3 research outputs found

    Convergence and mutual influence of legal systems in the context of globalization

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    The purpose of the article is to clarify the patterns of convergence and interaction of legal systems. The subject of the study is the analysis of the interaction of legal systems in the context of globalization. Research methodology includes the use of general and special methods of scientific knowledge: dialectical, historical and legal, formal and logical, method of hermeneutics, generalization, comparison and more. Results of the research. The concept of legal system and its elements are considered. The essence of modern development of legal systems is revealed. Practical meaning. The processes of convergence and interaction of legal systems in the context of globalization and their consequences for legal processes in general are defined. Value / originality. The mechanisms of development of legal systems in the conditions of globalization are analyzed; among them reception, transplantation, acculturation and other legal processes of convergence are allocated. The main principles of interaction of legal systems in the conditions of European integration processes are defined

    Legal security of investors in the process of financing housing construction in Ukraine and some European countries

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    The purpose of the article is to find mechanisms that would guarantee the protection of investors’ rights in the process of housing construction. Methodology. In the process of conducting the research, the following methods were used: theoretical generalization, grouping method, methods of dynamic, statistical and comparative analysis, comparative method, method of structural and logical analysis, calculation and analytical method. Research results. The works of scientists who studied the problem of risks associated with investing in construction were analyzed. A comparative study of investor security in France and Germany was conducted. The legislation of Ukraine on this issue was examined. Practical implementation. It was determined that in order to prevent the misuse of funds in housing construction in foreign countries, there is a mechanism for attracting funds by opening escrow accounts and transferring funds from them to the developer. Value/originality. It was proven that the use of escrow accounts in house-building can become an effective mechanism for protecting the rights of investors in Ukraine

    Confining density functional approach for color superconducting quark matter and mesonic correlations

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    We present a novel relativistic density-functional approach to modeling quark matter with a mechanism to mimic confinement. The quasiparticle treatment of quarks provides their suppression due to large quark selfenergy already at the mean-field level. We demonstrate that our approach is equivalent to a chiral quark model with medium-dependent couplings. The dynamical restoration of the chiral symmetry is ensured by construction of the density functional. Beyond the mean field, quark correlations in the pseudoscalar channel are described within the Gaussian approximation. This explicitly introduces pionic states into the model. Their contribution to the thermodynamic potential is analyzed within the Beth–Uhlenbeck framework. The modification of the meson mass spectrum in the vicinity of thee (de)confinement transition is interpreted as the Mott transition. Supplemented with the vector repulsion and diquark pairing the model is applied to construct a hybrid quark-hadron EoS of cold compact-star matter. We study the connection of such a hybrid EoS with the stellar mass-radius relation and tidal deformability. The model results are compared to various observational constraints including the NICER radius measurement of PSR J0740+6620 and the tidal deformability constraint from GW170817. The model is shown to be consistent with the constraints, still allowing for further improvement by adjusting the vector repulsion and diquark pairing couplings