319 research outputs found
The religiousness of kazakh youth: problem of identification and socialization
В статье на основе социологических исследований, данных СМИ, материалов национального отчета «Молодежь Казахстана» (2014, 2015 гг.) раскрывается роль религии в современном казахстанском обществе, в частности, ее влияние на формирование жизненных стратегий молодежи. Исследования в 2015 г. выявили рост динамики религиозности молодого поколения. Особенностью текущего периода является большой объем информации религиозного толка, поступающей из средств массовой информации, социальных сетей. Распространение «религиозного плюрализма», появление множества различного рода религиозных, псевдорелигиозных, оккультных, мистических практик, использующих психологические методы «бомбардировки» сознания людей, обусловливают обеспокоенность бóльшей части молодежи религиозной обстановкой в стране. Социальная настороженность молодежи по отношению к радикальным религиозным течениям присутствует, но при этом подавляющее большинство молодежи проявляют терпимое отношение к представителям той или иной религии.The authors on the basis of the case studies, data media, materials of the National Report on Youth (2014, 2015) describe the role of religion in modern Kazakhstan society, in particular, its influence on the formation of life strategies of young people. The research (2015) revealed the dynamics of religiousness of the younger generation. Feature of this period is the large amount of information of a religious character, coming from the media, social networking. The spread of «religious pluralism», the emergence of many different kinds of religious, pseudo-religious, occult, mystical practices that use psychological methods of «bombing» the consciousness of the people, determine the concerns of the greater part of youth religious situation in the country. Social alertness of youth towards radical religious movements is present, but the vast majority of young people show a tolerant attitude to the representatives of one religion or another
Application of Video Materials in Teaching Russian as a Foreign language
Описаны приемы работы с видеоматериалом при обучении русскому как иностранному языку. Показано, что применение видео помогает воссозданию реальной действительности страны изучаемого языка: видеоматериалы документальных, художественных фильмов, теледебатов, интервью, рекламных роликов содержат культурологическую информацию, помогающую иностранному студенту познавать чужую культуру.Various techniques for working with video during teaching Russian as a foreign language are described. It is noted that the use of video helps to recreate the reality of the country of the language being studied, as the video materials of a documentary, literary texts, films, TV-debates, interviews, and commercials contain cultural information that helps a foreign student to learn the foreign culture
Study of international mentoring and coaching practices and their constructive application in the Russian system of corporate education and training
© 2016 Masalimova.The relevance of the research stems from dissimilarities between domestic and foreign experiences of mentoring and coaching in corporate education and training related to the methods and techniques aimed not only at transmitting mentor's professional experience to young professionals but also at identifying and developing mentees' potential, and supporting their careers. In this regard, the researchers tried to identify adaptive educational and training potential of international mentoring experience under the current conditions. The most valid approach to study this issue is an integrative approach that involves integration of domestic and international techniques and their constructive implementation into the Russian corporate training system with regard to best traditions existing in this country, realities and requirements of modern industry. The paper considers the features and characteristics of the following techniques used in international mentoring and coaching: coaching (unlocking the person's potential), e-coaching (coaching online), tutoring (supporting the learning process, discussing the experience of knowledge transfer into practice), shadowing (observing the mentor in daily activities), supervision (supervising mentee's professional activities and assessing his competencies levels). The authors have determined conditions for their further implementation into the Russian national system of corporate education. The analysis of international mentoring and coaching techniques, presented in the paper, may be used as a guide when developing mechanisms and algorithms of constructive extrapolation of the elements in the national system of corporate education, preserving its best traditions
Formationof graduates' professional competence in terms of interaction between educational environment and production
The aim of the article lays within the definition of technical profile competitive specialists' training conditions, with quality formed professional competencies as part of "production" - "educational institution" interaction. In Russian and worldwide pedagogics has a lot of experience in researching issues related to competitiveness and competencies creation. Many famous scientists developed various aspects of educational organizations competitiveness problem and questions of integration in pedagogics. The method of modeling of creating conditions and professional competencies development that allows to overview this issue as a holistic pedagogical process and provides an effective way to train competent, competitive professionals with high level of professional competence is the chief method to discover this issue. The structure of presented competent specialists training system includes targeting, methodological, substantial, organizational-procedural and resultative components an
Development of meta-subject competencies of the 7-9 grades basic school students through the implementation of interdisciplinary mathematical courses
© Authors. The article is aimed at describing one of the possible interdisciplinary courses for students of the 7-9 classes of the basic school connecting mathematics with natural sciences and the study of such courses role in the formation and development of meta-subject competencies of students. The leading method for this is the modeling of interdisciplinary courses, the main tools for the development of meta-subject competence in which are the interdisciplinary character of the content, including open and partially open type tasks in the course structure and the organization of project activities of schoolchildren in the field of studying mathematics and related disciplines. As a result of the research conducted by the authors they worked out several author's interdisciplinary courses, among them a special place is taken by the course "Mathematics in Natural sciences" for the classes of the natural-science profile. It is suggested in it to consider mathematical questions when applying them to the material of related disciplines both through the study of theoretical material and in the process of solving problems, including the open type, and involving schoolchildren in the project of interdisciplinary activity. Practical use of the interdisciplinary courses allows to see the achievements of meta-subject results by schoolchildren and the successes of students both in mathematical preparation, expressed by high marks on the subject, and related disciplines, which indicates the improvement of mathematical education quality of students who received training using the proposed methodology
Differentiation of creative mathematical problems for primary school students
© 2017 Authors. The purpose of the study is to reveal a method that will help arrange creative mathematical problems for the development of creative competences of the basic school students. The main method here is modeling of creative mathematical problems taking into account the complexity levels of the tasks in accordance with the systemic scale and the requirements for the formulation of creative tasks in basic school. The article presents author's approaches to the differentiation of creative mathematical tasks for basic school students in accordance with the systemic scale, which were formed by adaptation of creative problem solutions classified in terms of their degree of difficulty and the quality of the obtained results, considered in the theory of inventive problems solving. The author proposes a system of requirements for the creative mathematical problem such as the contradiction in the condition of the problem, the sufficiency of the condition, the rectitude of the question, the independence of facts, the completeness of information, and scientific consistency. The system of requirements allows to preserve the didactic value of the proposed mathematical problem. As a result of experimental research and experiential teaching using creative mathematical tasks, the proposed differentiation and the system of requirements for the condition were successfully tested. That contributes greatly to the development of creative competencies of students in the basic school and their ability to solve creative math problems. Practical use of creative mathematical problems makes it possible to increase schoolchildren's interest to study mathematics and show interdisciplinary connections with various disciplines, e.g., informatics, chemistry, biology
Structural-functional model for corporate training of specialists in carrying out mentoring
© 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. Embeddedness of mentoring in the professional activity demands from company specialists not only a high level of their psycho-pedagogical formation, but also others which include common cultural and professional competencies for effective corporate training of interns and young employees. The purpose of the article is to develop a structural-functional model of corporate training of technical specialists in mentoring in the conditions of modern production. The leading method is modeling, allowing consideration of this issue as task-oriented and organized process for improving the professional, common cultural competences, and for formation of special competences of company specialists, that they will need to effectively carry out the mentoring activities. The structural-functional model of corporate training of technical specialists in carrying out mentoring in modern production includes objective, methodological, content-related, organizational and procedural and efficiency components. The model aims at integrating professional production and psycho-pedagogical training of teachers, in which the improvement of their professional and interprofessional competencies for conscious and responsible management of their changes in professional development, as well as for the solution of psycho-educational and organizational-methodological problems of interns’ corporate training
Formationof graduates’professional competence in terms of interaction between educational environment and production
© 2016 Masalimova and Ivanov.The relevance of the professional competence creation problem declared in the article that complies with current time requirements and specialists, first of all requires facilitation of interaction of the central education chain – the educational institution, with production (that is the personnel’s consumer). Thus the problem of organic combination of society’s requirements and production, with the level of professional school development, becomes very important. The aim of the article lays within the definition of technical profile competitive specialists’ training conditions, with quality formed professional competencies as part of “production” – “educational institution” interaction. In Russian and worldwide pedagogics has a lot of experience in researching issues related to competitiveness and competencies creation. Many famous scientists developed various aspects of educational organizations competitiveness problem and questions of integration in pedagogics. The method of modeling of creating conditions and professional competencies development that allows to overview this issue as a holistic pedagogical process and provides an effective way to train competent, competitive professionals with high level of professional competence is the chief method to discover this issue. The structure of presented competent specialists training system includes targeting, methodological, substantial, organizational-procedural and resultative components and allowed us: to analyze the state of the problem on the current stage of pedagogics and, according to this base, to disclose the organizational-pedagogical conditions of the competitive and competent specialists training; systematize the compound and the system of securing and developing specialist’s competitiveness and for the production within the vocational school. System is directed to the integration of specialists’ theoretical and professional-production training, where its professional competence formation, development and evolution is happening. The realization of these conditions allows to significantly reduce the adaptive period of young specialist’s entry into the manufacture production process. The presented system has the practical value for the vocational educational institutions during training of qualified workers and employees as well as mid-level professionals
The paper is concerned with the main tendencies in the development of modern processes of the international economic integration and regionalization. The factors stimulating and holding back the integration are analysed. The self-sustainable resource system in international economic integration associations is established based on international laws and regulations with account for national legal systems of the member states of such associations. In view of the Eurasian Economic Union formed between the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation and also granting the Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEC) the status of a supranational governing body, there arises an imperative need to establish a self-sustainable resource system within the Eurasian Economic Union based on positive and negative experience of already existing international economic unions and organizations similar to the EAEU. In this regard, studying the financial aspects of the process of formation and use of the budget of the integration associations already existing in CIS such as the Common Economic Space (CES), the Customs Union (CU) and the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) is a matter of great interest. The subject of the research: based on the case sudy of EurAsEC and the Customs Union (CU) the budget process stages are shown along with the organizational structure of a system for raising the EurAsEC and the CU budget resources as well as acceptance and performance of the EurAsEC, the CU and CES budgets. The purpose of the research: the study and the analysis of processes of formation and use of own resources (budget) of international economic associations and the organizations similar to the EAEC in tasks and goals. The research objectives: carrying out the complex analysis of the development and evolution of the processes of raising and using own resources (budget) of EurAsEC, CU and CES focusing on the following issues: - the budget system, principles of formation and budget adoption procedures; - sources and structure of raising own money, its impact on national budgets; - classification of budget incomes, expenses and the management system. The results of the research are supposed to be used for preparation of the analytical material on the development and evolution of processes of raising and using resources (budget) of integration associations similar to EAEU in the tasks and goals, organizational and operation principles.В статье рассмотрены основные тенденции в развитии современных процессов международной экономической интеграции и регионализации. Проанализированы факторы, стимулирующие и препятствующие интеграции. Формирование системы собственных ресурсов в международных экономических интеграционных объединениях осуществляется на базе международных нормативных правовых актов, а также национальных законодательств государств, входящих в состав таких объединений. В связи с образованием Евразийского экономического союза между Республикой Армения, Республикой Беларусь, Республикой Казахстан, Кыргызской Республикой и Российской Федерацией, а также приданием Евразийской экономической комиссии (ЕЭК) статуса наднационального органа управления возникает настоятельная необходимость формирования системы собственных ресурсов в рамках Евразийского экономического союза (ЕАЭС), основываясь на положительном и негативном опыте деятельности уже действующих международных экономических союзов и организаций, аналогичных ЕАЭС. Наибольший интерес в связи с этим представляет изучение финансовых аспектов процесса формирования и использования бюджета уже существующих на просторах СНГ интеграционных объединений: Единого экономического пространства (ЕЭП), Таможенного союза (ТС) и Евразийского экономического сообщества (ЕврАзЭС). Предмет исследования: на примере ЕврАзЭС и Таможенного союза показаны этапы бюджетного процесса, организационная структура системы сбора собственных ресурсов бюджетов ЕврАзЭС и ТС, а также принятия и исполнения бюджетов ЕврАзЭС, ТС и ЕЭК. Цель работы: изучение и анализ процессов формирования и использования собственных ресурсов (бюджета) международных экономических объединений и организаций, аналогичных по своим целям и задачам ЕАЭС. Задачи работы - проведение комплексного анализа развития и эволюции процессов формирования и использования собственных ресурсов (бюджета) ЕврАзЭС, ТС и ЕЭК и их органов по следующим направлениям: бюджетная система ее функционирования, принципов формирования и процедур принятия бюджета; источники и структура формирования собственных средств, их влияния на национальные бюджеты; классификация бюджетных доходов, расходов и системы управлениями ими. Результат работы заключается в подготовке аналитического материала, включающего результаты комплексного анализа развития и эволюции процессов формирования и использования собственных ресурсов (бюджета) интеграционных объединений, аналогичных ЕАЭС по своим целям и задачам, принципам организации и функционирования
Multi-dimentional classification of types and forms of corporate education
The article is focused on the theoretical justification of types and forms of specialists' corporate education in modern enterprises and on the development of their classification at the local, scale, time purpose peculiarities of which are disclosed in the presented types and forms of corporate training. Their kinds and forms selection in corporate training process is resulted from socio-economic and organizationalpedagogical conditions of enterprises to implement their staff training. This article also reveals the main point of such corporate education models as problem-oriented, complementary, displacing, innovative, personality-oriented, informational-consultative, metacognitive, multiplication, leader, corporate education and corporate competition models, which exist in corporate training practice. ©2014 Science Publication
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