27 research outputs found

    CHN analyseur de l'azote et du carbon selon la méthode de Dumas

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    Cette publication vulgarise le fonctionnement et l'utilisation d'un analyseur élémentaire selon la méthode de Dumas, permettant des mesures de teneurs en carbone et en azote. Cette vidéo fait suite à une conférence entre les équipes du laboratoire de recherche

    Root architecture characterization in relation to biomass allocation and biological nitrogen fixation in a collection of European soybean genotypes

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    International audienceSoybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr] is the legume with the largest cultivated area worldwide and its yield depends largely on symbiotic nitrogen fixation and root architecture. This study aimed to explore the genetic variability of root architectural traits and di-nitrogen fixing activity in a small collection of nine European cultivars belonging to the same maturity group during their early stages. New image analysis approaches were implemented to characterise root architecture at high throughput. Significant genetic variability was identified for the width of the root system, root density, and for nitrogen fixation. This study allowed us to highlight trade-offs among root and nodule traits, and structural and functional traits. Finally, both the image analysis approach and the results could be used for breeding programs of soybean, that could take into account the root system architecture, when the plant interacts in symbiosis with N 2 -fixing bacteria.Le soja [ Glycine max (L.) Merr] est la lĂ©gumineuse la plus cultivĂ©e au monde et son rendement dĂ©pend largement de son architecture racinaire et de la fixation symbiotique de l’azote atmosphĂ©rique. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  explorer la variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique des traits d’architecture racinaire et de l’activitĂ© de fixation de diazote au cours des stades prĂ©coces de dĂ©veloppement, dans une petite collection de neuf cultivars europĂ©ens appartenant au mĂȘme groupe de maturitĂ©. De nouvelles approches d’analyse d’image ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ɠuvre pour caractĂ©riser l’architecture racinaire Ă  haut dĂ©bit. Une variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique a pu ĂȘtre identifiĂ©e pour la largeur du systĂšme racinaire, la densitĂ© des racines et pour la fixation de l’azote. Cette Ă©tude nous a Ă©galement permis de mettre en Ă©vidence les compromis entre traits racinaires et nodulaires, et des compromis entre traits structuraux et fonctionnels. L’approche d’analyse d’image et les rĂ©sultats gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s dans cette Ă©tude pourraient ĂȘtre remobilisĂ©s pour les programmes de sĂ©lection du soja, qui pourraient prendre en compte l’architecture du systĂšme racinaire, lorsque la plante interagit en symbiose avec des bactĂ©ries fixatrices de N 2

    Exploring architectural traits and ecophysiological responses in soybean under heat and water stress: implications for climate change adaptation

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    National audienceIn the context of climate change, characterized by increasingly frequent droughts and heat waves, it is anticipated that the global soybean yields, the most extensively grown legume, will experience a significant decline in the foreseeable future.. There is thus an urgent need to improve its ability to maintain growth and productivity under such conditions. The objective of this study was to explore which plant traits make soybeans more resilient to heat and/or water stress, with a focus on plant architecture. For this purpose, two soybean genotypes, already shown to have contrasted root architecture (Maslard et al., 2021) were grown under controlledconditions in the high-throughput phenotyping platform 4PMI where either optimal conditions, heat waves, water stress or both heat waves and water stresses were applied during the vegetative stage. New root detection algorithms and tools were generated to quickly and accurately analyze many architectural traits (e.g. length, width, projected root area, plant height over time).Under stress conditions the two genotypes displayed contrasted architectural features such as root width, root angle branching or plant height. By correlating architectural to functional traits, related to water and carbon allocation, we were able to explain the stress susceptibility level of the two genotypes. This cross analysis of plant ecophysiology and architectural traits under different stresses provides new information on soybean adaptation to climate change

    Root architecture characterization in relation to biomass allocation and biological nitrogen fixation in a collection of European soybean genotypes

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    article dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ© en 2021 ref 2021-202. republiĂ© en numĂ©ro spĂ©cial en 2023https://hal.inrae.fr/hal-03482515 pour 2021International audienceSoybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr] is the legume with the largest cultivated area worldwide and its yield depends largely on symbiotic nitrogen fixation and root architecture. This study aimed to explore the genetic variability of root architectural traits and di-nitrogen fixing activity in a small collection of nine European cultivars belonging to the same maturity group during their early stages. New image analysis approaches were implemented to characterise root architecture at high throughput. Significant genetic variability was identified for the width of the root system, root density, and for nitrogen fixation. This study allowed us to highlight trade-offs among root and nodule traits, and structural and functional traits. Finally, both the image analysis approach and the results could be used for breeding programs of soybean, that could take into account the root system architecture, when the plant interacts in symbiosis with N 2 -fixing bacteria.Le soja [ Glycine max (L.) Merr] est la lĂ©gumineuse la plus cultivĂ©e au monde et son rendement dĂ©pend largement de son architecture racinaire et de la fixation symbiotique de l’azote atmosphĂ©rique. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  explorer la variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique des traits d’architecture racinaire et de l’activitĂ© de fixation de diazote au cours des stades prĂ©coces de dĂ©veloppement, dans une petite collection de neuf cultivars europĂ©ens appartenant au mĂȘme groupe de maturitĂ©. De nouvelles approches d’analyse d’image ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ɠuvre pour caractĂ©riser l’architecture racinaire Ă  haut dĂ©bit. Une variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique a pu ĂȘtre identifiĂ©e pour la largeur du systĂšme racinaire, la densitĂ© des racines et pour la fixation de l’azote. Cette Ă©tude nous a Ă©galement permis de mettre en Ă©vidence les compromis entre traits racinaires et nodulaires, et des compromis entre traits structuraux et fonctionnels. L’approche d’analyse d’image et les rĂ©sultats gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s dans cette Ă©tude pourraient ĂȘtre remobilisĂ©s pour les programmes de sĂ©lection du soja, qui pourraient prendre en compte l’architecture du systĂšme racinaire, lorsque la plante interagit en symbiose avec des bactĂ©ries fixatrices de N 2

    Exploring Microbial Communities associated to soybean under Combined Heat and Water Stresses

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    National audienceIn the context of climate change, more frequent drought events and heatwaves predict a significant decrease in soybean yields. As the world's most widely grown legume crop, there's an urgent need to enhance its resilience to ensure productivity. Plants live with diverse microbial communities which profoundly affect multiple facets of host performance, but if and how host development impacts the assembly of microbial communities is poorly understood. Here we examined bacterial communities across soil, epiphytic and endophytic niches of leaves and roots. This study also explored how heat stress and water stress, alone or combined, impacted soybean microbial communities in relation with root morphology. To that aim, two soybean genotypes with contrasted root architectures were grown in the 4PMI high-throughput phenotyping platform during their vegetative stage, under various climate conditions. Conditions included control, heatwaves, water deficit, and combined heatwaves and water deficit.The results showed that combined stresses provoked a specific response that was not simply the sum of the effects of water deficit and heat stress. For example, an increase in the abundance of the beneficial bacterial taxa like actinobacteria in the root endosphere was only observed under combined stresses. Concerning the rhizoplane, there were more actinobacteria under water stress or combined stresses than under other climatic conditions. In the root endosphere, Xanthobacteraceae differentiated the two genotypes. We will discuss the putative link between bacterial communities in the different tissues of soybean and plant ability to resist to heat and water stresses.In conclusion, our results suggested that environmental conditions profoundly influenced plant microbiome assembly. This study holds significance for the development of future methodologies aimed at managing the microbiome and highlights the need to consider plant interactions with micro-organisms to understand and enhance its resilience to stress

    Jack et les légumineuses magiques face au réchauffement climatique. Atelier grand public

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    National audienceAvec le rĂ©chauffement climatique, les plantes sont soumises Ă  diffĂ©rents stress, dont le stress hydrique et les fortes tempĂ©ratures. Ces stress ont des consĂ©quences nĂ©gatives importantes sur les cultures et sur les Ă©lĂ©ments indispensables Ă  la croissance et au dĂ©veloppement des plantes, notamment l’azote et le fer.Dans cet atelier, nous allons vous montrer les pistes sur lesquelles les chercheurs se penchent pour comprendre comment les plantes peuvent rĂ©sister Ă  ces changements

    Ecophysiological processes underlying soybean mineral nutrition under individual or combined heat and water stresses

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    National audienceIn a context of climate change, with more frequent drought events and heatwaves, it ispredicted that soybean yields will drastically decrease in the near future. Soybean being themost widely grown legume crop in the world, there is an urgent need to improve its ability tosustain its growth under such conditions in order to guarantee high levels of productivity. Theaim of this study was to explore the influence of heat and/or water stress on soybean growthand its water and mineral nutritions. Two soybean genotypes, displaying contrasted rootarchitectures during their vegetative stage were grown under controlled conditions in the4PMI high-throughput phenotyping platform where either optimal conditions, or heatwaves,or water stress, or both heatwaves and water stress were applied. Plants were characterized fortheir morphology, their water uptake, the mineral composition of their tissues and the roottranscriptome. An ecophysiological structure-function framework, enabled us to linkstructural variables (leaf area, root architecture, biomass, etc.) to functional variables (wateruse efficiency, element uptake efficiencies
) in order to understand the interactions betweenwater and element fluxes, and to quantify the overall tolerance of plants to each stress. Undercombined stress conditions, one genotype appeared more sensitive than the other. Nosignificant changes in structural variables were observed in response to the dual stressbetween the two genotypes. However, the genotypic difference was found to be more relatedto functional changes, particularly for water uptake. A complementary analysis of the plantionome and transcriptome under different stresses revealed plant strategies favoring soybeangrowth under these two stresses, and offered new perspectives for crop adaptation to climatechange

    ça bouillone dans nos assiettes. Reportage France 3 Bourgogne Franche Comté. 52mn

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    Reportage France 3 Bourgogne Franche ComtĂ©. 52mnNational audienceQue mangerons-nous, que mangeront nos enfants demain ? Le contenu de nos assiettes ne cesse d'Ă©voluer. Pour beaucoup, la viande n'est plus consommĂ©e tous les jours, ce n'est plus l'aliment central du repas. Qu'impliquent ces changements de menu ? Sont-ils motivĂ©s par le souci de mieux manger, d'ĂȘtre en meilleure santĂ© ou imposĂ©s par des budgets de plus en plus serrĂ©s ? EnquĂȘtes de rĂ©gion va cuisiner l'avenir