151 research outputs found

    Alteration of chromosome positioning during adipocyte differentiation

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    Chromosomes are highly restricted to specific chromosome territories within the interphase nucleus. The arrangement of chromosome territories is non-random, exhibiting a defined radial distribution as well as a preferential association with specific nuclear compartments, which indicates a functional role for chromosome-territory organization in the regulation of gene expression. In this report, we focus on changes in adipocyte differentiation that are related to a specific chromosomal translocation associated with liposarcoma tumorigenesis, t(12;16). We have examined the relative and radial positioning of the chromosome territories of human chromosomes 12 and 16 during adipocyte differentiation, and detected a close association between the territories of chromosomes 12 and 16 in differentiated adipocytes, an association not observed in preadipocytes. Although further studies are required to elucidate the underlying reasons for the adipocyte-specific translocation of chromosomes 12 and 16, our observations indicate that alteration of relative chromosome positioning might play a key role in the tumorigenesis of human liposarcomas. In addition, these results demonstrate the potential impact of higher order chromatin organization on the epigenetic mechanisms that control gene expression and gene silencing during cell differentiation

    Validation of CFD Codes for the Helicopter Wake in Ground Effect

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    When a helicopter takes off, lands, or makes hovering or taxiing flights in ground effect, its downwash interferes with the ground. Encounters with such highly turbulent helicopter wakes have been blamed for two fixed-wing aircraft crashes in the United Kingdom. Additional incidents including tents blown away are reported in Japan. Due to these accidents, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the University of Glasgow (UoG) are investigating the helicopter wake structure in ground effect, especially during taxiing, by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In this study, CFD codes of UoG and JAXA are validated through comparing numerical results of each party and flight experiment data. As a result, it is found that the CFD codes show qualitatively the same results each other and they are also close to the experiment

    Novel Heterogenous CHS1 Mutations Identified in Five Japanese Patients with Chediak-Higashi Syndrome

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    Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder characterized by oculocutaneous albinism, recurrent bacterial infections and progressive neurological dysfunction. We demonstrate novel heterogenous mutations of CHS1, the responsive gene of CHS, identified in five Japanese patients with CHS. Patients 1, 2, and 3 were siblings, and they had albinism of the skin and hair. They all had a heterogenous two-base deletion (c.5541-5542 del AA, p.Q1847fsX1850) in exon 18. Patient 4 had a heterogenous single-base insertion (c.3944-3945 ins C, p.T1315fsX1331) in exon 10. The patient exhibited severe early-onset phenotype and suffered from hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Patient 5 had two heterogenous nonsense mutations; c.7982C>G, p.S2661X in exon 30 and c.8281A>T, p.R2761X in exon 31. The patient suffered from infections in childhood and had visual disturbance and albinism of the skin and hair. The CHS1 mutations described here have not been reported previously

    Automated Assessment of Aortic and Main Pulmonary Arterial Diameters using Model-Based Blood Vessel Segmentation for Predicting Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension in Low-Dose CT Lung Screening

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    Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is characterized by obstruction of the pulmonary vasculature by residual organized thrombi. A morphological abnormality inside mediastinum of CTEPH patient is enlargement of pulmonary artery. This paper presents an automated assessment of aortic and main pulmonary arterial diameters for predicting CTEPH in low-dose CT lung screening. The distinctive feature of our method is to segment aorta and main pulmonary artery using both of prior probability and vascular direction which were estimated from mediastinal vascular region using principal curvatures of four-dimensional hyper surface. The method was applied to two datasets, 64 low-dose CT scans of lung cancer screening and 19 normal-dose CT scans of CTEPH patients through the training phase with 121 low-dose CT scans. This paper demonstrates effectiveness of our method for predicting CTEPH in low-dose CT screening

    Segmentation of aorta and main pulmonary artery of non-contrast CT images using U-Net for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension : evaluation of robustness to contacts with blood vessels

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    Enlargement of the pulmonary artery is a morphological abnormality of pulmonary hypertension patients. Diameters of the aorta and main pulmonary artery (MPA) are useful for predicting the presence of pulmonary hypertension. A major problem in the automatic segmentation of the aorta and MPA from non-contrast CT images is the invisible boundary caused by contact with blood vessels. In this study, we applied U-Net to the segmentation of the aorta and MPA from non-contrast CT images for normal and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) cases and evaluated the robustness to the contacts between blood vessels. Our approach of the segmentation consists of three steps: (1) detection of trachea branch point, (2) cropping region of interest centered to the trachea branch point, and (3) segmentation of the aorta and MPA using U-Net. The segmentation performances were compared in seven methods: 2D U-Net, 2D U-Net with pre-trained VGG-16 encoder, 2D U-Net with pre-trained VGG-19 encoder, 2D Attention U-Net, 3D U-Net, an ensemble method of them, and our conventional method. The aorta and MPA segmentation methods using these U-Net achieved higher performance than a conventional method. Although the contact boundaries of blood vessels caused lower performance compared with the non-contact boundaries, the mean boundary distances were below about one pixel

    The Effect of Testosterone and Other Steroid Hormones on the Tumor Lymphocyte Lines Isolated from Chickens

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    ニワトリのマレック病およびリンパ腫症の腫瘍リンパ球増殖に及ぼすテストステロンほか各種ステロイドホルモンの効果ならびに3H-テストステロンに対するそれらの細胞の結合量を調べた. さらに,正常リンパ球におけるテストステロンの効果およびその結合量を調べた. テストステロンのほか,エストロジェンおよびグルココルチコイドにおいて,両腫瘍細胞あるいは一方の腫瘍細胞に対する増殖抑制効果が観察された. 正常リンパ球では,テストステロンは,Bリンパ球の生存率を減少させたが,Tリンパ球に対する効果はなかった. 3H-テストステロンに対する結合量は,腫瘍細胞では多量で,Bリンパ球でも比較的多かったが,Tリンパ球では少なかった. 以上の結果から,腫瘍細胞を含めたリンパ球におけるステロイドホルモンの効果は,多量のステロイドホルモンが細胞に結合することに基づくものと結論された. さらに,リンパ球の分化に関して,Tリンパ球は成熟のある時期にテストステロンに対する感受性を失なう一方,Bリンパ球は、その感受性を保持し続けることが示唆された

    Automated detection method of thoracic aorta calcification from non-contrast CT images using mediastinal anatomical label map

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    Progression of thoracic aortic calcification (TAC) has been shown to be associated with hard cardiovascular events including stroke and all-cause mortality as well as coronary events. In this study, we propose an automated detection method of TACs of non-contrast CT images using mediastinal anatomical label map. This method consists of two steps: (1) the construction of a mediastinal anatomical label map, and (2) the detection of TACs using the intensity and the mediastinal anatomical label map. The proposed method was applied to two non-contrast CT image datasets: 24 cases of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) and 100 non-CTEPH cases of low-dose CT screening. The method was compared with two-dimensional U-Nets and the Swin UNETR. The results showed that the method achieved significantly higher F1 score of 0.937 than other methods for the non-CTEPH case dataset (p-value < 0.05, pairwise Wilcoxon signed rank test with Bonferroni correction)

    The actin family member Arp6 and the histone variant H2A.Z are required for spatial positioning of chromatin in chicken cell nuclei

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    The spatial organization of chromatin in the nucleus contributes to genome function and is altered during the differentiation of normal and tumorigenic cells. Although nuclear actin-related proteins (Arps) have roles in the local alteration of chromatin structure, it is unclear whether they are involved in the spatial positioning of chromatin. In the interphase nucleus of vertebrate cells, gene-dense and gene-poor chromosome territories (CTs) are located in the center and periphery, respectively. We analyzed chicken DT40 cells in which Arp6 had been knocked out conditionally, and showed that the radial distribution of CTs was impaired in these knockout cells. Arp6 is an essential component of the SRCAP chromatin remodeling complex, which deposits the histone variant H2A.Z into chromatin. The redistribution of CTs was also observed in H2A.Z-deficient cells for gene-rich microchromosomes, but to lesser extent for gene-poor macrochromosomes. These results indicate that Arp6 and H2A.Z contribute to the radial distribution of CTs through different mechanisms. Microarray analysis suggested that the localization of chromatin to the nuclear periphery per se is insufficient for the repression of most genes

    The actin family member Arp6 and the histone variant H2A.Z are required for spatial positioning of chromatin in chicken cell nuclei

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    The spatial organization of chromatin in the nucleus contributes to genome function and is altered during the differentiation of normal and tumorigenic cells. Although nuclear actin-related proteins (Arps) have roles in the local alteration of chromatin structure, it is unclear whether they are involved in the spatial positioning of chromatin. In the interphase nucleus of vertebrate cells, gene-dense and gene-poor chromosome territories (CTs) are located in the center and periphery, respectively. We analyzed chicken DT40 cells in which Arp6 had been knocked out conditionally, and showed that the radial distribution of CTs was impaired in these knockout cells. Arp6 is an essential component of the SRCAP chromatin remodeling complex, which deposits the histone variant H2A.Z into chromatin. The redistribution of CTs was also observed in H2A.Z-deficient cells for gene-rich microchromosomes, but to lesser extent for gene-poor macrochromosomes. These results indicate that Arp6 and H2A.Z contribute to the radial distribution of CTs through different mechanisms. Microarray analysis suggested that the localization of chromatin to the nuclear periphery per se is insufficient for the repression of most genes