11 research outputs found

    Number of episodes and distribution of source for candidemia, 2002–2013 (n = 301).

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    <p>The number of episodes of candidemia is indicated by solid lines. Bars express proportion of source for candidemia: black indicates PLABSI; white, CLABSI; grey, intra-abdominal infection; and dotted, unknown source.</p

    Distribution of isolated of Candida spp., 2002–2013 (n = 316).

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    <p><b>*</b> * Includes 15 episodes of polymicrobial bacteraemia/fungaemia Bars express proportion of Candida spp.: black indicates C. albicans; white, C. glabrata; shaded, C. parapsilosis; dotted, C. tropicalis; and grey, others.</p

    Clinical presentation of AHC patients (n = 32).

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    <p>Data are number (%) of patients or median [range] values.</p><p>*Time between AHC diagnosis and HCV clearance (weeks).</p>¶<p>Data of 6 patients not available for analysis.</p>†<p>Data of 5 patients not available for analysis.</p>‡<p>Data of 1 patient not available for analysis.</p

    Comparison of patients of the SVR and non-SVR groups.

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    <p>Data are number (%) of patients or median [range] values.</p><p>*Time between AHC diagnosis and initiation of therapy (months).</p>¶<p>Time between initiation of therapy and HCV clearance (weeks).</p><p>ART, antiretroviral therapy; UD, undetectable; PEG-IFN+RBV, pegylated interferon plus ribavirin; SVR, sustained viral response; EVR, early viral response; RVR, rapid viral response.</p

    Histological findings in needle liver biopsy specimen from the patient who showed null-response (Table 3).

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    <p>The pre-treatment biopsy specimen obtained at 13 weeks after AHC diagnosis showed stage 2 fibrosis (F2) according to the classification of chronic hepatitis C (New Inuyama Classification). (A and B) Formation of bridging fibrosis by fibrous and cellular expansion in the portal tract. (C) Magnified view showing centrilobular piece-meal necrosis (green arrow), acid folic body (yellow arrow) and spotty necrosis (red arrow). (A) Hematoxylin-eosin stain, x100, (B) Silver impregnation stain, x100, (C) Hematoxylin-eosin stain, x400. PEG-IFN: pegylated interferon, RBV: ribavirin, AHC: acute C hepatitis.</p