23 research outputs found

    The miR-139-5p regulates proliferation of supratentorial paediatric low-grade gliomas by targeting the PI3K/AKT/mTORC1 signalling

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    Paediatric low-grade gliomas (pLGGs) are a heterogeneous group of brain tumours associated with a high overall survival: however, they are prone to recur and supratentorial lesions are difficult to resect, being associated with high percentage of disease recurrence. Our aim was to shed light on the biology of pLGGs

    Maternal periconceptional factors affect the risk of spina bifida-affected pregnancies: an Italian case-control study

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    Abstract Purpose Neural tube defects, including spina bifida and anencephaly, are the second most common birth defects with an incidence in Italy of 0.4-1/1,000. Information on factors playing a role in the pathogenesis of spina bifida is based on populations with different exposures, lifestyle, social and cultural habits compared to Italian people. Our objective was to fill this gap by using data from a casecontrol interview study carried out at the G. Gaslini Children's Hospital, Genoa, from 2000 to 2008. Methods We surveyed questionnaires from 133 case mothers and 273 control women providing information on periconceptional risk factors. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to estimate risks by odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Results Univariate results suggest that birth order, low maternal educational level, age, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, high caffeine intake, lack of folate supplementation, low and high calorie diet, occasional consumption of fruit and vegetables, high emotional stress, and environmental pollution are associated with an increased spina bifida risk. Nevertheless, high caffeine intake (OR= 10.82; 95% CI, 3.78-31), low calorie diet (OR=5.15; 95% CI, 1.79-14), occasional consumption of fruit and vegetables (OR=3.38; 95% CI, 1.67-6.82), alcohol consumption (OR=3.05; 95% CI, 1.24-7.50) and, above all, lack of folate supplementation at any time of pregnancy (OR= 20.54; 95% CI, 5.41-77) mainly determined spina bifida risk in the multivariate analysis. Conclusion Our findings point out that a common underlying mechanism, a disturbed folate/homocysteine metabolism, may be causative for the burden of spina bifida in the Italian population

    Therapeutic and Prognostic Implications of BRAF V600E in Pediatric Low-Grade Gliomas.

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    Purpose BRAF V600E is a potentially highly targetable mutation detected in a subset of pediatric low-grade gliomas (PLGGs). Its biologic and clinical effect within this diverse group of tumors remains unknown. Patients and Methods A combined clinical and genetic institutional study of patients with PLGGs with long-term follow-up was performed (N = 510). Clinical and treatment data of patients with BRAF V600E mutated PLGG (n = 99) were compared with a large international independent cohort of patients with BRAF V600E mutated-PLGG (n = 180). Results BRAF V600E mutation was detected in 69 of 405 patients (17%) with PLGG across a broad spectrum of histologies and sites, including midline locations, which are not often routinely biopsied in clinical practice. Patients with BRAF V600E PLGG exhibited poor outcomes after chemotherapy and radiation therapies that resulted in a 10-year progression-free survival of 27% (95% CI, 12.1% to 41.9%) and 60.2% (95% CI, 53.3% to 67.1%) for BRAF V600E and wild-type PLGG, respectively ( P \u3c .001). Additional multivariable clinical and molecular stratification revealed that the extent of resection and CDKN2A deletion contributed independently to poor outcome in BRAF V600E PLGG. A similar independent role for CDKN2A and resection on outcome were observed in the independent cohort. Quantitative imaging analysis revealed progressive disease and a lack of response to conventional chemotherapy in most patients with BRAF V600E PLGG. Conclusion BRAF V600E PLGG constitutes a distinct entity with poor prognosis when treated with current adjuvant therapy

    Therapeutic and Prognostic Implications of BRAF V600E in Pediatric Low-Grade Gliomas

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    Purpose BRAF V600E is a potentially highly targetable mutation detected in a subset of pediatric low-grade gliomas (PLGGs). Its biologic and clinical effect within this diverse group of tumors remains unknown. Patients and Methods A combined clinical and genetic institutional study of patients with PLGGs with long-term follow-up was performed (N = 510). Clinical and treatment data of patients with BRAF V600E mutated PLGG (n = 99) were compared with a large international independent cohort of patients with BRAF V600E mutated-PLGG (n = 180). Results BRAF V600E mutation was detected in 69 of 405 patients (17%) with PLGG across a broad spectrum of histologies and sites, including midline locations, which are not often routinely biopsied in clinical practice. Patients with BRAF V600E PLGG exhibited poor outcomes after chemotherapy and radiation therapies that resulted in a 10-year progression-free survival of 27% (95% CI, 12.1% to 41.9%) and 60.2% (95% CI, 53.3% to 67.1%) for BRAF V600E and wild-type PLGG, respectively (P < .001). Additional multivariable clinical and molecular stratification revealed that the extent of resection and CDKN2A deletion contributed independently to poor outcome in BRAF V600E PLGG. A similar independent role for CDKN2A and resection on outcome were observed in the independent cohort. Quantitative imaging analysis revealed progressive disease and a lack of response to conventional chemotherapy in most patients with BRAF V600E PLGG. Conclusion BRAF V600E PLGG constitutes a distinct entity with poor prognosis when treated with current adjuvant therapy. (C) 2017 by American Society of Clinical Oncolog

    Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor involving the nasal cavities and anterior skull base

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    Rhabdoid tumors are a spectrum of neoplasias composed of cells which show rhabdoid morphology but are devoid of skeletal muscle differentiation. These tumors are characterized by inactivation of the INI1/SMARCB1 gene and they have been described in virtually every anatomical site, including the central nervous system (CNS) and sinonasal tract. Rhabdoid tumor of the CNS was named atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (ATRT) and it mainly affects children under the age of 3 years with supra- or infra-tentorial location.Herein we report the first case of ATRT infiltrating the nasal cavities and skull base in an adolescent. Due to its unusual location, differential diagnosis was challenging and included several other entities such as sinonasal carcinoma or meningioma. Awareness that ATRT may infiltrate the nasal tract and knowledge of its clinico-pathological, immunohistochemical and biomolecular features are essential for its distinction from other rhabdoid tumors which more frequently involve this anatomical site and for appropriate therapeutic management

    Identification of an interstitial 18p11.32-p11.31 duplication including the EMILIN2 gene in a family with porokeratosis of Mibelli.

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    Porokeratosis is a rare disease of epidermal keratinization characterized by the histopathological feature of the cornoid lamella, a column of tightly fitted parakeratocytic cells, whose etiology is still unclear. Porokeratosis of Mibelli is a subtype of porokeratosis presenting a single plaque or a small number of plaques of variable size located unilaterally on limbs. It frequently appears in childhood and occurs with a higher incidence in males. Cytogenetic analyses were performed in all members of the family on lesioned and uninvolved skin. An array-CGH analysis was also performed utilizing the Human Genome CGH Microarray Kit G3 400 with 5.3 KB overall median probe spacing. Gene expression was performed on skin fibroblasts. In this study, we describe a Caucasian healthy 4-year-old child and his father showing features of porokeratosis of Mibelli. Array-CGH analysis revealed an interstitial 429.5 Kb duplication of chromosome 18p11.32-p11.3 containing four genes, namely: SMCHD1, EMILIN2, LPIN2, and MYOM1 both in patient and his father. EMILIN2 resulted overexpressed on skin fibroblasts. Also other members of this family, without evident signs of porokeratosis, carried the same duplication. Among these genes, we focused our attention on elastin microfibril interfacer 2 (EMILIN2) gene. Apoptosis plays a fundamental role in maintaining epidermal homeostasis, balancing keratinocytes proliferation, and forming the stratum corneum. EMILIN2 is known to trigger the apoptosis of different cell lines negatively affecting cell survival. It is expressed in the skin. We could speculate that the duplication and overexpression of EMILIN2 cause an abnormal apoptosis of epidermal keratinocytes and alter the process of keratinization, even if other epigenetic and genetic factors could also be involved. Our results could contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of porokeratosis of Mibelli

    Pediatric astrocytic tumor grading : comparison between arterial spin labeling and dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI perfusion

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare arterial spin labeling (ASL) and dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI perfusion with respect to diagnostic performance in tumor grading in pediatric patients with low- and high-grade astrocytic tumors (AT). METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 37 children with histologically proven treatment naive low- and high-grade AT who underwent concomitant pre-operative ASL and DSC MRI perfusion. Studies were performed on a 1.5 T scanner, and a pulsed technique was used for ASL. DSC data were post-processed with a leakage correction software. Normalization of tumor perfusion parameters was performed with contralateral normal appearing gray matter. Normalized cerebral blood volume (nCBV) values in the most perfused area of each neoplasm were compared with normalized DSC-derived cerebral blood flow (nDSC-CBF) and ASL-derived cerebral blood flow (nASL-CBF) data, and correlated with WHO tumor grade. Statistics included Pearson's chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests, Spearman's rank correlation, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. RESULTS: A significant correlation was demonstrated between DSC and ASL data (p < 0.001). Significant differences in terms of DSC and ASL data were found between low- and high-grade AT (p < 0.001). ROC analysis demonstrated similar performances between all parameters in predicting tumor grade (nCBV: AUC 0.96, p < 0.001; nDSC-CBF: AUC 0.98, p < 0.001; nASL-CBF: AUC 0.96, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Normalized pulsed ASL performed with a 1.5 T scanner provides comparable results to DSC MRI perfusion in pediatric AT and may allow distinction between high- and low-grade AT

    Clinical images.

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    <p>A) Clinical image revealing a whitish-red plaque on the lower right leg of the 4-year-old proband. The affected area is made up of numerous whitish-red round papules that coalesce into irregular plaque and single papules, the area perimeter defined by a whitish border and cleaved by a central furrow. Slightly raised whitish-red portions can also be observed. B) Enlarged detail of the lesion. C) The patient's skin biopsy shows slight papillomatosis and ortokeratosis of epidermis and a cornoid lamella; the derma appears normal (H&E, 10Ă—). D) A column of parakeratotic cells makes up the cornoid lamella (H&E, 200Ă—). E) The examination of the skin biopsy of the father shows atrophic epidermis with two cornoid lamellae; solar elastosis and sparse perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate can be recognized (H&E, 10Ă—). F) The cornoid lamella is very thin (H&E, 200Ă—).</p

    Array-CGH results.

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    <p>A) Result of array-CGH analysis of chromosome 18 with Agilent Human Genome CGH microarray Kit G3 400K. The 18p11.32p11.31 duplicated region extends between oligomers A_16_P20755613 (2,724,439 bp) and A_16_P40933037 (3,153,981 bp) B) Gene contents of the duplicated region.</p