22 research outputs found

    Advances in precision medicine: tailoring individualised therapies

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    The traditional bench-to-bedside pipeline involves using model systems and patient samples to provide insights into pathways deregulated in cancer. This discovery reveals new biomarkers and therapeutic targets, ultimately stratifying patients and informing cohort-based treatment options. Precision medicine (molecular profiling of individual tumors combined with established clinical-pathological parameters) reveals, in real-time, individual patient's diagnostic and prognostic risk profile, informing tailored and tumor-specific treatment plans. Here we discuss advances in precision medicine presented at the Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, highlighting examples where personalized medicine approaches have led to precision discovery in individual tumors, informing customized treatment programs

    Big data-led cancer research, applications and insights

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    Insights distilled from integratingmultiple big-data or "omic" datasets have revealed functional hierarchies of molecular networks driving tumorigenesis and modifiers of treatment response. Identifying these novel key regulatory and dysregulated elements is now informing personalized medicine. Crucially, although there are many advantages to this approach, there are several key considerations to address. Here, we examine how this big data-led approach is impacting many diverse areas of cancer research, through review of the key presentations given at the Irish Association for Cancer Research Meeting and importantly how the results may be applied to positively affect patient outcomes

    Multiplex Screening for Interacting Compounds in Paediatric Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

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    Paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease characterised by the malignant transformation of myeloid precursor cells with impaired differentiation. Standard therapy for paediatric AML has remained largely unchanged for over four decades and, combined with inadequate understanding of the biology of paediatric AML, has limited the progress of targeted therapies in this cohort. In recent years, the search for novel targets for the treatment of paediatric AML has accelerated in parallel with advanced genomic technologies which explore the mutational and transcriptional landscape of this disease. Exploiting the large combinatorial space of existing drugs provides an untapped resource for the identification of potential combination therapies for the treatment of paediatric AML. We have previously designed a multiplex screening strategy known as Multiplex Screening for Interacting Compounds in AML (MuSICAL); using an algorithm designed in-house, we screened all pairings of 384 FDA-approved compounds in less than 4000 wells by pooling drugs into 10 compounds per well. This approach maximised the probability of identifying new compound combinations with therapeutic potential while minimising cost, replication and redundancy. This screening strategy identified the triple combination of glimepiride, a sulfonylurea; pancuronium dibromide, a neuromuscular blocking agent; and vinblastine sulfate, a vinca alkaloid, as a potential therapy for paediatric AML. We envision that this approach can be used for a variety of disease-relevant screens allowing the efficient repurposing of drugs that can be rapidly moved into the clinic

    Nano-encapsulation of a novel anti-Ran-GTPase peptide for blockade of regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) function in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells

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    Ran is a small ras-related GTPase and is highly expressed in aggressive breast carcinoma. Overexpression induces malignant transformation and drives metastatic growth. We have designed a novel series of anti-Ran-GTPase peptides, which prevents Ran hydrolysis and activation, and although they display effectiveness in silico, peptide activity is suboptimal in vitro due to reduced bioavailability and poor delivery. To overcome this drawback, we delivered an anti-Ran-GTPase peptide using encapsulation in PLGA-based nanoparticles (NP). Formulation variables within a double emulsion solvent evaporation technique were controlled to optimise physicochemical properties. NP were spherical and negatively charged with a mean diameter of 182–277 nm. Peptide integrity and stability were maintained after encapsulation and release kinetics followed a sustained profile. We were interested in the relationship between cellular uptake and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) in the NP matrix, with results showing enhanced in vitro uptake with increasing PEG content. Peptide-loaded, pegylated (10% PEG)-PLGA NP induced significant cytotoxic and apoptotic effects in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, with no evidence of similar effects in cells pulsed with free peptide. Western blot analysis showed that encapsulated peptide interfered with the proposed signal transduction pathway of the Ran gene. Our novel blockade peptide prevented Ran activation by blockage of regulator of chromosome condensation 1 (RCC1) following peptide release directly in the cytoplasm once endocytosis of the peptide-loaded nanoparticle has occurred. RCC1 blockage was effective only when a nanoparticulate delivery approach was adopted

    Tibetan PHD2, an allele with loss-of-function properties

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    Tibetans have adapted to the chronic hypoxia of high altitude and display a distinctive suite of physiologic adaptations, including augmented hypoxic ventilatory response and resistance to pulmonary hypertension. Genome-wide studies have consistently identified compelling genetic signatures of natural selection in two genes of the Hypoxia Inducible Factor pathway, PHD2 and HIF2A. The product of the former induces the degradation of the product of the latter. Key issues regarding Tibetan PHD2 are whether it is a gain-of-function or loss-of-function allele, and how it might contribute to high-altitude adaptation. Tibetan PHD2 possesses two amino acid changes, D4E and C127S. We previously showed that in vitro, Tibetan PHD2 is defective in its interaction with p23, a cochaperone of the HSP90 pathway, and we proposed that Tibetan PHD2 is a loss-of-function allele. Here, we report that additional PHD2 mutations at or near Asp-4 or Cys-127 impair interaction with p23 in vitro. We find that mice with the Tibetan Phd2 allele display augmented hypoxic ventilatory response, supporting this loss-of-function proposal. This is phenocopied by mice with a mutation in p23 that abrogates the PHD2:p23 interaction. Hif2a haploinsufficiency, but not the Tibetan Phd2 allele, ameliorates hypoxia-induced increases in right ventricular systolic pressure. The Tibetan Phd2 allele is not associated with hemoglobin levels in mice. We propose that Tibetans possess genetic alterations that both activate and inhibit selective outputs of the HIF pathway to facilitate successful adaptation to the chronic hypoxia of high altitude

    Low-dose salinomycin induces anti-leukemic responses in AML and MLL

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    Development of anti-cancer drugs towards clinical application is costly and inefficient. Large screens of drugs, efficacious for non-cancer disease, are currently being used to identify candidates for repurposing based on their anti-cancer properties. Here, we show that low-dose salinomycin, a coccidiostat ionophore previously identified in a breast cancer screen, has anti-leukemic efficacy. AML and MLLr cell lines, primary cells and patient samples were sensitive to submicromolar salinomycin. Most strikingly, colony formation of normal hematopoietic cells was unaffected by salinomycin, demonstrating a lack of hemotoxicity at the effective concentrations. Furthermore, salinomycin treatment of primary cells resulted in loss of leukemia repopulation ability following transplantation, as demonstrated by extended recipient survival compared to controls. Bioinformatic analysis of a 17-gene signature identified and validated in primary MLLr cells, uncovered immunomodulatory pathways, hubs and protein interactions as potential transducers of low dose salinomycin treatment. Additionally, increased protein expression of p62/Sqstm1, encoded for by one of the 17 signature genes, demonstrates a role for salinomycin in aggresome/vesicle formation indicative of an autophagic response.Together, the data support the efficacy of salinomycin as an anti-leukemic at non-hemotoxic concentrations. Further investigation alone or in combination with other therapies is warranted for future clinical trial

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of the SIRT1 response to exercise

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    Abstract Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) is a key physiological regulator of metabolism and a target of therapeutic interventions for cardiometabolic and ageing-related disorders. Determining the factors and possible mechanisms of acute and adaptive SIRT1 response to exercise is essential for optimising exercise interventions aligned to the prevention and onset of disease. Exercise-induced SIRT1 upregulation has been reported in animals, but, to date, data in humans have been inconsistent. This exploratory systematic review and meta-analysis aims to assess various exercise interventions measuring SIRT1 in healthy participants. A total of 34 studies were included in the meta-analysis (13 single bout exercise, 21 training interventions). Studies were grouped according to tissue sample type (blood, muscle), biomarkers (gene expression, protein content, enzyme level, enzyme activity), and exercise protocols. A single bout of high-intensity or fasted exercise per se increases skeletal muscle SIRT1 gene expression as measured by qPCR or RT-PCR, while repeated resistance training alone increases blood SIRT1 levels measured by ELISA. A limited number of studies also show a propensity for an increase in muscle SIRT1 activity as measured by fluorometric or sirtuin activity assay. In conclusion, exercise acutely upregulates muscle SIRT1 gene expression and chronically increases SIRT1 blood enzyme levels