 1.5-fold enrichment of rare non-synonymous variants in patients (carrier frequency 8.8 %; SkatOMeta p value 0.0001). Of the 84 non-synonymous rare variants detected in the full patient/control cohort, 36 were only detected in patients. Our findings underscore a role of rare SORL1 variants in EOAD, but also show a non-negligible frequency of these variants in healthy individuals, necessitating the need for pathogenicity assays. Premature stop codons due to frameshift and nonsense variants, have so far exclusively been found in patients, and their predicted mode of action corresponds with evidence from in vitro functional studies of SORL1 in AD

    Inferring complex DNA substitution processes on phylogenies using uniformization and data augmentation

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    Abstract.—A new method is developed for calculating sequence substitution probabilities using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. The basic strategy is to use uniformization to transform the original continuous time Markov process into a Poisson substitution process and a discrete Markov chain of state transitions. An efficient MCMC algorithm for evaluating substitution probabilities by this approach using a continuous gamma distribution to model site-specific rates is outlined. The method is applied to the problem of inferring branch lengths and site-specific rates from nucleotide sequences under a general time-reversible (GTR) model and a computer program BYPASSR is developed. Simulations are used to examine the performance of the new program relative to an existing program BASEML that uses a discrete approximation for the gamma distributed prior on site-specific rates. It is found that BASEML and BYPASSR are in close agreement when inferring branch lengths, regardless of the number of rate categories used, but that BASEML tends to underestimate high site-specific substitution rates, and to overestimate intermediate rates, when fewer than 50 rate categories are used. Rate estimates obtained using BASEML agree more closely with those of BYPASSR as the number of rate categories increases. Analyses of the posterior distributions of site-specific rates from BYPASSR suggest that a large number of taxa are needed to obtain precise estimates of site-specific rates, especially when rates are very high or very low. The method is applied to analyze 45 sequences of the alpha 2B adrenergic receptor gene (A2AB) from a sample of eutherian taxa. In general, the pattern expected for regions under negative selection is observed with third codon positions having the highest inferred rates, followed b

    The role of endothelial autocrine NRG1/ERBB4 signaling in cardiac remodeling

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    Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) is a paracrine growth factor, secreted by cardiac endothelial cells (ECs) in conditions of cardiac overload/injury. The current concept is that the cardiac effects of NRG1 are mediated by activation of ERBB4/ERBB2 receptors on cardiomyocytes. However, recent studies have shown that paracrine effects of NRG1 on fibroblasts and macrophages are equally important. Here, we hypothesize that NRG1 autocrine signaling plays a role in cardiac remodeling. We generated EC–specific Erbb4 knockout mice to eliminate endothelial autocrine ERBB4 signaling without affecting paracrine NRG1/ERBB4 signaling in the heart. We first observed no basal cardiac phenotype in these mice up to 32 weeks. We next studied these mice following transverse aortic constriction (TAC), exposure to angiotensin II (Ang II) or myocardial infarction in terms of cardiac performance, myocardial hypertrophy, myocardial fibrosis and capillary density. In general, no major differences between EC–specific Erbb4 knockout mice and control littermates were observed. However, 8 weeks following TAC both myocardial hypertrophy and fibrosis were attenuated by EC–specific Erbb4 deletion, albeit these responses were normalized after 20 weeks. Similarly, 4 weeks after Ang II treatment myocardial fibrosis was less pronounced compared to control littermates. These observations were supported by RNA-sequencing experiments on cultured endothelial cells showing that NRG1 controls the expression of various hypertrophic and fibrotic pathways. Overall, this study shows a role of endothelial autocrine NRG1/ERBB4 signaling in the modulation of hypertrophic and fibrotic responses during early cardiac remodeling. This study contributes to understanding the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of myocardial autocrine and paracrine responses following cardiac injury