371 research outputs found
El arte de reciclar para aprender a crear : reciclaje y estampación
Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Infantil. Codi: MP1040. Curs: 2015/2016 Universitat Jaume IEl presente Trabajo de Final de Grado, TFG, profesionalizador, tiene como finalidad diseñar una
actividad para realizarla en un aula con niños-as de 3 años. El objetivo general es aportar
conciencia al alumnado sobre el cuidado y respeto del medio ambiente, iniciándolos en el reciclaje
y emplear elementos de desecho para trabajar la técnica de estampación en Educación Infantil.
Esta propuesta surge de la necesidad de resolver un problema encontrado en aula, donde se
trabaja conjuntamente la Educación Ambiental y la Educación ArtÃstica a partir de dicha técnica.
La metodologÃa empleada se basa en hacer partÃcipe activo al alumno-a, quien aprenda a partir de
sus experiencias, siendo el protagonista de su aprendizaje, y actuando el docente como guÃa. A
partir de la puesta en práctica de la actividad, se revisan los objetivos junto con los resultados
obtenidos mediante la observación directa, las anotaciones y las muestras recogidas;
demostrando que dichos resultados son favorables y cumpliendo los objetivos. Otra cuestión a
analizar, era si esta técnica empleada en el trabajo, se podrÃa introducir en las aulas de Educación
Infantil, puesto que se comienza a utilizar en la enseñanza PrimarÃa, y mediante el análisis y la
observación, se ha comprobado que es un hecho favorable.The preset Final Degree Project, called professional FDP, aims at designing an activity to perform
in a classroom with children from 3 years old. The general objective is to bring awareness to the
students on the care and respect for the environment. In order to do so, the current project starts
by recycling and wasting items used to work with the stamping which is a technique in early
childhood education. This proposal arises from the need to solve a problem found in the
classroom, where we work together on environmental education as well as art education from this
technique. The methodology used is based on active teaching involving the pupil. As students
learn from the experiences they are the protagonists of their learning process. Consequently,
teachers, act as a guide. From the implementation of the activity, the objectives are reviewed
together with the results obtained by direct observation, annotations, and the collected samples.
This shows that these results are favorable since they fulfill the objectives. Another issue to be
analysed was whether this technique used to word, if it could be introduced in the classrooms of
pre-school education since it was firstly implemented in teaching primary through analysis and
observation. It was found that it is a beneficial and positive fact
Biological Therapy in the Prevention of Complications of Crohn
In recent years, the advent of biological agents has revolutionized the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). TNF is a cytokine with a very important role in the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease (CD), so it is a therapeutic target to highlight. The efficacy and safety of the anti-TNF, IFX and ADA is widely established, becoming two of the therapeutic pillars of CD. Today the experience with other more recent antibodies and stem cells therapy is more limited. Various limitations such as lack of studies, heterogeneity in inclusion criteria, and achievement of objectives make it difficult to establish which treatment is more appropriate in each case and even the superiority between drugs and/or cellular therapy. This chapter will compare the different currently available therapies with special interest in new therapies and their relationship in the prevention of complications of Crohn’s disease
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