31,875 research outputs found

    Functional anatomy of the middle and inner ears of the red fox, in comparison to domestic dogs and cats

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    Anatomical middle and inner ear parameters are often used to predict hearing sensitivities of mammalian species. Given that ear morphology is substantially affected both by phylogeny and body size, it is interesting to consider whether the relatively small anatomical differences expected in related species of similar size have a noticeable impact on hearing. We present a detailed anatomical description of the middle and inner ears of the red fox Vulpes vulpes, a widespread, wild carnivore for which a behavioural audiogram is available. We compare fox ears to those of the well‐studied and similarly sized domestic dog and cat, taking data for dogs and cats from the literature as well as providing new measurements of basilar membrane (BM) length and hair cell numbers and densities in these animals. Our results show that the middle ear of the red fox is very similar to that of dogs. The most obvious difference from that of the cat is the lack of a fully formed bony septum in the bulla tympanica of the fox. The cochlear structures of the fox, however, are very like those of the cat, whereas dogs have a broader BM in the basal cochlea. We further report that the mass of the middle ear ossicles and the bulla volume increase with age in foxes. Overall, the ear structures of foxes, dogs and cats are anatomically very similar, and their behavioural audiograms overlap. However, the results of several published models and correlations that use middle and inner ear measurements to predict aspects of hearing were not always found to match well with audiogram data, especially when it came to the sharper tuning in the fox audiogram. This highlights that, although there is evidently a broad correspondence between structure and function, it is not always possible to draw direct links when considering more subtle differences between related species

    Quantum Flux and Reverse Engineering of Quantum Wavefunctions

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    An interpretation of the probability flux is given, based on a derivation of its eigenstates and relating them to coherent state projections on a quantum wavefunction. An extended definition of the flux operator is obtained using coherent states. We present a "processed Husimi" representation, which makes decisions using many Husimi projections at each location. The processed Husimi representation reverse engineers or deconstructs the wavefunction, yielding the underlying classical ray structure. Our approach makes possible interpreting the dynamics of systems where the probability flux is uniformly zero or strongly misleading. The new technique is demonstrated by the calculation of particle flow maps of the classical dynamics underlying a quantum wavefunction.Comment: Accepted to EP

    Energy spectra of 3He-rich solar energetic particles associated with coronal waves

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    In addition to their anomalous abundances, 3He-rich solar energetic particles (SEPs) show puzzling energy spectral shapes varying from rounded forms to power laws where the later are characteristics of shock acceleration. Solar sources of these particles have been often associated with jets and narrow CMEs, which are the signatures of magnetic reconnection involving open field. Recent reports on new associations with large-scale EUV waves bring new insights on acceleration and transport of 3He-rich SEPs in the corona. We examined energy spectra for 32 3He-rich SEP events observed by ACE at L1 near solar minimum in 2007-2010 and compared the spectral shapes with solar flare signatures obtained from STEREO EUV images. We found the events with jets or brightenings tend to be associated with rounded spectra and the events with coronal waves with power laws. This suggests that coronal waves may be related to the unknown second stage mechanism commonly used to interpret spectral forms of 3He-rich SEPs.Comment: Presented at 15th Annual International Astrophysics Conference "The Science of Ed Stone". Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Association of 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particles with Large-Scale Coronal Waves

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    Small 3He-rich solar energetic particle (SEP) events have been commonly associated with extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) jets and narrow coronal mass ejections (CMEs) which are believed to be the signatures of magnetic reconnection involving field lines open to interplanetary space. The elemental and isotopic fractionation in these events are thought to be caused by processes confined to the flare sites. In this study we identify 32 3He-rich SEP events observed by the Advanced Composition Explorer near the Earth during the solar minimum period 2007-2010 and examine their solar sources with the high resolution Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) EUV images. Leading the Earth, STEREO-A provided for the first time a direct view on 3He-rich flares, which are generally located on the Sun's western hemisphere. Surprisingly, we find that about half of the 3He-rich SEP events in this survey are associated with large-scale EUV coronal waves. An examination of the wave front propagation, the source-flare distribution and the coronal magnetic field connections suggests that the EUV waves may affect the injection of 3He-rich SEPs into interplanetary space.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
