110 research outputs found

    Female Preference for Nest Size in the Stream Goby Rhinogobius sp. DA

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    Females of the stream goby Rhinogobius sp. DA with paternal care favor males courting in fast water currents, whereby they mate males of high parental ability. Here we examined female choice of male nest size of this goby in laboratory. The dichotomous choice experiment clearly indicated that females prefer large nests. Spawning at large nests seems to improve egg survival rates in natural habitats in this goby. We discuss the possibility of multiple criteria in mate choice of this goby

    Testis size depends on social status and the presence of male helpers in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Julidochromis ornatus

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    Cooperatively breeding animals, in which helpers may participate in reproduction with dominant breeders, are ideal species for examining intraspecific variation in testis size because they often exhibit both monogamous breeding (low risk of sperm competition) and polyandrous breeding (high risk) within a population. However, little is known about testis investment as a result of sperm competition in these animals. The substrate-brooding cichlid fish Julidochromis ornatus has a cooperatively breeding system, in which some males mate monogamously and other males reproduce as dominant breeders or helpers within cooperatively breeding groups, in which male helpers frequently sire young. We examined the relationship between testis investment and male social status in relation to the risk of sperm competition. As predicted from sperm competition models, in groups with male helpers, both the male breeders and the male helpers invested more in testes mass, compared to breeding males without male helpers. We also found a positive relationship between the testes mass of male breeders and their male helpers, suggesting that males increase their investment in reproductive capability under the risk of sperm competition. Sperm competition models also predict that larger testes are associated with increased siring success. Our paternity analysis supported this prediction; we found a positive relationship between testis investment by male helpers and the number of offspring they sire

    Sperm phenotypic plasticity in a cichlid: a territorial male's counterstrategy to spawning takeover

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    Studies of sperm competition in species with alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) often pay attention to the differences in investments in sperm between sneakers facing a higher sperm competition risk and bourgeois males facing a lower risk. Here, we examined within-tactic as well as among-tactic variations in sperm investments in the Lake Tanganyika shell-brooding cichlid Telmatochromis vittatus, a species with 2 types of parasitic tactics. Territorial male T. vittatus suffer reproductive parasitism by both smaller sneaker males and larger pirate males ("pirates” take over the spawning event during which territorial males perform sneaking as a counterstrategy). We hypothesized that both territorial males living under the risk of pirates and sneakers face increased risk of sperm competition and therefore should produce high-quality sperm compared with both territorial males that experienced no piracy risk and pirates. As expected, field studies showed that the former 2 males produced longer lived sperm than the other males. Aquarium experiments demonstrated that a visual stimulus of a pirate was enough to induce an increase in sperm longevity in territorial males compared with when no such stimulus was given. These results indicate that territorial male T. vittatus can plastically adjust at least one sperm quality trait in response to piracy risk. Moreover, long-term monitoring of males in the field showed that small territorial males grow into large territorial males and finally into pirates, so ARTs are not fixed over life. Accordingly, male T. vittatus appear to ontogenetically change their sperm longevity in response to size-dependent sperm competition risk

    Age‐ and sex‐dependent variation in relatedness corresponds to reproductive skew, territory inheritance and workload in cooperatively breeding cichlids

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    Kin selection plays a major role in the evolution of cooperative systems. However, many social species exhibit complex within-group relatedness structures, where kin selection alone cannot explain the occurrence of cooperative behavior. Understanding such social structures is crucial to elucidate the evolution and maintenance of multi-layered cooperative societies. In lamprologine cichlids, intragroup relatedness seems to correlate positively with reproductive skew, suggesting that in this clade dominants tend to provide reproductive concessions to unrelated subordinates to secure their participation in brood care. We investigate how patterns of within-group relatedness covary with direct and indirect fitness benefits of cooperation in a highly social vertebrate, the cooperatively breeding, polygynous lamprologine cichlid Neolamprologus savoryi. Behavioral and genetic data from 43 groups containing 578 individuals show that groups are socially and genetically structured into subgroups. About 17% of group members were unrelated immigrants, and average relatedness between breeders and brood care helpers declined with helper age due to group membership dynamics. Hence the relative importance of direct and indirect fitness benefits of cooperation depends on helper age. Our findings highlight how both direct and indirect fitness benefits of cooperation and group membership can select for cooperative behavior in societies comprising complex social and relatedness structures

    Botulinum neurotoxin A subtype 2 reduces pathological behaviors more effectively than subtype 1 in a rat Parkinson’s disease model

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    editorial reviewedRecent reports indicate that interruption of acetylcholine release by intrastriatal injection of botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) in a rat Parkinson’s disease model reduces pathogenic behavior without adverse side effects such as memory dysfunction. Current knowledge suggests that BoNT/A subtype 1 (BoNT/A1) and BoNT/A subtype 2 (BoNT/A2) exert different effects. In the present study, we compared the effects of BoNT/A1 and BoNT/A2 on rotation behavior and in vivo cleavage of presynaptic protein SNAP-25 in a rat unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-induced Parkinson’s disease model. BoNT/A2 more effectively reduced pathogenic behavior by efficiently cleaving SNAP-25 in the striatum compared with that of BoNT/A1. Our results suggest that BoNT/A2 has greater clinical therapeutic value for treating subjects with Parkinson’s disease compared to that of BoNT/A1

    Real-Time Imaging of Rabbit Retina with Retinal Degeneration by Using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Background: Recently, a transgenic rabbit with rhodopsin Pro 347 Leu mutation was generated as a model of retinitis pigmentosa (RP), which is characterized by a gradual loss of vision due to photoreceptor degeneration. The purpose of the current study is to noninvasively visualize and assess time-dependent changes in the retinal structures of a rabbit model of retinal degeneration by using speckle noise-reduced spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Methodology/Principal Findings: Wild type (WT) and RP rabbits (aged 4–20 weeks) were investigated using SD-OCT. The total retinal thickness in RP rabbits decreased with age. The thickness of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and between the external limiting membrane and Bruch’s membrane (ELM–BM) were reduced in RP rabbits around the visual streak, compared to WT rabbits even at 4 weeks of age, and the differences increased with age. However, inner nuclear layer (INL) thickness in RP rabbits did not differ from that of WT during the observation period. The ganglion cell complex (GCC) thickness in RP rabbits increased near the optic nerve head but not around the visual streak in the later stages of the observation period. Hyper-reflective change was widely observed in the inner segments (IS) and outer segments (OS) of the photoreceptors in the OCT images of RP rabbits. Ultrastructural findings in RP retinas included the appearance of small rhodopsin-containing vesicles scattered in the extracellular space around the photoreceptors

    Aggressive Behaviours of Territorial Cichlid Fishes against Larger Heterospecific Intruders

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    Aggressive behaviours at nesting territories of cichlid fishes were observed in Lake Tanganyika. Subject fishes were Neolamprologus toae, Tropheus moorii, Ophthalmotilapia nasutus, Limnotilapia dardennii and Petrochromis polyodon. They attacked and repelled various sized heterospecific fishes from the territories. Against much larger intruders, the fishes quickly approached and pecked them. The larger fishes never conducted counter-attack, and left the territories. Such pecking behaviour was regarded as a kind of attack, but greatly different from attacks in interspecific territorialities of cichlids reported hitherto, which are usually organized in size-dependent dominance relationships. This paper discusses the domination of the nesting territory owners in a context of `symmetry' of territoriality

    Changes in reproductive life-history strategies in response to nest density in a shell-brooding cichlid, Telmatochromis vittatus.

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    To determine whether the appearance of a reproductively parasitic tactic varies, and how this variation affects territorial males of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid fish Telmatochromis vittatus, we examined the reproductive ecology of territorial males in Mtondwe and compared it with that of a neighboring Wonzye population, where nest density differs from that at Mtondwe. In Wonzye, with high nest density, male tactics change with their body size from a territorial to a non-territorial parasitic tactic called piracy in which they conquer several nests defended by territorial males and take over the nests while females are spawning. These "pirate" males could decrease the costs incurred by travelling among nests by exclusively targeting aggregations of nests in close proximity while avoiding separate nests. Territorial males in Wonzye sacrifice the potential higher attractiveness offered by large nests and instead compete for nests farther from neighbors on which pirates less frequently intrude. In contrast, the Mtondwe population had lower nest density and piracy was absent. Given that the success of piracy depends on the close proximity of nests, nest density is likely responsible for the observed variation in the occurrence of piracy between the two populations. Furthermore, in Mtondwe, territorial males competed for larger nests and were smaller than the territorial males in Wonzye. Thus, this lower nest density may free territorial males from the selection pressures for increased size caused by both defense against nest piracy and the need to develop into pirates as they grow

    Inheritance Pattern of Lateral Dimorphism in Two Cichlids (a Scale Eater, Perissodus microlepis, and an Herbivore, Neolamprologus moorii) in Lake Tanganyika

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    Antisymmetry in the direction of the mouth opening, to either the right (“lefty”) or left (“righty”), was documented in the scale-eating cichlid Perissodus microlepis. This study revealed the presence of lefty and righty mouth morphs in the herbivorous cichlid Neolamprologus moorii, although the degree of deviation was not large. Both species are biparental brooders and guard their young. We examined the inheritance pattern of the dimorphism (laterality) using parents and broods of P. microlepis and N. moorii collected in the wild. In P. microlepis, lefty-lefty pairs had a 2:1 frequency of lefty:righty young, lefty-righty pairs a similar number of each type of young, and righty-righty pairs only righty young. Similar inheritance patterns were observed in N. moorii. We propose two hypotheses to explain the inheritance pattern: Mendelian genetics with the lefty allele dominant over the righty and the dominant allele homozygous lethal, and cross-incompatibility that is predominant in lefty homozygotes
