70 research outputs found

    Row spacing and seed physiological quality of Crotalaria species.

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    Crotalaria crops have important uses, such as in green manuring, nematode control, biological nitrogen fixation and sugarcane reform in Savanna areas. Due to its strategic importance, knowledge about crotalaria seed production technology is a relevant factor to ensure the availability of high physiological quality seeds

    Optimizing the vertebrate vestibular semicircular canal: could we balance any better?

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    The fluid-filled semicircular canals (SCCs) of the vestibular system are used by all vertebrates to sense angular rotation. Despite masses spanning seven decades, all mammalian SCCs are nearly the same size. We propose that the SCC represents a sensory organ that evolution has `optimally designed'. Four geometric parameters are used to characterize the SCC, and `building materials' of given physical properties are assumed. Identifying physical and physiological constraints on SCC operation, we find that the most sensitive SCC has dimensions consistent with available data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Techonolgy of Qualea grandiflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae) seeds

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    Qualea grandiflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae), commonly known as "pau-terra", is an arborous species native to the Brazilian savannah which possess commercial interests, as it can be used either as an ornamental or as a medicinal plant. "Pau-terra" can also be used in the heterogeneous reforestation of areas which are destined for restoration of permanent preservation degraded areas. Propagation studies with this species are scarce, being necessary then further clarification regarding the factors that influences the germination process. In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different temperatures, substrates and light conditions on seed germination. We selected light brown seeds which were subjected to different interactions between temperatures (15-25, 20-30, 25 and 30°C), substrate (paper, sand and vermiculite) and light (light and dark). All seeds were later dry-incubated at 32°C for 3, 6 and 12 hours. After treatments, seeds were kept in BOD at 58% RH and the following parameters were calculated: germination (%G) and germination speed index (GSI); the formation of normal and abnormal seedlings and the number dead seeds. Interaction was observed for all variables. In the optimum temperature range, the seeds behaved as photoblastic neutral or indifferent. Under alternating temperatures, darkness enhanced the germination, especially when combined with the lower temperatures. We noted that the sowing in sand, at 25°C, allowed the maintenance of suitable combinations of germination and seedling development. With respect to desiccation tolerance, "pau-terra" seeds presented an orthodox behavior, with a linear increase of the vigor as function of drying

    Efferent Control of the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Hair Cells in the Bullfrog's Sacculus

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    Background: Hair cells in the auditory, vestibular, and lateral-line systems respond to mechanical stimulation and transmit information to afferent nerve fibers. The sensitivity of mechanoelectrical transduction is modulated by the efferent pathway, whose activity usually reduces the responsiveness of hair cells. The basis of this effect remains unknown. Methodology and Principal Findings: We employed immunocytological, electrophysiological, and micromechanical approaches to characterize the anatomy of efferent innervation and the effect of efferent activity on the electrical and mechanical properties of hair cells in the bullfrog’s sacculus. We found that efferent fibers form extensive synaptic terminals on all macular and extramacular hair cells. Macular hair cells expressing the Ca 2+-buffering protein calretinin contain half as many synaptic ribbons and are innervated by twice as many efferent terminals as calretinin-negative hair cells. Efferent activity elicits inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in hair cells and thus inhibits their electrical resonance. In hair cells that exhibit spiking activity, efferent stimulation suppresses the generation of action potentials. Finally, efferent activity triggers a displacement of the hair bundle’s resting position. Conclusions and Significance: The hair cells of the bullfrog’s sacculus receive a rich efferent innervation with the heaviest projection to calretinin-containing cells. Stimulation of efferent axons desensitizes the hair cells and suppresses their spiking activity. Although efferent activation influences mechanoelectrical transduction, the mechanical effects on hair bundles ar

    Organização didático-metodológica das aulas de Anatomia e Fisiologia Humana: comportamento e percepção dos estudantes

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    Resumo O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa quantitativa, do tipo pesquisa-ação, cujo objetivo foi analisar o comportamento e a percepção dos estudantes sobre a organização didático-metodológica, através dos momentos didático-problematizadores, implementada em três aulas da Disciplina de Anatomia e Fisiologia Humana de um Curso Técnico em Enfermagem da cidade de Santa Maria, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram planejadas pelas pesquisadoras três aulas sobre os temas: sistema endócrino, tegumentar e nervoso, tendo por base a organização didático-metodológica através dos momentos didático-problematizadores. As aulas foram implementadas numa turma do Módulo I, do Curso Técnico em Enfermagem, constituída por oito estudantes. Para a coleta dos dados foram utilizados diário de bordo para registro dos comportamentos dos estudantes observados em cada aula e questionário com perguntas fechadas e abertas para identificar a percepção e sugestões dos estudantes acerca da organização didático-metodológica através dos momentos didático-problematizadores. Dentre os principais resultados, destaca-se a percepção da maioria dos estudantes que considerou boa e/ou muito boa a organização didático-metodológica utilizada, assim como os seus momentos constituintes (desafio inicial, melhor solução escolar no momento, desafio mais amplo e tarefa extraclasse). Sendo que alguns estudantes ainda apresentam comportamento passivo diante do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, concluindo-se que ainda existe uma necessidade de mudanças culturais neste contexto pesquisado, partindo especialmente das ações docentes

    Fine Tuning of Ca(V)1.3 Ca2+ Channel Properties in Adult Inner Hair Cells Positioned in the Most Sensitive Region of the Gerbil Cochlea

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    Hearing relies on faithful signal transmission by cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs) onto auditory fibres over a wide frequency and intensity range. Exocytosis at IHC ribbon synapses is triggered by Ca2+ inflow through CaV1.3 (L-type) Ca2+ channels. We investigated the macroscopic (whole-cell) and elementary (cell-attached) properties of Ca2+ currents in IHCs positioned at the middle turn (frequency ,2 kHz) of the adult gerbil cochlea, which is their most sensitive hearing region. Using near physiological recordings conditions (body temperature and a Na+ based extracellular solution), we found that the macroscopic Ca2+ current activates and deactivates very rapidly (time constant below 1 ms) and inactivates slowly and only partially. Single-channel recordings showed an elementary conductance of 15 pS, a sub-ms latency to first opening, and a very low steady-state open probability (Po: 0.024 in response to 500-ms depolarizing steps at ,218 mV). The value of Po was significantly larger (0.06) in the first 40 ms of membrane depolarization, which corresponds to the time when most Ca2+ channel openings occurred clustered in bursts (mean burst duration: 19 ms). Both the Po and the mean burst duration were smaller than those previously reported in high-frequency basal IHCs. Finally, we found that middle turn IHCs are likely to express about 4 times more Ca2+ channels per ribbon than basal cells. We propose that middle-turn IHCs finely-tune CaV1.3 Ca2+ channel gating in order to provide reliable information upon timing and intensity of lower-frequency sounds

    Randomized controlled trial of an internet-based self-guided hand exercise program to improve hand function in people with systemic sclerosis: the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network Hand Exercise Program (SPIN-HAND) trial

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    BACKGROUND: Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma; SSc) is a rare autoimmune connective tissue disease. Functional impairment of hands is common. The Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN)-HAND trial compared effects of offering access to an online self-guided hand exercise program to usual care on hand function (primary) and functional health outcomes (secondary) in people with SSc with at least mild hand function limitations. METHODS: The pragmatic, two-arm, parallel-group cohort multiple randomized controlled trial was embedded in the SPIN Cohort. Cohort participants with Cochin Hand Function Scale (CHFS) scores ≥ 3 and who indicated interest in using the SPIN-HAND Program were randomized (3:2 ratio) to an offer of program access or to usual care (targeted N = 586). The SPIN-HAND program consists of 4 modules that address (1) thumb flexibility and strength; (2) finger bending; (3) finger extension; and (4) wrist flexibility and strength. The primary outcome analysis compared CHFS scores 3 months post-randomization between participants offered versus not offered the program. Secondary outcomes were CHFS scores 6 months post-randomization and functional health outcomes (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System profile version 2.0 domain scores) 3 and 6 months post-randomization. RESULTS: In total, 466 participants were randomized to intervention offer (N = 280) or usual care (N = 186). Of 280 participants offered the intervention, 170 (61%) consented to access the program. Of these, 117 (69%) viewed at least one hand exercise instruction video and 77 (45%) logged into the program website at least 3 times. In intent-to-treat analyses, CHFS scores were 1.2 points lower (95% CI − 2.8 to 0.3) for intervention compared to usual care 3 months post-randomization and 0.1 points lower (95% CI − 1.8 to 1.6 points) 6 months post-randomization. There were no statistically significant differences in other outcomes. CONCLUSION: The offer to use the SPIN-HAND Program did not improve hand function. Low offer uptake, program access, and minimal usage among those who accessed the program limited our ability to determine if using the program would improve function. To improve engagement, the program could be tested in a group format or as a resource to support care provided by a physical or occupational therapist. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03419208. Registered on February 1, 2018