46 research outputs found

    Improving our own knowledge through analysing an episode from teachers’ practice – different focuses of analysis

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    Una de las formas esenciales para lograr una mejor comprensión del contenido del conocimiento del profesor está ligada al análisis de su práctica. Esa práctica puede ser encarada de una forma amplia que no se limite sólo a la práctica de clase. Por otro lado, una discusión y reflexión sobre una misma situación de la práctica desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas puede contribuir también a una mejor comprensión no solo de la práctica sino también de los instrumentos metodológicos y teóricos en los que se sustenta el análisis. En esta comunicación presentamos y discutimos parte del trabajo desarrollado en la reunión intermedia del grupo de investigación sobre el conocimiento y desarrollo profesional del profesor de la SEIEM y cuyo foco de atención fue la discusión de las potencialidades del análisis de un mismo episodio desde cinco focos teóricos distintos.One of the core ways allowing obtain an ampler and deeper understanding on the content of teachers’ knowledge concerns analysing teachers’ practices. Such practice can be perceived in a broader way, not limited to classroom practice. On the other side, discussing and reflecting on the same situation with different theoretical and methodological approaches seems to contribute also for obtaining a deeper understanding not only on such practice but also on the used approaches for such analysis. In this paper we present and discuss part of the work developed in the intermeeting of the group research teachers’ knowledge and development of SEIEM concerning the potentialities of analyzing one episode using five different theoretical approaches

    Microglial Hemoxygenase-1 Deletion Reduces Inflammation in the Retina of Old Mice with Tauopathy

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    Tauopathies such as Alzheimer’s disease are characterized by the accumulation of neurotoxic aggregates of tau protein. With aging and, especially, in Alzheimer’s patients, the inducible enzyme heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) progressively increases in microglia, causing iron accumulation, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration. The retina is an organ that can be readily accessed and can reflect changes that occur in the brain. In this context, we evaluated how the lack of microglial HO-1, using mice that do not express HO-1 in microglia (HMO-KO), impacts retinal macro and microgliosis of aged subjects (18 months old mice) subjected to tauopathy by intrahippocampal delivery of AAV-hTauP301L (TAU). Our results show that although tauopathy, measured as anti-TAUY9 and anti-AT8 positive immunostaining, was not observed in the retina of WT-TAU or HMO-KO+TAU mice, a morphometric study of retinal microglia and macroglia showed significant retinal changes in the TAU group compared to the WT group, such as: (i) increased number of activated microglia, (ii) retraction of microglial processes, (iii) increased number of CD68+ microglia, and (iv) increased retinal area occupied by GFAP (AROA) and C3 (AROC3). This retinal inflammatory profile was reduced in HMO-KO+TAU mice. Conclusion: Reduction of microglial HO-1 could be beneficial to prevent tauopathy-induced neuroinflammation.Depto. de Inmunología, Oftalmología y ORLUnidad Docente de Inmunología, Oftalmología y ORLFac. de MedicinaFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación de EspañaMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de EspañaUniversidad Complutense de Madridpu

    Expanding the debate about content moderation: Scholarly research agendas for the coming policy debates

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    Content moderation has exploded as a policy, advocacy, and public concern. But these debates still tend to be driven by high-profile incidents and to focus on the largest, US based platforms. In order to contribute to informed policymaking, scholarship in this area needs to recognise that moderation is an expansive socio-technical phenomenon, which functions in many contexts and takes many forms. Expanding the discussion also changes how we assess the array of proposed policy solutions meant to improve content moderation. Here, nine content moderation scholars working in critical internet studies propose how to expand research on content moderation, with implications for policy

    Determination of neophytadiene in the subcutaneous fat of Iberian pigs from different feeding systems

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    This study was carried out in order to determine the relationship between the content of a branched hydrocarbon (neophytadiene) in the subcutaneous fat and the feeding system of Iberian pigs during the fattening period previous to slaughter. Thirty-six batches of Iberian pigs, belonging to the four categories of feeding systems described in the Spanish legislation (<i>Bellota, Recebo, Campo</i> and <i>Cebo</i>) were studied. These categories differ in their degree of utilization of the natural resources (acorn and pasture) of the extensive rearing system or in their level of replacement by concentrated feed. SPE combined with GC-MS techniques were carried out to isolate and to identify hydrocarbons. Recebo and Bellota batches showed the highest levels of neophytadiene content, followed by <i>Campo</i> batches, and finally, batches of the <i>Cebo</i> category. The results showed a great variability between batches from the same feeding category, mainly from <i>Bellota, Recebo</i> and <i>Campo</i> categories, which makes the classification of the animals in these three categories difficult. However, the animals from the Cebo category were correctly classified when reared in intensive conditions.<br><br>El objetivo del trabajo se centró en determinar el contenido de un hidrocarburo ramificado (neofitadieno) en la grasa subcutánea del cerdo ibérico, y su relación con el tipo de alimentación recibida durante la etapa de cebo previa al sacrificio (en la fase final de cebo). Para ello, se estudiaron treinta y seis lotes de cerdos Ibéricos, pertenecientes a las cuatro categorías de calidad en base a la alimentación de los animales establecidas en la Norma de Calidad (<i>Bellota, Recebo, Campo</i> y <i>Cebo</i>). Estas categorías se diferencian en el grado de aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales de la dehesa (bellotas y hierba) y en el nivel de sustitución de los mismos por piensos concentrados. Para el aislamiento e identificación de los hidrocarburos se utilizaron técnicas de SPE combinadas con GC-MS. Los lotes de Recebo y Bellota presentaron los mayores niveles de neofitadieno, seguidos por los lotes de Campo, y por último los lotes de Cebo. Se observó una gran variabilidad en los niveles de neofitadieno entre los lotes pertenecientes a una misma categoría de alimentación, sobre todo en los lotes de Bellota, Recebo y Campo, por lo que es difícil una correcta clasificación de los animales en las tres categorías en base al contenido en neofitadieno. Sin embargo, la clasificación dentro de la categoría de cebo se hace de forma correcta cuando los cerdos son producidos en condiciones intensivas

    Mejorar nuestro propio conocimiento mediante el análisis de un episodio de la práctica: distintos focos de análisis

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    Una de las formas esenciales para lograr una mejor comprensión del contenido del conocimiento del profesor está ligada al análisis de su práctica. Esa práctica puede ser encarada de una forma amplia que no se limite sólo a la práctica de clase. Por otro lado, una discusión y reflexión sobre una misma situación de la práctica desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas puede contribuir también a una mejor comprensión no solo de la práctica sino también de los instrumentos metodológicos y teóricos en los que se sustenta el análisis. En esta comunicación presentamos y discutimos parte del trabajo desarrollado en la reunión intermedia del grupo de investigación sobre el conocimiento y desarrollo profesional del profesor de la SEIEM y cuyo foco de atención fue la discusión de las potencialidades del análisis de un mismo episodio desde cinco focos teóricos distintos

    Glaucoma: from pathogenic mechanisms to retinal glial cell response to damage

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    Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease of the retina characterized by the irreversible loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) leading to visual loss. Degeneration of RGCs and loss of their axons, as well as damage and remodeling of the lamina cribrosa are the main events in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Different molecular pathways are involved in RGC death, which are triggered and exacerbated as a consequence of a number of risk factors such as elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), age, ocular biomechanics, or low ocular perfusion pressure. Increased IOP is one of the most important risk factors associated with this pathology and the only one for which treatment is currently available, nevertheless, on many cases the progression of the disease continues, despite IOP control. Thus, the IOP elevation is not the only trigger of glaucomatous damage, showing the evidence that other factors can induce RGCs death in this pathology, would be involved in the advance of glaucomatous neurodegeneration. The underlying mechanisms driving the neurodegenerative process in glaucoma include ischemia/hypoxia, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. In glaucoma, like as other neurodegenerative disorders, the immune system is involved and immunoregulation is conducted mainly by glial cells, microglia, astrocytes, and Müller cells. The increase in IOP produces the activation of glial cells in the retinal tissue. Chronic activation of glial cells in glaucoma may provoke a proinflammatory state at the retinal level inducing blood retinal barrier disruption and RGCs death. The modulation of the immune response in glaucoma as well as the activation of glial cells constitute an interesting new approach in the treatment of glaucoma

    Retinal Disorders in Humans and Experimental ALS Models

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disease that severely impairs the patient’s mobility, as it mainly affects the upper and lower motor neurons in the spinal cord. In addition, alterations have also been demonstrated in different parts of the central nervous system (CNS), such as the brain and brainstem. The retina is a projection to the brain and is considered as a “window” to the CNS. Moreover, it is possible to use the retina as a biomarker in several neurodegenerative diseases, even in the absence of major visual impairment. Classically, it was thought that the eyes were not affected in ALS, with respect to extraocular muscles, whereas the remainder of the muscles of the body were distressed. Nevertheless, retinal changes have recently been found in this pathology and could help in diagnosis, follow-up, and even monitoring therapies in this disease