35 research outputs found

    Modelling individual migration patterns using a Bayesian nonparametric approach for capture-recapture data

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    We present a Bayesian nonparametric approach for modelling wildlife migration patterns using captureā€“recapture (CR) data. Arrival times of individuals are modelled in continuous time and assumed to be drawn from a Poisson process with unknown intensity function, which is modelled via a flexible nonparametric mixture model. The proposed CR framework allows us to estimate the following: (i) the total number of individuals that arrived at the site, (ii) their times of arrival and departure, and hence their stopover duration, and (iii) the density of arrival times, providing a smooth representation of the arrival pattern of the individuals at the site. We apply the model to data on breeding great crested newts (Triturus cristatus) and on migrating reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus). For the former, the results demonstrate the staggered arrival of individuals at the breeding ponds and suggest that males tend to arrive earlier than females. For the latter, they demonstrate the arrival of migrating flocks at the stopover site and highlight the considerable difference in stopover duration between caught and not-caught individuals

    Capture-recapture models with heterogeneous temporary emigration

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    We propose a novel approach for modelling capture-recapture (CR) data on open populations that exhibit temporary emigration, whilst also accounting for individual heterogeneity to allow for differences in visit patterns and capture probabilities between individuals. Our modelling approach combines changepoint processes ā€“ fitted using an adaptive approach ā€“ for inferring individual visits, with Bayesian mixture modelling ā€“ fitted using a nonparametric approach ā€“ for identifying clusters of individuals with similar visit patterns or capture probabilities. The proposed method is extremely flexible as it can be applied to any CR data set and is not reliant upon specialised sampling schemes, such as Pollockā€™s robust design. We fit the new model to motivating data on salmon anglers collected annually at the Gaula river in Norway. Our results when analysing data from the 2017, 2018 and 2019 seasons reveal two clusters of anglers ā€“ consistent across years ā€“ with substantially different visit patterns. Most anglers are allocated to the ā€œoccasional visitorsā€ cluster, making infrequent and shorter visits with mean total length of stay at the river of around seven days, whereas there also exists a small cluster of ā€œsuper visitorsā€, with regular and longer visits, with mean total length of stay of around 30 days in a season. Our estimate of the probability of catching salmon whilst at the river is more than three times higher than that obtained when using a model that does not account for temporary emigration, giving us a better understanding of the impact of fishing at the river. Finally, we discuss the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the angling population by modelling data from the 2020 season. Supplementary materials for this article are available online

    A Hierarchical Dependent Dirichlet Process Prior for Modelling Bird Migration Patterns in the UK

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    Environmental changes in recent years have been linked to phe-nological shifts, which in turn are linked to the survival of species. The work in this paper is motivated by capture-recapture data on blackcaps collected by the British Trust for Ornithology as part of the Constant Eļ¬€ort Sites monitoring scheme. Blackcaps overwinter abroad and migrate to the UK annually for breeding purposes. We propose a novel Bayesian nonparametric approach for expressing the bivariate density of individual arrival and departure times at diļ¬€erent sites across a number of years as a mixture model. The new model combines the ideas of the hierarchical and the dependent Dirichlet process, allowing the estimation of site-speciļ¬c weights and year-speciļ¬c mixture locations, which are modelled as functions of envi-ronmental covariates using a multivariate extension of the Gaussian process. The proposed modelling framework is extremely general and can be used in any context where multivariate density estimation is performed jointly across diļ¬€erent groups and in the presence of a continuous covariate

    Outstanding challenges and future directions for biodiversity monitoring using citizen science data

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    1. There is increasing availability and use of unstructured and semi-structured citizen science data in biodiversity research and conservation. This expansion of a rich source of ā€˜big dataā€™ has sparked numerous research directions, driving the development of analytical approaches that account for the complex observation processes in these datasets. 2. We review outstanding challenges in the analysis of citizen science data for biodiversity monitoring. For many of these challenges, the potential impact on ecological inference is unknown. Further research can document the impact and explore ways to address it. In addition to outlining research directions, describing these challenges may be useful in considering the design of future citizen science projects or additions to existing projects. 3. We outline challenges for biodiversity monitoring using citizen science data in four partially overlapping categories: challenges that arise as a result of (a) observer behaviour; (b) data structures; (c) statistical models; and (d) communication. Potential solutions for these challenges are combinations of: (a) collecting additional data or metadata; (b) analytically combining different datasets; and (c) developing or refining statistical models. 4. While there has been important progress to develop methods that tackle most of these challenges, there remain substantial gains in biodiversity monitoring and subsequent conservation actions that we believe will be possible by further research and development in these areas. The degree of challenge and opportunity that each of these presents varies substantially across different datasets, taxa and ecological questions. In some cases, a route forward to address these challenges is clear, while in other cases there is more scope for exploration and creativity

    eDNAPlus: A unifying modelling framework for DNA-based biodiversity monitoring

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    DNA-based biodiversity surveys involve collecting physical samples from survey sites and assaying the contents in the laboratory to detect species via their diagnostic DNA sequences. DNA-based surveys are increasingly being adopted for biodiversity monitoring. The most commonly employed method is metabarcoding, which combines PCR with high-throughput DNA sequencing to amplify and then read `DNA barcode' sequences. This process generates count data indicating the number of times each DNA barcode was read. However, DNA-based data are noisy and error-prone, with several sources of variation. In this paper, we present a unifying modelling framework for DNA-based data allowing for all key sources of variation and error in the data-generating process. The model can estimate within-species biomass changes across sites and link those changes to environmental covariates, while accounting for species and sites correlation. Inference is performed using MCMC, where we employ Gibbs or Metropolis-Hastings updates with Laplace approximations. We also implement a re-parameterisation scheme, appropriate for crossed-effects models, leading to improved mixing, and an adaptive approach for updating latent variables, reducing computation time. We discuss study design and present theoretical and simulation results to guide decisions on replication at different stages and on the use of quality control methods. We demonstrate the new framework on a dataset of Malaise-trap samples. We quantify the effects of elevation and distance-to-road on each species, infer species correlations, and produce maps identifying areas of high biodiversity, which can be used to rank areas by conservation value. We estimate the level of noise between sites and within sample replicates, and the probabilities of error at the PCR stage, which are close to zero for most species considered, validating the employed laboratory processing.Comment: The paper is 35 pages long and it has 8 figure

    Open models for removal data

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    Individuals of protected species, such as amphibians and reptiles, often need to be removed from sites before development commences. Usually, the population is considered to be closed. All individuals are assumed to i) be present and available for detection at the start of the study period and ii) remain at the site until the end of the study, unless they are detected. However, the assumption of population closure is not always valid. We present new removal models which allow for population renewal through birth and/or immigration, and population depletion through sampling as well as through death/emigration. When appropriate, productivity may be estimated and a Bayesian approach allows the estimation of the probability of total population depletion. We demonstrate the performance of the models using data on common lizards, Zootoca vivipara, and great crested newts, Triturus cristatus

    Multiple systems estimation for studying over-coverage and its heterogeneity in population registers

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    The growing necessity for evidence-based policy built on rigorous research has never been greater. However, the ability of researchers to provide such evidence is invariably tied to the availability of high-quality data. Bias stemming from over-coverage in official population registers, i.e. resident individuals whose death or emigration is not registered, can lead to serious implications for policymaking and research. Using Swedish Population registers and the statistical framework of multiple systems estimation, we estimate the extent of over-coverage among foreign-born individualsā€™ resident in Sweden for the period 2003ā€“2016. Our study reveals that, although over-coverage is low during this period in Sweden, we observed a distinct heterogeneity in over-coverage across various sub-populations, suggesting significant variations among them. We also evaluated the implications of omitting each of the considered registers on real data and simulated data, and highlight the potential bias introduced when the omitted register interacts with the included registers. Our paper underscores the broad applicability of multiple systems estimation in addressing and mitigating bias from over-coverage in scenarios involving incomplete but overlapping population registers