123 research outputs found

    Reliquias y relicarios: una aproximación al estudio del culto a los santos en la Navarra medieval

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    In medieval Europe, relics, which are small material or physical objects conserved as a way of remembering a holy person, aroused religious sentiments that resonated with people's collective beliefs. At the same time, this faith and piety also inspired a desire to possess relics, to collect them and keep them safe in the main religious centres of the time. This paper describes the most outstanding relics in the medieval kindgom of Navarre.<br><br>Las reliquias, que a primera vista son pequeños recuerdos materiales o físicos de un personaje santo, despertaron en el Occidente medieval unos sentimientos religiosos sustentados sobre unas creencias colectivas. Al mismo tiempo, esa fe y piedad impulsaron también un deseo y afán por poseerlas, acumularlas y custodiarlas en los principales centros religiosos del momento. En esta ocasión se presentarán los casos más sobresalientes del reino de Navarra en los siglos medievales

    Expandable distal femur megaprosthesis : a European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society study on 299 cases

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    Background and Objectives Expandable distal femur prostheses have become more popular over the last decades, but scientific data is limited. Methods A retrospective study was performed, including cases treated between 1986 and 2019 in 15 European referral centers for bone sarcomas. Results A total of 299 cases were included. Average follow-up was 80 months (range, 8-287 months). Mean patient age was 10 years. Most (80%) of the implants were noninvasive growers and a fixed hinge knee was used more often (64%) than a rotating hinge. Most prosthetic designs showed good (>80%) implant survival at 10 years, but repeat surgery was required for 63% of the patients. The most frequent reason for revision procedure was the completion of lengthening potential. Noninvasive expandable implants showed less risk of infection compared to invasive growers (11.8% vs 22.9% at 10 years). No difference in aseptic loosening was found between cemented and uncemented stems. Conclusions This study shows the increasing popularity of expandable distal femur prostheses, with overall good results for function and implant survival. However, repeat surgery is frequently required, especially in patients under the age of 10 years old. Infection is less frequent in noninvasive growers compared to implants that require invasive lengthening procedures

    PIAS1 regulates CP2c localization and active promoter complex formation in erythroid cell-specific α-globin expression

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    Data presented here extends our previous observations on α-globin transcriptional regulation by the CP2 and PIAS1 proteins. Using RNAi knockdown, we have now shown that CP2b, CP2c and PIAS1 are each necessary for synergistic activation of endogenous α-globin gene expression in differentiating MEL cells. In this system, truncated PIAS1 mutants lacking the ring finger domain recruited CP2c to the nucleus, as did wild-type PIAS1, demonstrating that this is a sumoylation-independent process. In vitro, recombinant CP2c, CP2b and PIAS1 bound DNA as a stable CBP (CP2c/CP2b/PIAS1) complex. Following PIAS1 knockdown in MEL cells, however, the association of endogenous CP2c and CP2b with the α-globin promoter simultaneously decreased. By mapping the CP2b- and CP2c-binding domains on PIAS1, and the PIAS1-binding domains on CP2b and CP2c, we found that two regions of PIAS1 that interact with CP2c/CP2b are required for its co-activator function. We propose that CP2c, CP2b, and PIAS1 form a hexametric complex with two units each of CP2c, CP2b, and PIAS1, in which PIAS1 serves as a clamp between two CP2 proteins, while CP2c binds directly to the target DNA and CP2b mediates strong transactivation

    Characterization of Macrophages and Osteoclasts in the Osteosarcoma Tumor Microenvironment at Diagnosis: New Perspective for Osteosarcoma Treatment?

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    Biological and histopathological techniques identified osteoclasts and macrophages as targets of zoledronic acid (ZA), a therapeutic agent that was detrimental for patients in the French OS2006 trial. Conventional and multiplex immunohistochemistry of microenvironmental and OS cells were performed on biopsies of 124 OS2006 patients and 17 surgical (“OSNew”) biopsies respectively. CSF-1R (common osteoclast/macrophage progenitor) and TRAP (osteoclast activity) levels in serum of 108 patients were correlated to response to chemotherapy and to prognosis. TRAP levels at surgery and at the end of the protocol were significantly lower in ZA+ than ZA− patients (padj = 0.0011; 0.0132). For ZA+-patients, an increase in the CSF-1R level between diagnosis and surgery and a high TRAP level in the serum at biopsy were associated with a better response to chemotherapy (p = 0.0091; p = 0.0251). At diagnosis, high CD163+ was associated with good prognosis, while low TRAP activity was associated with better overall survival in ZA− patients only. Multiplex immunohistochemistry demonstrated remarkable bipotent CD68+/CD163+ macrophages, homogeneously distributed throughout OS regions, aside osteoclasts (CD68+/CD163−) mostly residing in osteolytic territories and osteoid-matrix-associated CD68−/CD163+ macrophages. We demonstrate that ZA not only acts on harmful osteoclasts but also on protective macrophages, and hypothesize that the bipotent CD68+/CD163+ macrophages might present novel therapeutic targets

    Holiness and Patronage in the Hispanic World in the Modern Age

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    On March 23, 1630 the Congregation of rites issued a decree on the patron saints that limited their choice to the canonized. In this way direct control was granted to the Holy See. The choice of the cities of their patron saints in the modern age was determined by the interests of their ruling classes, the popular devotion and by the possession of the relics of the proposed saints. Concerning to the homeland of the Saints, martyrs, bishops and hermits, and the control of their relics were published many controversial writings that generated intense debates during the 17th century. In the election of the of the patron saints the Vatican regulation will not always be respected; in the case of Pedro Regalado and Rosa de Lima there were express authorization for the beginning of the canonization processes, his cult and their appointment

    Basic Issues and Difficulties in these Materials Frameworks

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    Reconstruction du membre inférieur par transfert de péroné vascularisé en chirurgie tumorale de l'enfant

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    La prise en charge des tumeurs osseuses de l'enfant associe la chimiothérapie à la chirurgie. La chirurgie est une intervention d'exérèse pour la quelle la reconstruction est une étape indispensable et délicate. Nous présentons les résultats d'une technique particulière utilisant le propre péroné vascularisé du patient pour reconstruire la perte de substance. Nous présentons une étude rétrospective de 35 patients opérés dans le service de chirurgie pédiatrique de l'hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul. Dix enfants présentaient un Ewing ; vingt et un, un ostéosarcome, les autres enfants, différentes tumeurs. Dix enfants ont été opérés à distance de la résection tumorale, dans les suites d'échec d'arthroplastie ou lorsque la reconstruction ne pouvait se faire immédiatement. Au recul le plus long (de 2 à 17 ans) six patients sont décédés, 29 sont toujours en vie, dont 25 avec un excellent résultat. Les complications propres à cette techniques sont essentiellement liées au prélèvement du greffon (parésies transitoires, fractures). Les troubles d'axes, la fragilité du greffon, les retards de consolidation imposent certaines interventions itératives dont la fréquence diminue avec le recul. Fractures, pseudarthroses ou infections sont présentent dans la majorité les autres alternatives chirurgicales de reconstruction, et restent ; pour ces techniques, un problème dans le temps. Seul le péroné grossit et se substitue progressivement à l'os remplacé. L'utilisation récente de matériel d'ostéosynthèse plus adapté permet d'espérer une diminution de ces complications.PARIS7-Villemin (751102101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Case of Osteosarcoma in a Patient With Pycnodysostosis

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    Pycnodysostosis is a rare sclerosing bone dystrophy. The main clinical features are short stature and oral and maxillofacial abnormalities such as a large head, a small and underdeveloped face with prominent nose and eyes, irregular dentition, small hands and feet with dystrophic nails, and trunk deformities such as scoliosis. The differential diagnosis is established with other skeletal dysplasias such as osteopetrosis, cleidocranial dysplasia, and idiopathic acroosteolysis. Since its first description in 1962 by Maroteaux and Lamy, about 100 cases have been published, some of these with uncommon features. We describe the case of a 22-year-old European man with pycnodysostosis who developed a chondroblastic osteosarcoma of the right femur. No case of bone cancer in this sclerosing bone disease had been described so far

    Clinical Analysis of the Location of Benign Skin Tumors on the Plantar Surface of the Foot

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