216 research outputs found

    Relativistic analysis of stochastic kinematics

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    The relativistic analysis of stochastic kinematics is developed in order to determine the transformation of the effective diffusivity tensor in inertial frames. Poisson-Kac stochastic processes are initially considered. For one-dimensional spatial models, the effective diffusion coefficient DD measured in a frame Σ\Sigma moving with velocity ww with respect to the rest frame of the stochastic process can be expressed as D=D0 γ−3(w)D= D_0 \, \gamma^{-3}(w). Subsequently, higher dimensional processes are analyzed, and it is shown that the diffusivity tensor in a moving frame becomes non-isotropic with D∥=D0 γ−3(w)D_\parallel = D_0 \, \gamma^{-3}(w), and D⊥=D0 γ−1(w)D_\perp = D_0 \, \gamma^{-1}(w), where D∥D_\parallel and D⊥D_\perp are the diffusivities parallel and orthogonal to the velocity of the moving frame. The analysis of discrete Space-Time Diffusion processes permits to obtain a general transformation theory of the tensor diffusivity, confirmed by several different simulation experiments. Several implications of the theory are also addressed and discussed

    On the influence of reflective boundary conditions on the statistics of Poisson-Kac diffusion processes

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    We analyze the influence of reflective boundary conditions on the statistics of Poisson-Kac diffusion processes, and specifically how they modify the Poissonian switching-time statistics. After addressing simple cases such as diffusion in a channel, and the switching statistics in the presence of a polarization potential, we thoroughly study Poisson-Kac diffusion in fractal domains. Diffusion in fractal spaces highlights neatly how the modification in the switching-time statistics associated with reflections against a complex and fractal boundary induces new emergent features of Poisson-Kac diffusion leading to a transition from a regular behavior at shorter timescales to emerging anomalous diffusion properties controlled by walk dimensionality of the fractal set

    Stochastic foundations of undulatory transport phenomena: Generalized Poisson-Kac processes - Part II Irreversibility, Norms and Entropies

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    In this second part, we analyze the dissipation properties of Generalized Poisson-Kac (GPK) processes, considering the decay of suitable L2L^2-norms and the definition of entropy functions. In both cases, consistent energy dissipation and entropy functions depend on the whole system of primitive statistical variables, the partial probability density functions {pα(x,t)}α=1N\{ p_\alpha({\bf x},t) \}_{\alpha=1}^N, while the corresponding energy dissipation and entropy functions based on the overall probability density p(x,t)p({\bf x},t) do not satisfy monotonicity requirements as a function of time. Examples from chaotic advection (standard map coupled to stochastic GPK processes) illustrate this phenomenon. Some complementary physical issues are also addressed: the ergodicity breaking in the presence of attractive potentials, and the use of GPK perturbations to mollify stochastic field equations

    Markovian nature, completeness, regularity and correlation properties of Generalized Poisson-Kac processes

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    We analyze some basic issues associated with Generalized Poisson-Kac (GPK) stochastic processes, starting from the extended notion of the Markovian condition. The extended Markovian nature of GPK processes is established, and the implications of this property derived: the associated adjoint formalism for GPK processes is developed essentially in an analogous way as for the Fokker-Planck operator associated with Langevin equations driven by Wiener processes. Subsequently, the regularity of trajectories is addressed: the occurrence of fractality in the realizations of GPK is a long-term emergent property, and its implication in thermodynamics is discussed. The concept of completeness in the stochastic description of GPK is also introduced. Finally, some observations on the role of correlation properties of noise sources and their influence on the dynamic properties of transport phenomena are addressed, using a Wiener model for comparison

    Stochastic foundations of undulatory transport phenomena: Generalized Poisson-Kac processes - Part I Basic theory

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    This article introduces the notion of Generalized Poisson-Kac (GPK) processes which generalize the class of "telegrapher's noise dynamics" introduced by Marc Kac in 1974, usingPoissonian stochastic perturbations. In GPK processes the stochastic perturbation acts as a switching amongst a set of stochastic velocity vectors controlled by a Markov-chain dynamics. GPK processes possess trajectory regularity (almost everywhere) and asymptotic Kac limit, namely the convergence towards Brownian motion (and to stochastic dynamics driven by Wiener perturbations), which characterizes also the long-term/long-distance properties of these processes. In this article we introduce the structural properties of GPK processes, leaving all the physical implications to part II and part III

    Modal representation of inertial effects in fluid–particle interactions and the regularity of the memory kernels

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    This article develops a modal expansion (in terms of functions exponentially decaying with time) of the force acting on a micrometric particle and stemming from fluid inertial effects (usually referred to as the Basset force) deriving from the application of the time-dependent Stokes equation to model fluid–particle interactions. One of the main results is that viscoelastic effects induce the regularization of the inertial memory kernels at t=0, eliminating the 1/√t-singularity characterizing Newtonian fluids. The physical origin of this regularization stems from the finite propagation velocity of the internal shear stresses characterizing viscoelastic constitutive equations. The analytical expression for the fluid inertial kernel is derived for a Maxwell fluid, and a general method is proposed to obtain accurate approximations of it for generic complex viscoelastic fluids, characterized by a spectrum of relaxation times

    Multiphase Partitions of Lattice Random Walks

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    Considering the dynamics of non-interacting particles randomly moving on a lattice, the occurrence of a discontinuous transition in the values of the lattice parameters (lattice spacing and hopping times) determines the uprisal of two lattice phases. In this Letter we show that the hyperbolic hydrodynamic model obtained by enforcing the boundedness of lattice velocities derived by Giona (2018) correctly describes the dynamics of the system and permits to derive easily the boundary condition at the interface, which, contrarily to the common belief, involves the lattice velocities in the two phases and not the phase diffusivities. The dispersion properties of independent particles moving on an infinite lattice composed by the periodic repetition of a multiphase unit cell are investigated. It is shown that the hyperbolic transport theory correctly predicts the effective diffusion coefficient over all the range of parameter values, while the corresponding continuous parabolic models deriving from Langevin equations for particle motion fail. The failure of parabolic transport models is shown via a simple numerical experiment

    On the Hinch-Kim dualism between singularity and Fax\'en operators in the hydromechanics of arbitrary bodies in Stokes flows

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    We generalize the multipole expansion and the structure of the Fax\'en operator in Stokes flows obtained for bodies with no-slip to generic boundary conditions, addressing the assumptions under which this generalization is conceivable. We show that a disturbance field generated by a body immersed in an ambient flow can be expressed as a multipole expansion the coefficients of which are the moments of the volume forces, independently on the boundary conditions. We find that the dualism between the operator giving the disturbance field of an nn-th order ambient flow and the nn-th order Fax\'en operator, referred to as the Hinch-Kim dualism, holds only if the boundary conditions satisfy a property that we call Boundary-Condition reciprocity (BC-reciprocity). If this property is fulfilled, the Fax\'en operators can be expressed in terms of the (m,n)(m,n)-th order geometrical moments of the volume forces (defined in the article). In addition, it is shown that in these cases, the hydromechanics of the fluid-body system is completely determined by the entire set of the Fax\'en operators. Finally, classical boundary conditions of hydrodynamic practice are investigated in the light of this property: boundary conditions for rigid bodies, Newtonian drops at the mechanical equilibrium, porous bodies modeled by the Brinkman equations are BC-reciprocal, while deforming linear elastic bodies, deforming Newtonian drops, non-Newtonian drops and porous bodies modeled by the Darcy equations do not have this property. For Navier-slip boundary conditions on a rigid body, we find the analytical expression for low order Fax\'en operators
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