48 research outputs found

    Relationship between physical, anatomical and strength properties of 3-year-old cultivated tropical bamboo Gigantochloa Scortechinii

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    The physical, anatomical and strength properties of 3-year-old cultivated tropical bamboo Gigantochloa scortechinii was studied. Five (5) culms of the bamboo were selected and harvested from the Bambusetum plot located in the Forest Research Institute Malaysia in Kepong. The anatomical study focussed on the vascular bundles and fibres located at the internodes and nodes No. 8 at the outer, middle and inner cross section of the bamboo. The sizes of the vascular bundles length, vascular bundles width, fiber length, fiber diameter, fiber lumens diameter, fiber walls thickness and fiber Runkle's ratio were measured in relation to the samples positions at the internodes, nodes, and positions in the cross-section of the bamboo culms. The physical study gives emphasis on the moisture content, basic density and dimensional stability. The strength properties study focused on the tension parallel to the grain and shear test. Both the physical and strength study were conducted at internodes and nodes No. 8 of the bamboo. INTRODUCTION The timber production from the natural tropical forests will continue to be on the decline despite the increase in the world population and the market demand by the wood-based industry in Malaysia. The timber supply from the plantation could not cope with the growing demand for timbers. Bamboo, a fast-growing species reaches maturity within 3 -4 years can provide material to replace timber in the coming future. Research and development which covers all aspects in bamboo silviculture, propagation, processing, properties and utilization of bamboo found naturally growing wild in the forest and cultivated has been intensified. However, study on cultivated bamboo stands has so far mostly confined to selected species in silviculture and fertilizers application to enhance growing (Azmy et al., 2007). Information on the properties such as anatomical and structural properties is rather limited. The physical and strength properties of bamboo have been widely studied by many researchers all over the world (Li, 2004; Rafidah et al., 2010). However, the information on the relationship between the anatomical, physical and strength properties of some species in genus Gigantochloa is still limited. In this study, a tropical bamboo species G. scortechinii was studied. G. scortechinii is one of the most popular bamboo species in Malaysia due to its having good physical morphology and strength properties. Assessment of bamboo physical properties such as moisture content, specific gravity, maximum shrinkage (tangential, radial and volumetric, roughness and wet ability has been conducted. Tension parallel to grain, the static bending and compression roller shear test for small size specimens were carried out. Anatomical and physical characteristics of bamboo culms have been known to have significant effects on their durability and strength (Latif and Tamizi, 1993; Liese, 1985; Razak, 1998). Studies on the anatomical and physical properties of cultivated Bambusa vulgaris conducted by Razak et al. (2010) support this statement. Information generated on the anatomical properties of bamboo can be used to determine their possible proper utilization. Currently, bamboo used for making traditional products such as handicraft, basketry, and high-value added products of panels, parquets, furniture and construction materials. G. scortechinii bamboos are among the most popular tropical bamboo species for plantation. These bamboos are easily cultivated and possess thick culms wall, and having uniform sizes between the nodes and internodes. This makes them suitable as materials for industrial usage. Advancement in the application of bamboo in modern era requires further understanding of the material such as properties of the anatomy, physical and strength at different location and position in the bamboo culms. The objectives of the study was to determine the relationship between the anatomical, physical and strength of 3-year-old bamboo culms of the G. scortechinii

    Chemical, Colour and Strength Changes of Eco-friendly Hot Oil Treatment on 15 Year-old Cultivated Acacia Hybrid

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    The chemical, colour and strength properties of thermally modified cultivated 15-year-old Acacia hybrid were investigated. Logs of A. hybrid were harvested and cut at the bottom, middle and top sections. The wood later underwent hot oilthermal modification using palm oil at temperatures 180°C, 200°C and 220°C for 30, 60 and 90 min. Untreated wood was used as control. The hot oil thermal modification process caused some features changed in the chemical composition, colour appearances and strength properties of A. hybrid wood. Parameters such as temperatures and treatment time were closely monitored as they influence the chemical, colour and strength changes in the treated wood. Temperatures of 180°C, 200°C and 220°C, and treatment time of 1 hr, 2 hrs. and 3 hrs. were used in the study. The degradation in holocellulose, cellulose, and hemicellulose contents was recognized when acacia woods were exposed to oil thermally modified process. Holocellulose and celulose degraded with the increasing of treatment temperature and duration of heating exposure, while lignin showed the increment in content through this treatment. The colour changes in the sapwood and heartwood were measured using the Minolta Chroma-meter CR-310 and the results are presented according to the CIE L*a*b* colour co-ordinates system. The results show that temperature at certain treatment time enhanced and darkened the treated wood. The colour of the treated sapwood can be enhanced to match the colour of the natural A. hybrid heartwood. The strength properties of the oil heat treated A. hybrid wood decreases in values of both MOR and MOE throughout thetreatment process. The decreases in values were influenced by temperature and duration of the treatment

    Pemuliharaan hutan dalam kalangan masyarakat Semaq Beri di Negeri Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Suku kaum Semaq Beri di negeri Terengganu adalah antara komuniti Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia yang banyak bergantung kepada hutan untuk memenuhi keperluan makanan dan pendapatan. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menyelami pemikiran suku kaum Semaq Beri tentang hutan berasaskan persoalan berikut: (i) Apakah konsep hutan dari perspektif mereka? (ii) Bagaimanakah sikap mereka untuk memastikan kelestarian hutan? Data kajian dikumpul menggunakan kaedah pemerhatian, pemerhatian ikut serta dan temu bual mendalam dengan 20 responden utama yang mewakili suku Semaq Beri di Kg. Sg. Pergam, Kemaman and Kg. Sg. Berua, Hulu Terengganu. Hasil kajian menunjukkan suku kaum Semaq Beri mempunyai pemikiran yang tersendiri berkenaan persekitaran hutan dalam kehidupan mereka. Antara lain, kepelbagaian biologi hutan dipercayai anugerah kuasa ghaib untuk kesenangan dan keharmonian hidup manusia, iaitu membekalkan keperluan seperti makanan, pendapatan, ubat-ubatan dan sumber lain. Justeru itu hutan rimba sering diibaratkan sebagai ‘bank’, iaitu sebagai institusi tempat individu menyimpan sumber kekayaan yang boleh dikeluarkan apabila perlu. Berasaskan persepsi sedemikian juga pendekatan suku kaum Semaq Beri dalam meneroka, memelihara dan menjaga kelestarian hutan terbentuk supaya manfaatnya dapat dinikmati oleh generasi masa kini dan akan datang

    Elucidating on Time and Temperature Effects on Torrified Moldy Bread

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    Waste-to-energy is the preferred solution, according to the waste management hierarchy considering landfill waste disposal may not be the most effective method of waste usage. Torrefaction of kitchen waste to produce higher-quality solid fuels is an effective option with lower temperature requirements than pyrolysis and gasification. By addressing the problems, the fuel quality in terms of high heating value can be investigated. Also, the torrefaction parameters, temperature and time, can be examined on the fuel performance. The moldy bread undergoes torrefaction by torrefying it in the furnace with temperatures of 200, 250 and 300°C, respectively, with 15, 30, 45 and 60 mins of processing times. With increased torrefaction temperature, the mass dropped while the higher heating value (HHV) increased. The rise in carbon content also enhanced the torrefied moldy bread's fuel properties. Also, this is because the primary components of the moldy bread, particularly hemicellulose, have significantly decomposed. Therefore, processed temperature of 300°C at elevation time of 45 min produced tremendous gain than other parameters observed

    The Prospect of Biochar by Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) in the Removal of Contaminants Emerging Concern (CECs)

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    Although pharmaceuticals are detected at low levels, their continued release into the environment might result in significant long-term concentrations and lead to damaging consequences on humans, animals, and the environment. The findings have been analysed that various pharmaceutical components were found in sewage treatment plants, including naproxen sodium. Naproxen sodium has been found in various water sources, such as in groundwater and in drinking water. Utilizing OPEFB as adsorbent in wastewater treatment is a feasible alternative. This study focussed on the adsorption capacity of OPEFB biochar for naproxen removal water. The highest percentage removal (99.7%) of naproxen achieved at 100 ppm concentration with 2.5 g of OPEFB biochar. Meanwhile, the usage of 5.0g of OPEFB biochar showed the highest percentage of the removal of naproxen sodium at 100 ppm concentration after 24 hours was 99.27%. OPEFB is one of the most suitable and have the potential in removing almost all the pollutants in wastewater by undergoing the adsorption process

    Measurement on Properties of Empty Fruit Bunch Oil Palm Composite Boards at Different Density and Resin Contents

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    Background: The objective of this study is to measures on the properties of composite boards made from oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) at different density and resin contents. The oil palm empty fruit bunches were obtained from an oil palm plantation and refined using fibre cutter and particle crusher. Hardeners and wax added at 1% and 3% during the mixing process. Boards of densities 500, 600 and 700 kg m-³ produced with resin urea formaldehyde at 10, 12 and 14% respectively. The boards stored in a conditioning chamber set at 20±2°C and 65% relative humidity before undergoing subsequent testing. The testing procedure followed the EN Standard of specifications. The results indicated increases across the board physical and mechanical properties. The highest modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) value achieved in this study were 22.91 N mm-² and 2059.56 N mm-². The highest value for internal bonding (IB) was 0.98 N mm-², for edge and face screw withdrawal the IB were 467.47 N mm-² and 512.37 N mm-². Boards with 700 kg m-² density and 14% resin contents met the requirement in accordance to the established standard. Board with 500 k gm-³ density and 10% resin content observed microscopy showe voids in some of the resin-fibre bonding areas at the cross-section of the board. This suggested that moisture somehow penetrated into the board via the open spaces and attacked the linkages existed causing in the low property. Thermogravimetric analysis conducted in the thermal stability of the boar ds showed maximum rate of decomposition for the OPEFB boards at 380.83°C. In conclusion, the boar d’s dens ity and resin content applied influenced on the boar ds overall properties

    Changes in strength and chemical contents of oil heat treated 15-year-old cultivated Acacia hybrid

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    Studies were conducted on the changes in strength and chemical contents of cultivated 15 year-old Acacia hybrid treated through oil heat treatment process. The timbers harvested and cut at the portions bottom, middle and top, were oil heat treated using palm oil for durations of 30, 60 and 90 min. at temperatures of 180, 200 and 220℃. The untreated A. hybrid was used as control. The results of the studies showed that the oil heat treatment process causes some changes in the strength and chemical composition of the timbers. Strength reduction during the bending tests in both the MOR and MOE were noted throughout the treatment process. The chemical constituents of the treated timber also underwent changes in their contents. The holocellulose and cellulose degraded with the increasing of treatment temperature and duration in the oil heat treatment, while lignin showed the increment in content through this treatment. The changes in values of both the strength and chemical contents were influenced by temperature and duration of the treatment

    Greening Spirulina Value Chain Towards Environmental Sustainability in Malaysia

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    Greener methods should be implemented to encourage a transition towards more sustainable food production. The emphasis was on increasing the production of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis). This study aims to outline a holistic approach for thoroughly analysing the Spirulina production chain to create a customised development plan for sustainability. A total of eighteen respondents from six sectors (Spirulina Producers, Research and Development Institutions, Suppliers of Inputs, Processing and Packaging Companies, Distributors and wholesalers, and Retailers) that are involve with the Spirulina chain have participated in this study. The SWOT analysis was used to determine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to the production chain of Spirulina intended for human consumption to conduct a structured strategic planning targeting process optimisation and environmental sustainability. The findings show greening the Spirulina value chain requires commitment and collaboration among related stakeholders. The weakness of standardised production practices, limited research and development, inadequate infrastructure and technology, and limited market access and distribution channels must be addressed through stakeholder collaborative efforts. Taking advantage of the opportunities of greening the Spirulina value chain will be an excellent place to start for the business to develop sustainably and increase its competitiveness. Greening Spirulina value chains offer significant potential for environmental sustainability in Malaysia